Players can expect a range of fixes and improvements to enhance their gaming experience. From creatures and NPCs to dungeons and raids, this update addresses various issues that have been plaguing players. For example, players will now have another chance at obtaining loot from Tomb Burster in Revendreth, as the issue of her not resetting each day has been fixed. Additionally, Castle Nathria has undergone some changes, including fixing a bug that caused the door to Sire Denathrius' chamber to remain closed if certain conditions were met.Creatures and NPCs
- Fixed an issue where Tomb Burster in Revendreth was not resetting each day to give players another opportunity at her loot.
Dungeons and Raids
- Castle Nathria
- Fixed an issue that could cause the door to Sire Denathrius' chamber to remain closed if Prince Renathal and General Draven began fighting loyalists prior to the door opening.
- Timewalking: Black Temple
- Illidan
- Fixed an issue where Parasitic Shadowfiends would sometimes not reset after the encounter ends.
- Illidan
Items and Rewards
- Renown weapon illusions can now be used in transmogrification after their appearance has been learned.
FEBRUARY 22, 2021
- Necrolord
- Fixed an issue where falling off the Maw during Forgeborne Reveries (Bonesmith Heirmir Soulbind) would sometimes cause the player to lose more Stygia.
FEBRUARY 18, 2021
- Kyrian
- Fixed an issue where Pointed Courage (Kleia Soulbind) could sometimes hit more than 5 targets when casting Blink or Roll through enemies.
- Necrolord
- Mama Tomalin is now able to wear Abominable Accessories.
- Venthyr
- Fixed an issue that allowed Theotar the Mad Duke (Soulbind) to serve tea to more than 4 allies with Wasteland Propriety when triggered by certain Venthyr class abilities.
Dungeons and Raids
- Castle Nathria
- Shriekwing
- Fixed an issue causing Exsanguinating Bite to sometimes not hit her current target.
- The Necrotic Wake
- Discharged Anima and Discarded Shield effects will now cancel when a Mythic Keystone run begins.
- Fixed an issue causing Winged Champions to die to damage from enemies.
- Shriekwing
Items and Rewards
- Bosses now drop 33% more loot than before in all Timewalking raids.
Pet Battles
- Shy Melvin no longer damages himself with Corrosion.
Player versus Player
- Mage
- Fixed an issue where the visual effect of an Orc mage’s Ring of Frost was appearing delayed to enemy players.
FEBRUARY 16, 2021
- Rogue
- The Rotten (Legendary Effect) will now remove its associated buff when unequipped.
Dungeons and Raids
- Castle Nathria
- Artificer Xy'mox
- There is now an additional delay before Edge of Annihilation is cast upon entering the third phase on Mythic difficulty.
- Artificer Xy'mox
Items and Rewards
- Castle Nathria
- Bosses now drop 33% more loot than before, in all difficulties.
- Weapon tokens now drop more often than before, in all difficulties.
- The Skulker's Wing trinket now works more reliably against enemies of unusual size.
- Alliance players in the middle of the introduction into Legion are now able to turn in “A Gift for the King of Stormwind” to Anduin in Stormwind Keep.
FEBRUARY 11, 2021
- Necrolord
- Characters who switched to the Necrolord covenant and became stuck in progression should now be able to proceed once again.
Dungeons and Raids
- Castle Nathria
- Stone Legion Generals
- Fixed an issue where Heart Rend was not targeting the correct number of players in 10 to 30-member raid sizes on Normal and Heroic difficulties.
- General Grashaal will no longer cast Seismic Upheaval as his first spell in the final phase of Mythic difficulty.
- Stone Legion Generals
FEBRUARY 10, 2021
Items and Rewards
- The Frothing Pustule that spawn from the Infinitely Divisible Ooze trinket will now attack Grand Proctor Beryllia in Sanguine Depths.
The Maw
- Fixed an issue where Ikras the Devourer could not be attacked after being pulled onto the bridge in the Beastwarrens.
FEBRUARY 9, 2021
- Druid
- Restoration
- Focused Growth (PvP Talent) will now clear when Lifebloom fades while using The Dark Titan's Lesson (Legendary Effect).
