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World of Warcraft & WOW CLASSIC – August 2022 Patch Notes

World of Warcraft & WOW CLASSIC – August 2022 Patch Notes


In the latest patch notes for the popular game, players will be pleased to find some much-needed fixes and improvements. Hunters specializing in Marksmanship will no longer have to worry about Aimed Shot failing to trigger from Double Tap if they forget to select a target. Additionally, players can now purchase cosmetic items found in Korthia and Zereth Mortis from Olea Manu in Faith's Repose using Cyphers of the First Ones. And for those who have been frustrated by the inability to socket items from Sire Denathrius and Stone Legion Generals, that issue has been resolved.

AUGUST 30, 2022


  • Hunter
    • Marksmanship
      • Aimed Shot will no longer fail to trigger from Double Tap (Talent) if no target is selected when the cast finishes.

Items and Rewards

  • Olea Manu, located in Faith's Repose, has come into possession of a few cosmetic items found around Korthia and Zereth Mortis. Players may purchase them with Cyphers of the First Ones.
  • Fixed an issue where items from Sire Denathrius and Stone Legion Generals could not be socketed.

Player versus Player

  • Hunter
    • Marksmanship
      • Aimed Shot will no longer occasionally deal full damage in PvP combat when triggered from Double Tap.
  • Priest
    • Holy
      • Divine Ascension (PvP Talent) will once again provide a short window of immunity against damage, stuns, and roots.

AUGUST 26, 2022

Dungeons and Raids

  • Fated Raids
    • Reduced the minimum Item Level to queue for all Fated Raid Finder wings to 230 (was 240).
      • Developers’ note: This restriction was too punishing given Fated LFR's importance in providing new and returning players with an intermediary step to engage in Season 4's endgame activities. We believe the power increases afforded from the Fated Powers themselves more than make up for this item level gap, so groups shouldn't have a vastly more difficult time completing encounters.

Items and Rewards

  • Reduced the damage increase on Jeweled Signet of Malendrus by 74%.
    • Developers’ note: The spell effect changes made to Jeweled Signet of Malendrus for the release of Legion Timewalking inadvertently also caused it to increase the damage of abilities that scale with weapon damage. In some cases, the overall power gains were far beyond what was intended. This hotfix retains the current functionality but adjusts the tuning accordingly.
  • Fixed an issue where a Cosmic or Sacred Creation Impetus could be used directly on Fated tier modules from Sepulcher of the First Ones; the Fated tier armor created by the modules can still be upgraded.

AUGUST 25, 2022

Dungeons and Raids

  • Fated Raids
    • Fated Powers
      • Creation Spark’s raid wide damage-over-time effect reduced by 30%.
        • Developers’ note: This change should reduce the negative impact of missing a Creation Spark impact location.
      • Initial stacks of Creation Spark reduced to 2 (was 3).
      • Number of Creation Spark impact locations reduced to 2 (was 3).

AUGUST 24, 2022


  • Mage
    • Arcane
      • Fixed an issue causing Touch of the Magi to do less damage than intended in Fated raids.
  • Monk
    • Fixed an issue causing Bonedust Brew (Necrolord Ability) to do less damage than intended in Fated raids.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Mythic+
    • Return to Karazhan: Lower
      • Phantom Guests no longer have a random set of abilities.
      • Ghost Trap cooldown reduced to 60 seconds (was 90 seconds).
      • Resolved an issue that could cause tanks to lose threat after being hit by the Storming affix.
      • Maiden of Virtue
        • Resolved an issue that could unfairly kill non-tank players after Mass Repentance is cast.
    • Tazavesh: Streets of Wonder
      • Cartel Wiseguy’s Lightshard Retreat will no longer cause tanks to lose threat.
Items and Rewards
  • Fixed an issue preventing players from being able to earn Vicious Saddles.
  • The achievement Mythic: Fates of the Shadowlands Raids now correctly awards raid teleports to the character that earned it.

