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World of Warcraft & WOW CLASSIC – ALL Hotfixes | 23 October 2020 UPDATED

World of Warcraft & WOW CLASSIC – ALL Hotfixes | 23 October 2020 UPDATED
October 28, 2020 Classes
  • Paladin
    • Retribution
      • Fixed an issue where the Aura of Reckoning (PvP Talent) buff persisted after switching specializations.
Horrific Visions
  • Orgrimmar
    • Fixed an issue where you were unable to release after dying.
  • Fearbreaker should now appear in all phases during the Alliance quest, "Return of the Warrior King".
  • The Warlords of Draenor Garrison Campaign quests, “Missing Grunt”, “Every Rose Has Its Thorn”, “Awakening”, “Deep Recon”, and “Crows In The Field” are once again obtainable and completable.
User Interface
  • You can once again link quests in chat.
  • Fixed an issue that caused guilds that were recruiting only max level characters to not appear in Guild Finder and Community Finder.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some players to be unable to queue as a tank or healer specialization for specific dungeons in the Dungeon Finder.

October 27, 2020 Dungeons and Raids
  • Ny’alotha, the Waking City
    • Dark Inquisitor Xanesh
      • Fixed an issue that prevented the encounter from starting after defeating the enemies in the Ritual Chamber on all difficulties.
  • Wailing Caverns
    • Lady Anacondra
      • Thorns now deals appropriate damage.

October 26, 2020 Classes
  • Shaman
    • Enhancement
      • Primal Primer (Azerite Trait) now correctly activates when Flametongue Weapon is applied to your weapon.
Dungeons and Raids
  • Experience granted to players in dungeons is now standardized, and does not change with the size of the player's party.
    • Developers' notes: This standardized experience value is equal to what the leveling player would have previously earned in a 5-person party. Dungeon experience was tuned around the expectation of full parties, and we saw that taplist loopholes in combination with pre-patch changes to dungeon scaling revealed some extreme leveling tactics by fewer than 5 players. We want dungeons to remain lucrative, and to be a valid alternative to questing and other experience sources, rather than to overshadow them.
  • Anduin Wrynn should now be present in the throne room to turn in quests for players who are still on the Darkshore introduction storyline.
October 23, 2020 Classes
  • Demon Hunter
    • General
      • Fixed an issue that caused Glyph of Crackling Flames to break the animations of several abilities.
  • Rogue
    • General
      • Tricks of the Trade can now be cast on characters level 10 and above.
  • Shaman
    • Enhancement
      • Fixed an issue where the Hailstorm (Talent) buff persisted after switching specializations.
  • Warlock
    • General
      • Warlocks below level 10 now have a pet action bar to control their summoned demons.
Dungeons and Raids
  • Ny'alotha, the Waking City
    • The damage and health of all enemies have been reduced by 10% on Mythic difficulty.
    • Carapace of N'Zoth
      • Infinite Void damage reduced by 50% per stack on all difficulties.
      • Black Scar damage reduced by 10% on all difficulties.
      • Mandible Slam damage reduced by 25% on all difficulties.
  • Icecrown Citadel
    • The Lich King
      • Fixed an issue where the Necrotic Plague debuff wouldn’t be removed upon exiting the instance.
Items and Rewards
  • Wands can now be transmogrified into two-handed Legion Artifact weapons.
Player versus Player
  • Battleground gates will once again open when the countdown timer expires.
  • During the quest, "The Day that Deathwing Came: What Really Happened", the falling rocks in the Scar of the Worldbreaker are no longer quite so punishing on Martek's Hog.
  • Players are once again able to steer the Keg Bomb during the "Do a Barrel Roll!" quest in Kun-Lai Summit.

October 22, 2020 Classes
  • Hunter
    • General
      • Fixed an issue that caused Feign Death to not cancel an enemy’s spell cast when used towards the end of the cast.
  • Paladin
    • General
      • Blessing of Protection is now learned at level 32 (was level 41).
    • Retribution
      • Retribution Aura now correctly extends an existing Crusade (Talent) without resetting its stacks.
Dungeons and Raids
  • Ny'alotha, the Waking City
    • N'Zoth the Corruptor
      • Fixed an issue where Basher Tentacles would cast Void Lash more frequently on all difficulties.
Items and Rewards
  • Blink-Trigger Headgun and Tactical Headgun on-use effects now have a 5 minute cooldown (was 30 seconds).
  • Sylvanas Windrunner should now be present in Grommash Hold if you have quests to turn in to her while you're also in the middle of the Vulpera Allied Race questline. Shhh... Don’t tell Tyrande.

