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World of Warcraft & WOW CLASSIC – February 2022 Patch Notes

World of Warcraft & WOW CLASSIC – February 2022 Patch Notes


In the latest update for the popular game, several changes have been made to enhance the gaming experience. Players will now find a permanent icon on the minimap for the Anima Reservoir in Haven, making it easier to locate. Additionally, during the Toccatian and Glissandian Protolock puzzles, pets will no longer be visible to other players. The Cypher talent "Trebalim Understanding" has also been fixed to accurately state the character researching it.

FEBRUARY 28, 2022

Creatures and NPCs

  • The Anima Reservoir in Haven will now have a permanent icon on the minimap.

Cypher of the First Ones

  • Pets are no longer visible to other players during the Toccatian and Glissandian Protolock puzzles.
  • Cypher talent "Trebalim Understanding" will no longer incorrectly state that another character is researching it.

Items and Rewards

  • Fixed an issue where players only had a chance to loot the Deepstar Polyp from Hirukon once a day, even if they completed the puzzle and returned to defeat Hirukon again that day.
  • The Coilclutch Vine for the Deepstar Polyp puzzle is now visible across all phases.
  • Zereth Mortis's aurelid mounts will now properly move at a ground mount speed appropriate to your Riding skill when used in areas where flying is prohibited.
  • The Hearty Dragon Plume and Fiery Brimstone toys should now work in Zereth Mortis, the Maw and all other Shadowlands outdoor zones.
  • The Cypher-Etched Torque and Cypher-Etched Lavaliere now correctly binds on pickup.


  • Fixed an issue where some enemies for the quest "To Silence the Bonespeakers" could sometimes be higher level than intended.

FEBRUARY 25, 2022


  • Druid
    • Fixed an issue where Ravenous Frenzy (Venthyr Ability) was not always correctly adding stacks.
  • Warrior
    • Arms
      • Fixed an issue with Warbreaker (Talent) not always properly applying the Colossus Smash effect to enemies.

Creatures and NPCs

  • Fixed an issue where Gluttonous Overgrowth’s Leaf Storm increased player’s movement speed instead of reducing it.

Items and Rewards

  • Instructor's Divine Bell now always provides its Mastery over 15 seconds (was 9 seconds).
    • Developers’ note: This fixes an issue where existing versions of this trinket used a different duration than new versions.
  • With next week's scheduled weekly maintenance in each region, several Shadowlands dungeon trinkets will be adjusted:
    • Soulletting Ruby critical strike rating granted reduced by 15%.
      • Developers note: Phial of Putrefaction, Soulletting Ruby, and Blood-Spattered Scale were part of a trifectra of dungeon trinkets that were overbudgeted enough that each new tier of item level scaling ensured they'd be among the best, if not the best trinket for classes that used them without question. Our intention here isn't to kill their viability, but give more wiggle room for situational competitors and introduce some more variance into player's gearing choices across Eternity's End.
    • Bladedancer's Armor Kit armor and damage increased by 25%.
      • Developers’ note: Bladedancer's Armor Kit wasn't providing the defensive value it promised tanks even in situations you'd expect it to be good, so we're taking a crack at it alongside Pulsating Stoneheart to try and make it less of a negative experience when these 2 drop for you, and more into a place where you'd consider them depending on your situation and class.
    • Pulsating Stoneheart armor, health regeneration, and self-slow duration reduced to 6 seconds (was 12 seconds).
    • Pulsating Stoneheart armor increased by 35%, and health regeneration lowered slightly per-tick, but now ticks On-Use for a total of 7 (was 6) over the duration.
      • Developers’ note - Pulsating Stoneheart wasn't appropriately tuned against the large downside of snaring oneself for a long period of time, so we've compressed the effect to mitigate the downside and make it a much stronger burst of defensive value in situations where you need it.
    • Fixed an issue where the Haste granted from First Class Healing Distributor was scaling incorrectly with item level.


