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World of Warcraft & WOW CLASSIC – January 2021 Patch Notes

World of Warcraft & WOW CLASSIC – January 2021 Patch Notes


In the latest patch notes for January 29, 2021, players can expect some exciting changes and improvements to the Kyrian, Venthyr, and Night Fae Covenant Companions in the game. The Kyrian Covenant Companions have received significant boosts to their health, attack, and spell effectiveness, addressing their previous fragility and making them more formidable in combat. The developers have taken note of players' feedback and have made these adjustments to ensure a more intuitive and satisfying gameplay experience.

JANUARY 29, 2021


  • Kyrian Covenant Companions
    • Apolon health increased by 25%, and spell effectiveness increased by 100%.
    • Bron attack increased by 50%.
    • Disciple Kosmas health increased by 20%.
    • Hala health increased by 17%, attack increased by 50%, and spell effectiveness increased by 30%.
    • Ispiron attack increased by 33%.
    • Kythekios attack increased by 50%, and spell effectiveness increased by 167%.
    • Molako health increased by 67%, and spell effectiveness increased by 33%.
    • Nemea attack increased by 33%, and spell effectiveness increased by 50%.
    • Pelagos health increased by 20%.
    • Pelodis attack increased by 33%, and spell effectiveness increased by 50%.
    • Telethakas health increased by 100%, and spell effectiveness increased by 167%.
    • Teliah spell effectiveness increased by 18%.
      • Developers’ note: The Kyrian Covenant Companions were a mix of durable combatants and fragile fighters who had big abilities, but deploying them effectively wasn't as intuitive as expected. To compensate, we've boosted many abilities and decreased some Companions' overall fragility.
  • Venthyr Covenant Companions
    • Ayeleth the Deprived health increased by 38%, and spell effectiveness increased by 43%.
    • Bogdan spell effectiveness increased by 150%.
    • Dug Gravewell health increased by 14%.
    • General Draven health increased by 25%.
    • Kaletar the Mender health increased by 20%, and spell effectiveness increased by 67%.
    • Lost Sybille health increased by 50%, and spell effectiveness increased by 40%.
    • Nadjia the Mistblade health increased by 30%.
    • Nerith Darkwing health increased by 38%.
    • Rahel health increased by 40%, and spell effectiveness increased by 100%.
    • Simone health increased by 38%.
    • Stonehead health increased by 25%, cooldown increased to 4 rounds (was 2), and spell effectiveness increased by 400%.
    • Stonehuck health increased by 25%.
    • Thela Soulsipper health increased by 38%.
    • Theotar health increased by 25%, and spell effectiveness increased by 20%.
    • Vulca health increased by 25%, and spell effectiveness increased by 25%.
      • Developers’ note: Many of the Venthyr Covenant Companions were not as well established in their different roles as we hoped. Some had a powerful attack, but were beaten before they could deploy it. They've each received an improvement that fits with their purpose.
  • Night Fae Covenant Companions
    • Ardenweald Trapper: Bramble Trap ability has been redesigned. This is now a 1-cooldown ability which deals damage and reduces the damage of the next enemy attack.
      • Developers’ note: This corrects a bug that caused its damage reduction to incorrectly apply permanently to enemy units.


  • Spires of Ascension
    • Kyrestia the Firstborne will now hover a little further back from the Devos encounter, eliminating most camera interference she once caused.

Player versus Player

  • Valiant Strikes (Soulbind) stacks will now be cleared at the start of battleground and arena matches.


  • Fixed an issue with the Western Plaguelands quest "Combat Training" where players could end up with a large number of Enthralled Val'kyr.

Torghast, Tower of the Damned

  • Completing a layer on any character now unlocks that layer for all characters on the same WoW account who meet the requirements to enter Torghast.

JANUARY 28, 2021


  • Taking damage from Serrated Tear and Wicked Laceration no longer trigger Bouquet of Wilted Sanguine Roses to bloom for the Feed Me, Seymour! achievement. Collecting an Anima Orb or a Massive Anima Orb now triggers Bouquet of Wilted Sanguine Roses to bloom.


  • Druid
    • Convoke the Spirits (Night Fae Ability) will no longer attempt to cast on nearby enemies in a different phase from the Druid.
    • Balance
      • Force of Nature (Talent) correctly taunts nearby enemies when cast on an elevator or transport.
    • Feral
      • Draught of Deep Focus (Legendary Effect) now correctly works with Lunar Inspiration (Talent).

Dungeons and Raids

  • Plaguefall
    • Plaguebound Devoted’s death animation now appears as soon as they are defeated.

Player versus Player

  • The Front Line Fortitude buff in Ashran will now correctly apply to Retribution and Protection Paladins, and Feral and Guardian Druids.


  • Fixed an issue during the Western Plaguelands quest "Combat Training" where the Enthralled Val'kyr and Forsaken Troopers could be taken into unintended areas.

JANUARY 27, 2021


  • Paladin
    • Reign of Endless Kings (Legendary Effect) cooldown will no longer be reset when the Paladin uses Divine Shield.


  • Venthyr
    • The Thrill Seeker (Nadjia Soulbind) buff can no longer be removed by right clicking the effect’s icon. Her appetite for danger will not be deterred.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Castle Nathria
    • Sludgefist
      • Protection Paladins blocking Giant Fists should now trigger the damage component of Holy Shield (Talent).

