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Warframe – Zephyr & Chroma Prime Vault | All Hotfixes May 2022

Warframe – Zephyr & Chroma Prime Vault | All Hotfixes May 2022


Introducing the latest hotfix for Angels of the Zariman, version 31.5.4! This update brings some exciting changes to Operators and the Focus School System based on both player feedback and internal investigations. The main focus of the previous update was to balance all the Schools and enhance the synergy between Warframes and Operators. However, it became apparent that Operators were lacking survivability in higher level combat situations, particularly in Zariman gameplay. To address this, the developers have made several adjustments, including increasing Operator base Health, Armor, and Shields, as well as implementing Shield Gating for strategic moments of recovery. Additionally, buffs have been applied to Enduring Tides, Magus Vigor, and Magus Husk. The team is eager to hear more feedback on these changes and will continue to monitor the situation closely. In addition to the Operator and Focus changes, this hotfix also includes some general improvements and fixes. The Field of View shift when using Void Sling has been reduced to address reports of nausea, and the description of 'Void Regen' has been clarified to include squad members. Unairu's Magnetic Flare has been adjusted to prevent it from completely stripping Profit-Taker's shields in one cast, and Madurai's 'Power Transfer' effects now properly refresh when re-triggered. Other fixes include resolving unintended cooldown issues, incorrect sounds during Transfers, and Xaku's inability to cast Vast Untime without Energy. Furthermore, the difficulty of the Void Cascade mission in the Angels of the Zariman quest has been lowered based on player feedback. Enemy units' health, overguard, and armor have been reduced, along with a decrease in enemy count. To better prepare players for the challenges ahead, a helpful popup has been added before starting the quest, providing advice and suggestions based on the player's Focus Points and equipped Amp. Lastly, the number of Eximus spawns in the Mastery Rank 27 test has been reduced to make it more manageable after the changes introduced in the Angels of the Zariman update. Get ready to dive back into the world of Angels of the Zariman with these exciting changes and improvements. Don't forget to share your thoughts and experiences with the developers as they continue to fine-tune the game. Happy gaming!

Angels of the Zariman: Hotfix 31.5.4

Operator & Focus Changes:

A mix of both Community feedback and our own internal digging has brought forth some further changes to Operators and the Focus School System. A couple key goals of the Focus School System changes in Update 31.5.0 was to bring all Schools to the same level (while keeping their identifying attributes) and bring synergy to Warframe and Operator gameplay. While we believe we’ve achieved that, there’s still very understandable feedback surrounding the “survivability of Operators” in higher level combat (most noticeable in the Zariman gameplay). It’s unfair to put players in scenarios where Operator gameplay is required, but not provide a general base bump to their survivability.

All that being said, we have made a few changes to provide this bump:

  • Increased Operator base Health from 250 to 350.

  • Increased Operator base Armor from 25 to 75.

  • Added 350 base Shields to Operator.

    • Shield Gating now applies to Operators, giving you a strategic moment to Transfer back to Warframe, recover in Void Mode, or tough it out!

  • Added +200% Armor to Enduring Tides. Changed to be a “stacking” modifier instead of “multiplicative” to match math logic used for other buffs, while not making additional Health/Armor increases scale further than desired.

  • Increased Magus Vigor to +600 Health.

  • Increased Magus Husk to +250 Armor.

To recap, we’ve changed the math behind Enduring Tides, raised the floor on Operator survivability overall, and provided some buffs to Magus Vigor/Husk. We’ll be watching for further feedback on these changes!

General Operator & Focus Changes & Fixes: 

  • Reduced the slight Field of View shift when using Void Sling from 0.5 to 0.2 to address reports of base Field of View inducing nausea. Additionally, when Camera Shake is disabled the Field of View shift on Void Sling is removed.

  • Clarified ‘Void Regen's’ description that it applies to squad members not just Operators.

  • Fixed Unairu’s Magnetic Flare being able to completely strip Profit-Taker’s shields in one cast.