AUGUST 23, 2022

Dungeons and Raids

  • Mythic+
    • Return to Karazhan: Lower
      • Developers’ note: We wanted to give players time to re-learn mechanics in returning dungeons before making large nerfs, however, Lower Karazhan continues to stand out as an outlier in difficulty so we are making larger changes to bring it in line with the difficulty of the other dungeons in Season 4.
      • Several Skeletal Ushers are taking a break from protecting the Opera Hall.
      • Several Skeletal Ushers have relocated to account for their partners taking a break.
      • Arcane Warden and Skeletal Usher now contribute more credit to Enemy Forces.
      • Spectral Valet's Demoralizing Shout cast time increased to 3 seconds (was 2 seconds).
      • Coldmist Widow's Caustic Venom damage over time damage reduced by 50%.
      • Phantom Guardsman will no longer cast Shield Smash.
      • Ghostly Chef will no longer cast Cleave.
      • Ghostly Baker will no longer cast Rolling Pin.
      • The following abilities will no longer be cast on a nearby target if their current target is out of range:
        • Forlorn Spirit's Shadow Rend
        • Ghostly Chef's Roast
      • The Opera Hall: Westfall Story
        • Gang Ruffian's Poisonous Shank initial damage reduced by 20%.
        • Gang Ruffians and Shoreline Tidespeakers will no longer trigger Storming or Explosives after being defeated.
        • Toe Knee's Dashing Flame Gale initial damage and damage over time reduced by 30%.
        • Mrrgria's Thunder Ritual damage reduced by 30%.
      • Moroes
        • Garrote damage reduced by 15%.
        • Garrote will now correctly display its duration.
      • Attumen the Huntsman
        • Mounted Strike will no longer be cast on a nearby target if his current target is out of range.
        • Resolved an issue where Attumen the Huntsman would resume casting Intangible Presence.
      • Maiden of Virtue
        • Sacred Ground damage reduced by 20%.
        • Holy Bulwark absorb reduced by 15%.
    • Return to Karazhan: Upper
      • The following abilities will no longer be cast on a nearby target if their current target is out of range:
        • Forlorn Spirit's Shadow Rend
        • Rat's Poison Fang
      • Resolved an issue that would cause Chess pieces to regenerate health while in combat.
      • The Curator
        • Power Discharge's visual effect now more correctly reflects where it will impact.

AUGUST 22, 2022

Auction House

  • Addressed multiple issues causing degraded Auction House performance.
  • Fixed a bug causing Incoming Amount to display the incorrect value for sales of commodities in full stacks.


  • All Mythic+ dungeon tuning will occur during scheduled weekly maintenance in each region.
  • Iron Docks
    • Sanguine Sphere's absorb now scales with keystone level.
  • Lower Karazhan
    • Galindre and Elfyra's health reduced by 35%.
    • Winged Assistant's Throw "Stuff" damage reduced by 40%.
    • Winged Assistant's health reduced by 35%.
    • Galindre's Flashy Bolt damage reduced by 30%.
    • Elfyra's Defy Gravity damage reduced by 50%.
    • Atumen the Huntsman will no longer cast Intangible Presence.

Player versus Player

  • The minimum item level players are scaled up to in Solo Shuffle has been increased to 278, as intended.
  • [EU realms only] Fixed a bug that unintentionally decreased all players' matchmaking ratings.

AUGUST 18, 2022

Dungeons and Raids

  • Mythic+
    • Affixes
      • Shrouded
        • Adjusted the health, melee damage, and ability damage of Nathrezim Infiltrators.
        • Vampiric Claws cooldown increased to 12 seconds (was 8 seconds).
          • Developers’ note: We discovered an issue that caused Nathrezim Infiltrators to have inconsistent health and damage, and as part of resolving the issue we had to adjust their health and damage values. The net result is that Nathrezim Infiltrators should feel slightly less powerful than they did previously.

Items and Rewards

  • Fixed an issue where items purchased with Puzzling Cartel Dinar could not be refunded.
  • Fixed an issue where Enforcer's Stun Grenade, Kihra's Adrenaline Injector, and Fleshrender's Meathook did not reset their cooldowns upon ending an encounter.

AUGUST 17, 2022

Dungeons and Raids

  • Timewalking
    • Vault of the Wardens
      • Glazer
        • Temporarily disabled the Focus ability.


  • The objective text for the raid quest “Turning the Wheel” now correctly states that 15 boss kills are required.

