October 9, 2018 Raids and Dungeons
- Uldir
- Fetid Devourer
- Mutated Masses will only spawn from one of the two central Waste Disposal Units on Mythic difficulty.
- G’huun
- Players are no longer prevented from using spells and abilities while holding the Power Matrix on Mythic difficulty.
- Dark Bargain can no longer cause players to become mind controlled on Raid Finder difficulty.
- Fetid Devourer
- Justice for the Fallen: Fixed an issue that could cause the Glaive to fail to award credit if used on G’huun during his death animation.
- Emissary caches that grant Azerite Armor can now reward items up to item level 370.
- Chronicler Ash'tar in Dazar'alor now offers the option to change loa statues between Krag'wa and Bwonsamdi.
- Death Knight
- Unholy
- Converting a Festering Wound into a Necrotic Wound with Necrotic Strike (PvP Talent) will now correctly grant Festermight (Azerite Trait).
- Unholy
October 5, 2018 Items
- Heart of Azeroth
- Retaliatory Fury should now activate from abilities cast on friendly targets.
- Rogue
- Assassination
- The Fan of Knives radius increase granted by Flying Daggers (PvP Talent) and Fan of Blades (Azerite Trait) no longer stack.
- Fan of Blades effectiveness reduced by 75% when engaged in combat with enemy players.
- Assassination
October 4, 2018 Achievements
- Fixed a bug that caused The Faceroller to be impossible to complete.
- Resolved an issue where credit for Expert Expeditioner was being granted in Heroic Island Expeditions.
- Paladin
- Fixed a bug causing Holy Paladins' Judgment debuff to be incorrectly consumed by other Paladins.
- Warrior
- Fury
- Death Wish can no longer be cancelled. This was your wish.
- Fury
- Fixed an issue where Darkmoon Deck: Fathoms could be triggered by non-damaging abilities.
- Heart of Azeroth
- Fixed a bug causing the bonus damage from Shrouded Suffocation to fall off if the rogue used Garrote on another target.
- Fixed an issue where Steady Aim could not be applied to an enemy by multiple Marksmanship Hunters.
- Fixed an issue causing Retaliatory Fury to not proc correctly on heals on friendly players.
- Fixed a bug that caused players to be stuck at 99% progress towards the Season Reward mount (Vicious War Clefthoof/Riverbeast).
- "Pages of History" can now be completed.
- Image of Zardrax the Empowerer no longer evades during "Paybacks a Lich".
- Fixed a bug which prevented the weekly Call to Arms World Quests from displaying their 50 Conquest rewards.
October 2, 2018 Classes
- Death Knight
- Unholy
- All damage increased by 4% (includes pets).
- Unholy
- Druid
- Feral
- All damage increased by 4%.
- Feral
- Mage
- Fire
- All damage increased by 5%.
- Fire
- Priest
- Shadow
- Mind Flay damage increased by 10%.
- Mind Sear damage increased by 15%.
- Shadow
- Shaman
- Elemental
- Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, and Earthquake damage increased by 15%.
- Enhancement
- All damage increased by 5%.
- Restoration
- All healing increased by 4%.
- Healing Surge healing increased by 6%, and mana cost slightly reduced.
- Elemental
- Warlock
- Demonology
- Shadow Bolt, Demonbolt, and Call Dreadstalkers damage increased by 15%.
- Demonology
- Warrior
- Protection
- Vanguard now increases armor by 50% of Strength (was 45%).
- Vanguard increases Stamina by 40% (was 35%).
- Protection
- Heart of Azeroth
- Fixed an issue where Archive of the Titans was not stacking in combat unless the player was actively attacking an enemy.
- The incapacitate effect of Enhancement Shamans’ Sundering can now be removed by abilities such as Gladiator's Medallion and Ice Block.
- Alterac Valley
- Creatures in Alterac Valley will now deal more damage and have more health for players at level 120 with higher iLevel gear.
- Isle of Conquest
- Demolishers now deal less damage to Siege Gunners and players.
- Damage done by Siege Engine against players has been reduced.
- During "The Hunt for Sylvanas", Tobias Mistmantle is now easier to follow.
October 1, 2018 Classes
- Monk
- Fixed an issue where Rising Mist healed some targets that don't have the caster's HoTs.
- Resolved additional issues that could prevent players from gaining progress in Island Expeditions for the weekly quests Azerite for the Horde / Azerite for the Alliance.
- Heart of Azeroth
- Fixed a bug that caused Spiteful Apparitions (Shadow Priest) to deal less damage than intended.
- Fixed an issue that unintentionally reduced the damage of Last Surprise (Unholy Death Knight) by 12%.
- Fixed an issue where Reorigination Array would sometimes not grant the appropriate amount of secondary stat.
- Alchemy
- The ratio of Siren’s Pollen and Riverbud required for Battle Potion of Agility has been adjusted.
- Ingredients required to create Potion of Rising Death and Potion of Bursting Blood have been reduced.
- Minimum range required for Potion of Rising Death’s damage effect to reach full value reduced to 20 yards (was 30 yards).
- End Time
- Murazond and the Ghouls in the Sylvanas encounter have had their health significantly reduced.
- The Stonecore
- High Priestess Azil’s Gravity Well no longer deals excessive damage.
- Fixed an issue preventing the "Lost Caravan" event from spawning in the Alliance version of Battle for Stromgarde.
- The Research option "War Resourcer" has been changed. It is now: Establish access to resources outside of the Warfront, allowing you enter the battle with 80 Iron and 20 Wood.
- “Nez'ara” should now properly reset when she has no enemies to attack.
- "Running Interference" should now reset properly.
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