    • Applied the same logic with Magnetic Flare that is used for other bosses (Eidolons and Ropalolyst for example), since completely stripping Shields in a single Magnetic Flare cast removes a large portion of certain gameplay mechanics in these fights.

  • Fixed Madurai’s ‘Power Transfer’ effects not refreshing when re-triggered while active.

    • This also fixes the HUD stating that it was refreshed, when it was indeed not.

  • Fixed an unintended extra cooldown going from Operator to Warframe and back, caused by the ‘Opening Slam’ Focus node.

  • Fixed an incorrect sound being played when Transferring from Warframe to Operator.

  • Fixed Xaku being unable to cast the Vast Untime if they have no Energy available while Inner Might is active.


  • Lowered the difficulty of the Void Cascade mission in the Angels of the Zariman quest:

    • Reduced the Thrax units max Health.

    • Reduced the Thrax units max Overguard.

    • Reduced the Thrax units Armor.

    • Lowered enemy count.

      • As we have continued to review feedback, there has been a continuation of difficulty feedback during portions of the quest. While the quest may be easy to complete for some, we want to find accommodations for those who have been struggling to move past certain stages.

  • Added a popup before beginning the Angels of the Zariman quest to prepare player for what's up ahead based on several conditions:

    • General: “The Operator/[Spoiler] will face tough challenges aboard the Zariman, make sure they are as ready as possible.”

    • If the player has Focus Points: “You have enough Focus to unlock additional Focus nodes.”

    • If the player has the Mote Amp equipped: “You have a Mote Amp equipped. Consider equipping a stronger Amp, such as the Sirocco.”

  • Reduced the number of Eximus spawns in the Mastery Rank 27 test.

    • With the Eximus changes in the Angels of the Zariman update, the test was reported to be rather difficult to complete.

  • Adjusted how black colors appear on the Warframe Voidshell Skins with certain Material Structures equipped.

    • Selecting black for all color slots while using any mix of the Oxium Gloss, Crimzian Opulence, Gleaming Alloy, Smooth Salvage, Titanium Sheen, and Zetki Quality Material Structures caused the Warframe to disappear into nothing but a shadow silhouette and crushing details (could essentially play “Who’s that Warframe”).

  • Slightly increased the Riven Sliver drop chance from Eximus units in non-Steel Path missions.

  • You can now move the previously unmovable/pre-placed decorations in the Dormizone (and yes this includes the meat cubes on the table).

  • Friendly Energy Leech Eximus now provides a small amount of Energy regeneration (3/s for 3s) to players within 25m when they hit enemies. Time to dust off those Roller Specters, Tenno!

  • Disabled the context action from the Melica Console in the Chrysalith.

  • Added custom icon for the ‘Incarnon Challenges’ category in the in-mission Challenge Progress window.

  • Orokin Drones Eximus units will now only choose between Health Leech and Energy Leech Eximus variants.

    • These units do not have attack animations, and therefore made it impossible to telegraph their Eximus powered attacks.

  • Zariman Syndicate rank up dialogue has been reassigned to the ‘Speech Volume’ slider in the Audio options.

    • This also fixes their dialogue being muted if players had the ‘Transmission Slider’ turned down.

Zariman Mission Changes & Fixes:

  • Decreased the required amount of Vitoplast Globules needed in the ‘Collect X Vitoplast Globules’ Zariman Bounty challenges from 100/150/250 to 75/100/200 and ‘Collect X Large Vitoplast Globules’ from 5/10/15/20 to 4/6/8/10.

  • Potential fixes towards Thrax units not spawning.

  • More fixes towards Void Flood rewards not being given to Clients.

  • Fixed Void Manifestations at times retaining invincibility after destroying Orbs.

  • Fixed loss of functionality when Client rapidly transfers back to Warframe after getting impaled by Void Manifestation.

  • Fixed Acolytes spawning in Zariman bounties after completing a Steel Path Zariman mission beforehand.

  • Fixed crash related to the Void Manifestations ground spike ability on Host migration.

  • Fixed crash when starting a Bounty with the ‘Complete Mission Without Abilities’ Zariman Bounty challenge.

  • Fixed Thrax unit not matching enemy levels.