AUGUST 16, 2022

Dungeons and Raids

  • Mythic+
    • Grimrail Depot
      • Rakun's Diffused Energy zone positions have been adjusted, but also now show a warning visual at their location prior to becoming dangerous.
      • Spinning Spear is now correctly assigned the Stun mechanic, allowing the loss of control UI to function correctly.

Items and Rewards

  • Increased the vendor cost of Penumbra Thread to 11 gold (was 9 gold).
    • Developers’ note: This price change is to balance the decreased cost of reagents with the change to a regional commodity Auction House.

Player versus Player

  • The Conquest cap has been removed.
  • Spoils of War 25% Conquest and 40% Honor increased buff is now available until Shadowlands Season 4 ends.

Burning Crusade Classic

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the PvP leaderboards from updating as expected.

AUGUST 15, 2022

Dungeons and Raids

  • Fated Raids
    • [With realm restarts] Enemy health reduced by 5% in Fated Heroic and Fated Mythic difficulties.
      • Developers’ note: We feel this health reduction will smooth over some of the roughest edges in the raid without devaluing the experience.
  • Mythic+
    • Affixes
      • Shrouded
        • Nightmare Clouds will now despawn more quickly when Nathrezim Infiltrators are captured.
    • Grimrail Depot
      • [With realm restarts] Grimrail Technician’s 50,000 Volts cast time increased to 3.5 seconds (was 2.5 seconds).
    • Iron Docks
      • [With realm restarts] Charging Slash is now only cast by Grom'kar Footsoldiers.
      • [With realm restarts] Grom'kar Footsoldier's Charging Slash damage reduced by 35%.
      • [With realm restarts] Ogron Laborer's Thundering Stomp damage reduced by 25%.
      • [With realm restarts] Thunderlord Wrangler's Throw damage is now reduced by armor.
      • [With realm restarts] Rampaging Clefthoof's health reduced by 15%.
      • Grimrail Enforcers
        • Resolved an issue where the enemies would fail to cast abilities in specific locations within their encounter area.
    • Return to Karazhan: Lower
      • [With realm restarts] Arcane Warden's Volatile Charge damage reduced by 40%.
      • [With realm restarts] Skeletal Usher's Flashlight damage reduced by 20%.
      • [With realm restarts] Skeletal Usher's health reduced by 25%.
      • [With realm restarts] Spectral Patron's Uppercut damage reduced by 20%.
      • [With realm restarts] Phantom Crew's Hammer Down now has a 1.5 second cast time (was instant) and increases damage taken by 25% (was 50%).
      • Resolved an issue that caused Blood Death Knight’s Dancing Rune Weapon to strike unintended targets with Blood Boil through floors.
      • The Opera Hall: Beautiful Beast
        • [With realm restarts] Coggleston's Dent Armor now has a 1.5 second cast time (was instant).
        • [With realm restarts] Silver Fork's Bloody Jab initial damage reduced by 20%.
      • Maiden of Virtue
        • [With realm restarts] Holy Bulwark absorb reduced by 10%.
      • Attumen the Huntsman
        • [With realm restarts] Intangible Presence damage reduced by 50%.
    • Return to Karazhan: Upper
      • [With realm restarts] Wrathguard Flamebringer's Cleave and Strike damage reduced by 20%.
      • [With realm restarts] Wrathguard Flamebringer will no longer cast Slide.
      • Shade of Medivh
        • [With realm restarts] Guardian's Image's Shimmer damage reduced by 25%.
      • Mana Devourer
        • [With realm restarts] Energy Discharge damage reduced by 30%.
      • Viz'aduum the Watcher
        • Shadow Phlegm damage increased by 150%, travel speed reduced by 100%, and radius reduced to 4 yards (was 6 yards).
    • Tazavesh: Soleah's Gambit
      • [With realm restarts] Invigorating Fish Stick cast time increased to 2 seconds (was 1.5 seconds).

Items and Rewards

  • [With realm restarts] Enforcer's Stun Grenade Versatility increased by 96%.
  • [With realm restarts] Fleshrender's Meathook Intellect increased by 17%.
  • [With realm restarts] Kihra's Adrenaline Injector Agility increased by 17%.
    • Developers’ note: Updated several Warlords of Draenor Mythic+ trinkets to modern standards.