The Maw

  • Fixed an issue where Souls would not release from their Stone Prison if a player’s pet deals the final blow.
  • Druids can now shapeshift out of the slow effect from Ghastly Willbreaker’s Shatter Resolve.
  • Fixed an issue where Eye of the Jailer: Soul Surge’s ground visual effect was not visible when Projected Textures is disabled in the System Settings menu.
  • Fixed an issue where Shadehounds outside of the Hunt: Shadehounds had tooltips and highlighting indicating that they are part of the hunt.

JANUARY 26, 2021


  • Mage
    • Arcane
      • Arcane Barrage should now correctly return 1.5% mana per Arcane Charge.
  • Priest
    • Crystalline Reflection (Legendary Effect) damage will no longer cause players to stand up while they are eating or drinking.
  • Warlock
    • Unstable Affliction will now appear as a high priority debuff on raid frames.


  • Night Fae
    • Fixed an issue where the Covenant Sanctum report was displaying the incorrect status of the wildseeds growing in the Queen’s Conservatory.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Mythic Keystone Dungeons
    • Fixed an issue where Prideful’s Belligerent Boast missiles could change direction unexpectedly.

JANUARY 25, 2021


  • To 'Ghast, Two Curios and 'Ghast Five are now account-wide achievements.


  • Kyrian
    • The point of interest indicator for “Gorm Ruin Everything” should now be easier to see on the map.
  • Necrolord
    • Fixed an issue where players were unable to enter the Inquisitor’s Crypt after opening the door during the quest “The Last Word.”
  • Venthyr
    • Fixed an issue where Theotar’s Fury buff would sometimes not persist through death during the quest “Lowering Their Defenses.”

Creatures and NPCs

  • Darvel the Frugal should now correctly give the correct faction discount.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Castle Nathria
    • Council of Blood
      • [With regional restarts] Dreadbolt Volley damage reduced by up to 20% in smaller raid sizes in Raid Finder, Normal, and Heroic difficulties. The damage will remain the same in 30-player raids.
      • [With regional restarts] Drain Essence damage reduced by up to 20% in smaller raid sizes in Raid Finder, Normal, and Heroic difficulties. The damage will remain the same in 30-player raids.
      • [With regional restarts] Dark Recital duration reduced to 6 seconds on Normal and Heroic difficulties (was 7 seconds).
    • Sludgefist
      • [With regional restarts] Colossal Roar damage reduced by 10% on Mythic difficulty.
      • [With regional restarts] Chain Slam and Chain Bleed damage reduced by 35% on Mythic difficulty.
    • Stone Legion Generals
      • [With regional restarts] Stone Legion Goliath health reduced by 10% on Mythic difficulty.
      • [With regional restarts] Stone Legion Goliath’s Ravenous Feast cooldown increased by 6 seconds on Mythic difficulty.
      • [With regional restarts] Stone Legion Skirmisher health reduced by 6% on Mythic difficulty.
      • [With regional restarts] Serrated Tear and Stone Fist damage reduced by 20% on Mythic difficulty.
      • [With regional restarts] Serrated Swipe, Serrated Tear, and Stone Fist’s range increased to 100 yards (was 10 and 20 yards).
        • Developers’ note: In addition to slightly reducing overall difficulty, we've made a number of changes to this encounter with the goal of making it feel more consistent between attempts. This means that while certain abilities are no longer avoidable, their impact together with other abilities should be more realistic to manage and the order in which they occur should be more reliable.
      • [With regional restarts] Heart Rend’s range increased to 300 yards (was 10 yards).
      • [With regional restarts] Heart Rend no longer applies Heart Hemorrhage to the player who dispelled the Magic effect on Mythic difficulty.
      • [With regional restarts] General Kaal and General Grashaal’s spell cooldowns now reset with phase changes.
      • [With regional restarts] Volatile Stone Shell absorb shield reduced by 20% on Mythic difficulty.
  • Mythic Keystone Dungeons
    • [With regional restarts] Manifestation of Pride (Prideful Affix) now sees through Stealth and Invisibility effects.
  • Plaguefall
    • Margrave Stradama
      • [With regional restarts] Plaguebound Devoted health and damage reduced by 40%.
      • [With regional restarts] Reduced the cast frequency of Infectious Rain during her final phase.
      • [With regional restarts] Slightly adjusted the timing of Plague Crash so there is a little more time between tentacle slaps.
  • Sanguine Depths
    • [With regional restarts] Fixed an issue where flying Chamber Sentinels would fail to contribute Enemy Forces requirements on Mythic Keystone difficulty.
    • Kryxis the Voracious
      • [With regional restarts] Severing Smash damage reduced by 20% on all difficulties.
      • [With regional restarts] Essence Absorption damage reduced by 20% on Mythic difficulty.
    • Executor Tarvold
      • [With regional restarts] Fleeting Manifestation health reduced by 20%.
  • Spires of Ascension
    • [With regional restarts] Lakesis, Klotos and Astronos are no longer affected by Mythic Keystone affixes that trigger on death (e.g. Sanguine).
    • [With regional restarts] Lakesis, Klotos and Astronos Oppression now increases damage taken by 1% per application (was 2%).
  • The Necrotic Wake
    • If Bloody Javelin and Discharged Anima hits more than eight enemies, the total damage is distributed evenly across all targets.
    • Kyrian armaments (Bloody Javelin, Discarded Shield, Discharged Anima and Forgotten Forgehammer) now persist through death.
    • [With regional restarts] Brittlebone Crossbowman and Brittlebone Warrior damage reduced by 20%.
    • [With regional restarts] Fixed an issue where Brittlebone Crossbowman's Shoot was ignoring armor.
    • [With regional restarts] Brittlebone Mage's Frostbolt Volley damage reduced by 20% and cast time increased to 3.5 seconds (was 2.5 seconds).
    • [With regional restarts] Brittlebone Mage's Frostbolt damage reduced by 36% and cast time increased to 2.5 seconds (was 2 seconds).
    • [With regional restarts] Corpse Harvester and Corpse Collector health reduced by 29%.
    • [With regional restarts] Stitched Vanguard health reduced by 14%.
    • [With regional restarts] Nar'zudah's health reduced by 20%.
    • [With regional restarts] Skeletal Monstrosity's health reduced by 20% and melee damage reduced by 25%.
    • [With regional restarts] Loyal Creation health reduced by 24%.
    • [With regional restarts] Kyrian Stitchwerk health reduced by 25% and melee damage reduced by 17%.
    • Blightbone
      • [With regional restarts] Carrion Worm’s Blood Gorge applications required to trigger Carrion Eruption increased to 5 (was 3).
    • Amarth
      • [With regional restarts] Reduced the range skeletons are summoned during Land of the Dead.
      • [With regional restarts] Unholy Frenzy attack speed bonus reduced by 20%.
      • [With regional restarts] Reanimated Crossbowman and Reanimated Warrior damage reduced by 20%.
      • [With regional restarts] Reanimated Mage's Frostbolt Volley damage reduced by 20%
      • [With regional restarts] Reanimated Mage's Frostbolt damage reduced by 36% and cast time increased to 2.5 seconds (was 2 seconds).
    • Surgeon Stitchflesh
      • [With regional restarts] Embalming Ichor duration reduced to 1 minute (was 6 minutes).

