In the latest update for Wrath of the Lich King Classic, players can expect some exciting changes and fixes across various aspects of the game. Warriors will be pleased to know that an issue with Deep Wounds not benefiting from certain damage bonuses has been resolved. Additionally, the chance to receive coveted items like the Hallowed Helm, Sinister Squashling, and Tooth Pick has been modestly increased during the Hallow's End event. In the realm of Player versus Player, Death Knight's Unholy Blight will no longer keep enemy players in combat for its entire duration. These updates aim to enhance the overall gameplay experience and ensure a fair and balanced environment for all players.
OCTOBER 24, 2022
Wrath of the Lich King Classic
- Classes
- Warrior
- Fixed an issue where Deep Wounds was not benefitting from the damage bonus of Blood Frenzy or Savage Combat.
- Items and Rewards
- Modestly increased the chance to receive the Hallowed Helm, Sinister Squashling, and Tooth Pick during the Hallow’s End event.
- Player versus Player
- Death Knight’s Unholy Blight will no longer keep enemy players in combat during its entire duration.
OCTOBER 21, 2022
- Fixed several issues that made it difficult to complete This is Fine on the Hylbrande encounter in Tazavesh: Soleah’s Gambit.
Wrath of the Lich King Classic
- Classes
- Fixed an issue where Druid’s Typhoon spell could cause the User Interface to become unresponsive.
- Fixed an issue with the Hunter talent Master Marksman (Rank 5) not properly applying its mana cost reduction benefit to Aimed Shot.
- Death Knight’s Glyph of Death Strike now properly increases Death Strike damage by 1% per Runic Power (was 1% per 2 Runic Power).
- Dungeons and Raids
- Naxxramas
- Heigan the Unclean's Eruption should now cover the entire affected section of the floor.
- User Interface and Accessibility
- The Raid Info Frame now distinguishes between different raid difficulties.
OCTOBER 20, 2022
Wrath of the Lich King Classic
- Classes
- The effects of the Rogue Overkill talent are now cancelled upon activating another talent specialization.
- Dungeons and Raids
- Naxxramas
- Death Knight NPCs can no longer cast Unholy Frenzy on raid bosses.
- The Culling of Stratholme
- Fixed an issue with Chrono-Lord Epoch’s Time Step. He will now properly move around the room as he targets different players, including those he started in melee range with.
- Hide/Show Helm and Cloak options now behave properly when transformed in the dungeon.
- Items and Rewards
- Flask of Distilled Wisdom now properly benefits from Mixology.
- Drums of Speed will now provide the Tinnitus effect to the players affected by the item, similar to Greater Drums of Speed.
OCTOBER 19, 2022
Wrath of the Lich King Classic
- Classes
- Mind Flay, and other similar spells, will no longer benefit from movement impairment reduction as a cast speed bonus.
- Fixed an issue that could cause Blessing of Wisdom to sometimes incorrectly provide an increased benefit in raid encounters when changing to a specialization that did not have Improved Blessing of Wisdom.
- Adjusted Warrior’s Taste for Blood talent to improve its timing.
- Developers’ note: This change should make Rank 3 of the talent trigger every 6 seconds, instead of sometimes taking 9 seconds to trigger. Other ranks have the same change, but aren't guaranteed to happen, and so are less noticeable.
- Creatures and NPCs
- Fixed incorrect levels with some player summoned creatures.
- Grauf has been taught how to fly, and will no longer run around in the air, disobeying the laws of physics.
- Dungeons and Raids
- Fixed an issue where Kel'thuzad would sometimes still pick the tank for Frost Blast when the tank does not have the most threat.
- Fixed an issue where some encounters would not respect loot settings (like Master Looter).
- Items and Rewards
- The Well Fed effect from feasts now grants Ranged Attack Power.
- Greater Inscriptions from the Sons of Hodir are now refundable items, however they can no longer be sold back to vendors for gold if mailed to other characters on your account.
- Heirlooms will now properly apply their combat rating bonuses.
- Quests
- "Chill Out, Mon" can be obtained once again after returning to the realm of the living and passing through the underground portion of Drakil'jin Ruins.
- User Interface and Accessibility
- Fixed an issue where spells added in Wrath of the Lich King are not properly displaying projected healing in the UI while being cast.
