- Hunter
- Marksmanship
- The cooldown of Survival of the Fittest (Lone Wolf Ability) will now reset when a raid boss encounter ends.
- Marksmanship
- Monk
- Brewmaster
- The cooldown of Fortifying Brew is now correctly 6 minutes.
- Brewmaster
- Rogue
- Outlaw
- Acrobatic Strikes (Talent) now correctly increases the range of Dreadblades (Talent).
- Outlaw
- Resolved an issue where characters boosted with the Shadowlands boost were unable to see Magni Bronzebeard in the Chamber of the Heart after receiving the Heart of Azeroth.
- Atal’Dazar
- Yazma
- Resolved an issue that caused the Shadowy Remains pools left behind by Echoes of Shadra to become nearly invisible.
- Yazma
- Vault of the Wardens
- Glazer
- The Lens should now reflect Glazer’s Focusing Beam properly.
- Glazer
- After Shadowlands launches, there will not be a new set of Battle for Azeroth weekly chests that correspond with the current week of activities (November 17-23). Loot your final Battle for Azeroth weekly chests now!
- Resolved an issue that caused some helms to hide Draenei female horns.
- Corrected an issue that caused Arena and Rated Battleground matches played during the Battle for Azeroth post-season to count towards some Shadowlands Seasonal achievements.
- Killing the Frightened Provincial Minuteman during "Ace in the Hole" will once again summon a val'kyr to raise them as Forsaken.
November 19, 2020 Classes
- Druid
- Balance
- Eclipse now correctly activates if two Starfires are cast simultaneously using Owlkin Frenzy.
- Balance
- Monk
- Brewmaster
- The global cooldown of Rushing Jade Wind (Talent), Admonishment (PvP Talent), and Invoke Niuzao, the Black Ox are now correctly 1 second.
- Brewmaster
- Paladin
- Retribution
- Execution Sentence (Talent) initial damage increased by 31%. Damage is unchanged when engaged in combat with enemy players.
- Retribution
- Priest
- Discipline
- Damage of all abilities reduced by 6%.
- Discipline
- The destroyed version of the Undercity is now visible to new characters that have completed Exile’s Reach.
November 18, 2020 Classes
- Demon Hunter
- General
- Disrupt (Rank 2), Disrupt (Rank 3), Consume Magic (Rank 2), Immolation Aura (Rank 2), and Spectral Sight (Rank 2) bonus effects are now properly granted when unlocked.
- Vengeance
- Sigil of Silence (Rank 2) is now unlocked at level 47 (was level 48).
- General
- Rogue
- Assassination
- Resolved an issue that prevented Shiv critical strikes from generating additional combo points with Seal Fate.
- Assassination
- Fixed an issue that caused Dunegorger Kraulok to not drop the mount, Mollie. Players that previously defeated Dunegorger Kraulok can defeat it again for a chance at its loot.
- The repeatable treasures in Tanaan Jungle now grant reduced experience.
- Fixed an issue in the Twin Peaks battleground where flag carriers standing on the turn in point do not automatically capture the flag if the enemy flag is returned.
- Technique: Glyph of the Lightspawn now correctly requires Legion Inscription to learn the new skill.
- Ore and herbs located inside the Draenor Garrison no longer grant experience when gathered.
- Fixed an issue that removed the ability to connect to Twitter and post tweets from in game.
November 17, 2020 Allied Races
- The Combat Analysis Mechagnome Racial now correctly scales with level.
- Fixed an issue where players may be unable to turn in the Vulpera quest, “Playing to their Strengths”.
- Monk
- Windwalker
- Resolved an issue that prevented Xuen's Crackling Tiger Lightning from gaining benefit from Haste.
- Windwalker
- Paladin
- Protection
- Shining Light (Passive) now has a 30 second buff duration.
- Protection
- Priest
- Shadow
- Tentacles will now appear on the caster when using Voidform.
- The global cooldown of Damnation (Talent) is now correctly modified by Haste.
- Fixed an issue where Damnation (Talent) would incorrectly cause Vampiric Touch to deal bonus instant damage.
- Shadow
- Warrior
- Fury and Protection
- Dragon Roar (Talent) now deals reduced damage to secondary targets.
- Fury and Protection
- Blackrock Caverns
- Karsh Steelbender
- Heat Wave now deals appropriate damage on all difficulties.
- Karsh Steelbender
- Icecrown Citadel
- Blood-Queen Lana’thel
- Pact of the Darkfallen now deals appropriate damage on all difficulties.
- Blood-Queen Lana’thel
- The Eternal Palace
- Radiance of Azshara
- Radiance of Azshara will once again generate energy on all difficulties.
- Radiance of Azshara
- Lady Jaina Proudmoore and N'Zoth the Corruptor should once again drop 2 mounts regardless of group size when defeated on Mythic difficulty. This will change when Shadowlands launches.