Items and Rewards

  • The Inscrutable Quantum Device trinket now considers all friendly players within range to be valid targets for assisting, regardless of group state.
  • The Inscrutable Quantum Device trinket now also considers its user to be a valid target for granting Mana as long as they are a Healing specialization.
  • The Inscrutable Quantum Device trinket will no longer attempt to execute enemy targets who are already dead.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Shadehound Armor Plating from being acquired in the Maw. The quest item can now be found by completing the Hunt: Shadehounds event.

Player versus Player

  • [With regional restarts] In 2v2 Arenas, Dampening will begin at 20% when both teams have either a tank or healer.
  • [With regional restarts] Players now deal 20% less damage to Death Knight, Hunter, and Warlock pets.
  • [With regional restarts] Fleshcraft (Necrolord Ability) can now be used while in the starting area for battlegrounds and arenas.
  • The Mine Carts in the Silvershard Mines battleground no longer take damage from any spells or abilities.
  • Druid
    • [With regional restarts] Convoke the Spirits (Night Fae Ability) no longer casts Full Moon and Feral Frenzy when engaged in combat with enemy players.
  • Paladin
    • Holy
      • [With regional restarts] Divine Favor (PvP Talent) cooldown increased to 30 seconds (was 25 seconds) and now increases cast speed by 30% (was 60%).
    • Protection, Retribution
      • [With regional restarts] Word of Glory’s healing has been reduced by 20% when engaged in combat with enemy players.
  • Mage
    • [With regional restarts] Infernal Cascade (Conduit) has its effectiveness reduced by 33% when engaged in combat with enemy players.
    • [With regional restarts] Triune Ward (Legendary Effect) now provides 50% barrier effectiveness when engaged in combat with enemy players (was 65%).

The Maw

  • [With regional restarts] Players using Fel Rush and other similar movement abilities are now reliably able to return souls to Collector Marissa for the quest “Battered and Bruised.”

Torghast, Tower of the Damned

  • The following spells now go on cooldown when stopped by any means: Terror, Nature's Bounty, Deafening Howl, and Phasing Roar. Previously, this cooldown would only occur with direct interrupts (such as Counterspell, Kick, Pummel, etc).
  • Anima Powers
    • Death Knight
      • Rune Hunter will no longer continue spawning Runes from Ashen Phylacteries after acquiring all 8 Rune buffs.

JANUARY 22, 2021


  • Fixed an issue where Fallen Acolyte Ersine would not grant credit for the achievement Adventurer of Bastion.


  • Hunter
    • Marksmanship
      • Explosive Shot (Talent) will now only show up as a debuff on the enemy's nameplate for the Hunter who casts it.
  • Mage
    • Will to Survive (Human Racial) and Gladiator's Medallion trinket will no longer prevent Mages from pressing Alter Time again to return to their previous location.
  • Shaman
    • Using Spiritwalker's Grace while already channeling Fae Transfusion (Night Fae Ability) will no longer interrupt Fae Transfusion's channel.
    • Spiritwalker's Grace now allows you to use Fleshcraft (Necrolord Ability) while moving.


  • Venthyr
    • The point of interest indicator for “Beast Control” should now be easier to see on the map.
    • Prince Renathal’s Decree is now removed from your inventory after turning in “Fangs and Minds.”

Creatures and NPCs

  • Fixed an issue where some Horde characters could not see the refugees from the Undercity in Orgrimmar and some Alliance characters could not see the refugees from Teldrassil in Stormwind.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Castle Nathria
    • Lady Inerva Darkvein
      • Bottled Anima no longer targets player pets and guardians.
  • Mists of Tirna Scithe
    • Tirnenn Villager’s Overgrowth can no longer gain the Bolstered effect on Mythic Keystone difficulty.
    • Mistcaller
      • Illusionary Vulpin is no longer immune to Death Grip and disorient abilities.
      • Illusionary Vulpin will now recast Freeze Tag Fixation if Freeze Tag Fixation is cancelled.
  • Timewalking
    • Grim Batol
      • Resolved an issue in which Hooked Net could sometimes fail to correctly summon the Hooked Net enemy, permanently rooting players.