- Restoration
- Monk
- Fixed an issue where the slow effect from Lingering Numbness (Conduit) was not being removed with slow immunities (e.g. Blessing of Freedom).
Dungeons and Raids
- Halls of Atonement
- Inquisitor Sigar
- Manifestation of Envy no longer fixates pets.
- Inquisitor Sigar
- Spires of Ascension
- Devos
- Resolved an issue where Raw Anima would sometimes spawn on the platform after the air phase ended.
- Devos
- The Necrotic Wake
- Nalthor the Rimebinder
- Resolved an issue where Dark Exile would fail to transport players to the lower platforms.
- Nalthor the Rimebinder
The Maw
- Stygian Abductors will no longer attack players who are in transit between Chaotic Riftstones.
FEBRUARY 8, 2021
- Mage
- Ring of Frost (Talent) will now always show its cast location visual effect.
- Fixed an issue where the first chapter of the covenant campaign could display as incomplete for characters who returned to the Kyrian and Necrolord covenants after joining a different covenant.
Dungeons and Raids
- Castle Nathria
- Artificer Xy'mox
- [With regional restarts] Glyph of Destruction damage reduced by up to 20%, depending on group size, on Raid Finder, Normal, and Heroic difficulties.
- [With regional restarts] Withering Touch damage reduced by up to 20%, depending on group size, on Raid Finder, Normal, and Heroic difficulties.
- Sun King’s Salvation
- [With regional restarts] Soul Infusers, Vile Occultists, Bleakwing Assassins, Pestering Fiends, and Rockbound Vanquishers’ health reduced by 10% on Raid Finder, Normal, and Heroic difficulties.
- Lady Inerva Darkvein
- [With regional restarts] Lady Inerva Darkvein now throws fewer bottles for smaller raid sizes, scaling from 1 to 3 (was 2 to 3) on Normal difficulty, and scaling from 2 to 4 (was 3 to 4) on Heroic difficulty.
- [With regional restarts] Anima Web now does up to 20% less damage for raids with fewer than 30 players on Normal and Heroic difficulties.
- [With regional restarts] Shared Suffering now does up to 20% less damage for raids with 10 players on Normal and Heroic difficulties.
- [With regional restarts] Base health for Conjured Manifestations and Harnessed Specters is now lower for raids with fewer than 30 players on Normal and Heroic Raid difficulties.
- Council of Blood
- Nadjia's Familiar Predicaments (Venthyr Soulbind) will no longer unintentionally reduce the duration of Dancing Fever.
- Sludgefist
- [With regional restarts] Fixed an issue that caused Chain Slam damage to not scale correctly with group size on Heroic difficulty.
- [With regional restarts] Chain Slam damage reduced by up to 35%, depending on group size, on Heroic difficulty.
- [With regional restarts] Colossal Roar damage reduced by up to 20%, depending on group size, on Raid Finder, Normal, and Heroic difficulties.
- Stone Legion Generals
- [With regional restarts] Overall damage scaling updated, with damage having been decreased by 25% for 10-player raids and increased by 10% for 30-player raids on Raid Finder and Normal difficulties.
- [With regional restarts] Overall damage scaling updated, with damage having been decreased by 33% for 10-player raids and increased by 17% for 30-player raids on Heroic difficulties.
- [With regional restarts] Stone Legion Goliath health decreased 11.1% on Mythic difficulty.
- [With regional restarts] Stone Legion Skirmisher health decreased 10% on Mythic difficulty.
- [With regional restarts] Heart Rend now targets 1 to 3 players, scaling from 10 to 30-player raid sizes, on Heroic difficulty.
- [With regional restarts] Seismic Upheaval now targets 4 to 10 players, scaling from 10 to 30-player raid sizes, on Normal and Heroic difficulties.
- [With regional restarts] Seismic Upheaval now targets 3 to 5 players, scaling from 10 to 30-player raid sizes, on Raid Finder difficulty.
- [With regional restarts] Wicked Laceration damage now scales with the number of players on Normal and Heroic difficulties.
