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Dead Cells – 24.0 Patch Notes | Unleash Chaos with New Weapons!

Dead Cells – 24.0 Patch Notes | Unleash Chaos with New Weapons!

Important features

  • Main changes made in this update: - Multi-binding removed (Edit: cancelled for now, will be done in a future update) - Weapons that can reflect grenades now reflect all the grenades in rangeDisengage now always prevents death if it’s off cooldownOne-hit protection doesn’t go on cooldown if Disengage triggers to save the playerMod support enhanced (now using Tiled to create rooms)New extra rooms for Derelict Distillery, Fractured Shrines and Undying Shores


  • Melee Weapons:

    Buffs: - Balanced Blade (weapon damage and damage bonus increased) - Assassin’s Dagger (weapon damage increased) - Twin Daggers (first two attacks weapon damage and breach bonus increased) - Broadsword (weapon damage increased + damage slightly redistributed among the 3 attacks) - Cursed Sword (weapon damage increased + all attacks now crit) - Shrapnel Axes (weapon damage increased) - Seismic Strike (wave damage increased) - War Spear (shorter charge + weapon damage and breach bonus increased) - Impaler (weapon damage increased) - Rapier (weapon damage and crit enabler duration increased) - Hayabusa Boots (weapon damage increased + last hit now reflects all grenades in its hitbox) - Wrenching Whip (breach bonus increased) - Torch (weapon damage increased (impact only)) - Flawless (weapon damage and crit multiplier increased) - Flashing Fans (crit multiplier increased + correctly enables crit upon bouncing a grenade back) - Tombstone (weapon damage increased + doom now stuns enemies it hits + slow mo reduced + slow mo can now correctly be disabled through the options menu) - Oven Axe (weapon damage and breach increased, charge slightly reduced) - Toothpick (broken duration reduced) - Sadist’s Stiletto (crit multiplier increased) - Spiked Boots (crit multiplier increased) - Oiled Sword (crit multiplier increased) - Snake Fangs (weapon damage and crit multiplier increased) Nerf: - Sadist’s Stiletto (poison cloud affix removed) - War Spear (crit multiplier decreased)
  • Ranged Weapons:Buffs: - Bow and Endless Quiver (weapon damage increased + arrows work like other bows) - Sonic Carbine (weapon damage increased) - Ice Bow (freeze duration increased) - Boomerang (weapon damage increased + slightly faster travel speed) - The Boy’s Axe (weapon damage and breach increased) - Nerves of Steel (weapon damage increased) - Firebrands (impact damage increased) - Pyrotechnics (can now have both Pierce affixes) - Fire Blast (weapon damage increased) - Magic Missiles (weapon damage increased) - Blowgun (added a poison DoT) Nerfs: - Quick Bow (crit condition now at 3 arrows instead of 2) - Alchemic Carbine (DoT duration, cloud duration and dps decreased) - Hokuto’s Bow (DPS bonus, duration and aoe range decreased) - Electric Whip (DoT dps decreased) - Ice Shards (weapon damage, slow duration and crit multiplier decreased)
  • Shields:Buffs: - Front Line Shield (bonus buffed to 50%, was 30) - Cudgel (stun duration increased) - Knockback Shield (weapon damage increased) - Assault Shield (weapon damage increased) - Greed Shield (weapon damage increased) - Spiked Shield (weapon damage increased) - Parry Shield (increased reflected projectiles damage) Nerfs: - Punishment (weapon damage decreased) - Thunder Shield (DoT dps and stun duration decreased)
  • Skills:Buffs: - Infantry Grenade (damage increased) - Stun Grenade (damage duration and range increased) - Ice Grenade (freeze duration increased) - Root Grenade (damage increased) - Swarm (worm stats increased) - Tornado (damage increased + cd reduced) - Corrupted Power (damage buff increased) - Lightspeed (damage increased on both) - Lightning Rods (instant damage increased) - Scarecrow Sickles (damage increased) - Barnacle (damage increased) Nerfs: - Flamethrower Turret (DPS and duration decreased) - Tesla Coil (DPS, DoT and range decreased) - Lacerating Aura (DPS and duration decreased) - Great Owl of War (reactivated version dps decreased) - Crusher (damage decreased) - Tonic (duration and bonus health decreased)
  • Mutations:Buffs: - Vengeance (bonus increased) - Adrenaline (duration increased) - Scheme (bonus increased) - Porcupack (starting value increased) - Ripper (now drops 6 ammos and damage per ammo increased) - Networking (starting value increased) - Point Blank (starting value and growth increased) - Soldier Resistance (starting value and cap increased) - Blind Faith (starting value and cap increased) - Counterattack (bonus increased) - What Doesn’t Kill Me (starting value and cap increased + internal cooldown reduced) - Extended Healing (duration reduced, for the same heal) - Spite (damage increased) - Frostbite (damage increased) - Instinct of the Master of Arms (internal cooldown reduced) - Recovery (duration multiplier increased) - Necromancy (starting value and cap increased) Nerfs: - Barbed Tips (DPS and tickrate decreased + no longer causes ammo to drop when combined with Ripper) - Gastronomy (healing bonus decreased) - Heart of Ice (starting value and cap decreased) - Emergency Triage (healing and speed bonus decreased) - Disengagement (activation threshold decreased and internal cooldown increased)

Level design

  • New rooms:Added some new rooms in each of the 3 following biome to enhance diversity and fighting situations: - Derelict Distillery - Fractured Shrines - Undying Shores


  • Tiled integration:Mod Support is evolving with Tiled integration to foster new rooms creation by the community. Please refer to the updated documentation to follow the guidelines.

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