AUGUST 12, 2022

Dungeons and Raids

  • Fated Sanctum of Domination
    • Guardian of the First Ones
      • Resolved an issue where additional Fated Powers could fail to appear after the first power appeared.
  • Mythic+
    • Affixes
      • Shrouded
        • Improved visual clarity for Nightmare Cloud.
        • Nightmare Cloud should no longer remove players from Stealth.
        • Improved visual clarity for Carrion Swarm.
        • Carrion Swarm range reduced to 15 yards (was 20).
      • Sanguine
        • No longer heals Invigorating Fish Sticks in Tazavesh: Soleah’s Gambit.

AUGUST 9, 2022

Dungeons and Raids

  • Fated Castle Nathria
    • Sludgefist
      • Adjusted the Fated Power cooldowns to better align with their ability cadence.
  • Fated Sanctum of Domination
    • Guardian of the First Ones
      • Adjusted the Fated Power cooldowns to better align with their ability cadence.
    • Kel'Thuzad
      • Fixed an interaction where Protoform Barrier (Fated Power) could erroneously trigger after Kel'Thuzad's health is depleted.
    • Sylvanas Windrunner
      • Adjusted the Fated Power cooldowns to better align with their ability cadence in Phase 2.
  • Mythic+
    • Shrouded Affix
      • Fixed an issue that could cause Zul'gamux to not cast Blood Siphon if she was moving.

Items and Rewards

  • Increased all Cosmic Flux rewards from PvP, Mythic+, and Raids by 100%.
  • Cosmic Flux will now be mailed to players when left un-looted.
  • Trashmaster's Mantle received from Mythic+ or the Great Vault can no longer be used to complete the "I Am the Trashmaster" quest.
    • Developers’ note: Players hoping to become the Trashmaster may do so by finding a Trashmaster's Mantle in Operation: Mechagon on standard Mythic difficulty. Players who have received a Trashmaster's Mantle from Mythic+ since the start of Season 4 may still use it to complete the quest, but should be aware that the Richly Appointed Drape quest reward will be awarded at item level 78.


  • Fixed an issue that prevented “Tempting Fate” world quests from appearing.

Season of Mastery

  • Naxxramas
    • Fixed an issue where bonus loot could not be rewarded when defeating a boss using Runes of Fortune.
      • Developers’ note: Raid groups should always receive an extra Set Piece Token, piece of Gear the boss normally drops, or Splinter of Atiesh per stack of Rune of Fortune the raid has active.