Items and Rewards

  • Upgrading a PvP item by spending Honor will now remove the ability to refund that item.
  • Fixed an issue where the Bastion treasure at the Grace of the Remembered could experience issues for players who left quickly after interacting with the Drink Tray.
  • The mana return of the Show of Faith and Corrupted Egg Shell trinkets has been reduced to be in line with items of comparable item level.
  • Ripe Purians can no longer be traded or sold on the Auction House.

Torghast, Tower of the Damned

  • Fixed an issue where some spells were not showing a portion of their visuals if Projected Textures was disabled in the System Settings menu.
  • Anima Powers
    • Hunter
      • Neural Pet Enhancer will no longer sometimes incorrectly be retained on your pet while not using Eyes of the Beast.
    • Rogue
      • Resolved an issue that could cause Unceasing Chain Link to cease functioning after ascending a floor.

JANUARY 21, 2021


  • Dark Animus’ health now scales based on raid size for completing the achievement I Don’t Know What I Expected.


  • Hunter
    • Fixed an issue where using a Shadowlands Character Boost on a Hunter may leave it without access to a pet.
  • Priest
    • Benevolent Faerie (Night Fae Ability) will no longer reduce the cooldown of Shadowfiend while one of its cosmetic glyphs are active.
    • Greater Fade (PvP Talent) will no longer immediately cancel when cast directly after a hostile action is taken.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Castle Nathria
    • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused Dread Feaster’s Gluttonous Miasma to be applied twice on a player.
  • De Other Side
    • Nathrian Inquisitors now appear in more locations around the dungeons central location after depleting a Mythic Keystone with the Prideful affix.
    • Mythresh, Sky's Talons’ Wailing Grief will no longer continue to pull players in after being interrupted by a Haunted Urn.
  • Mists of Tirna Scithe
    • Mistcaller
      • To prevent Freeze Tag from failing to fixate, Illusionary Vulpin is now immune to Death Grip and disorient abilities.
  • Spires of Ascension
    • Ventunax
      • The screen visual effect of Blinding Flash is now less severe and less sudden.
  • Theater of Pain
    • Portals and meat hooks are now easier to click when there are players or pets surrounding them.

JANUARY 20, 2021


  • Death Knight
    • Blood
      • Service In Stone (General Draven Soulbind) will now correctly trigger when the Death Knight dies due to Purgatory (Talent).
  • Druid
    • Druid Form sounds should now always match the visual when shapeshifting. No more cheetahs with a deep dinosaur voice running around out there.
  • Warlock
    • The Fatal Decimation (Necrolord Conduit) will now properly increase the damage of Decimating Bolt (Necrolord Ability) at Item Levels 213 and above.
  • Warrior
    • Arms
      • War Banner (PvP Talent) will no longer rarely persist on players after the banner has despawned.
      • Fixed an issue causing the second Mortal Strike from Mortal Combo (Conduit) to deal 20% less damage than intended.


  • Kyrian
    • Fixed an issue during the scenario "The Greater Good" where players who disconnected during the flight with Chyrus would not receive aid from Kleia, Pelagos, and Mikanikos, and would be unable to take a new flight to Elysian Hold.
    • Fixed an issue where Athanos could fail to activate during the scenario "The Greater Good."
  • Night Fae
    • Fixed an issue for level 60 Night Fae players who were eligible for the Threads of Fate quest "Return to Oribos" where the quest start location would appear in the wrong area.

WoW Classic

  • Naxxramas
    • Kel'thuzad will now reset if any creatures walk past the encounter door.

JANUARY 19, 2021


  • Fixed an issue where Meatball would become unavailable if he is on a mission while changing covenants.


  • Paladin
    • Protection
      • Fixed an issue where Reign of Endless Kings (Legendary Effect) would not trigger Guardian of Ancient Kings that’s under the effect of Glyph of the Queen.
      • Fixed an issue where Reign of Endless Kings (Legendary Effect) would not trigger on the correct target while talented into Guardian of the Forgotten Queen (PvP Talent).
      • The Ardent Protector's Sanctum (Legendary Effect) will no longer cause other Protection Paladin's Ardent Defender to be placed on cooldown.
  • Priest
    • Discipline
      • Clarity of Mind (Legendary Effect) will now properly extend the caster's Atonements with Spirit Shell (Talent) when other Discipline Priests also have Atonement active.
  • Warlock
    • Destruction
      • Odr, Shawl of the Ymirjar's (Legendary Effect) damage debuff can no longer be reflected.


  • Kyrian
    • Fixed an issue where the scenario "The Greater Good" could fail to end properly.
  • Necrolord
    • The constructs created by Necrolord players have had a few changes to their designs, and should no longer be as chatty as they were before.
  • Night Fae
    • Completing the Ardenweald covenant campaign will now result in a choice between a Castle Nathria Raid Finder main-hand or off-hand weapon instead of both, moving it in line with the other covenant campaigns.

Creatures and NPCs

  • Gormbore and Dustbrawl should now drop loot as intended.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Halls of Atonement
    • Echelon
      • The ground visual for Curse of Stone should remain visible with lowered Graphics Quality in the System Settings menu.

Torghast, Tower of the Damned

  • Anima Powers
    • Mage
      • Fire Juggler should no longer be able to knock enemies into locations where they can’t be looted.

World Quests

  • The Anima Collectors are now easier to find in the world quest "Tithe and Taxes."

JANUARY 15, 2021


  • Fixed an issue that prevented Horde players from earning the Vicious Saddle achievements.