October 21, 2020 Characters
  • The Character Transfer gold limit for characters level 40-49 has increased to 250,000 gold.
  • Demon Hunter
    • Vengeance
      • Fixed an issue that caused Armor to decrease when using Demon Spikes while there is an active Demon Spikes Armor buff.
  • Mage
    • Arcane
      • Arcane Pummeling (Azerite Trait) damage per wave reduced by 40%.
        • Developers’ note: With the change to Arcane's Mastery and Clearcasted Arcane Missiles, the Arcane Pummeling Azerite Trait gained more power than intended.
  • Priest
    • Discipline
      • Fixed an issue causing Atonement to heal for too little at low levels.
    • Shadow
      • Spiteful Apparitions (Azerite Trait) damage reduced by 34%.
      • Whispers of the Damned (Azerite Trait) Insanity generation reduced by 50%.
Dungeons and Raids
  • Utgarde Pinnacle
    • King Ymiron
      • Dark Slash now deals appropriate damage on Normal difficulty.
  • You’ll now be ported back onto the ship if you accidentally fall off during the Horde quest “Paint it Red” and Alliance quest “Unleash Hell”.
WoW Classic
  • The Hallow’s End Tricked or Treated aura can no longer be pushed off by other auras when reaching the aura limit.
October 20, 2020 Achievements
  • The Will of the Emperor encounter special ability, Opportunistic Strike, is obtainable once again for completing the achievement Show Me Your Moves!.
  • Death Knight
    • Unholy
      • The additional Shadow damage from Soul Reaper’s (Talent) explosion is now correctly affected by Mastery.
  • Druid
    • Balance
      • Damage caused by Starfall will break the caster out of stealth.
  • Mage
    • General
      • Vision of Perfection (Azerite Essence) no longer procs Rune of Power (Talent).
    • Frost
      • The Water Elemental pet now learns Freeze at level 23.
  • Priest
    • General
      • Priests on the quest "Blade in Twilight" can now use the Tirisfal Camp Scroll again to get back to the Whispering Forest if they leave the area.
  • Warlock
    • General
      • Unstable Affliction's damage dealt when it is dispelled has been reduced by 35%.
Items and Rewards
  • Many Burning Crusade gems have had their stats updated to the correct numbers.
Pet Battles
  • The Sun Darter Hatchling is obtainable once again. Happy hunting!
Player versus Player
  • Fixed an issue where some Gladiator mounts were not accessible across the account.
  • The Conquest limit has been increased and players can once again progress on their Weekly Conquest reward.
  • Players who are eligible to visit Nazjatar will no longer be prompted upon log in to start the quests, "The Warchief's Order" or "The Wolf's Offensive". Instead, players can begin their journey to Nazjatar by starting the quest, "Send the Fleet", by speaking to Nathanos or Genn Greymane.
  • Reduced the difficulty of the enemies in the Alliance quest “Fairwind’s “Friends”’.
World Events
  • The Hallow’s End Candy Bucket located in The Veiled Stair now appears in all phases.