  • With next week's scheduled weekly maintenance in each region, the 3-day quest "Patterns Within Patterns" will become a Weekly Quest, and both its completion requirements and rewards will be increased to provide the same pace of progression.
    • Developers' note: We feel that a full week duration, along with commensurate amounts of Cosmic Flux and other rewards, better suits this quest. We hope this change alleviates the concern some players had over completing it multiple times a week.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Cache of Creation world quests to not be completed after opening the cache.
  • In the “Battle for Highmountain” scenario, killing Fel Champion Gargath quickly should no longer prevent the scenario from progressing.

FEBRUARY 24, 2022


  • Tales of the Exile will now track credit more reliably. Characters who have already completed portions of this achievement and did not get credit will be awarded credit on those portions upon their next login.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Soloist title to be awarded before earning the Supreme Soloist achievement.


  • Druid
    • Balance
      • Fixed an issue where Ravenous Frenzy (Venthyr Ability) granted an additional stack for simultaneous casts (i.e Stampeding Roar giving a stack for both the cast and form change).
      • Fixed an issue where Kindred Affinity (Kyrian Ability) granted your partner too much of a stat increase when Empowered.
  • Hunter
    • The bleed effect from Pouch of Razor Fragments (Runecarving Power) will no longer be applied to targets who are affected by crowd control effects that can break from taking damage.
  • Mage
    • Fixed an issue where Radiant Spark (Kyrian Ability) could not be dispelled from the player.
  • Priest
    • Shadow
      • Fixed an issue where Shadowform would be cancelled when interacting with chests in Zereth Mortis.
  • Warlock
    • Fixed an issue where casting Grimoire of Sacrifice: Seduction (Talent) on another player would break immediately and would not clear damage over time effects.

Creatures and NPCs

  • Fixed an issue where the map markers for rares would continue to appear after already being looted for the day.

Cypher of the First Ones

  • Fixed an issue in Fugueal Protolock that allowed players to click on previously cleared nodes, causing the Protolock to become incompletable.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Fugueal Protolock given during the quest, "Your First Fugueal Protolock," to reset prematurely.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Spires of Ascension
    • Fixed an issue where some player abilities were causing the final group of enemies before Devos to reset.

Items and Rewards

  • [With realm restarts] Participation thresholds have been updated for the Great Vault for Shadowlands Season 3:
    • The first Raid Vault now requires 2 Raid Boss victories (was 3).
    • The second Raid Vault now requires 5 Raid Boss victories (was 6).
    • The third Raid Vault now requires 8 Raid Boss victories (was 9).
      • Developer's note: These thresholds for the raid will map better to the structure of the Sepulcher of the First Ones raid, especially for groups attempting to move from one difficulty up into the next.
    • The third Mythic+ Vault now requires 8 completed dungeons (was 10).
    • The third PvP Vault now requires 5500 Honor earned in Rated PvP (was 6250).
      • Developer's note: We want to make these feel a little more attainable, even as aspirational goals for highly-engaged players who love that type of content.
  • Fixed an issue where players with unclaimed Great Vault rewards could become unable to acquire a Mythic Keystone until the following week. If you do not receive your Mythic Keystone as expected for any reason, you may speak to Ta'hsup in the Hall of Holding in Oribos to retrieve it.
  • Fixed an issue that caused a Forgotten Treasure Vault to be stuck in a pillar.

Player versus Player

  • Honorable kills in Zereth Mortis now count as progress towards the quest "Against Overwhelming Odds."
  • Druid
    • Restoration
      • Inner Peace (Talent) now correctly prevents knockbacks caused by a Monk’s Ring of Peace.
  • Priest
    • Holy
      • When Spirit of the Redeemer (PvP Talent) is used in conjunction with Afterlife (Talent) to resurrect an ally, the Priest will now sacrifice their spirit and not return to life.
  • Shaman
    • Enhancement
      • Sundering (Talent) will no longer incorrectly both consume the effects of Gladiator's Resolve and apply its incapacitate effect to players under the effects of Gladiator's Resolve.