- Corrected an issue that caused Thaumaturge Vashreen to provide lower item level Azerite armor pieces than intended. Vashreen went on brief hiatus while this issue was being resolved, and should now be back in Boralus and Zuldazar at the usual locations.
- Skinning can now be leveled to 300 in outdoor Classic zones.
- Resolved the issues that prevented Alliance players from completing the Drustvar quests, "An Improvised Arsenal" and “Break on Through”.
- Deathcursed Terror will now attack the player instead of the unsuspecting Waycrest Guards during the Alliance quest, “The Final Effigy”.
- Players will once again receive the Falconer’s Whistle that is required to complete the World Quest, “This Bird You Cannot Change”.
- The Engineering quest "All Charged Up" should now properly award kill credit when using the gunpowder charges on the Shimmering Oleanders.
- Salvaged Supplies for the “Frontline Resupply” daily quest now appear more frequently.
November 16, 2020 Classes
- Mage
- General
- [With regional restarts] Rune of Power (Talent) duration is now 12 seconds (was 15 seconds).
- Fire
- [With regional restarts] Flamestrike damage reduced by 8%.
- Frost
- [With regional restarts] All damage abilities reduced by 4%.
- General
- Priest
- Discipline
- [With regional restarts] Spirit Shell (Talent) absorb shield cap of 60% health is now shared among all casting Priests.
- [With regional restarts] Spirit Shell (Talent) absorb shield duration is now 10 seconds (was 15 seconds).
- Discipline
- Rare elite creatures have received a health boost when faced with more than 20 players.
- Heart of Azeroth
- [With regional restarts] The Heart of Azeroth’s secondary stats have been reduced by 20%.
- Developers’ note: We’ve identified a number of items that were disproportionately powerful for their item level, especially going into Shadowlands, where reaching max level should come with new, more powerful items to wear. So we’re making the following adjustments with patch 9.0.2.
- [With regional restarts] The Heart of Azeroth’s secondary stats have been reduced by 20%.
- [With regional restarts] The power of several legacy trinkets has been reduced in all content. The effectiveness of the following trinkets have been reduced by 15%:
- Dead-Eye Spyglass
- Harlan’s Loaded Dice
- Lustrous Golden Plumage
- Peerless Alchemist Stone
- Tiny Electromental in a Jar
- Torment in a Jar
- Vial of Animated Blood
- Writhing Segment of Drest’agath
- [With regional restarts] The effectiveness of the following trinkets have been reduced by 25%:
- Azshara’s Font of Power
- Corrupted Gladiator’s Badge
- Corrupted Gladiator’s Insignia
- Galecaller’s Boon
- Manifesto of Madness
- Vita-Charged Titanshard
- [With regional restarts] The effectiveness of the following trinkets have been reduced by 40%:
- Ashvane’s Razor Coral
- Highborne Compendium of Storms
- The additional second-week content of the Shadowlands Pre-patch, Death Rising, is now available. New quests can be found in Icecrown and capital cities, and you are advised to take extra precautions. Zombies are invading!
- The minions of the Maw are calling the rare spawns of Icecrown much more frequently.
- Players working on the Quel'Delar questline are now able to continue their adventures during the Death Rising events in Icecrown.
- Naxxramas attunement is now available. Visit Archmage Angela Dosantos at Light’s Hope Chapel to get started. Light be with you!
November 12, 2020 Classes
- Death Knight
- Unholy
- Last Surprise (Azerite Trait) no longer double dips into Mastery: Dreadblades.
- Unholy
November 11, 2020 Dungeons and Raids
- The Eternal Palace
- Blackwater Behemoth
- Blackwater Behemoth will once again swim to another platform upon reaching 100% energy on all difficulties.
- Blackwater Behemoth
- Darkblaze can once again be defeated to complete the Redridge Mountains Alliance quest, "Darkblaze, Brood of the Worldbreaker".
- Resolved an issue with the Icecrown Chilling Winds weather debuff lasting longer than intended.
- Resolved an issue preventing players from accessing Trial of the Crusader raid and Trial of the Champion dungeon during the Death Rising event.
November 10, 2020 Quests
- The battle pet quests "Varzok" and "Audrey Burnhep" no longer incorrectly provide an abnormally high gold reward.
- During the Feralas quest "Might of the Sentinels", the fight against Cho'gall no longer takes an unreasonable amount of time.
- The Icecrown area will now shard on Roleplay (RP) servers for the duration of the Death Rising event.
- Characters who defeated Nathanos but didn't receive a reward should be eligible to complete the World Quest to defeat him again and earn the reward.
- Fixed an issue where dead players didn't receive a cinematic after slaying Nathanos Blightcaller while on the quest “Nathanos Blightcaller”.