  • Fixed the Chrysalith node not being marked as Complete at the conclusion of the Angels of the Zariman quest.

    • This essentially fixes not being able to select the Zariman's missions on the Steel Path mode from Navigation.

  • Fixed Zariman Bounties rewards not appearing in the public drop tables.

  • Fixed lingering FX from Void Manifestation arena after Operator dies within it.

  • Fixing Host exiting the Void Manifestation arena causing the FX to be removed for Clients.

  • Fixed cases where mission objectives in Void Armageddon would not update.

  • Fixed marker lingering for Clients after killing Void Manifestation.

  • Fixed a single Mobile Defense Zariman Bounty mission counting as multiple for the Nightwave ‘Protector’ Act challenge.

  • Fixed the “Zariman 'Bounty Complete” text overlapping with the End of Mission “Mission Complete” UI popups.

  • Fixed there being no UI element in multiple in-mission screens not indicating which Zariman mission you are playing.

  • Fixed a script error caused by the new waypoint marker for inactive Void Manifestations in Zariman missions.

  • Fixed more script errors related to Thrax enemies in Void Cascade and Flood missions.

  • Fixed script error related to destroying a Void Manifestation at the same time as Host migrating.

  • Fixed script error in the Void Cascade and Flood missions.

  • Fixed script error in the Void Armageddon missions.

  • Fixed the Steel Path reward not triggering because of the Dormizone counting as a mission node for this region.

    • If you already completed all Steel Path mission nodes before this fix, we’ll be running a script to repair this for you. Please be patient. We will announce when this repair is completed.


  • Fixed a DirectX 12 crash related to the driver.


  • Fixed Nekros’ Desecrate and Hydroid’s Pilfering Swarm being able to duplicate Voidplume Pinion and Arcane drops from Void Manifestation fights.

    • Restored these to match Khora’s Pilfering Strangledome and Atlas’ Ore Gaze Augment mods intentionally not applying their loot bonuses on Void Manifestations.

  • Fixed Ivara’s Prowl applying to Thrax units in between their physical and Void states.

    • Looting abilities no longer apply to Thrax units - similarly to Acolytes.

  • Fixed Energy Leech Eximus doing double the effect on Clients.

  • Fixed the new Arcanes from the Angels of the Zariman update all displaying as ‘Common’ in the mission progress screen, regardless of their actual rarity.

  • Fixed Sigils equipped on Warframes not appearing in the same position post-Angels of the Zariman update.

  • Fixed collar and hood missing on the he [Spoiler] Skin (rewarded once completing the Angels of the Zariman quest) with ‘Open Hood’ option toggled on.

  • Fixed clicking sounds heard in certain notes when playing Kira’s Shawzin.

  • Fixed the globe light at the end of the Angels of the Zariman quest popping out when near the edge of the screen.

  • Fixed the Focus Represent shop not updating your available balance in the UI after making a purchase.

  • Fixed "Heavy Unit incoming" Eximus transmission not respecting the ‘Disable Hint Transmission’ setting.

  • Fixed issue with how the Steel Path Zariman emote icon appeared.

  • Fixed being able to skip the ‘pick Melee weapon’ and ‘Bullet Jump’ tutorial stages in the Awakening quest.

  • Fixed losing background after viewing, purchasing, or exiting a background diorama from the ‘Customize UI Theme’ selection menu.

  • Fixed frequency of transmissions during Drone Escort Bounties in the Plains of Eidolon being far too high.

  • Fixed UI theme customizations not applying to the Operator Appearance UI.

  • Fixed losing the ability to cast any Warframe abilities for the rest of the mission after jumping onto Yareli’s Merulina when you jump into the Void Manifestation arena.

  • Fixed an invisible wall at the door of Teshin's room in the Strata relay.

  • Fixed being unable to spawn the Demolisher Machinist in the Simulacrum despite it being fully unlocked in the Codex.

  • Fixed the Rank 5 greeting transmission playing at Rank 3 for the Zariman Syndicate.

  • Fixed a spike on Garuda's Ephemera that lacked symmetry.