  • Warrior
    • Challenging Shout's cooldown will now correctly reset when a raid encounter ends.


  • Necrolord
    • Channeling Fleshcraft (Covenant Ability) is now correctly interrupted by using items, such as activating trinkets.

Items and Rewards

  • Fixed an issue that prevented Spatial Realignment Apparatus from making items it was used on untradable.

JANUARY 14, 2021


  • Demon Hunter
    • Havoc
      • Resolved an issue that could prevent players from being healed by Collective Anguish’s (Legendary Effect) Fel Devastation.
  • Monk
    • Touch of Death will now reset its cooldown at the end of boss encounters.
  • Paladin
    • Protection
      • Guardian of the Forgotten Queen’s (PvP Talent) immunity effect can now correctly be dispelled by effects such as Warrior's Shattering Throw, and Priest's Mass Dispel.
  • Priest
    • Measured Contemplation (Legendary Effect) will now consistently grant stacks of its buff.
  • Warrior
    • Shattering Throw will now correctly remove immunity effects if the Warrior moves out of line of sight of the target after the weapon is in flight.


  • Kyrian
    • Phial of Serenity (Covenant Ability) will now reset its cooldown at the end of boss encounters.
  • Necrolord
    • Hearth Kidneystone (Emeni Soulbind) can no longer be used by Mind Controlled targets.
  • Night Fae
    • Fixed an issue where the speed boost from Wild Hunt Tactics (Korayn Soulbind) didn't occur when triggered by damage over time and heal over time abilities.

Dungeons and Raids

  • De Other Side
    • Mueh'zala
      • Resolved an issue where players could become affected by Quaking (Affix) when players are pulled back to his platform upon re-emerging on Mythic Keystone difficulty.
  • Sanguine Depths
    • Fixed an issue where the Lightless Force weapon enchant could unintentionally engage enemies from the floor above.
  • Spires of Ascension
    • Kin-Tara
      • Fixed an issue that prevented her from using abilities until she ascends into the air when engaged in combat after a wipe.
  • The Necrotic Wake
    • Fixed an issue where Zolramus Necromancer’s summoned minions could not be defeated if they were at a distance from the necromancer upon its death.
    • Reduced the area of effect of Zolramus Sorcerer’s Shadow Well to match its visual.

Items and Rewards

  • The following trinkets with cooldowns 3 minutes or longer now reset when a boss encounter ends:
    • Inscrutable Quantum Device
    • Empyreal Ordnance
    • Bladedancer's Armor Kit
  • The Sinful Gladiator's Vestment (Elite version) transmogrification set now contains the correct cloak.


  • Fixed an issue where Widowbloom was granting slightly less herbs per pick than other herbs.

Torghast, Tower of the Damned

  • Greatly increased the attack damage of summoned Beasts of Prodigum for characters with intellect specializations.
  • Vendors in Torghast now offer anima powers for your Beast of Prodigum if a Beast is present.

JANUARY 13, 2021


  • Demon Hunter
    • Havoc
      • Resolved an issue that prevented Darkest Hour (Legendary Effect) from granting Darkness.
  • Priest
    • Holy
      • Holy Priests wearing X’anshi, Return of Archbishop Benedictus (Legendary Effect) and using Forgeborne Reveries (Bonesmith Heirmir Soulbind) will no longer benefit from Spirit of Redemption during Archbishop Benedictus' Restitution.


  • Kyrian
    • Fixed an issue where certain enemies would drop incorrect items during the scenario "The Greater Good."
  • Night Fae
    • Korayn is now correctly rewarded when you complete “By Trials Forged.” Existing players who have already completed the quest should be awarded Korayn retroactively.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Sanguine Depths
    • Chamber Sentinel’s Severing Slice no longer hits nearby pets.
  • The Necrotic Wake
    • Harmful effects of Necrotic Bolt reduced by 40% when cast by non-boss enemies.
User Interface
  • The edge of the screen visual effects of the Cloak of Ve’nari or Lingering Cloak of Ve’nari can now be hidden when selecting Reduce Camera Motion or Keep Character Centered and Reduce Camera Motion in the Accessibility settings menu.

JANUARY 12, 2021


  • Druid
    • Reverted a recent change that caused Convoke the Spirits (Night Fae Ability) to strike targets affected by crowd control abilities that break on damage, such as Entangling Roots.


  • Kyrian
    • “An Earned Bond” now displays the correct companion you will earn upon completion.
  • Night Fae
    • The point of interest indicator for “Mushroom for Improvement” should now be easier to see on the map.
  • Venthyr
    • Fixed an issue that caused the shared cinematic for Maldraxxus and Revendreth Campaigns to not play for Venthyr players.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Castle Nathria
    • Lady Inerva Darkvein
      • Resolved an issue where Lady Inerva Darkvein could not be attacked if players are defeated by her lieutenants.


  • Fixed an issue where the tribute tray and Silver Strongbox would sometimes not appear during the quest “The Sweetest Tribute.”
  • Fixed an issue where Kael'thas Sunstrider would sometimes not appear for the first scenario step during "Medallion of Dominion."
  • Elite monsters now give more credit during the Maldraxxus Bonus Objective "Decaying Situation."
  • Alliance players should no longer be teleported out of the Battle for Azeroth War Campaign instance of Orgrimmar when pushed "Shadowlands: A Chilling Summons." Horde players will still be teleported out of the instance until they complete the "Through the Shattered Sky" questline due to conflicting instances for these two pieces of content.

