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World of Warcraft – 22.08.2018 – 23.08.2018 Patch Notes

World of Warcraft – 22.08.2018 – 23.08.2018 Patch Notes
August 23, 2018 Achievements
  • Ravenous Sandworms should now occasionally drop scales for Adept Sandfisher.
Azerite Powers
  • Fixed an issue where Havoc Demon Hunters in Metamorphosis would not reliably trigger Meticulous Scheming.
  • Power Word: Fortitude, Arcane Intellect, and Battle Shout are visible on raid frames (out of combat) to all members of the class who can cast them.
  • Paladin
    • Blessed Hammer correctly benefits only the casting Paladin.
Creatures and NPCs
  • Fixed an issue with Faceless Tendrils in Atul'aman that caused them to ignore line of sight.
  • Waycrest Manor
    • Fixed an issue where a sister in the Heartsbane Triad could end up as the last witch alive and still have her damage reduction shield.
    • Fixed a bug where the Heartsbane Triad could be considered defeated at incorrect times.
  • Players should no longer be able to use the Electroshock Mount Motivator to motivate flight path mounts to move quicker.
  • Wolfpelt Greatcloak now has the same amount of stamina as other, similar cloaks.
Pet Battles
  • Beguiling Orb can now be interacted with by multiple players at the same time.
Player versus Player
  • Druid
    • Balance
      • Ironfeather Armor no longer incorrectly increases the haste gained by Incarnation: Chosen of Elune.
  • Xun Xun Sweetflower will now allow you to complete "Exotic Spices."
  • Bumbles should no longer be missing from the Mildenhall Meadery for “Let’s Bee Friends”.
World Quests
  • Bear Heart and Caustic Sap now drop more frequently for “Bruin Potions”.
  • A Horde flight path icon for Erika Jones is now present on the world map.
  • The Fort Daelin Inn now grants rest.
  • The Watertusk now grants rest to Alliance players.
  • Binding your hearthstone to The Hozen Throne now refers to the player’s location appropriately as “The Hozen Throne”.
August 22, 2018 Achievements
  • Alliance players can now access all treasure chests for Treasures of Vol'dun.
Azerite Powers
  • The spec restrictions on some Azerite traits have been loosened, to allow selection when the power of the trait can be utilized by a different specialization.
  • Fixed an issue where Deathbloom (Affliction) did not properly affect detonations triggered by other Seed of Corruption explosions.
  • Demon Hunter
    • Havoc
      • Momentum talent will now properly increase the damage effect of Trail of Ruin.
  • Druid
    • Feral
      • Brutal Slash damage increased by 20%.
      • Swipe damage increased by 15%.
      • Thrash damage increased by 15%.
      • Berserk will now persist through shapeshifting into and out of other forms.
      • Berserk will now shapeshift you into Cat Form if not already in Cat Form.
  • Hunter
    • Marksmanship
      • Aimed Shot will no longer deal the 50% increased first attack damage bonus on the second Aimed Shot when using Double Tap.
  • Mage
    • All Polymorph variants should now have the same duration.
  • Paladin
    • Retribution
      • Fist of Justice now correctly reduces the cooldown of Hammer of Justice when spending Holy Power on Inquisition.
  • Warlock
    • Demonology
      • Wild Imps will now always correctly cast five Fel Firebolts before despawning.
      • Summon Vilefiend will now correctly summon a Vilefiend of the same level as the Warlock.
Creatures and NPCs
  • The Brue in Stormsong Valley now has significantly less total health.
  • The Tortollan Seekers at Scaletrader Post should now provide mail services to the Alliance in Zuldazar.
  • Fizzie Sparkwhistle is no longer attackable.
  • Temple of Sethraliss
    • Knot of Snakes should now despawn when the Merektha encounter ends.
Island Expeditions
  • Resolved an issue that could cause the staging timer to be hidden from some players on Island Expeditions.
  • Increasing the staging timer to 45 seconds.
  • Resolved an issue that was causing the enemy AI team to spawn too quickly.
  • Players whose Heart of Azeroth did not receive its item level upgrade at Friendly, Honored, and/or Revered will now receive those upgrades by taking it off and re-equipping it.
  • Ricocheting Inflatable Pyrosaw no longer ricochets quite so far.
  • The Great Sea Ray mount should no longer be unique.
Pet Battles
  • Fixed a bug preventing players from receiving a message directing them to purchase the Greatwing Macaw and Mechanical Prairie Dog, after completing the associated quests. Players who have completed “Rodrigo's Revenge” or “Inspection Gadget” should visit Dana Pull in Boralus - and be sure to bring your polished pet charms!
  • Creepy Crate will no longer creepily consume itself shortly after being summoned.
  • Toxic Wasteling will no longer be stuck in place shortly after being summoned.
Player versus Player
  • Reduced the scaling benefits given to lower-level players in PvP.
  • Horde and Alliance Bounty bags dropped by bounty targets now correctly grant 100 Honor.
  • The "Call to Arms" World PvP quests can now be shared, and no longer require you to loot an Air Supply Drop to complete.
  • Fixed a bug causing Genn Greymane to disappear on “Proudmoore’s Parley”.
  • Brother Pike should no longer disappear for "Ritual Effects" and "The Strength of the Storm".
  • Your name will no longer display as ‘Akunda’ when you enter Temple of Akunda after completing "Ending the Madness".
  • Scout Mckellis is now available at the turn-in location for "Powder to the People" and "One Man Against the Horde".
  • Horde players must now have World Quests unlocked to begin the Forgotten Cove quest line in Stormsong Valley.
World Quests
  • There are now an appropriate number of enemies in the area when “Azerite Empowerment” is active.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented some players from being able to complete “Umbra’rix”.
  • Gloom Hollow now provides Horde players with rest while in War Mode.

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