OCTOBER 14, 2022
Wrath of the Lich King Classic
- Deep Wounds no longer triggers from non-Physical damage, such as the Fiery Weapon enchant.
- Developers' note: Warriors have recently discovered that with the changes to Critical Strike Rating in Wrath, they can now get critical hits on spells quite often, and that those spell critical hits trigger Deep Wounds. Prior to Wrath, Warriors did not get increased spell critical chance from their gear. This discovery has resulted in players changing their enchantments on weapons to low-level enchantments that don't do much damage, but can trigger Deep Wounds and gain a significant damage increase over intended level 70-80 enchantments. Deep Wounds was never intended to benefit from these enchantments. Because of how Deep Wounds works, this advantage would continue to grow as Warriors gain better gear with more Critical Strike Rating. Additionally, some Warrior players are now looking for additional sources of spell damage from low-level sources, that they could use to gain increased Deep Wounds damage. We feel that this would only become more problematic, so it's best to resolve it quickly, before a lot of time and resources are invested into it. While it is a creative use of game mechanics, this would eventually be damaging to player and class fantasies, as well as very unintuitive for newer players.
- Deadly Gladiator's Tabard is now purchasable from Arena vendors for the duration of Arena Season 5.
- Sapphiron has learned how to fly properly during the air phase.
- Morlia Doomwing should now offer flights to eligible players from the Shadow Vault.
- Figurine - Emerald Boar trinket will now properly match the player's level.
- Priest Trainers no longer offer the quest to teach Desperate Prayer.
- Players can now travel safely on their flying mounts across Valgarde in Howling Fjord.
OCTOBER 11, 2022
Wrath of the Lich King Classic
- Will to Survive (Human Racial Ability) and PvP trinkets now clear the effect of Shackle Undead.
- Fixed several gathering nodes that would display an "already being looted" error when interacted with.
- Feasts that grant Spell Power as part of their Well Fed bonus will now properly increase Healing Power as intended.
- The last remaining Scourge have retreated and are no longer attacking capital cities on some realms.
- Quests
- Fixed an issue with “Aces High!” that prevented Wyrmrest Skytalons from using Flame Shield.
- Wild Wyrms now spawn more frequently during the “How to Kill Your Dragon” quest.
- Smoldering Scraps now respawn quicker during the quest “Hot and Cold.”
OCTOBER 10, 2022
Wrath of the Lich King Classic
- Naxxramas
- Fixed an issue where Kel'Thuzad would damage the main tank with Frost Blast, in addition to a random raid target. Frost Blast will now only hit the main tank if the primary target of Frost Blast is standing near the main tank, or the main tank is not the highest threat target.
- Fixed issue with Strand of the Ancients where same-faction battleground teams disguised as the opposite faction would be sent to the wrong graveyard upon death.
- Fixed an issue where Hyperspeed Accelerators could not be used in the same macro as spells and abilities.
- Developers' note: Due to the nature of this fix, Hyperspeed Accelerators' on-use effect no longer shares a partial cooldown with on-use Trinkets as they once did. For now, this is known and intended, but we may attempt a different fix in a future patch to resolve the macro issue above which no longer allows this and puts engineering glove tinkers and on-use trinkets back onto a shared cooldown.
OCTOBER 7, 2022
Wrath of the Lich King Classic
- When Engineering Tinker enchantments are activated, they now trigger their cooldown for all other engineering tinker enchantments that can be equipped in the same slot, as well as duplicates of their enchantment. This includes Mind Amplification Dish, Nitro Boosts, Hand-Mounted Pyro Rocket, Hyperspeed Accelerators, Personal Electromagnetic Pulse Generator, Flexweave Underlay, Frag Belt, and Springy Arachnoweave.
- Master Elemental Shaper Krixix in Blackwing Lair is now guaranteed to drop the Goblin's Guide to Elementium.
- Fixed an issue that prevented two Shaman relics, Savage Gladiator's Totem of the Third Wind and Hateful Gladiator's Totem of the Third Wind, from functioning properly.
- Various buffs gained from world events and quests such as Darkmoon Faire will now cancel when players enter any instance.
- Shaman Sentry Totem no longer stops the player in mid air when cast.
- Fixed an issue where players were unable to re-enter the Vault of Archavon instance to resurrect.
