In the latest patch for the popular game, several issues have been addressed and fixed to enhance the gaming experience. Achievements now appear correctly with centered text, ensuring players can track their progress without any visual glitches. Additionally, players can now create a class trial Pandaren Death Knight, resolving a previous limitation. Mistweaver Monks can rejoice as the Harm Denial conduit now properly increases the healing of Expel Harm when used on an ally during Soothing Mist.JUNE 30, 2021
- Fixed an issue where Achievement progress toasts were appearing in the wrong size and the text was not centered.
- Death Knight
- Fixed an issue where players couldn’t create a class trial Pandaren Death Knight.
- Monk
- Mistweaver
- Fixed an issue where the Harm Denial conduit wasn’t increasing the healing of Expel Harm when used on an ally during Soothing Mist.
- Mistweaver
Creatures and NPCs
- Winged Ravager’s Devour Essence will once again correctly damage its primary target instead of all nearby players.
Items and Rewards
- The Great Vault has returned and generates the correct item levels for Mythic+ rewards.
- Fixed an issue where certain Soulbind, Covenant set and Legendary bonuses were giving 50% more stats than intended, returning them back to their correct tooltip amounts.
- Fixed an issue that caused some players to lose Rank 4 Legendary item crafting recipes.
- Fixed an issue that could cause other players to interrupt Ve'nari's actions during the quest “Mysteries of the Maw.”
- Fixed an issue where “Mysteries of the Maw” would no longer progress if you died and resurrected during the stealth segment of the quest.
JUNE 29, 2021
- Kyrian
- Forgelite Prime Mikanikos
- Fixed an issue where Bron’s Call to Action was unintentionally stacking too quickly.
- Forgelite Prime Mikanikos
Dungeons and Raids
- Molten Core
- Players will once again deal the appropriate amount of damage based on their level within the raid.
Items and Rewards
- The Great Vault is temporarily unavailable while we resolve issues regarding incorrect item levels.
Player versus Player
- Players will once again deal the appropriate amount of damage based on their level within Tol Barad.
The Maw
- Mawsworn Watchers in the Night Fae Assault will no longer incorrectly catch and teleport players that they cannot see.
JUNE 28, 2021
Burning Crusade Classic
- [With regional restarts] Feral Druid Energy Regeneration now increments on a fixed 2 second loop, independent of other factors such as changes to mana or health regeneration rates, or shifting between forms.
- [With regional restarts] Team ratings should now more closely follow personal rating changes on Arena teams.
JUNE 23, 2021
Burning Crusade Classic
- Fixed an issue where bonuses to a specific class spell – such as the 2-piece Incanter’s Regalia set bonus – would affect a different spell when applied to another class.
- Mages spellstealing Shadow Trance from a Warlock no longer makes Fireball instant cast, true to reference behavior.
JUNE 21, 2021
Burning Crusade Classic
- A new upgrade to Auction House service responsiveness was implemented for all realms.
- Players who have completed the Trials of the Naaru without receiving the Tempest Key can now obtain one by speaking with A'dal in Shattrath City.
JUNE 18, 2021
Burning Crusade Classic
- [With regional restarts] Area 52 Bruisers are no longer shirking their job duties and will now intervene to break up nearby fights.
- [With regional restarts] Fixed an issue where repeatedly clicking a Soulwell would unintentionally consume additional charges under certain conditions.
- Fixed an issue where a Priest’s Prayer of Mending would persist on the target if it fails to find a new target to jump to, true to reference behavior.
- Activating Prismatic Sphere's cooldown should no longer put enchanting materials on cooldown.
- Fixed an issue where Socrethar was not made vulnerable by Voren'thal's Presence for “Turning Point.”
- The Aldor will now come to your aid during the quest “Deathblow to the Legion.”
- Fixed an issue where Halaa Battle Tokens were not granted as expected.
- Fixed an issue where Warchief Kargath Bladefist could charge outside of his area and reset the encounter.
JUNE 17, 2021
Burning Crusade Classic
- Warlocks are no longer revealed on the arena frames if they sacrifice a demon before the gates have opened.