- Sire Denathrius
- [With regional restarts] Crimson Cabalist health reduced by up to 10%, depending on group size, on Raid Finder, Normal, and Heroic difficulties.
- Improved the visibility of Crescendo.
- Artificer Xy'mox
- Mythic Keystone Dungeons
- Fixed an issue where the beneficial effect of the Prideful affix would not be applied to Priests in Spirit of Redemption form.
- De Other Side
- [With regional restarts] Mythic Keystone timer increased to 43 minutes (was 41 minutes).
- Hakkar
- [With regional restarts] Son of Hakkar melee damage reduced by 50%.
- [With regional restarts] Blood Nova damage reduced by 20%.
- Dealer Xy'exa
- [With regional restarts] Arcane Lightning damage reduced by 25%.
- Spires of Ascension
- Ventunax
- [With regional restarts] Dark Stride duration decreased to 15 seconds (was 20 seconds).
- Ventunax
- The Necrotic Wake
- Nalthor the Rimebinder
- [With regional restarts] Champion's Boon duration increased to 30 seconds (was 15 seconds).
- Nalthor the Rimebinder
- Theater of Pain
- Xav the Unfallen
- [With regional restarts] Health reduced by 10%.
- Xav the Unfallen
- The Eternal Palace
- Blackwater Behemoth
- Fixed an issue where the encounter doors would not open if Blackwater Behemoth was defeated quickly.
- Fixed an issue where the Darkwater Jellyfish would sometimes not despawn after the encounter ends.
- Blackwater Behemoth
Items and Rewards
- [With regional restarts] Increased the amount of Anima dropped by Mythic Keystone Dungeons and Raid bosses:
- Completing a Mythic Keystone at +7 to 9 will now award 2 Rare Anima items.
- Completing a Mythic Keystone at +10 and higher will now awards 3 Rare Anima items.
- The first 8 bosses in Castle Nathria will now drop 3 Anima items.
- Stone Generals and Sire Denathrius will now drop 5 Anima items.
- Love is in the Air items are now more appropriately item leveled.
- Fixed an issue that would cause the Empyreal Ordnance buff missiles to fail to return if the player moved outside the initial 40 yard range. The missile buff should now return to the player up to 100 yards away.
Player versus Player
- [With regional restarts] Fixed an issue where sometimes an Azerite node could spawn on top of an existing Azerite node in the Seething Shore battleground.
- [With regional restarts] Reduced the time it takes to gather an Azerite node to 6 seconds (was 7 seconds).
- Death Knight
- Unholy
- [With regional restarts] Necrotic Strike now absorbs up to 6% of the target’s health (was 4%).
- [With regional restarts] Virulent Plague and Virulent Eruption are no longer reduced by 10% when engaged in combat with enemy players.
- Unholy
- Hunter
- Marksmanship
- [With regional restarts] Careful Aim now deals 35% bonus damage when engaged in combat with enemy players (was 20%).
- Beast Mastery
- [With regional restarts] Bestial Wrath’s effectiveness is no longer reduced by 20% when engaged in combat with enemy players.
- Marksmanship
- Mage
- [With regional restarts] Dampened Magic (PvP Talent) reduces magical damage over time effects by 10% (was 20%).
- Frost
- [With regional restarts] Glacial Spike (Talent) is no longer reduced by 20% when engaged in combat with enemy players.
- [With regional restarts] Ray of Frost (Talent) is no longer reduced by 15% when engaged in combat with enemy players.
- Fire
- [With regional restarts] Pyrokinesis (PvP Talent) reduces Combustion’s cooldown by 3 seconds (was 5 seconds).
- Monk
- Mistweaver
- [With regional restarts] Chrysalis (PvP Talent) reduces Life Cocoon’s cooldown by 40 seconds (was 25 seconds).
- [With regional restarts] Mana regeneration increased by 20% when engaged in combat with enemy players.
- Mistweaver
- Paladin
- Holy
- [With regional restarts] Damage transferred through Ultimate Sacrifice (PvP Talent) is no longer affected by Blessing of Sacrifice’s Rank 2 upgrade.
