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WoW – HOTFIX Patch Notes 15.08.2018

WoW – HOTFIX Patch Notes 15.08.2018

Azerite Gear

  • Fixed an issue where the Azerite Trait Reckless Flurry was incorrectly increasing ability damage, in addition to auto attack damage.
  • 7th Legionnaire's Tunic and Honorbound Outrider's Vestments now correctly have an Outlaw Rogue trait. The extra Subtlety Rogue trait has been removed.
  • Fixed an issue where the Azerite Trait Wild Fleshrending was not increasing the damage of Swipe for Guardian Druids.


  • Experience rewarded from end-of-zone dungeon quests has been greatly increased.
  • Fixed an issue where players couldn't complete “Ecological Research” in The Temple of Sethraliss on Normal difficulty.


  • Harlan's Loaded Dice now scales correctly with item level for its spells.

Pet Battles

  • Francois can now be properly summoned and used in Pet Battles by Alliance characters.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Peachy and Winkle from battling as intended.


  • Archaeology
    • Fixed a bug that caused some digsites near Vigil Hill in Tiragarde Sound from providing fragments as intended.
  • Blacksmithing
    • Crafting the Stormsteel Spear recipe now creates the correct item.
  • Mining
    • Fixed a bug that prevented ore gathered in Kul'Tiras and Zandalar from being stored in certain bags, as intended.


  • Fixed a bug causing one of the Shadra Betrayers to evade during "The Ancient One".
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Ancient Gong to sometimes become unusable during “Punishment of Tal’aman”.
  • Fixed a bug that made Taelia disappear under rare circumstances on “The Old Knight”.
  • It should be harder to get separated from Rastakhan on "The King's Gambit".
  • “Mine Sweeper” is now easier to locate and obtain. Goblin Mine Technicians aren't the tidiest bunch and may have left an extra Cracked Mine Sweeper in the Saltstone Mine.
  • Players who disconnect before turning in "Dress to Impress" should now be able to properly see Flynn in the Dead Man's Tale.
  • Fixed an issue where players could move during "Rest in the Depths", breaking the channeled spell.
  • The Island Expeditions quest “Notched Coin” can now be turned in to Mili Wanderbrew.
  • On “Return to Gloom Hollow”, players should no longer be able to get into a state where Titan Keeper Hezrel will not move.

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