- Magtheridon’s Lair
- Fixed animation issues with Blast Nova and Quake.
- Blast Nova now always has a raid warning when cast.
- Blast Nova will no longer be immediately recasted if he was interrupted before he began channeling.
- Developers' note: Magtheridon's Blast Nova was set up in original Burning Crusade in a way that it was possible for players to see a raid warning for an attack that would never come, or for Mag to use an ability without warning. These misbehaviors were recreated in Burning Crusade Classic as we matched the boss configuration with our pre-nerf reference. With the fixes above, we've made it so that Blast Nova is used consistently after a raid warning, and no longer fails to be put on cooldown if interrupted during its cast.
- Karazhan
- Fixed an issue where Shade of Aran's Dragon Breath was dealing more damage than intended.
- Fixed an issue where the title "Champion of the Naaru" would be repeatedly granted to players who had earned it.
JUNE 15, 2021
Burning Crusade Classic
- Short term buffs are no longer removed upon the Arena gates opening, true to 2.4.3 reference.
- Fixed an issue where the events from “Deathblow to the Legion” Netherstorm quest could fail to progress.
- Paladins who are defeated in Netherstorm or Tempest Keep dungeons and resurrect automatically at the Spirit Healer will once again generate threat with their periodic abilities.
- Fixed an issue where weapon master’s would also teach the Crossbows skill when learning the Bows skill.
- Fixed an issue where Priest’s Shadowfiend would attack enemies that are crowd-controlled.
- Fixed an issue where some dungeons and raids were not applying PvP rules on PvP servers, causing PvP flags to incorrectly expire.
JUNE 14, 2021
Burning Crusade Classic
- Priest’s Prayer of Mending now displays on the Raid-style party frames.
- The Alliance now receive the correct amount of bonus honor in Eye of the Storm.
- Flag captures in Eye of the Storm no longer grant bonus honor, true to 2.4.3 behavior.
- The Jewelcrafting design patterns for Don Julio's Heart and Crimson Sun are now available on Consortium vendors.
- Fixed an issue where Rested would sometimes become active outside of a rest area.
- Fixed an issue where quest givers can fail to offer the Call to Arms daily if it was for Arathi Basin.
JUNE 11, 2021
Burning Crusade Classic
- Implemented settings changes intended to lower the time it takes to search the Auction House.
- Players who list, bid, buy out, or cancel a very large number of auctions may now incur a delay between consecutive actions.
- Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal is no longer on the global cooldown.
- The events told in Medivh's Journal for "The Master's Terrace" can now be replayed.
- Fixed an issue where Nightbane can exit combat during the Karazhan raid encounter.
JUNE 10, 2021
- Rogue
- Outlaw
- Control is King (PvP Talent) no longer removes enemy stealth effects.
- Outlaw
Items and Rewards
- Fixed an issue which caused the lifesteal effect on Revenger to deal more damage than intended.
Burning Crusade Classic
- Rift Keepers in The Black Morass once again grant Keepers of Time reputation up until Exalted.
JUNE 9, 2021
Burning Crusade Classic
- Mordenai has arrived in the Netherwing Fields of Shadowmoon Valley with a request for your kindness.
- Fixed an issue where Shade of Aran in Karazhan can fail to face his target when casting Dragon's Breath.
JUNE 8, 2021
Burning Crusade Classic
- Players can now obtain pets from the Original World of Warcraft Collector's Edition from Landro Longshot in Booty Bay if the license is on their account.
- Prayer of Mending can no longer bounce to targets outside of the priest's group.
- Mage’s Arcane Blast cast time reduction is now effective immediately with subsequent casts.
- Feign Death will no longer drop the Hunter from combat during raid encounters, consistent with the mechanics in the original Burning Crusade. Resetting raid encounters using Feign Death is still possible.
- Felbane Slugs and Hellfire Shot are once again available from ammunition vendors.
- Fixed an issue where the Communal Idol of Life relic was not increasing Druid’s Rejuvenation periodic healing.