  • Fixed [PH] tag appearing in the tooltip for ‘Melee with Fire Weapon Input’ and ‘Reload with Context Action’ Options.

  • Fixed a certain Globe Light in the Zariman tileset missing a context action description.

  • Fixed Khora’s Venari missing a description.

  • Fixed a script error caused by killing a Derivator Crewman right as it starts casting its ability.

  • Fixed crash when a squad returns to the Chrysalith.

  • Fixed crash related to the FX on the Javlok.

  • Fixed script error when trying to move unmovable decorations in the Dormizone.

  • Fixed script error related to nullifier bubbles.

  • Fixed script error related to shutting down lighting FX when returning to the Chrysalith.

  • Fixed script error related to enemy spawns in the Corpus Gas City tileset.

  • Fixed script error in the Deadlock Protocol quest.

Angels of the Zariman: Hotfix 31.5.5

We’re back with our second Hotfix of the week as the team progresses through reports. Additionally, we’re working towards addressing some bigger feedback areas with our week's worth of findings - more info to share soon.

Angels of the Zariman Quest Changes & Fixes: 

  • Adjusted the Void Cascade mission objectives to start when players kill the first Thrax occupying an Exolizer.

  • Added objective kill marker, tutorial text popup, and transmissions to better explain mission objectives in Void Cascade.

    • Specifically “Kill the Thrax”.

  • The tutorial message about depositing Vitoplast will now appear much sooner after the first Void Rupture becomes active in the Void Flood mission.

  • The following Void Cascade conditions are now the only ones that will occur in the quest mission:

    • Shield Drain

    • Enemies have added Heat damage

    • Boarding squad

  • Improved mission flow in the Void Cascade mission.

  • Reduced enemy counts for the first two Void Ruptures in the Void Flood mission. It will now ramp up slowly over time and Eximus units will only spawn after the first Void Rupture has been closed.

  • Fixed missing transmissions for when an Exolizer spawns in Void Cascade mission.

  • Fixed the objective marker in the Void Flood mission appearing during intro transmission.

    • It will now appear after this key transmission has finished playing.

  • Fixed being able to bypass pop-up messages introduced in Hotfix 31.5.5 by starting the Angels of the Zariman quest from Navigation.

Zariman Mission Changes & Fixes: 

  • Void Flood Fixes:

    • The optional Extraction marker now displays for less time at each rotation.

    • Fixed “Return to the Chrysalith” message lingering on screen indefinitely after the mission ends.

    • Fixed objective A not appearing until the intro transmissions have finished.

      • This also fixes the objective popping in at an empty location with a marker and causing an awkward pause in gameplay. 

    • Fixed extraction transmission playing after the next Round’s A marker appears in Void Flood missions.

      • This should help some confusion on extraction availability before the next Round begins on longer endless runs. 

  • Void Cascade Fixes:

    • Fixed Exolizer progression marker lingering with full bar after it disappears in Void Cascade missions.

  • Fixes towards enemies not spawning properly if you Host migrate before fully connecting/loading into Zariman missions from the Chrysalith (and all other open landscapes).

  • Fixed Zariman missions (including Bounties) at times auto-completing and on consecutive runs.

  • Fixed Thrax enemies being able to activate any interactables in Zariman missions, which would disable them for players.

  • Fixed crash related to Thrax Centurions.

  • Fixed script error with Void Manifestation ground spike ability.

  • More fixes towards script errors related to Thrax enemy spawns.

  • Fixed a script error with the inactive Void Manifestations spawns.

  • Fixed a script error in Void Armageddon missions.


  • Added a daily refresh indicator to Syndicate screens (anywhere where there is an ‘X remaining’ indicator).

  • Added ‘None’ icon to all of the None options in the Operator UI lists in the Orbiter.

  • Entrati Syndicate rank up dialogue has been reassigned to the ‘Speech Volume’ slider in the Audio options.

    • This also fixes their dialogue being muted if players had the ‘Transmission Slider’ turned down. 


  • Fixes towards being unable to matchmake with other players in any open landscape mission (Bounties included).

