August 21, 2018
Achievements- Players who previously chose Pa'ku can now complete Raptari Rider after switching their loa to Gonk.
- Fixed an issue with Excoriate (Demonology) where gaining multiple stacks of Demonic Core at once provided no additional benefit.
- Waycrest Manor
- Fixed a bug where Raal the Gluttonous would not cast Tenderize in certain situations.
- Matron Alma's Dread Mark should no longer target pets.
- Resolved an issue that could sometimes cause players to not receive full rewards for winning an Island Expedition.
- Incessantly Ticking Clock procs now scale properly with item level.
- Razzdunk's Big Red Button meteor damage increased by 248%.
- Winning a PvP Pet Battle will now properly reward Polished Pet Charms.
- Fixed an issue where players who were eligible to unlock an Allied Race were unable to start associated quests.
- Fixed an issue preventing multiple players at a time from completing "What Remains of Marshal M. Valentine".
- Fixed a bug which made "A Chilling Encounter" show up incorrectly.
- Spineleaf will no longer disappear when defeated for "What Do You Mean, Mind Controlling Plants?".
- The Abyssal Beacon should no longer disappear from the player's inventory after death during "Light in the Darkness".
- “Walking in a Spiderweb” should no longer despawn some enemies before they can be looted.
August 20, 2018
Azerite Powers- Fixed an issue where Dagger in the Back failed to stack properly when applied by multiple users.
- Players who faction transfer should now get a more informative message on how to continue the War Campaign on their new faction.
- Warlock
- Demonology
- The Summon Vilefiend and Nether Portal talents will no longer sometimes fail to work when cast on steep terrain.
- Demonology
- Fixed a bug that caused some enemies in the Drustvar Crimson Forest to be untargetable by players.
- Rikati at The Four Stingers will now sell his wares, including his famous Snake on a Stick, to members of the Alliance.
- Unlocking Siege of Boralus as a Horde player now unlocks the dungeon for all Horde characters on that account.
- Unlocking Kings' Rest as an Alliance player now unlocks the dungeon for all Alliance characters on that account.
- Freehold
- Irontide Enforcer's Shattering Toss will no longer wipe threat from the tank.
- Shrine of the Storm
- Vol’zith the Whisperer
- Fixed a bug that caused players to sometimes become stuck with Grasp of the Sunken City.
- Vol’zith the Whisperer
- Fixed an issue where Darkmoon Deck: Blockades was providing far less Stamina and Health than intended.
- Fixed an issue where Darkmoon Deck: Squalls was dealing less damage than intended. Its effective damage has been increased by approximately 300%.
- Fixed an issue where Darkmoon Deck: Fathoms would not trigger for Marksmanship or Beast Mastery hunters.
- Reduced the damage of Darkmoon Deck: Fathoms by 9%.
- Sergeant Wilson has travelled to The Mugambala and will offer Mercenary Contracts to members of the Horde that wish to fight for the Alliance.
- Nassar has travelled to Hook Point and will offer Mercenary Contracts to members of the Alliance that wish to fight for the Horde.
- Fixed multiple bugs that made it very difficult to bomb targets successfully on “Swab This!”.
- Fixed a bug causing Third Telemancer Syranel to evade player attacks on “Grand Theft Telemancy”.
- Players should now reliably get credit for taking the ferry for "The Ashvane Trading Company”.
- Horde players should now properly be able to see the Stolen Supplies for "Plunder and Provisions."
- Legion Assaults have returned to the Broken Isles.
August 17, 2018
Azerite Gear- Substantially lowered the Heart of Azeroth level required to activate the outer ring of Azerite armor obtained from World Quests and Mythic dungeons.
- Warlock
- Affliction
- Deathbolt will now correctly deal increased damage if cast immediately after casting Unstable Affliction.
- Affliction
- Slickspill should be much easier to loot now.
- Fixed an issue where 'Bygone Bee' Almanac's cooldown or duration would be affected too much when hitting multiple enemies.
- Sources of Conquest such as the World PvP Call to Arms quests, PvP Island Expeditions, Skirmish, and Battleground queues will award Honor until Battle for Azeroth: Arena Season 1 starts.
- Players who currently have Conquest will have the currency converted to Honor once they log in.
- Miniaturized Plasma Shield and Personal Space Amplifier engineering belt enchants can no longer be used in Arenas and Rated Battlegrounds.
- Fierce Gladiator is once again available to players who have earned the Fierce Gladiator: Legion Season 5 achievement.
- The War Mode Air Supply Drops in Tiragarde Sound should no longer fall in unreachable locations.
- Monk
- Brewmaster
- Incendiary Brew now adheres to line of sight restrictions.