October 19, 2020 Dungeons and Raids
  • Ny'alotha, the Waking City
    • Vexiona
      • Fixed an issue that occasionally caused Vexiona to not follow her target.
Island Expeditions
  • Resolved an issue that prevented Azerite Extractors from functioning correctly.
Player versus Player
  • Rated Battleground listings will once again appear in the Group Finder menu.
  • After completing “An End to Beginnings”, the instructions have been clarified on how to unlock the Timewalking Campaign for players that have already leveled a character before.
  • Players who have started the Battle for Azeroth introduction are now able to complete “The Legion Returns” and any remaining Legion introduction content.
  • Nathanos is visible once again for Horde players to turn in “The Battle for Lordaeron”.
  • Fixed an issue where Alliance players were unable to pick up “Tides of War” from Hero's Herald.
October 16, 2020 Barber Shop
  • Resolved some issues with the Barber Shop previewing textures from other character models.
  • Worgen players are now able to save changes to their Human forms.
  • Resolved an issue with a Night Elf skin color and eye color not displaying correctly to other players.
  • Mage
    • General
      • Portals can now be used by all members of the Mage’s party, regardless of level.
      • Mages who are not yet high enough level to fly can now take a portal to the abandoned Kirin Tor camp during the quest "The Deadwind Site."
      • Starving prisoners are now less picky and will eat any level of Mage conjured food offered to them during the quest, "More Than Just a Food Vendor".
    • Arcane
      • Master of Escape (PvP Talent) no longer reduces the cooldown of Mass Invisibility (PvP Talent).
  • Warrior
    • Protection
      • All Protection Warriors with Punish (Talent) selected can now apply multiple Punish debuffs on a single target.
Dungeons and Raids
  • Grievous and Bursting affixes now deal appropriate damage on Mythic Keystone difficulty.
  • Atal'Dazar
    • Shadowy spiders summoned by Echoes of Shadra no longer deal damage while in the Awakened affix realm on Mythic Keystone difficulty.
Exile's Reach
  • After several complaints from Captain Garrick and Warlord Grimaxe, new recruits can no longer duel aboard the Horde and Alliance ships. Additionally, Health regeneration will recover more slowly while dueling on Exile’s Reach. Now take your fights to the island, recruits!
  • Resolved an issue where the objective to speak with Warlord Grimaxe wouldn’t complete during the Exile’s Reach Horde quest, “Dungeon: Darkmaul Citadel”.
Items and Rewards
  • Fixed an issue causing the Humming Black Dragonscale trinket’s slow fall effect to not apply the Draconic Descent buff aura. Additionally, the trinket’s slow fall effect can now be used while mounted.
  • Alliance players can loot 7th Legion Service Medals once again.
  • Completing “Quartermaster’s Bounty” will reward a Warlord’s Trophy for your efforts once again.
  • The turn in locations for the Vulpera Allied Race quests, "A Little Goodwill" and "Worthwhile Repairs" have been updated to their correct positions.
  • "Adventurers Wanted: Chromie's Call" will correctly be categorized under Orgrimmar for Horde characters.
  • The Legionfall Construction Table is no longer empty during the quest “Begin Construction”.
  • Vanthir is once again visible for turning in the Suramar quest, “All Along the Waterways”.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from completing the Shadowmoon Valley quest, “The Ashtongue Corruptors”.
  • The protective shield surrounding Animus in the Thousand Needles quest, "The Doomstone", can no longer withstand the might of Magatha Grimtotem's Elemental Nullifier.
  • Honor’s Stand Officers in Southern Barrens will once again drop the Roadway Plans that start the quest, "The Low Road".