- [With regional restarts] Mana regeneration is decreased by 30% when engaged in combat with enemy players.
- Holy
WoW Classic
- Lunar Festival quests that were completed last year can once again be completed after revisiting Stormwind or Orgrimmar.
FEBRUARY 5, 2021
- Paladin
- Concentration Aura no longer incorrectly reduces the duration of Death Knight’s Anti-Magic Shell.
- Night Fae
- Fixed an issue wherein Niya's Tools: Burrs (Soulbind) would trigger off spells and abilities that don't deal damage.
- Fixed an issue wherein Niya's Tools: Burrs (Soulbind) would trigger on more than one target.
- Venthyr
- Available “Mirror Maker of the Master” sidequests in the Ember Ward now appear on the map for venthyr players that did not complete the questline while leveling.
Dungeons and Raids
- Halls of Atonement
- Improved the visibility of Depraved Houndmaster’s Loyal Beasts ability.
- Spires of Ascension
- The kyrian that takes players back to the entrance platform now only spawns after Kin-Tara has been engaged.
- Characters that used the Faction Change service after completing the quest "Shadowlands: A Chilling Summons" should now see the Death Gate to Acherus and be able to continue the questline.
FEBRUARY 4, 2021
- Adventures from a wider array of levels are now available for advanced players who have progressed their Command Table.
- Priest
- Fixed an issue where Mental Recovery’s (Conduit) slow effect was not being removed with slow immunities (e.g. Hand of Freedom).
- Defeating Amarth in The Necrotic Wake now provides quest credit for “A Call to Bastion.”
FEBRUARY 3, 2021
- Demon Hunter
- Havoc
- Vengeful Retreat no longer causes the Demon Hunter to fail to charge to The Hunt's (Night Fae Ability) target.
- Vengeance
- Throw Glaive, Sigil of Flame and Elysian Decree (Kyrian Ability) should now properly generate threat on targets the Demon Hunter has not attacked.
- Havoc
- Night Fae
- Fixed an issue where Horn of the Wild Hunt (Korayn Soulbind) was using an incorrect sound effect.
- Fixed an issue where Wild Hunt's Charge (Korayn Soulbind) wouldn't function while using Natural Impetus.
Player versus Player
- Covenants
- Necrolord
- Fleshcraft's channel will no longer be canceled at the start of an arena match.
- Necrolord
- Warlock
- The channel for summoning a demon will no longer be canceled at the start of a battleground or arena match.
Torghast, Tower of the Damned
- The Torghast storyline quest "Lest the Trail Go Cold" can now also be completed in Skoldus Halls, Fracture Chambers and Soul Forges. The quest text will be updated to match this in a later patch.
FEBRUARY 2, 2021
- Death Knight
- The Frenzied Monstrosity (Legendary Effect) buff will no longer stay active if the player unequips the legendary.
- Hunter
- Updated the range of Markman's Advantage (Conduit) to match Hunter's Mark.
- Priest
- Shadow
- Shadow Mend will now properly apply its damage over time effect on allies.
- Shadow
- Bastion
- Fixed an issue where “Mysterious Soul Mirror” could not be turned in by characters who have completed the Kyrian campaign.
- Night Fae
- Dreamweaver’s (Soulbind) Soothing Voice can now be removed by Cloak of Shadows.
Dungeons and Raids
- Mythic Keystone Dungeons
- Damage taken from Grievous (Affix) will now reduce the duration of Shadow Mend's damage over time effect on the ally.
- Plaguefall
- Rigged Plagueborers cast Wretched Phlegm less frequently.
World Quests
- Fixed an issue during the Bastion world quest "Flight School: Up and Away!" where a single flower could trigger multiple jumps.
FEBRUARY 1, 2021
- Death Knight
- Frost
- [With regional restarts] All damage abilities increased by 5%.
- [With regional restarts] Chill Streak (PvP Talent) damage has been reduced by 10%.
- Frost
- Demon Hunter
- Havoc
- [With regional restarts] All damage abilities increased by 3%.
- Havoc
- Hunter
- Beast Mastery
- [With regional restarts] All damage abilities increased by 5%.