Torghast, Tower of the Damned

  • [For realms in the NA region only] Resolved an issue that temporarily turned off the Beasts of Prodigum event.
  • Anima Powers
    • Rogue
      • Corrected an issue where damaging Anima Powers (like Lightning Dust) were doing less damage than intended.

User Interface

  • The edge of the screen Anima visual affect that appears while dead is now removed when Reduce Camera Motion or Keep Character Centered and Reduce Camera Motion is selected in the Accessibility menu.

JANUARY 11, 2021


  • The achievement Parasoling will now correctly display your current progress.


  • Death Knight
    • Blood
      • [With regional restarts] Bone Shield grants armor equal to 70% of Strength (was 50%).
    • Frost
      • [With regional restarts] All damage is increased by an additional 2% while a two-handed weapon is equipped.
  • Druid
    • General
      • [With regional restarts] Convoke the Spirits (Night Fae Ability) no longer attempts to cast spells at targets affected by Cyclone and will no longer ignore targets affected by crowd control abilities that break on damage, such as Entangling Roots or Mass Entanglement.
  • Mage
    • Frost
      • [With regional restarts] All damage abilities increased by 9%.
  • Monk
    • Brewmaster
      • [With regional restarts] All damage is increased by an additional 2% while a two-handed weapon is equipped.
    • Windwalker
      • [With regional restarts] All damage is increased by an additional 2% while a two-handed weapon is equipped.
  • Rogue
    • Asssassination
      • [With regional restarts] All damage abilities increased by 8%.
  • Warrior
    • Fury
      • [With regional restarts] All damage abilities increased by 8%, except for Bladestorm (Talent) and Dragon Roar (Talent).
      • [With regional restarts] Meat Cleaver (Talent) now increases Whirlwind’s damage by 25% (was 30%).

Dungeons and Raids

  • Theater of Pain
    • Kul’tharok
      • Draw Soul should no longer apply Soulless to Warriors while Bladestorm is active.

Items and Rewards

  • The Stamina from Tempered Armor Patch has been reduced to 24 (was 50) and can only be applied to items worn on the chest to match the Heavy Desolate Armor Kit.
    • Developers’ note: This item was always meant to be a lesser version of Heavy Desolate Armor Kit that you can earn as a rare drop or rare find on a vendor, but this item was accidentally missed when the Heavy Desolate Armor Kit was changed in Beta. The tooltip will be updated to reflect the change in a future hotfix or patch.

Player versus Player

  • Resolved an issue that prevented the base status User Interface from displaying the correct base icons in the Arathi Basin battleground.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented the Orb of Power icons from being displayed on the Temple of Kotmogu battleground map while they are at their pedestals.
  • Rogue
    • Outlaw
      • Resolved an issue that caused Evasion (Rank 2) to fail to strike the target with Main Gauche while Evasion is active.
      • Resolved an issue that caused the interaction of a Paladin's Eye for an Eye (Talent) and Evasion (Rank 2) to deal more damage than intended.

Torghast, Tower of the Damned

  • The door to the next floor is once again locked until the Empowered enemy guarding it is defeated.
  • Anima Powers
    • Warlock
      • Fixed an issue where Pact of Infernal Intimacy stacks would reset when using portals on certain floors.

JANUARY 8, 2021


  • Warrior
    • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused Condemn (Venthyr Ability) to incorrectly display as Execute when switching into a talent specialization with the Massacre talent chosen.


  • Kyrian
    • Fixed an issue where players would be unable to see Forgelite Prime Mikanikos during the quest "A Partner for Eternity."
    • Fixed an issue where players could be unable to see enemies during the quest "Compassion, Blade of Humility."
  • Night Fae
    • Fixed an issue with the size of the Podtender (Dreamweaver Soulbind) nameplate when engaged in combat with enemy players.
  • Venthyr
    • [With regional restarts] The Ember Court scenario lockout now occurs when Stage 1 ends or the first surprise event is triggered, whichever occurs first (was at the start of the scenario).
      • Developers’ note: We want to reduce the likelihood that connectivity issues could cause frustrations for players during Ember Court scenario, without encouraging players to replay the scenario repeatedly to get the "perfect" run each week. We hope this hits a nice middle ground, which should allow players experiencing those issues to continue attempting without losing their weekly fun. Party on, dudes.

Creatures and NPCs

  • Soured-Flesh Growth is now immune to Control Undead.

Dungeons and Raids

  • De Other Side
    • The Manastorms
      • Resolved an issue in where Millhouse and Millificent Manastorm could forget how to fight like the devious masterminds that they truly are.

Items and Rewards

  • Reduced the frequency of the dialogue from the Battlecry of Krexus toy.
  • The Rapier of the Fearless treasure now respawns more often.
  • Fixed a number of issues with receiving the pet Dal.

Player versus Player

  • Players will now drop PvP flags and Orbs of Power if their Podtender (Dreamweaver Soulbind) is triggered.


  • Reaching Rank 2 of a Legendary specialized armor or jewelry recipe no longer removes the recipe from Favorites and it can once again be favorited.

Torghast, Tower of the Damned

  • Fixed a rare issue that could cause Empowered floor guardians to permanently evade.
  • Fixed an issue where the Twisting Corridors reward list would appear duplicated on the Layer selection screen.
  • Enemies
    • Maw of the Maw's health and damage lowered by 10%.
    • Maw of the Maw’s Devour Obleron Armaments cooldown increased to 10 seconds (was 5 seconds) and no longer affects the increased maximum health Anima Power, Obleron Endurance. Maw of the Maw will still return all Obleron Armaments upon leaving combat or dying.

