Important features
- The Custom Mode is now unlocked by beating a mini-boss in Prison Roofs.
- Community suggestion Food drop was rebalanced: - you now have 100% chance to have 1 unit on mobs and 1 unit hidden in walls in every levels, - one food unit dropped by mobs is guaranteed to be clear from Infection, - food sold by shops is now always clean.
- Community suggestion Legendary altars can no longer shield elites.
- Elite "Cage" skill is now slightly larger but also inflicts slightly more damage.
- Community suggestion Flask refills bought from shops received a permanent 40% discount.
- Community suggestion Mobs will now be locked for a longer time after a BC4 teleportation (no more "instant attack after teleportation").
- Community suggestion Mob teleportation now interrupts elite skills like "Cage" or "Electric Field".
- Elite skill "Cage" can no longer charge if the mob can't see the player.
- Community suggestion Reduced KunaiMaster overall damage.
- Community suggestion Reduced Failed Experiment big guy thing damage.
- KunaiMaster shooting range was divided by 3.
Level design
- Community suggestion Fixed lore rooms generated before the middle gate in Fog Fjord.
Graphics & UI
- Polish on the Quarry - Added glow on chains in the Cemetery.
- Stronger Toxic cloud fx
- Community suggestion BC4 mob teleportation now displays briefly a "ghost shade" of the mob who is about to teleport.
- Camera now aims higher when climbing on walls
Bug fixes
- Fixed abnormal CPU usage on some items (like Ice shards or Decoy)
- Fixed crash in lava
- Fixed elite shrine massive glow on save/reload a run
- Fixed crash when you die in lava.
- Thornies are no longer allowed to teleport while rolling over your face.
- Fixed Knight Corpse always giving the blueprint
- Fixed Giant skip
- Minor CPU optimizations with some weapons & mobs.
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