  • Fixed being unable to individually extract from endless missions (excluding the new Zariman mission types, stay tuned for possible add!).

  • Fixed case where Focus points were being consumed to purchase Teshin’s 10,000 x Kuva Steel Path Honors.

    • This also prevented you from making the purchase if you didn’t have the right kind of Focus points. A script will be run to refund Focus points for anyone who purchased Kuva from Teshin between the launch of the Angels of the Zariman update and this hotfix. 

    • A script has been run (on all platforms) to refund Focus points for anyone who purchased Kuva from Teshin between the launch of the Angels of the Zariman update and this hotfix. 

  • Fixed the Plexus opened from the Orbiter not maintaining the mod equipped in the 8th slot after closing and re-opening screen.

  • Fixed players being unable to change their highlighted ability while sprinting as Operator while using controller.

  • Fixed Synth Charge’s effects applying to the Laetum’s Incarnon Transmutation by 200% for the full duration if you transmute it with only one bullet left in the magazine.

  • Fixed Energy Leech Eximus hazard FX and sound not working properly for Clients.

  • Fixed being unable to trigger Transmutation on Incarnon weapons with alt-fire/heavy attack after Host migration.

  • Fixed dying before cinematic in final stages of The New War quest causing you to be unable to proceed.

    • This also fixes being able to receive damage if you happen to be playing as Operator when that cinematic starts, which would ultimately break the cinematic.

  • Fixed holding Garuda’s Dread Mirror to charge the damage of her blood ball consuming Energy, but not increasing damage.

  • Fixed Gyre Rotorswell lightning strike cooldown being permanently decreased in certain cases when the electric arcs chain to other enemies.

    • This potentially also fixes Cathode Grace randomly disabling itself - please let us know if this issue continues post-Hotfix. 

  • Fixed Range Advantage’s buff only applying when enemies are within 15 meters instead of 10 meters and only increases damage by 250% instead of 300% (at max Rank) as intended.

  • Fixed the Sevagoth’s Shadow Skin and Helmet stating in its description that it “is a cosmetic for an item which you do not own” when you do in-fact own it.

  • Fixed the Credits looted HUD tracker not updating while playing as Operator in Orb Vallis Assassinate Bounties.

    • It used to only add the Credits collected once you transferred back to your Warframe, but it will now take into account the Credits picked up as Operator. 

  • Fixed the Derivator Crewman’s backpack not vanishing on death.

  • Fixed Atlas’ Path of Statues Augment trail FX not being visible.

  • Fixed lingering mentions of ‘Void Dash’ to the new ‘Void Sling’.

  • Fixed crash related to Thrall spawning into a mission.

  • Fixing audio ducking while aiming with a Fishing Spear if you melee in between aiming.

  • Fixed script error with Assassinate Bounties in the Orb Vallis.

  • Fixed script error related to the Gas City tileset lab puzzles.

  • Fixed script error related to the Kavat Tek Mod set bonus effects.

Angels of the Zariman: Hotfix 31.5.6

Zariman Mission Changes & Fixes: 

  • Extraction is no longer forced after completing all Bounty objectives in Void Flood missions, the mission can continue indefinitely if players decide to stay.
  • Improved the spawning consistency of large Vitoplast orbs in relation to their distance from Void Ruptures.
  • Updated Armaments UI to use seconds instead of percentage in Void Armageddon missions.
  • Added more tutorial messages in the Angels of the Zariman quest Void Flood mission in regards to the Corruption level:
    • “Closing ruptures lowers the corruption meter.”
    • “Keep the corruption meter low to avoid negative void complications.”
  • Fixed infinite loading screen when entering the Zariman elevator as Operator during Zariman Bounty.
    • This resulted in having to abort the mission in order to escape the confines of the Elevator. 
  • Fixed Void Flood missions missing UI pop ups to indicate a reward has been given.
  • Fixed Void Manifestation HUD not showing to players who join a fight in progress.
  • Fixed the ‘Minimize Void Contamination’ Bounty for Cascade (Use 4 Exolizers while keeping the corruption bar from going above 50%) failing instantly upon mission start on older PCs.