World Quests

  • Fixed an issue where players could unintentionally enter the Necrotic Wake dungeon during the world quest "Air Supremacy."

JANUARY 7, 2021


  • Hunter
    • Hunters can now feed their pets Shadowlands meats.


  • Kyrian
    • Fixed an issue where players who disconnect during the flight in the quest "Aerial Reconnaissance" would not have a map marker directing them back to Kleia to restart the flight.
    • Fixed an issue where Nuuminuuru could fail to give credit for the quest "Path of Ascension: Nuuminuuru."
    • Fixed an issue where other players' Dismantled debuffs would be visible on the Forsworn Colossus in the Eternal Forge. We found the issue, and promptly dismantled it.
    • Fixed an issue where eligible players could fail to receive the Sundancer mount in Bastion after completing the event.
    • There are now more enemies available for the quest "Compassion, Blade of Humility."
  • Night Fae
    • Fixed an issue where defeating the dungeon boss on Mythic Keystone difficulty wouldn’t provide credit for “A Rare and Unusual Spirit.”
  • Venthyr
    • While seeking Feather Caps for “Ember Court: Mushroom Surprise!”, players will now be able to use Grappling Growths as expected.
    • The preferences of every guest are now always displayed in the Guest List, even before you've discovered them for the first time.
      • Developers’ note: This change should make it faster and easier to build a guest list that has compatible guests with similar preferences.
    • The guests Grandmaster Vole and Choofa will no longer appear on the Guest List if you don't have the required reputation to unlock them.
      • Developers' note: This change does not remove them from existing Guest Lists, but you can revoke their invitation and they will not reappear on the list until you are able to unlock them.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Plaguefall
    • Margrave Stradama
      • Plague Rot can no longer be interrupted.

Items and Rewards

  • Fixed an issue where the Splintered Heart of Al'ar trinket would fail to trigger after suffering a lethal blow.
  • Sinful Gladiator's Prestigious Cloak now counts as part of the Sinful Gladiator's Elite transmog sets.
  • PvP items upgraded to Item Level 226 will now display their Elite appearance.
  • The disguise from the Acolyte's Guise toy no longer cancels when teleporting.

The Maw

  • Fixed some issues with missing spawns and incomplete stage progressions in The Beastwarrens Hunts.

Torghast, Tower of the Damned

  • You can now obtain the quest items for “Signs of the Lion” from higher layers of Twisting Corridors.

World Quests

  • Increased The Undying Army reputation rewarded from Maldraxxus Elite world quests.

JANUARY 6, 2021


  • Hunter
    • Wild Spirits (Night Fae Ability) is now briefly visible to the Hunter's allies (was hidden entirely).


  • Kyrian
    • Fixed an issue during the Kyrian campaign quest "Aerial Advantage" where the Battlesewn Rocs could display a parachute visual.
  • Venthyr
    • While on the Campaign Chapter: Confronting Sin, Blackbale Overseers will now also drop the item that starts the quest "Maldraxxian Weapons."
    • The required animals to rescue for “Ember Court: Glimpse of the Wilds” has been lowered to 10 (was 15).
    • Niya now moves slightly faster and she can access her speed boost and leap ability more often during “Ember Court: Glimpse of the Wilds.”
      • Developers’ note: We’ve felt that the Glimpse of the Wilds event was taking a little too long to complete. To give you some breathing room for tackling other surprises at your Ember Court, we wanted to speed it up to be more in line with other events. We have more changes coming in the future to improve the clarity of Ember Court objectives and bonuses like Tubbins's Lucky Teapot, so in the meantime, we wanted to make these smaller changes to improve the experience. When in doubt, take a peek at your map!
    • The size of the tools near Tulipnose have been increased to make them easier to locate for “Party Pests.”
    • Your Dredger Butler will now join the Ember Court and awaits your orders near the starting location. He's eager to learn more about etiquette from friendly guests!

Dungeons and Raids

  • Plaguefall
    • Margrave Stradama
      • Fixed an issue where the door to her location could remain closed and lock players out after a wipe.

Items and Rewards

  • Fixed an issue where players could not use the Eternal Gateway in Purity's Pinnacle after looting the Penitence of Purity treasure.
  • Construct Disguise now only allows players to be recognized as a construct within the House of Constructs in Maldraxxus, as originally stated by the item. The disguises’ visual appearance is still usable outside the area, but it will no longer fool enemies outside the House of Constructs.
  • The Philosopher bow now sheathes correctly.
  • Soul Igniter and Empyreal Ordnance trinkets no longer break crowd controlled enemies or enemies that are out of combat.


  • Players should once again be able to use Skaggldrynk while on the Alchemy quest "The Price of the Black Market."


  • Bastion
    • Fixed an issue where enemies in the Temple of Humility would respawn at inconsistent rates for various quests.

Torghast, Tower of the Damned

  • Enemies should be less likely to link together in overly large groups when tower forces and prisoners are engaged in combat.
  • Anima Powers
    • Decayfly Hatchlings summoned by Pulsing Rot-hive should be less aggressive in seeking out new targets.
    • Monk
      • Whirling Stormgem has been removed.

World Quests

  • The clouds are now more reliable during the Bastion world quest "Flight School: Up and Away!"

