In the latest patch notes for the popular game, Dungeons and Raids have undergone some significant changes. In the Sepulcher of the First Ones, players will be relieved to know that the damage from Dark Eruption has been reduced by a whopping 45% on Heroic difficulty. Additionally, the duration of the Collapsing Quasar Field has been increased to 12 seconds, giving players a bit more time to react. But that's not all, the initial damage from Cosmic Ejection has been decreased by 25%, and the damage over time has been reduced by a staggering 73% on Heroic difficulty. The developers have noted that these changes should make it easier for players to handle the damage without relying on splitting it among multiple players or using immunities.MAY 27, 2022
Dungeons and Raids
- Sepulcher of the First Ones
- Rygelon
- Dark Eruption damage reduced by 45% on Heroic difficulty.
- Collapsing Quasar Field duration increased to 12 seconds on Heroic difficulty (was 10 seconds).
- Cosmic Ejection initial damage decreased by 25%, and the damage over time decreased by 73% on Heroic difficulty.
- Developer’s note: This should reduce the requirement to split this damage amongst multiple players or utilize player immunities to avoid the damage altogether.
- Rygelon
MAY 17, 2022
Dungeons and Raids
- Sepulcher of the First Ones
- Hall of Fame
- The Horde Hall of Fame is now full and is no longer eligible to be earned.
- Anduin Wrynn
- [With realm restarts] Blasphemy duration increased to 12 seconds in all difficulties.
- [With realm restarts] Lost Soul duration increased to 40 seconds in all difficulties (was 35 seconds).
- [With realm restarts] Wicked Star now targets one player at a time in Mythic difficulty.
- [With realm restarts] Players are now invalid targets for Blasphemy for 20 seconds after the effects of Lost Soul expire (was 10 seconds).
- [With realm restarts] Reduced the health of Grim Reflections by 15% in Mythic difficulty.
- Rygelon
- [With realm restarts] Rygelon’s health has been reduced by 5% in Mythic difficulty.
- [With realm restarts] Collapsing Quasar Fields now last 8 seconds (was 6 seconds) in Mythic difficulty.
- [With realm restarts] Dark Collapse damage has been reduced by 25% in Mythic difficulty.
- [With realm restarts] Unstable Quasar radius reduced by 25%, and damage reduced by 20% in Mythic difficulty.
- [With realm restarts] Cosmic Ejection damage-over-time reduced by 33% in Mythic difficulty.
- The Jailer
- [With realm restarts] Azerite Radiation increased Arcane damage is now 80% (was 100%) in Mythic difficulty.
- [With realm restarts] Meteor Cleave damage decreased 10% in Mythic difficulty.
- [With realm restarts] Torment initial explosion damage decreased by 10% in all difficulties.
- [With realm restarts] Shattering Blast damage over time decreased by 33% in Mythic difficulty.
- [With realm restarts] Chain Breaker damage decreased by 10% in all difficulties.
- Hall of Fame
Burning Crusade Classic
- Items and Rewards
- Tier 6 Belt, Bracers and Boots from Sunwell Plateau are now refundable for 2 hours after purchase.
MAY 13, 2022
Dungeons and Raids
- Sepulcher of the First Ones
- Halondrus
- Fixed an issue causing Lance to not inflict damage while Halondrus was affected by Relocation Form.
- Halondrus
Burning Crusade Classic
- Isle of Quel’Danas
- The portal from Shattrath City to the Isle of Quel'Danas can now be used without dismounting.
- The Isle of Quel'Danas quest "Enter, the Deceiver..." should once more be available to players.
MAY 11, 2022
Cyphers of the First Ones
- Crystallic Spheroids can now be used in other Shadowlands zones outside of Zereth Mortis.
Dungeons and Raids
- Sepulcher of the First Ones
- Prototype Pantheon
- Resolved an issue where the Prototype of War could incidentally not cast Necrotic Ritual.
- Prototype Pantheon
MAY 9, 2022
Dungeons and Raids
- Sepulcher of the First Ones
- The Jailer
- [With realm restarts] All trapdoors close in Phase 3 on Normal and Raid Finder difficulties.
- [With realm restarts] Decreased knockback of Decimator on Normal and Raid Finder difficulties.
- [With realm restarts] Decreased knockback of Misery on Normal difficulty.
- [With realm restarts] Decreased rate of growth of Defile on Normal difficulty.
- The Jailer
Items and Rewards
- The Antecedent Drape is now properly eligible for conversion at the Creation Catalyst.
Player versus Player
- [With realm restarts] The Conquest and Valor caps has been removed.
Burning Crusade Classic
- Dungeons and Raids
- Black Temple
- [With realm restarts] Defeating the Shade of Akama encounter will unlock the door to the Den of Mortal Delights.
- Black Temple
MAY 5, 2022
Burning Crusade Classic
- Player versus Player
- Vindicator’s gear has universally had its cost reduced in Honor Points, and Marks of Honor are no longer required for any piece, as intended.
- Once Season 4 begins next week, Guardian’s Honor pieces will have their Marks of Honor cost universally reduced by 50%, but their Honor cost remains as before, as intended.
MAY 4, 2022
Dungeons and Raids
- Sepulcher of the First Ones
- Anduin Wrynn
- Increased the time it takes for players to be susceptible to Blasphemy after returning to their body.
- Anduin Wrynn
- Theater of Pain
- Non-boss enemies
- Corrected an issue that caused Ancient Captain's Demoralizing Shout and Commanding Presence to increase damage taken when charmed by players.