  • Added a scaling spawn cap to Eximus units in Endless mission types (this includes Survival, Void Flood, Void Armageddon, Void Cascade, Disruption, Zealoid Prelate, The Deadlock Protocol quest, and Rising Tide quest).
    • Previously, spawn scaling was uncapped. Now it scales by squad size to take into account solo players vs. squads. In other words, Eximus have the same % to spawn for each enemy, but once you hit the simultaneous Eximus cap no more will spawn until they are killed. Here is the breakdown for scaling spawn cap based on squad #s: 
      • Solo player = No more than 2 Eximus at a time (this is consistent with non-endless mission caps)
      • 2 player squad = 2 Eximus max at a time 
      • 3 player squad = 3 Eximus max at a time
      • 4 player squad = 4 Eximus max at a time
  • Changed the final Angels of the Zariman quest objective description.


  • Made several systemic optimizations to memory usage to save over 2MB of RAM.
  • Made several insignificant optimizations to frame-rate.


  • Fixed Ghoul Purge Bounties (and potentially others) failing at start.
    • We will be restoring the Bounty sometime tomorrow once we have deployed the fix on all platforms. 
  • Fixed Hydroid's Pilfering Swarm, Nekros Desecrate, and Khora's Pilfering Strangledome affecting Vitoplast drop amounts from enemies in Void Flood missions.
    • This was the original design intention, as was mentioned in the pre-launch sponsored videos on Void Flood missions. Its core design encourages the use of your parkour skills as the primary way to collect scattered Vitoplast around the tileset, with enemy drops being secondary. 
  • Fixed Cascadia Overcharge’s Critical Chance buff applying to all weapons instead of just the Secondary, as intended.
  • Fixed a noticeable seam in the torso/arm area of the Valkyr Carnivex Skin.
  • Fixed the Vasero Sehkara badges shifting position in an asymmetric way when equipped with shoulder armor.
  • Fixed some duplicated Blitz/Volatile Eximus effects on Clients.
  • Fixed being able to sell Aeolak components for Ducats.
  • Fixed Zariman ghosts standing still indefinitely after Host migration.
  • Fixed Operator missing facial customizations in the first cinematic of the Angels of the Zariman quest.
  • Fixed anti-Warframe bubble not working on Clients in Void Cascade missions.
  • Fixed the key binding screen tabs in Options overlapping with the top key to bind when resolution is set to 1920x1200 and the game is in windowed mode.
  • Fixed certain mentions of the ‘Void’ not being capitalized.
  • Fixed an issue with the reload sound FX for the Oscira skin.
  • Fixing Wisp and Titania’s animation sets not floating while having the Hespar equipped.
  • Fixed [PH] tags in the Customize HUD Color settings.
  • Fixed crash when opening up the ‘Hire Railjack Crew Members’ window at Ticker in Fortuna.
  • Fixed script error related to special Incarnon weapon reticle.
  • Fixed script error while killing a Hound right before Host migration.
  • Fixed script error related to the Conclave team select interface.
  • Fixed script error related to Volt’s Shock ability.

Missed note from Hotfix 31.5.5: 

  • Added Focus node Modifiers to the Ability screen descriptions. bcdfb3ebba223eecb0eb830e102a7cfc.jpg

Angels of the Zariman: Hotfix 31.5.7

Happy Friday, Tenno! Today’s hotfix addresses some high priority bugs and brings with it some changes to Operators and Focus. This will tentatively be the last hotfix until the launch of next week’s Zephyr Prime and Chroma Prime Prime Vault. But we will of course be monitoring for any urgent issues and will be Hotfixing in those cases. Thank you! 

Operator & Focus Changes:

Another round of Community feedback has brought a handful of changes to Operators and the Focus School System. This time the focus (ar ar ar) is on the casting animation speed of certain Focus abilities and some minor changes to Void Sling. We are working on optimizing the base speed, duration, and animation in these Hotfixes. We are also doing code reviews for our next Update to review further tweaks (with an emphasis on Void Sling) - more on that very soon!