JANUARY 5, 2021


  • Kyrian
    • Fixed an issue to make it easier for multiple players in the area to receive credit properly during the quest "Succumbing to Pride."
    • Alexandros Mograine will once again properly assist players during the quest "Pursuit of Justice."
    • Fixed an issue where players who abandoned the quest "The Blue Seed" would be unable to exit the cave to destroy the bramble wall after accepting the quest again.
    • Fixed an issue where the point of interest indicator on the map for “Through Glass” could be in the wrong location for characters that died and released.
  • Night Fae
    • Soothing Voice (Dreamweaver Soulbind) can now be removed by effects such as Hand of Freedom.
    • The starting location for “Searching the Grove” now has a point of interest indicator and should now be easier to see on the map.
  • Venthyr
    • Fixed an issue that caused the quest "Sanctum Upgrade: Mirror Network" to display twice for players who had completed Laurent’s rescue mission.
    • Fixed an issue with the Campaign Chapter progress text requesting players to rescue Laurent from the Ember Ward instead of the correct requirements to complete the chapter.

Creatures and NPCs

  • Resolved an issue that could cause players to be unable to loot Shadowlands' World Bosses if the boss is defeated while the player is offline.
  • Iceshatters’ Pulsing Shards now deal appropriate damage.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Castle Nathria
    • [For realms in the NA region only] Resolved an issue that could prevent the door leading towards Artificer Xy’mox from opening after defeating Sun King's Salvation in Raid Finder Wing 2, “Reliquary of Opulence.”
  • De Other Side
    • Mueh’zala
      • Resolved an issue where Crushed Soul damage was higher than intended on Mythic Keystone difficulty.
  • Timewalking
    • Lowered the amount of loot per person in Timewalking raids to better match Shadowlands raid drop rates.

Items and Rewards

  • Covenant set bonuses now fade immediately when the armor granting the set bonus is removed.
  • The Path of Greed effect gained when opening certain Revendreth Treasures can now be removed by right clicking the effect’s icon.

Pet Battles

  • Certain low-level pet battle quests are no longer suppressed for characters that have not done the introductory quests to Battle for Azeroth.


  • Fixed an issue where some Threads of Fate players were unable to use the Sinfall Flight Master.
  • Fixed an issue where the Tithelord could sometimes become stuck during the first phase of the quest "The Tithelord."
  • Fixed an issue where level 50 characters could not accept the Twilight Highlands quest "Twilight Shores."
  • Fixed an issue where the quest "Light Camera Action" would be unavailable to certain characters.

Torghast, Tower of the Damned

  • [Live on NA realms. With regional restarts for other regions] Removed some of the weekly delays between certain Bolvar Fordragon Torghast storyline quests.
  • Anima Powers
    • Fixed an issue where Demon Hunter, Death Knight, Monk and Rogue class-specific anima powers were not appearing in Plundered Anima Cells.
    • Death Knight
      • The Horsemen's Call now resets the cooldown of Death Gate when ascending floors.

World Quests

  • Fixed an issue during the Bastion world quest "Things Remembered" where players could fail to receive credit for Kalisthene's portion of the achievement, What Bastion Remembered.
  • The enemies required for "Allay Their Fears" now respawn faster.

JANUARY 4, 2021


  • Players can once again earn the achievement Stay Chill from the Conclave of Wind encounter in Throne of the Four Winds.


  • Kyrian
    • Fixed an issue where Kynthia would not take off smoothly during the Kyrian Covenant Campaign quest "Trouble on the Western Front."
    • Fixed an issue where Xandria was visible in two places at once during the Kyrian Covenant Campaign quest "Stronger Together."
    • Willowblossom is once again present for players who abandoned the quest "Evil Grubbies."
  • Necrolord
    • Fixed an issue where the Anima Conductor daily quests in Maldraxxus were granting an incorrect amount of anima. The anima rewards are now equivalent to the other covenants Anima Conductor daily quests.
  • Venthyr
    • Players can no longer be seen fighting an invisible creature during the quest "Face Your Fears."
    • A portal to Oribos will now appear next to the Sinfall Flightmaster once the third tier of the Venthyr Travel Network has been unlocked.

Creatures and NPCs

  • Resolved an issue where the debuff from Corpse Ticklers in Maldraxxus could not be removed for some players.
  • Ta'xera in Revendreth now has her correct voice.

Dungeons and Raids

  • De Other Side
    • The Manastorms
      • Resolved an issue where Millhouse Manastorm's Power Overwhelming debuff was missing its text description.
    • Mueh’zala
      • Resolved an issue where player immunities (e.g. Divine Shield and Ice Block) could inadvertently cause Stellar Clouds to spawn on Mueh'zala's active platform.
      • Resolved an issue where the death of Mueh'zala could be delayed if he's channeling Master of Death right before he reaches 10% health.

Items and Rewards

  • Covenant armor sets can no longer be disenchanted if the item is acquired from covenant vendors.
  • The Memory of Past Sins trinket now appears within the Castle Nathria Adventure Guide for Enhancement Shaman.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed some benefits from Inscrutable Quantum Device to persist after the trinket was unequipped.
  • Fixed an issue with Pocket Portals stacking incorrectly.

Pet Battles

  • Pet battles have been temporarily disabled in Castle Nathria.


  • Threads of Fate characters who are level 60 are now eligible for the quests "Return to Oribos" in each zone.
  • Maldraxxus
    • “Bet on Yourself” now displays with a blue daily quest icon.

The Maw: Eye of the Jailer

  • Resonant Misery no longer drops Stygia.

Torghast, Tower of the Damned

  • Anima Powers
    • Priest
      • Bonus damage from Painbreaker Psalm will no longer cause Shadow Word: Death to deal increased backlash damage to the player.
  • Enemies
    • Mawsworn Flametender and Empowered Mawsworn Flametender’s Inner Flames now begins its cooldown at the start of the cast (was upon cast completion) and the time between casts increased to 30 seconds (was 20 seconds).

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