- Fixed an issue where the Karazhan Chess Event can fail to give loot upon defeating the encounter.
- Shattrath daily quests that are actively offered by the Consortium are now shareable.
- Fixed an issue where some WoW Classic items were granting stat values of 1 instead of the stats displayed on their tooltips.
- Fixed an issue where WoW Classic items would sometimes drop with unusual stats, or stats that did not exist on those items in the original game.
JUNE 7, 2021
Burning Crusade Classic
- [With regional restarts] The Auction House has been upgraded to improve performance.
- [With regional restarts] Commander Ameer in Netherstorm has salvaged a prison orb from his last scouting mission and could use your help retrieving a key to unlock it.
- [With regional restarts] Nether-Stalker Mah'duun in Shattrath now offers a non-Heroic daily dungeon quest.
- Warchief Kargath Bladefist in The Shattered Halls once again has a delay in between charges of his Blade Dance.
- Warlock’s Inferno once again stuns and deals damage to enemies in the area.
- Engineering Schematic: Elemental Seaforium Charge is now available from Consortium faction vendors.
- The reagents required for the following enchants have been adjusted from pre-patch content to level 70 content:
- Enchant Gloves - Threat
- Enchant Gloves - Superior Agility
- Enchant Cloak - Greater Fire Resistance
- Enchant Cloak - Greater Nature Resistance
- Enchant Cloak - Stealth
- Enchant Cloak - Subtlety
- Enchant Cloak - Dodge
- Fixed an issue where the Ring of Blood event in Nagrand would sometimes stall or fail to progress.
- Fixed an issue where credit was not being granted for killing Crazed Colossus in “Dissension Amongst the Ranks.”
JUNE 4, 2021
Burning Crusade Classic
- Honorable Kills now display an icon, as intended.
- A "?" symbol is again displayed when talking to an NPC about a completed or in-progress quest.
- Items with the random suffixes +healing, +spell damage, +elemental spell damage, +elemental resistance, +mana per 5 sec., and +health per 5 sec. now appropriately apply those effects to the player-character when equipped.
- The Alliance Brigadier General in Shattrath once again offers the “Concerted Efforts” quest.
- Fixed an issue that caused combat pets to sometimes activate a global cooldown when trying to use an ability.
- Fixed an issue that caused lighting issues, such as an unintended shimmering on the ground, for some players.
- Fixed an issue that caused Fishing lines to disappear.
- Fixed an issue where Quagmirran in The Slave Pens may fail to path out of the water.
- Fixed an issue where Nightbane’s Charred Earth ground visual effect was not visible when Projected Textures is disabled in the System Settings menu.
JUNE 2, 2021
Burning Crusade Classic
- Classes
- Shaman
- Shaman that were boosted with a Character Boost now have Rank 1 of Healing Stream Totem, Searing Totem, and Stoneskin Totem.
- Shaman
- Player versus Player
- Hellfire Superiority, Twin Spire Blessing, and Blessing of Auchindoun once again apply within instances if your faction has won the PvP objectives for that zone.
JUNE 1, 2021
Dungeons and Raids
- Castle Nathria
- Sire Denathrius
- Phase Two now ends when Denathrius' health reaches 37% (was 40%) or after 225 seconds (was 210 seconds) on Mythic difficulty.
- Developers’ note: Our goal with this adjustment is to make Denathrius' final phase a bit more forgiving on Mythic. We considered simply reducing his health, but felt that could be needlessly disruptive during his first two phases, so we're instead opting for a more targeted approach.
- Phase Two now ends when Denathrius' health reaches 37% (was 40%) or after 225 seconds (was 210 seconds) on Mythic difficulty.
- Sire Denathrius
Burning Crusade Classic
- Auction House
- Fixed an issue that temporarily caused deposit fees to be 3x lower than they were in original Burning Crusade.
- Classes
- Mage
- Blizzard once again has a chance to activate Enigma's Solitude and Arcane Concentration on cast.
- Mage
- User Interface
- On PC and Mac, players can now utilize SSAO (Ambient Occlusion).
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