November 9, 2020 Classes
- General
- [With regional restarts] All tank specializations passive threat generation has increased.
- Druid
- Feral
- [With regional restarts] Damage of all abilities increased by 8%.
- Restoration
- [With regional restarts] Damage of all abilities reduced by 5%.
- Feral
- Hunter
- Beast Mastery
- [With regional restarts] The damage of all abilities except Cobra Shot and Barbed Shot have been reduced by 5%.
- Marksmanship
- [With regional restarts] Volley (Talent) damage reduced by 30%.
- Beast Mastery
- Mage
- General
- [With regional restarts] Arcane Explosion damage reduced by 8%.
- Frost
- [With regional restarts] Splitting Ice’s Ice Lance damage to secondary targets reduced to 65% (was 80%).
- [With regional restarts] Ice Lance damage reduced by 10%.
- [With regional restarts] Freezing Rain’s Blizzard damage increased to 60% (was 50%).
- [With regional restarts] Comet Storm damage increased by 5%.
- General
- Monk
- Windwalker
- [With regional restarts] Damage of all abilities increased by 5%.
- Windwalker
- Paladin
- General
- [With regional restarts] Crusader Strike mana cost reduced to 9% base mana (was 14%).
- [With regional restarts] Shield of the Righteous damage reduced by 15%.
- Holy
- [With regional restarts] Holy Shock healing increased by 10%.
- [With regional restarts] Word of Glory healing increased by 9%.
- [With regional restarts] Glimmer of Light (Talent) healing reduced by 10%.
- Protection
- [With regional restarts] Protection Paladin passive Armor bonus reduced to 10% (was 20%).
- [With regional restarts] Word of Glory healing increased by 9% and healing when casting Word of Glory (Rank 2) on yourself reduced to 250% based on your missing health (was 300%).
- Retribution
- [With regional restarts] Damage of all abilities increased by 4%.
- [With regional restarts] Execution Sentence (Talent) no longer has a chance to critically strike and initial damage reduced by 25%.
- [With regional restarts] Final Reckoning (Talent) increased damage taken reduced to 35% (was 50%).
- [With regional restarts] Sanctified Wrath (Talent) damage increased by 50%.
- General
- Priest
- Discipline
- [With regional restarts] Power Word: Shield absorb reduced by 8%.
- [With regional restarts] Shadow Word: Pain damage reduced by 10%.
- [With regional restarts] Purge the Wicked (Talent) damage reduced by 10%.
- Discipline
- Rogue
- Subtlety
- Resolved an issue that allowed Subtlety Rogue’s Eviscerate to deal additional damage to targets that have another Rogue's Find Weakness active.
- Subtlety
- Shaman
- General
- [With regional restarts] Chain Heal healing reduced by 7%.
- Restoration
- [With regional restarts] The bonus damage for choosing the Restoration Shaman specialization has been lowered to 15% (was 40%). At level 37, this value increases back to 40%.
- General
- Warrior
- Arms
- [With regional restarts] Damage of all abilities increased by 6%.
- [With regional restarts] Cleave (Talent) no longer replaces Sweeping Strikes.
- Fury
- [With regional restarts] Damage of all abilities increased by 10%.
- [With regional restarts] Whirlwind additional target damage reduced to 45% (was 50%).
- [With regional restarts] Bladestorm (Talent) damage increased by 8%.
- [With regional restarts] Frenzy (Talent) Haste reduced to 2% (was 3%) and max stacks increased to 4 (was 3).
- Arms
- Fixed an issue where Zandalari Death Knights could not select a zone upon arriving in Zandalar. Turns out having a friend on de other side can be nice.
- Various legacy consumables including Swiftness Potion, Invisibility Potion, Free Action Potion, and Purification Potion have had their max usable level increased to 50.
November 4, 2020 Allied Races
- Fixed an issue where Kul Tiran Death Knights could not select a zone upon arriving in Kul Tiras.
- Zidormi in Tirisfal Glades is now visible to new characters that have completed Exile’s Reach.
- Chromie has identified level 50 players stuck in Timewalking Campaigns and will safely extract them the next time they're in the open world so that they may queue for Battle for Azeroth dungeons.
November 2, 2020 Quests
- “The Hunter and the Prince” quest can now be completed once more.
- (With overnight restarts) Fixed an issue that prevented many players from queuing for the Korrak's Revenge battleground.
- Quest experience and reputation gains should now properly be increased by 16% during WoW’s 16th Anniversary event.
- Players that have previously completed "A Timely Invitation" and "Soldier of Time” should once again be eligible for the quest.
- Characters who are still on Exile's Reach will now earn the WoW’s 16th Anniversary achievement and associated mail upon their first login after escaping the island.
- Original WoW 1.11 Nature Resist gear is now obtainable.
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