  • The following Focus abilities have had their casting animations replaced with a faster variant:

    • Caustic Strike

    • Magnetic Flare

    • Void Snare

  • Shortened and increased the speed of the Void Levitation and Contamination Wave’s casting animation.

  • Replaced the following Focus abilities’ casting animation with a faster variant that is also upper body only - which now allows for full movement while casting as opposed to staying stationary:

    • Guardian Shell

    • Temporal Drag

  • Void Sling Changes:

    • Decreased the time it takes for Void Sling’s end point to reach its max distance.

    • Increased the overall velocity of slinging to the end point.

  • The ‘Abilities’ option from the pause menu can now be accessed when playing as Operator.

General Operator/Focus Fixes: 

  • Fixed the incorrect values for Inner Might’s Energy cost when Ability Efficiency is not at 100% (equipping Blind Rage for example).

    • For most Warframe abilities this was a UI only bug, gameplay values were unaffected. But some really did end up with very wrong energy costs.

  • Fixed script error related to Unairu Wisp.

Zariman Mission Changes & Fixes: 

  • Made Zariman matchmaking more robust.

    • Fixed players with public matchmaking turned on not matching into the same Bounty with each other.

  • Fixed cases of Void Flood Bounty “normal mission” rewards not being awarded.

  • Fixed being unable to enter the Void Manifestation arena due to a delay on their health bar appearing.

  • Fixes towards the Zariman Bounties with the "Kill X Grineer" Challenge ending up with Corpus enemies and vice versa.

  • Fixed being unable to complete the “Complete mission without Abilities” Bounty in the Zariman Mobile Defense (The Greenway) due to a lack of extraction and other factors.

  • Fixed extraction being unavailable after 1 full round in a Void Flood mission or Bounty.

  • Fixed some cases of extraction not enabling after Host migration in Void Armageddon missions.

  • Fixed level aura debuffs caused by destroyed Exodampers in Void Armageddon persisting in regular Zariman missions.

  • More fixes towards Clients not losing the Void Manifestation Arena filter after getting killed inside.

  • Possible fix for objective UI trackers sometimes being out of order in Void Flood Bounty missions.

  • Fixed potential issues with joining players and/or connection issues in Void Flood missions.

  • Fixed the Kuva Trokarian’s Transference disrupting bubbles not functioning in back to back missions in the Zariman.

  • Fixed crash when aborting or Host migrating in a Zariman mission while wall dashing.

  • Fixed crash that could happen if Client went back to the Chrysalith at the same time that the Host is jumping into the Void Manifestation arena.

  • Fixed crash that could happen if Client went back to the Chrysalith at the same time that the Host is awakening a Void Manifestation.

  • Fixed script error in Void Flood Ruptures in Void Flood missions.

  • Fixed rare crash due to Host migrating during the ‘Kill Thrax’ stages of Void Flood missions.


  • Follow up changes to the scaling spawn cap to Eximus units in Endless mission types change that went live yesterday in Hotfix 31.5.6:

    • Increased the Eximus cap in Sortie Survival missions to 5 max simultaneous Eximus. It is also no longer scaled by squad size (was between 2 and 4 depending on squad size).

  • Health and Energy Leech Eximus units will no longer create their leeching zones to attack players they cannot see

    • This was allowing them to attack through objects, now they will only create their leeching zones when they can see the target they are trying to attack. Note that they will still try to predict your movement if they catch a glimpse of you! 

  • Increased volume of Focus Convergence Orb pickup sound.


  • Fixed all Incarnon Evolutions that increase or reduce Critical/Status Chance not applying correctly.

    • Previously, the base stats were not additive, which meant that they weren’t being applied in full. For example, the Phenmor’s Survivor’s Edge Evolution IV +10% Critical Chance +10 Status Chance was only applying a fraction of that percentage boost. They will now apply properly as described in its descriptions! 

  • Fixed the Laetum’s ‘Overwhelming Attrition’ Evolution perk activating from status DOTs inflicted by the weapon.

