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WoW – Battle for Azeroth Chapter 1 RELEASED

WoW – Battle for Azeroth Chapter 1 RELEASED
The discovery of Azerite—a new and powerful resource—has the potential to change the very face of warfare on Azeroth. As warchief of the Horde, Sylvanas Windrunner is willing to do whatever she deems necessary to secure it and keep it out of the hands of her enemies—even if it means venturing into Darnassus to root the Alliance out of Kalimdor once and for all. For the Alliance, the threat the Horde poses is undeniable. King Anduin Wrynn has heard from his spies in Orgrimmar that the Horde has begun to mobilize an army into Silithus . . . but he quickly learns it’s a feint by the Horde to draw away the Alliance’s defenders. Will you be too late to protect the innocent in the Horde’s path as they march toward the great tree Teldrassil?


Who: Level 110 players Where: Begins in Stormwind for Alliance and Undercity for Horde Rewards: Gold, Reputation, New Items from limited time World Quests, Faction Pride This chapter is a part of a limited time event leading up to the launch of Battle for Azeroth. Source:

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