  • Fixed an issue where Xy agents could sometimes not become targetable during the quest, "Xy Are You Doing This?"
  • Vulpera slaves during the quest "Ready to Riot” now always give credit to their liberators for the quest when freed, and once again accept the help of Alliance players.

Torghast, Tower of the Damned

  • Adamant Vaults layers 13—16 now also awards Anima on completion.

FEBRUARY 23, 2022


  • Priest
    • Fixed an issue that caused Shadow Word: Death to only deal 50% bonus damage instead of 150% bonus damage while targets were below 20% health.
  • Warlock
    • Pacts forged with your Incubus or Succubus will now persist through death and other inconveniences.
    • Fixed an issue where the Summon Sayaad quest, “Whatever You Sayaad,” would not be available if the Warlock’s Succubus was transformed via a glyph.


  • Renown levels 79 and 80 can now be earned from any source of Renown, rather than having to be earned from the quests “Replenishing the Reservoir” or “Shaping Fate.”

Creatures and NPCs

  • The looking for group icon will now appear for players attempting to complete the world quest to defeat Antros.

Items and Rewards

  • The following repeatable treasures now appear more frequently in Zereth Mortis:
    • Cypher-Bound Chest
    • Mawsworn Supply Chest
    • Tarachnid Eggs
    • Avian Nest
    • Discarded Automa Scrap
    • Forgotten Treasure Vault
  • The Firim in Exile volumes now spawn instantly.
  • Fixed an issue which prevented Shard of Domination tooltips from greying out in areas where they don't function.
  • Interacting with Lore Concordances will no longer create a frostbolt visual.


  • Annelids now spawn more quickly for the world quest “Annelid-ilation.”

Torghast, Tower of the Damned

  • Anima Powers
    • Priest
      • Power Overwhelming now causes all affected spells to cost no mana.
      • Power Overwhelming now immediately causes Mind Blast and Holy Fire cooldowns to reset.
      • Prolonged Infusion now affects Power Overwhelming.

FEBRUARY 22, 2022

Items and Rewards

  • The following cosmetic weapons that come from unique treasures in Zereth Mortis have been updated to be Bind on Account so players can send them to an alt and unlock the cosmetic:
    • Protoflora Harvester
    • Protomineral Extractor
    • Tormented Mawsteel Greatsword
    • Percussive Maintenance Instrument


  • Fixed an issue where there was an extra point-of-interest indicator on the mini map for the quest, “The Burrowed Bufonid.”

FEBRUARY 15, 2022


  • The Apexis Relic color matching minigame in Blade's Edge Mountains should once again work properly.

Season of Mastery

  • The Adventure Awaits aura benefitting all Season of Mastery players below level 60 now also grants +100% bonus gold from quest rewards.
    • Developers' note: This does not apply to repeatable quests, nor does it apply to level 60 players, as they don't have the aura. This is intended to match the recent increase to +100% XP granted by the aura, so that leveling players do not feel unable to purchase their most important spells.

FEBRUARY 11, 2022

Season of Mastery

  • Blackwing Lair
    • Fixed an issue that prevented the portcullis at the entrance of Blackwing Lair from closing and opening properly when bosses enter and leave combat.
      • Developers' note: It's possible that players may still experience this, and if the gate is currently stuck closed for you, it should clear up if all members of your raid group leave the instance for at least 30 minutes.
WoW Classic Era and Season of Mastery
  • Warlock
    • Fixed an issue with the "What Is Love?" questline.

FEBRUARY 10, 2022

WoW Classic Era and Season of Mastery

  • Fixed an issue where Orc Warlocks were unable to speak to Magar during the "Love Hurts" quest.

FEBRUARY 8, 2022

Burning Crusade Classic

  • Fixed an issue that caused Mother Shahraz in Black Temple and Al’ar in Tempest Keep: The Eye to swing faster after performing a parry.
    • Developers' note: This behavior was not true to reference, and they should now behave after parrying as they did in original Burning Crusade.

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