Welcome to Season 4 of H1Z1 on PS4! This massive game update features a major content drop (6 new Arcade Modes), the introduction of the Third Person ADS aiming mechanic to all game modes, a new Season Rewards system, Set Crates that offer full outfits in place of individual items, and a number of other community-requested updates and bug fixes. Read on for a quick summary of each new feature, along with full Season 4 patch notes.

Starting this Season, Battle Pass and Daily Attendence Rewards have been replaced by Season Rewards! As with prior Battle Passes, the new Season Rewards system features 100 tiers that can be unlocked across both Free and Premium lines by completing challenges throughout Season 4. Also new this season - the starting price for the premium line (Season Rewards Upgrade) has been slashed in half from Season 3! Here are all the ways you can unlock premium Season Rewards in-game:
- Season Rewards Upgrade (500 Crowns)
- Season Rewards Upgrade PLUS 30 Tiers Unlocked (1428 Crowns 1000 Crowns - Save 30%!)
- Unlock Individual tiers (50 Crowns)
Unlock all 100 tiers and earn the new Scrub Outfit, Scrub weapons and offroader, credits, XP boosts, Master Crates, and more!
Season 4 features a dramatic expansion of our Arcade Event system, starting with the introduction of 6 new Arcade Modes! Check out our Season 4 Arcade Mode Schedulefor a full preview of each new mode. Additional modes will make their debut throughout the Season, so check back frequently for the updated Arcade schedule!
On top of adding a whopping 6 new Arcade Modes for more playable content than ever before, we're making a massive update to H1Z1's core gameplay by introducing the new Third Person ADS mechanic to ALL game modes. Previously only available through a limited-time Arcade Mode, wemade a number of community-requested improvements to the new mechanic, including adding new sensitivity sliders, and reducing recoil bloom so that First and Third Person ADS behave consistently across all weapons. We'll continue to tune and refine the new mechanic, but it was important to us to have it ready for all of our players in all modes at the start of Season 4.


- Battle Pass and Login Rewards have been replaced by a new Season Rewards System, which contains 100 Free and Premium Tiers which can be earned throughout Season 4
- The Viexen Set Crate has been released
- There is a new Master Crate and new Marketplace special offers for Season 4
- Six new Arcade Modes have been added and will rotate throughout the week on a new Arcade Mode event schedule
- Third Person ADS has been added to all game modes
- Stamp Missions have been removed from the game, and Daily Challenges are now more focused around the new Arcade Mode rotation
- Players now periodically earn Locked Crates when playing matches, which can be unlocked at a discounted rate
- The M40 no longer zooms out immediately after firing. This change is intended to create a better shooting experience, but we'll monitor to make sure it's not overpowered.
- Camera no longer zooms when pressing left or right while in settings with Third Person ADS enabled
- Players can now sprint out of Third Person ADS when Toggle ADS is set to "3rd Person."
- There is no longer a delay when equipping a gun and immediately aiming down sights.
- Tan military backpacks are now dropped when the wearer is eliminated.
- Fixed FFA result screen not rendering guns correctly.
- Fixed numerous clipping issues with wearable items.
- Mission content no longer abormally displays in the result screen when dying immediately after completing a mission
- The progress indication of the "Reach for the Rich 1" challenge now matches the content of the challenge
- The slash price for crate sales is now correctly aligned
- The "no" prompt when exiting a match is no longer duplicated and overlapping when in a vehicle
- The size of the M9 preview image has been corrected
- The issue while shooting in prone position has been fixed
- "The Proof 3" weekly challenge now works properly
- MOTD navigation issue displaying an improper button prompt has been corrected
- Weapon no longer blinks when reloading in First Person
- The UI timer now corrrectly indicates remaining time when an XP Boost is used
- Pressing circle for more information on the interstitial screen no longer causes character models to disappear
- FFA BoD player count is now properly updated when only one player leaves the match
- Players can no longer complete damage challenges by fragging teammates
- Several UI issues on the crate page have been corrected
- Combat Boots can now be worn in-game with specific skins previously prohibiting their equip
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