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Dead Cells – 34.0 – 34.2 Patch Notes | Unleash Power!

Dead Cells – 34.0 – 34.2 Patch Notes | Unleash Power!

Update 34.2: 2023-05-04 (4c569bf1)


  • Added the Legendary Affix for the Sewing Scissors : kills with the weapon will count triple for the current level killstreak.
  • Added the Legendary Affix for the Giant Comb : also deals critical damage if the player is airborne, with a damage bonus if both the player and target are airborne.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that would unlock all biome progress when starting the game.
  • Fixed bullets not hitting doors at close range.
  • Fixed Diverse Deck not being in Training Room.
  • Fixed golden arrow not appearing on Legendary Items, on the HUD.
  • Fixed Grappling Hook not being able to roll most affixes.
  • Fixed two handed weapons having different levels in training
  • Fixed Frostbite damage displaying as yellow.
  • Fixed Disengage's cooldown resetting when using a ZDoor.

Update 34.1: 2023-04-27 (cf417150)


  • Nerfed the scaling power and threshold of Combo.
  • Nerfed the scaling power of Support.
  • Reverted the change on What Doesn't Kill You. It now grants healing instead of recovery again.
  • Dead Inside now allows for healing with recovery.
  • Fixed Damned sometimes not working.

Graphics & UI

  • Reorganized the partners part of the credits.
  • Added some missing localized lines.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed Frostbite not increasing its damage with more slow stacks.
  • Fixed a crash when loading a save near the Bank elevator.
  • Fixed Wish not properly upgrading Scythe Claws.
  • Fixed the Shop Mimic sometimes not appearing in the same biome as its lore room.
  • Fixed FrostbitePoison and Bleed damage removing the frozen status.
  • Fixed ranged weapons sometimes ignoring Elite Crystals and doors.
  • Fixed the glow effect missing on Kleio.
  • Fixed the glow effect missing on Death's door in Boss Rush.
  • Fixed "Hold to Jump" option instantly using the double jump.
  • Fixed a softlock when using the Custom Boss Rush door twice in quick succession.
  • Fixed boss health bars still displaying effects when hidden.

Update 34.0: 2023-04-17 (ed00760a)

Important features

  • New Survival Weapon: Sewing Scissors. Instakills all enemies it hits, as long as at least one of them dies to the weapon's standard damage.
  • New Brutality Weapon: Giant Comb. Throws your enemies upwards, and deals critical damage to airborne mobs!
  • New NPC: Tailor's Daughter. Find her in the Tailor's Room, and talk to her to freely change the look of your head.
  • New Speedrun Mode option. Activate it to track and display the completion time of each biome. Also tracks your previous bests and compares them!
  • New Boss Rush DIY Mode, that lets you choose whichever bosses you want to face in a run.
  • The 3 Bosses from Return to Castlevania are now accessible in Boss Rush.
  • Lots of rework on the Training Room! We added a bunch of options to streamline the experimentation process, such as: - New UIs to spawn a specific weapon with a set Level, Quality and Legendary-ness. - New UI to choose a certain number of scrolls - New UI to choose the overall scaling level of the Training Room, based on the values of a selected biome. - Added the mini-bosses to the mob spawners - Added a bunch of different traps to the mob rooms. - Added the Return to Castlevania Bosses. - Bosses aren't scaled down to level 1 anymore! (no more 20 minutes fights) - Changed the UI to select mobs to a grid-based one. - Added a Training Dummy for DPS calculation.


  • Slow effects now stack up to 5 times. Each stack has a greater slowing effect, then the affected enemy is frozen at the fifth stack.
  • Bunch of Mutation Reworks:
  • Combo: Enable a damage increase with every melee hit in a 2.5 sec window (of course the window refreshes after every hit). It scales exponentially, go crazy with it!
  • Tainted Flask: Can recharge even if your flask is not totally empty. It also adds 1 more elite into every biome when equipped.
  • Networking: Marks enemies with ranged attacks now, there doesn't need to be an actual projectile stuck in the mob's body anymore.
  • Berserker: Can now stack, and renders you immune to stuns.
  • What Doesn't Kill You: Now grants recovery instead of healing.
  • Necromancy: Also now grants recovery instead of healing. It scales with the max health of the mobs you kill, which means you can get more recovery by killing a stronger enemy. The cap has been removed, but it’s less effective as you get closer to max health.
  • Frostbite: Now stacks with slow effects and acts as a full stack on frozen targets.
  • Dead Inside: Doubles your life but prevents ALL healing sources.
  • Disengagement: No more cooldown!.. but can only trigger once per biome.
  • Return to Castlevania balancing:
  • Whip Sword - Whip Form now passes through shields.
  • Whip Sword's transformation attack hitbox tended to bug, it should now be consistent with its visual FX, which means it won’t only hit one single target anymore.
  • The ghosts gathered by Death's Scythe now have a slightly smaller explosion radius.
  • Bible is now considered to be a heavy weapon.
  • Alucard's Shield has better parry windows, and the whole combo will now crit after a parry.
  • Rebound Stone now deals slightly more damage, and has a smaller but longer window before being able to "catch it" (i.e., trigger the crit). Its cooldown now starts upon its destruction.
  • Holy Water has a bigger vertical hitbox, and the flame now deals damage.
  • Medusa Head deals more damage and bumps further.
  • Added a long cooldown when the Cat is killed by the Queen.
  • Throwing Axe can no longer roll the Fire Bullet affix.
  • Medusa's flurry attacks should now have a small pause after the end of the attack.
  • Haunted Armor (the one with an axe) should now activate at a slightly longer range.
  • Elite Mermans should now fire 2 big fireballs instead of a big one and a normal one.
  • Dracula (Humanoid)'s fire pillars are now slightly easier to avoid (in terms of intervals) but are not rollable anymore.
  • Dracula (Demon), Buer, Werewolves and Medusa are now considered to be Beasts (crits with the Crowbar).

Level design

  • The Mimic can now appear randomly in shops outside of the BankMwahahahah
  • Switched the Dracula Castle (Hard) Cursed Chest chance to 10%.

Graphics & UI

  • Added a new Petrification affect icon.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed Agitated Pickpocket being able to hit through Global Shields.
  • Fixed a crash when an Automaton falls off a platform while using its Dash Attack.
  • Fixed a crash when saving a reloading while a Petrified enemy is on screen.
  • Fixed a softlock when falling off the map during Dracula - Final Form, while all platforms were destroyed.
  • Fixed a crash when using the Emergency Door during the Queen boss fight.
  • Fixed the Shop Mimic's hitboxes being too big compared to the visual.
  • Fixed Cursed Sword not disabling other inventory items when switched slots.
  • Fixed a crash in Shipwreck, when a platform is destroyed at the same time as Mushroom Boi is spawned.
  • Fixed being able to duplicate Turrets using the Emergency Door.
  • Fixed Diverse Deck - Foresight tagging the blocked attacks as if they were blocked by a shield.
  • Fixed Serenade destroying deployables when activated.
  • Fixed Gold Plating not protecting against Dracula - Final Form's grab.
  • Fixed Bobby Head's disappearing in the Tailor's Room.
  • Fixed Bible's projectile disappearing after a cutscene.
  • Fixed Heal Flask glow effect also affecting the player's glow effect.
  • Fixed weapons' crit indicator sometimes not displaying.
  • Fixed Morning Star's chain detaching itself from the base.
  • Fixed Pets' behavior being broken in Dracula's opening cutscene.

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