AUGUST 8, 2022


  • Hunter
    • Survival
      • [With realm restarts] (4) Set Bonus: Mad Bombardier damage bonus has been reduced to 50% (was 70%).
      • [With realm restarts] Mongoose Bite damage increased by 20%. This change does not apply to PvP.
      • [With realm restarts] Raptor Strike damage increased by 20%. This change does not apply to PvP.
      • [With realm restarts] Serpent Sting damage increased by 20%. This change does not apply to PvP.
      • [With realm restarts] Kill Command damage increased by 20%. This change does not apply to PvP.
      • [With realm restarts] Fixed an issue where Raptor Strike was dealing less damage than intended while Aspect of the Eagle was active.
        • Developers’ note: The Survival Hunter Mad Bombardier 4-piece set bonus is still causing Survival Hunters to over perform in multi-target situations. We're lowering the effectiveness of the 4-piece bonus while also increasing the damage of your single target abilities to offset this loss of damage against a single target.
  • Warlock
    • Destruction
      • [With realm restarts] Rain of Fire damage reduced by 20%.
      • [With realm restarts] Infernal’s Immolation Aura reduced by 20%.
        • Developers’ note: We're still seeing Destruction excel in multi-target situations. We're applying additional changes here to stabilize their throughput when scaling with high target counts.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Mythic+
    • Fixed an issue that caused listed Grimrail Depot and Iron Docks keystones to not appear in the Group Finder UI when searching by keystone level.
    • Affixes
      • Shrouded
        • [With realm restarts] Zul'gamux now casts Blood Barrier less often.
        • [With realm restarts] Zul'gamux has found a new location to hide in Return to Karazhan: Upper.
    • Grimrail Depot
      • [With realm restarts] Grom'kar Far Seer's Storm Shield can now be purged.
      • [With realm restarts] Grom'kar Cinderseer will no longer cast Lava Wreath.
      • Railmaster Rocketspark
        • [With realm restarts] Borka the Brute's Mad Dash damage reduced by 30%.
      • Skylord Tovra
        • [With realm restarts] Thunderous Breath initial damage reduced by 25%.
    • Iron Docks
      • Fleshrender Nok'gar
        • [With realm restarts] Dreadfang's Shredding Swipes should no longer hit players multiple times.
      • Oshir
        • [With realm restarts] Feeding Frenzy now requires Oshir to suffer 5% damage to be interrupted (was 8%).
      • Skulloc
        • [With realm restarts] Skulloc's melee damage reduced by 15%.
        • [With realm restarts] Koramar will no longer cast Shattering Blade.
    • Return to Karazhan: Lower
      • [With realm restarts] Ghostly Philanthropist will no longer cast Throw Coin.
      • [With realm restarts] Gang Ruffian's Poisonous Shank damage reduced by 30%.
      • The Opera Hall: Wikket
        • [With realm restarts] Winged Assistant health reduced by 30%.
      • Moroes
        • [With realm restarts] Moroes' Garrote duration reduced to 1 minute (was permanent).
        • [With realm restarts] Moroes’ Dinner Party effect now increases the damage and attack speed of nearby dinner guests by 50% (was 100%).
    • Return to Karazhan: Upper
      • Shade of Medivh
        • [With realm restarts] Flame Wreath damage reduced by 30%.

Items and Rewards

  • Fixed an issue causing the Great Vault to display the wrong item level for upcoming rewards.

AUGUST 5, 2022

Dungeons and Raids

  • Fated Raids
    • Fixed an issue that could cause client and server latency after bosses are defeated.
    • Fated Castle Nathria
      • Sire Denathrius
        • Improved the client and server performance caused by Echo of Sin's Painful Memories.
  • Mythic+
    • Grimrail Depot
      • Grom'kar Captain's Reckless Slash will now be cast less frequently.
      • Skylord Tovra
        • Improved the visual effect on Spinning Spear.
    • Iron Docks
      • Fixed an issue where Siegemaster Olugar's Gatecrasher could become stuck on players.
      • Fleshrender Nok'gar
        • Burning Arrows now have a visual effect indicating where they will impact.
    • Return to Karazhan: Lower
      • Improved the visual effect on Ghostly Philanthropist's Pennies From Heaven.
      • Lord Crispin Ference's Will Breaker is now more visible.
      • Attumen the Huntsman
        • Spectral Charge no longer damages pets.
    • Return to Karazhan: Upper
      • The Curator
        • Fixed an issue causing Volatile Energy to fixate on pets.
      • Mana Devourer
        • Mana Devourer will once again cast Decimating Essence upon reaching full mana.
        • Energy Void damage reduced by 65%.
        • Resolved an issue that caused Coalesce Power to drain more mana than intended.

AUGUST 4, 2022

Dungeons and Raids

  • Mythic+
    • Affixes
      • Quaking
        • Players will no longer be damaged by Quaking during Skulloc’s Gronn Smash in Iron Docks and during Grimrail Depot cutscenes.
    • Grimrail Depot
      • Skylord Tovra
        • Fixed an issue that could prevent Skylord Tovra from appearing once conditions were met.
Items and Rewards
  • Fixed an issue where the spell effect on Ring of Collapsing Futures was scaling incorrectly.