- Non-boss enemies
- World Events
- "School of Hard Knocks" is no longer required for the Children's Week achievement "For the Children."
MAY 3, 2022
- Demon Hunter
- Vengeance
- Fixed a bug that allowed Demonic (Talent) to extend Metamorphosis to excessive duration.
- Vengeance
Dungeons and Raids
- Sepulcher of the First Ones
- Prototype Pantheon
- The encounter's enrage timer has been increased to 11 minutes on Heroic difficulty (was 9 minutes).
- Prototype Pantheon
MAY 2, 2022
- Death Knight
- Blood
- [With realm restarts] (2) Set Bonus: Maximum Strength stack cap is now 40 (was 75).
- Blood
- Hunter
- Ambuscade (Conduit) will now grant the correct amount of cooldown reduction to Disengage at item level 278.
- Beast Mastery
- [With realm restarts] All damage abilities increased by 4%.
- This change does not apply to PvP combat.
- [With realm restarts] All damage abilities increased by 4%.
- Monk
- Windwalker
- [With realm restarts] All damage abilities increased by 4%.
- This change does not apply to PvP combat.
- [With realm restarts] All damage abilities increased by 4%.
- Windwalker
- Rogue
- Outlaw
- [With realm restarts] All damage abilities increased by 4%.
- Outlaw
- Priest
- Holy
- Guardian Spirit will no longer fail to heal an ally who receives multiple fatal blows at the same time.
- Holy
- Warrior
- Arms
- [With realm restarts] All damage abilities increased by 4%.
- Arms
- Warlock
- Affliction
- [With realm restarts] All damage abilities increased by 4%.
- Affliction
Dungeons and Raids
- Sepulcher of the First Ones
- Vigilant Guardian
- Fixed an issue where dying with the Unstable Core could cause it to become non-interactive.
- Lihuvim, Principal Architect
- Lihuvim's corpse can no longer become stuck in the air if killed while casting Realignment.
- [With realm restarts] Acquisitions Automa's Detonation radius reduced to 20 yards (was 40) on Normal and Heroic difficulties.
- [With realm restarts] The cast time of Detonation has been increased to 2.5 seconds (was 2 seconds) on Normal and Heroic difficulties.
- Artificer Xy’mox
- [With realm restarts] Xy Spellslinger health reduced by 20%.
- [With realm restarts] Debilitating Ray periodic damage reduced by 20%.
- Prototype Pantheon
- [With realm restarts] Wildstorm has been removed from Normal and Raid finder difficulties.
- [With realm restarts] Sinful Projections has been removed from Heroic difficulty.
- [With realm restarts] Decreased the health of Necrotic Ritualists by 30% health on Normal difficulty, 15% health on Heroic difficulty.
- [With realm restarts] Decreased the health of Withering Seeds by 30% health on Normal and Raid Finder difficulties, 20% health on Heroic difficulty, and 10% health on Mythic difficulty, but also resolved a bug that caused them to trigger an Invigorating Bloom at 90% health instead of 100% health as the spell description states.
- [With realm restarts] Resolved a scaling issue causing the Withering Seeds to increase their health too steeply on larger raid sizes.
- Halondrus the Reclaimer
- Fixed an issue causing damage from Lance and Lightshatter Beam to ignore some damage reduction effects.
- Fixed an issue causing Volatile Charges to break if the player carrying the Volatile Charge disconnected.
- [With realm restarts] Lightshatter Beam damage decreased by 30% on Raid Finder, Normal and Heroic difficulties.
- [With realm restarts] Reclaim's periodic damage effect scales more slowly on Heroic difficulty.
- Skolex, the Insatiable Ravener
- [With realm restarts] Missile travel time for Devouring Blood increased to 2.5s (was 2s) on Heroic difficulty.
- Dausegne, the Fallen Oracle
- [With realm restarts] Duration of Disintegration Halo debuff lowered to 5s (was 6s) on Heroic difficulty.
- Rygelon
- [With realm restarts] Increased the duration of Collapsing Quasar Field to 10 seconds on Normal and Heroic difficulties.
- [With realm restarts] Decreased Rygelon's health by 5% on Heroic difficulty.
- The Jailer
- [With realm restarts] All trapdoors will now close in Phase 3 on Normal difficulty.
- [With realm restarts] Decreased knockback of Decimator on Normal and Raid Finder difficulties.
- [With realm restarts] Decreased knockback of Misery on Normal difficulty.
- [With realm restarts] Decreased rate of growth of Defile on Normal difficulty.
- Vigilant Guardian
- Tazavesh, The Veiled Market
- Fixed an issue causing Bazaar Strongarms to sometimes ignore a player carrying market goods.
- P.O.S.T. Master
- Fixed an issue where the P.O.S.T. Master was missing a boss frame.
- Mythic+
- Encrypted Affix
- Fixed a bug that would cause two sets of Encrypted Relics to spawn with Amarth, the Harvester after the boss reset in The Necrotic Wake.
- Fixed a bug that could sometimes prevent Encrypted Relics from spawning with the dueling warlords before Xav the Unfallen in Theater of Pain.
- Encrypted Affix
Player versus Player
- Items
- [With realm restarts] Gladiator's Echoing Resolve now increases the duration of crowd control by 25% (was 20%).
- [With realm restarts] Gladiator's Echoing Resolve now lasts 12 seconds (was 15 seconds).
- [With realm restarts] Gladiator's Echoing Resolve no longer increases the duration of root effects.
- [With realm restarts] Gladiator's Echoing Resolve no longer causes the target to become immune to root effects.
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