- Hunter
- Survival
- Serpent Sting's periodic damage is now able to critically strike.
- Kill Command's periodic damage is now able to critically strike, when talented into Bloodseeker.
- Survival
- Monk
- Chi Burst correctly travels its full 40-yard range.
- Warrior
- Protection
- Dragon Roar should generate threat as intended.
- Protection
- Vile Tutors’ Shadow Shields no longer shield them too much.
- A number of creatures in Darkshore can now be skinned, as intended.
- The Nighthold
- Star Augur Etraeus
- Frigid Nova no longer inflicts excessive damage.
- Star Augur Etraeus
- Scarlet Halls
- Armsmaster Harlan's Blades of Light should release players on completion.
- Trial of the Crusader
- Anub’arak’s Pursuing Spikes again pursue with an intended speed of pursuit.
- Inscription
- Players should now have "Research: Ink of the Sea" which will allow progress in the Northrend Inscription skill.
- The ability "Research: Ethereal Ink" should now appear in your recipe list for those who have Outland Inscription learned.
- Garrosh should again properly throw Overlord Krom'gar off a cliff during "To Be Horde...".
- During “Pursuing the Black Harvest”, Kanrethad Ebonlocke’s Excruciating Agony no longer deals excessive damage.
- During "The Battle of Sardor", Karonas will once again carry your character across the channel.
- Fixed an issue where The Defense of Karabor scenario in Shadowmoon Valley would fail to start properly for some players.
- The Lantern of the Sorcerer King can again be obtained in Mogu'shan Palace for "Relics of the Four Kings”.
- Fixed an issue where a Mana-Drained Whelpling was visible during "The Withered Return".
- Warlock
- Summoned Demons should no longer fail to be summoned when the Warlock is on steep terrain or near obstacles such as rocks or trees.
- Illusionary Mystics in the Proving Grounds again heal for a correct amount of health.
- Enemies who use Ticking Bomb no longer inflict higher damage than intended.
- Kosumoth the Hungering should no longer be as hungry.
- The NPCs in the Grove of the Ancients will no longer offer their low-level quests while players are progressing through "The Warchief's Agenda”.
- Oil Pumps are now interactable by multiple players at once.
- Frenzied Wisps will now correctly grant group credit.
- Antorus, the Burning Throne
- Creatures throughout Antorus now deal 10% less damage.
- Felhounds of Sargeras
- Smouldering damage reduced by 65%.
- Imonar the Soul Hunter
- Several of Imonar’s abilities now deal 25% less damage.
- Auto-Self-Cauterizer now correctly removes Bleed effects.
- Toggling War Mode in Orgrimmar or Stormwind should now immediately flag the player for PvP and enable PvP Talents.
- Unrated Battlegrounds now award item level 185 gear (was 176).
- Fixed an issue that caused the Glorious Pennant Honor reward to use the same visual appearance as the Esteemed Pennant.
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