1.6.2 Patch Notes
- Shocker can no longer be shielded by Shielder. Our windows shall remain safe.
Bug fixes
- Fixed Ice Shield not freezing parried mob through wall or shield.
- Fixed Outfit selection showcasing incorrect colors.
- Fixed a certain spoiler item not being reactivable.
1.6.1 Patch Notes
- Ice Shield freeze effects (AOE and freezing projectiles) now only trigger on perfect parries.
- Meat Skewer dash can now be cut short to ensure better combos.
- Ice Shield can no longer roll DOT affixes, causing frozen enemies to unfreeze immediatly.
Bug fixes
- Replaced Failed Experiment by Zombies in Ossuary at lower difficulties.
- Reverted Hunter's grenade door increased cost due to its legendary nature. (The item is still legendary, but the door cost the same as before.)
- Fixed a level generation error in Prison.
- Fixed Heart of Ice not procing on frozen enemies. That was ... uh ... kind of the whole point, wasn't it?
- Fixed Heart of Ice triggering on shield parries.
- Fixed Ice Armor exploding on shield parry.
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