- Double Barrel will no longer stun targets multiple times per Keg Smash cast.
- Brewmaster
- Cooking
- Fixed a bug that prevented Pandaria Banquets from granting the intended skill levels to Pandaria Cooking and Way of the Grill.
- Fixed a bug that caused the miners to not respawn as intended for “A Shot at the Dark Iron”.
- Fixed a bug where missions required to unlock hubs on the other continent were expiring quickly.
- Riding Macaw is no longer unfriendly to Horde for the world quest "Swab This!".
- Hexlord Raal is now reliably present to offer “Pa’ku, Master of Winds”.
- “The Lord Admiral's Lament" and "Bloodied Sentinel's Glaive" can now be turned in to Kayla Mills
- Flight paths unlocked through missions should now reliably appear as valid destinations on the flight map.
August 16, 2018
Azerite Gear- Fixed an issue where Ruinous Bolt would sometimes damage enemies that the player was not in combat with.
- Warrior
- Arms
- 1 point of Mastery now increases Deep Wounds damage by 10% (was 1%).
- Damage of all Arms abilities decreased by 14%. This excludes Arms Azerite Traits.
- Da White Shark has turned a new leaf and has fully renounced the fighting tactic of beating someone with another person's body.
- Players should now always be able to see the reward treasure chest after defeating Da White Shark in the Grand Bazaar.
- Slickspill in Stormsong should now be much easier to loot.
- John J. Keeshan has decided to once again wield his old bow instead of the bow of a certain warchief.
- Fixed a bug where a group of players below level 110, when partied with a level 110 player in a Legion dungeon, would receive heavily reduced experience.
- Fixed an issue that caused Alliance players who had completed The Pride of Kul Tiras to be unable to access Siege of Boralus.
- Fixed an issue that caused Horde players who hadn’t completed Zandalar Forever to be able to access Kings’ Rest.
- Clarified the error messages shown when attempting to zone in to Kings’ Rest or Siege of Boralus without meeting the requirements.
- Salty Dog Crackers are now consumed on use.
- The Stormsteel Saber now has a level requirement of 120.
- Steel Strongboxes now drop Dread Aspirant gear for all valid armor slots during the offseason.
- Factionally-aligned guards should no longer attack you for attacking members of the opposite faction.
- Call to Arms: Vol'Dun will now correctly count Horde players slain while in Vol'Dun.
- The Forgotten Techniques of Kul Tiras/Zandalar items now properly restore recipes that were learned and subsequently unlearned.
- Fixed a bug preventing some Draenor profession books from properly teaching all introductory recipes.
- Archaeology
- Digsites in the Port of Zem’lan are no longer partially obscured from view.
- Cooking
- Crafting Swamp Fish'n Chips should now give credit towards the achievements "The Zandalari Menu" and "The Kul Tiran Menu".
- Fishing
- Akan now teaches Battle for Azeroth Fishing.
- Fixed a bug that caused a few Tortollan quests in Stormsong Valley from awarding Tortollan reputation as intended.
- Completing "All Laid Out for Us" now awards its part of the Stormsong and Dance achievement.
- Upon accepting “Back to the Lab”, Raimond Mildehnall will no longer attempt to fight every enemy he sees while returning to the basement.
- Fixed an issue where the Lightforged Warframe used during "Dawn of Justice" was weaker than intended.
- Felecia Gladstone will now offer the remainder of her quests in Warfang Hold only once all her tasks for the Saltstone Mine have been completed.
- When unlocking World Quests in Zandalar and Kul’Tiras, Halford Wyrmbane or Nathanos Blightcaller will now give you a fresh Flight Master's Whistle if you left yours in the bank.
- Players are no longer stuck after abandoning “Into the Dunes” mid-flight.
- Scout Mckellis is now available at the turn-in location for "Powder to the People" and "One Man Against the Horde".
- "Wanted: Anchorface" should now be available to Alliance players before they unlock World Quests.
- "Wiccaphobia" should now proceed as expected for players who group up with other players on the quest.
- Players may now complete "Spell Bound" after first completing "So Long, Sister".
- Lucille Waycrest should no longer disappear for some players on "Of Myth and Fable”.
- Eligible party members now receive Azerite along with “Azerite Mining” quest credit when a member of the party interacts with an Azerite node.
- Fixed a bug preventing some Inns from granting rested experience to characters in War Mode.
- The Royal Treasury in Dazar’Alor is now flagged as a rested area.
- The second floor of the Snug Harbor Inn is now flagged as a rested area.
- The Flight Master's Whistle can now be used on the non-dungeon island of Tol Dagor.
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