- Survival
- [With regional restarts] All damage abilities increased by 5%.
- Beast Mastery
- Mage
- Frost
- [With regional restarts] All damage abilities increased by 3%.
- Frost
- Paladin
- Shadow Resistance Aura will no longer be removed from the Paladin when they die.
- Rogue
- Assassination
- [With regional restarts] All damage abilities increased by 5%.
- Assassination
- Shaman
- Enhancement
- [With regional restarts] All damage abilities increased by 3%.
- Enhancement
- Warlock
- Fixed an issue where Resolute Barrier's (Conduit) effect could be placed on cooldown when the Warlock took damage lower than 5% of their maximum health.
- Destruction
- [With regional restarts] All damage abilities increased by 5%.
- Warrior
- Arms
- [With regional restarts] All damage abilities increased by 3%.
- [With regional restarts] Master and Commander (PvP Talent) reduces the cooldown of Rallying Cry by 60 seconds (was 120 seconds).
- Fury
- [With regional restarts] All damage abilities increased by 3%.
- [With regional restarts] Master and Commander (PvP Talent) reduces the cooldown of Rallying Cry by 60 seconds (was 120 seconds).
- Arms
- Night Fae
- [With regional restarts] When Podtender (Dreamweaver Soulbind) is triggered, the player inside the pod will be dropped from targeting.
- [With regional restarts] To help with locating easier, the Podtender (Dreamweaver Soulbind) nameplate will now appear as a white player nameplate rather than a red minion nameplate.
Dungeons and Raids
- Mythic Keystone Dungeons
- [With regional restarts] Bosses now gain 30% increased health when Tyrannical (Affix) is active (was 40%).
- De Other Side
- [With regional restarts] Headless Client melee damage reduced by 40% and Discharge damage reduced by 33%.
- [With regional restarts] 4.RF-4.RF’s Metallic Jaws damage reduced by 33% and W-00F now prefers non-tank targets.
- [With regional restarts] Atal’ai Deathwalker melee damage reduced by 25% and Gushing Wound is cast less frequently.
- Mists of Tirna Scithe
- [With regional restarts] Drust Soulcleaver’s Soul Split damage reduced by 40%.
- Plaguefall
- [With regional restarts] Rotting Slimeclaw’s Corroded Claws damage reduced by 50%.
- Sanguine Depths
- [With regional restarts] Chamber Sentinel’s Severing Slice initial damage reduced by 50%.
- [With regional restarts] Frenzied Ghouls cast Shadow Claws less frequently.
- [With regional restarts] Insatiable Brute’s Slam damage reduced by 21% and is cast less frequently.
- Spires of Ascension
- [With regional restarts] Etherdivers cast Insidious Venom less frequently.
- [With regional restarts] Forsworn Kyrian’s Dark Lash cast time increased to 2 seconds (was 1.5 seconds).
- The Necrotic Wake
- [With regional restarts] Zolramus Bonecarver’s Boneflay bleed damage reduced by 70% and duration reduced to 10 seconds (was 20 seconds).
- [With regional restarts] Fixed an issue where Zolramus Bonecarver’s Boneflay bleed damage was reduced by Armor.
- [With regional restarts] Skeletal Marauders cast Gruesome Cleave less frequently.
- Theater of Pain
- [With regional restarts] Unyielding Contender’s Vicious Strike damage reduced by 20%.
- [With regional restarts] Ossified Conscripts cast Cruel Slash less frequently.
- Developers’ note: We’ve noticed tanks in Mythic Keystone Dungeons feeling pressured to spend more time running away and less time actually tanking than we’d like. In an effort to address this, we’re dialing back the tank damage of a number of dungeon denizens who’ve proven to be particularly painful.
Items and Rewards
- [With regional restarts] Vantus Rune: Castle Nathria now grants 100 Versatility (was 40).
- Fixed an issue where the Treant Sprout summoned from Treecorn was missing all of its attacks.
- Fixed an issue that would provide too much quest credit for “A Call to Bastion” when Kin-Tara was defeated.
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