AUGUST 3, 2022


  • Rogue
    • Outlaw
      • Fixed an issue that could cause Blade Flurry damage to break Vanish under certain conditions.
      • Fixed an issue that could cause bonus Sinister Strike hits to break Vanish under certain conditions.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Fated Raids
    • Fated Castle Nathria
      • Fixed an issue causing some boss abilities to inflict too much damage and causing some player abilities to inflict too little damage.
  • Mythic+
    • Affixes
      • Shrouded
        • Zul’gamux Blood Barrier absorb reduced by 33%.
    • Return to Karazhan: Lower
      • Fixed an issue where players could exchange Keystones with Ta’hsup even if they failed to complete the dungeon within the time limit.
      • Opera Hall: Westfall Story
        • Fixed an issue that would cause the encounter to prematurely end if either Toe Knee or Mrrgria were defeated before the other.
        • Fixed an issue where Shoreline Tidespeakers could continue casting after being defeated.
      • Maiden of Virtue
        • Holy Bulwark absorb reduced by 20%.
      • Attumen the Huntsman
        • Improved the visual clarity on Intangible Presence.
    • Return to Karazhan: Upper
      • Shade of Medivh
        • Fixed an issue causing Flame Wreath's visual effect to linger after the encounter ends.
  • Heroic Dungeons
    • Fixed an issue where rewards were dropping at the incorrect item level.

Items and Rewards

  • Fixed an issue where the Eternal Aspirant's Gavel and Eternal Aspirant's Crescent could not be upgraded.
  • Fixed an issue where Adera offered some Nathrian weapons from Raid Finder difficulty instead of Normal.
  • Eternal Gladiator’s Prestigious Cloak and Eternal Gladiator’s Tabard now have new appearances.


  • [NA Realms] “Crossing Fate” quest credit should now accurately reflect the progress that was made. To receive the missing credit, affected players will need to log into the game and enter Oribos before next week's weekly raid reset.
  • The quest item for “Castle Nathria: Getting a Head” now drop from Fated Castle Nathria.

Burning Crusade Classic

  • The Nagrand quests "In Defense of Halaa" and "Enemies, Old and New" no longer grant any quest credit for killing players more than 5 levels lower than you.

AUGUST 2, 2022


  • Kyrian
    • Fixed an issue that allowed Effusive Anima Accelerator's (Forgelite Prime Mikanikos Soulbind) explosion to strike enemies that were not within line of sight of its point of impact, causing players to unintentionally engage enemies through floors and walls.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Fated Raids
    • Fated Castle Nathria
      • Fixed an issue where Raid Finder difficulty was erroneously granting enemies less stats than intended.
    • Fated Powers
      • Reconfiguration Emitter now shows an additional visual effect while immune to damage before the first interrupt to improve its clarity.
  • Mythic+
    • Operation: Mechagon - Workshop
      • King Mechagon
        • Magneto-Arm now scales with the Tyrannical affix instead of the Fortified affix.

Items and Rewards

  • Fixed an issue where Mountebank's Colorful Cloak dropped at the incorrect item level.

Player versus Player

  • The Hyperthread Wristwraps effect has been disabled in Rated Battlegrounds or Arenas.


  • [NA Realms] Fixed an issue preventing players from receiving credit towards the quest “Crossing Fate.”
    • Developers’ note: We’re working on a fix that will accurately reflect the progress that was made for those affected by the bug. We’ll update the Hotfixes once that fix has been deployed.

AUGUST 1, 2022

Dungeons and Raids

  • Castle Nathria
    • Stone Legion Generals
      • General Kaal’s Wicked Blade no longer triggers Wicked Blast on Heroic difficulty.
      • General Grashaal’s Reverberating Eruption cast time increased to 5 seconds on Normal and Heroic difficulties.
      • Stone Legion Goliath’s Ravenous Hunger damage increase is now 40% in Raid Finder, 50% in Normal, and 50% in Heroic difficulty (was 45%/60%/75%).
      • Stone Legion Goliath’s Soultaint Effigy is now triggered at 15% health on Heroic difficulty (was 20%).
      • Delivered large Anima Orbs now give Prince Renathal 40% mana on Heroic difficulty.
      • Delivered small Anima Orbs now give Prince Renathal 15% mana on Raid Finder, Normal, and Heroic difficulties.
      • Shattering Blast knockback has been decreased on all difficulties.

Player versus Player

  • Fixed an interaction with Demonology Warlock’s Call Observer (PvP Talent) and Balance Druid's Fury of Elune (Talent) that was causing more damage than intended.

Burning Crusade Classic

  • Heroic dungeons now require level 70 to enter.

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