October 15, 2020 Classes
  • Death Knight
    • Unholy
      • Unholy Blight (Talent) now applies Virulent Plague at max melee range.
  • Druid
    • General
      • The Legion Class Hall Dreamwalk teleport is now available to players starting at level 10 (was level 12) after completing the quest “To The Dreamgrove”.
    • Balance
      • Vision of Perfection (Azerite Essence) should now properly extend the duration of both Solar Eclipse and Lunar Eclipse if it activates while Celestial Alignment is already active.
  • Paladin
    • Protection
      • The absorb from First Avenger (Talent) no longer double dips into Versatility.
  • Shaman
    • Enhancement
      • Lightning Shield no longer gains stacks of Maelstrom Weapon before level 29.
Creatures and NPCs
  • Various Druid NPCs have remembered how to shapeshift.
Dungeons and Raids
  • Players leveling through Battle for Azeroth can now queue for Freehold and Atal'Dazar in the Dungeon Finder at lower levels.
    • Alliance players will unlock Freehold at level 10 and Atal'Dazar at level 16.
    • Horde players will unlock Atal'Dazar at level 10 and Freehold at level 16.
  • Temple of the Jade Serpent
    • Sha of Doubt
      • Touch of Nothingness now deals appropriate damage on Normal difficulty.
Items and Rewards
  • The Flash of Brilliance 4-piece Heirloom set bonus will no longer hit enemies that you are not engaged in combat with, except for players of the opposite faction when War Mode is enabled. They probably deserved it.
  • Players who reach level 50 will once again receive the quest, “A Dying World”, and will be directed to Magni Bronzebeard in Silithus to obtain their Heart of Azeroth. There is no escaping from his storytelling!
  • Players can again escape from the Frozen Throne through Bwonsamdi’s Death Gate during the quest “Jailor of the Damned”.
  • Fixed an issue where lower level Priests were unable to complete the Priest Class Hall Campaign quest “Murloc Mind Control”.
  • Resolved an issue where “Stay of Execution” was unavailable for some players.
  • Cork Fizzlepop’s location will now display if he despawns while on the Horde quest “Finding Your Way”.
October 14, 2020 Allied Races
  • Unlocking Mechagnome no longer requires reaching exalted with the Rustbolt Resistance.
Barber Shop
  • Gender changes in the Barber Shop will no longer revert after entering combat and relogging into the game.
  • Death Knight
    • General
      • Death Knights that have been boosted with a Shadowlands Character Boost can once again summon their Death Gate.
    • Unholy
      • Shadow Bolt cast by Magus of the Dead (Azerite Trait) no longer double dips into Mastery: Dreadblades.
  • Monk
    • Windwalker
      • Resolved an issue that caused Whirling Dragon Punch (Talent) to deal more damage than intended.
  • Paladin
    • General
      • Resolved an issue with Unbound Freedom (PvP Talent) affecting the cooldown of Blessing of Freedom.
  • Rogue
    • Outlaw
      • Snake Eyes (Azerite Trait) no longer procs off of Roll the Bones.
    • Subtlety
      • Replicating Shadows (Azerite Trait) now properly affects Rupture.
      • Night's Vengeance (Azerite Trait) now properly procs affects Rupture.
Dungeons and Raids
  • Queueing for Legion dungeons on Normal difficulty no longer requires obtaining an Artifact weapon.
  • Ny’alotha, the Waking City
    • Inquisitor Xanesh
      • Fan of Venomblades will no longer be cast during the encounter.
    • N’Zoth the Corruptor
      • Paranoia now deals appropriate damage on Heroic and Mythic difficulties.
  • Nighthold
    • High Botanist Tel’arn
      • Recursive Strikes now deals appropriate damage on Mythic difficulty.
  • Hellfire Citadel
    • Tyrant Velhari
      • Aura of Oppression now deals appropriate damage on Mythic difficulty.
Exile's Reach
  • Fixed an issue where players who completed Exile's Reach could end up getting stuck on the island. Players who are currently stuck in this state on the island will be teleported back to Stormwind or Orgrimmar. We were going to send another expedition to rescue you but that turned into a whole thing, so now you'll just be teleported out.
Items and Rewards
  • Fixed an issue that caused some weapon illusions to not persist when closing and reentering the game.
  • Black Empire head, shoulder, and chest tokens will no longer create Azerite-empowered armor for characters that have not obtained the Heart of Azeroth.
Player versus Player
  • Gladiator titles will once again only be used by characters who earned the achievements.
  • Fixed an issue that caused terrain issues for some characters in the Cooking Impossible Brawl.
  • Honorable Kills are once again tracked in Achievements and the Scoreboard.
  • Players should once again be able to disenchant items as they're leveling up through the different expansions in Timewalking Campaigns.
  • Players should now be able queue for the “Battle for Lordaeron” scenario.
  • Players should once again be able to use the spells available during “Ravencrest's Legacy” in Val’sharah.
  • "Students of Chi-Ji" in Krasarang Wilds can now be completed by all players eligible to accept the quest, regardless of level.
  • The Argent Cannon during the Icecrown quest, "The Last Line of Defense”, can once again generate enough mana to fuel the Reckoning Bomb.
October 9, 2020 Items and Rewards
  • Players can once again locate some of the missing treasures in Spires of Arak.

October 5, 2020 Quests
  • Fixed an issue where characters who were in the process of unlocking the Vulpera as an Allied Race were unable to turn in the quest "A Cycle of Hatred" in Grommash Hold.
October 1, 2020 Impressive Influence
  • The Impressive Influence 100% reputation buff has returned and will continue through the entirety of October.

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