- Fixed an issue with the achievement Share the Love in Heroic Gundrak, where use of player immunities such as Divine Intervention and Hand of Protection could prevent earning the achievement without leaving and re-entering the instance.
- Fixed an issue with Strand of the Ancients where same-faction battleground teams disguised as the opposite faction would be sent to the wrong graveyard upon death.
- Fixed an issue with the highest ranks of party and raid buffs where they were appearing incorrectly on unit frames during combat.
OCTOBER 6, 2022
Wrath of the Lich King Classic
- Meeting Stones no longer have a maximum level cap.
- Fixed an issue with Mal'Ganis failing to be defeated at 1% health in the Culling of Stratholme.
- Fixed an issue with “Make Them Pay” and “No Mercy” that caused the objectives to show as completed upon accepting the quests.
- Fixed an issue where "Call to Arms: Isle of Conquest" was part of the daily battleground quest rotation prior to Isle of Conquest's release.
- Fixed an issue where some players can become stuck and unable to queue for Wintergrasp.
- Archavon now correctly drops 2 Emblems of Valor.
- Titanium Ore can no longer be prospected.
- Developers’ note: The ability to prospect Titanium Ore will return in the Trial of the Crusader patch 3.4.2 when epic gems are introduced. We're not going to remove Titanium Powder from those who did prospect the ore but know that the Powder cannot be used to turn in for Jewelcrafter Tokens until 3.4.2 either.
OCTOBER 5, 2022
Wrath of the Lich King Classic
- Updated Random Battleground rewards to the correct Honor values.
- The Blessings gained from freeing Webbed Crusaders in the Valley of Echoes, and the Greater Blessing of Might, Prayer of Fortitude, and Battle Shout gained from freeing prisoners during the quest Prisoners of Wyrmskull, are now removed if a player logs out, enters an instance, or travels to another continent.
- Band of the Kirin Tor, Ring of the Kirin Tor, Signet of the Kirin Tor, and Loop of the Kirin Tor can now be fully refunded at vendors within 2 hours of purchase; similar to the upgraded tiers of these rings.
- Fixed an issue where some multi-rank talents would not function correctly after changing zones.
OCTOBER 4, 2022
Wrath of the Lich King Classic
- Honor gear vendor costs have been reduced by 30%. This includes Deadly, Hateful, and Savage gear.
- The breath meter has been increased to 3 minutes (was previously 1 minute).
- Death Knight’s Improved Unholy Presence now correctly reduces rune cooldowns when in Unholy Presence.
- Druid Lifebloom should now correctly scale with Haste when Gift of the Earthmother is talented.
- Flag carriers in the Warsong Gulch battleground now appear on the map after 45 seconds of carrying the enemy flag.
- The Wintergrasp auto-queue when entering the zone is now much quicker.
- Fixed an issue with "The Flesh Giant Champion" where Margrave Dhakar could become permanently stuck if other hostile creatures were pulled into the event area.
- Incomplete quests will now appear with a gray ‘?’ in gossip windows.
- Fixed an issue where Culling of Stratholme was not giving tank and healer Northern Adventuring Supplies upon completion.
- Fixed an issue where players would sometimes not receive Northern Adventuring Supplies if a pet performed the killing blow to the final boss in the dungeon.
- Friendly, neutral, and enemies tracked on the minimap are now distinguished by color.
OCTOBER 3, 2022
Items and Rewards
- Au'Dara the Heirloom Broker located in Oribos sells the following bind-on-account item:
- Eternal Equipment Chest – Contains one piece of item level 275 unranked PvP gear. The chest can only be purchased with Conquest by a character with a 1400 or higher rating in any PvP bracket.
Wrath of the Lich King Classic
- Fixed multiple issues preventing the Battle for Undercity from proceeded as expected when multiple layers are present.
- The Portal to Undercity in Stormwind should now appear as expected when you are on the quest "The Killing Time" and have completed "A Royal Coup".
- Living Bomb no longer puts the Mage back into combat upon expiration or removal.
- Fixed an issue preventing Mr. Floppy from reviving, blocking the quest “Mr. Floppy's Perilous Adventure” from completing.
- "A Righteous Sermon" quest has been updated to now allow for more than a single player to receive credit for listening to Inquisitor Hallard's Righteous Sermon.
- Stranglethorn Fishing Tournament NPCs now spawn more reliably.
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