    • This was in contradiction to its description and original design: “On Hit that is neither Critical nor applies a Status Effect: +400% damage for 20 seconds.” 

  • Fixed Cascadia Overcharge Rank 4 & 5 bonus being identical. Max rank effect remains 300%,  Unranked is now 50%.

  • Fixed the Hespar having a 1 hour Crafting time as opposed to the intended 12 hour Crafting time that is reflected for its components.

  • Fixes towards Clients loading into a mission with no enemy spawns (including Railjack missions) after Host invites them but abandons the mission/closes the game while the Client is loading in.

  • Fixed Mesa’s Staggering Shield Augment mod chance to stagger enemies accumulating each time it's cast.

  • Fixed crash after mind controlling or disarming enemies right as the "change of plans" swap-to-exterminate happens in mission.

  • Fixed the wrong sound FX playing on Nova’s Antimatter when Inner Might’s charge is ready.

  • Fixed all Focus School Sumdalis clipping through the Liset Prime Skin livery.

  • Fixed Inaros’ Spectralyst Shadows created from Amalgam enemies not despawning.

  • Fixed another case of Excalibur Umbra losing all function (and being unable to transference back to him) after being spiked by a Void Manifestation.

  • Fixed Inaros’ losing loss of function after being spiked by a Void Manifestation while Devouring.

  • Fixed Shawzin custom bindings not saving and reverting to default when using the Shawzin Emote on controller.

  • Fixed missing sounds during the opening sequences in the Saya’s Vigil quest.

  • Fixed wing attachments on Carrier Prime not orienting correctly.

  • Fixed a script error related to Alad V's Blinding Beam ability.

  • Fixed potential script error when joining a mission in progress or Host migrating.

  • Fixed script error related to Ivara’s Quiver.


Soar high and command the fury of the elements with the latest Prime Vault release!

Zephyr Prime and Chroma Prime have returned alongside their Prime Weapons and exclusive Customizations for a limited time. Prime Vault packs can be purchased via

We are continuing our access to Prime Vault content through regular releases. More information on next steps for Prime Resurgence can be found in the Post-Event and Next Steps announcement.


  • 1200 Platinum
  • Zephyr Prime and Chroma Prime Warframes
  • Tiberon Prime
  • Kronen Prime
  • Rubico Prime
  • Gram Prime
  • Impetus Prime Syandana
  • Commodore Prime Suit
  • Imugi Prime Armor
  • Tibor Prime Armor
  • Tibor Prime Gene-Masking Kit
  • BONUS: Kavat Incubator Segment and Kavat Starter Kit
  • Zephyr Prime and Chroma Prime Glyphs


  • 400 Platinum
  • Zephyr Prime Warframe
  • Tiberon Prime
  • Kronen Prime
  • Commodore Prime Suit
  • Tibor Prime Armor
  • Tibor Prime Gene-Masking Kit
  • BONUS: Kavat Incubator Segment and Kavat Starter Kit
  • Zephyr Prime Glyphs


  • 400 Platinum
  • Chroma Prime Warframe
  • Rubico Prime
  • Gram Prime
  • Impetus Prime Syandana
  • Imugi Prime Armor
  • Chroma Prime Glyphs


  • 200 Platinum
  • Commodore Prime Suit
  • Tibor Prime Armor
  • Tibor Prime Gene-Masking Kit
  • BONUS: Kavat Incubator Segment and Kavat Starter Kit


  • 200 Platinum
  • Impetus Prime Syandana
  • Imugi Prime Armor

Find their Relics in the Void or Bounty rewards starting now!

Zephyr Prime, Chroma Prime, Tiberon Prime, Kronen Prime, Rubico Prime, and Gram Prime Relics have been added to the drop tables! These Relics have replaced the Banshee Prime and Mirage Prime Relics in the Void drop tables, Bounties, and Relic Packs.

*If you already wield the power of these Primes or have their Relics in your Inventory, they will remain after the Vaulting.

Zariman Mission Changes & Fixes: 

  • Added additional spawn points for Voidplumes, Somachord Fragments, Storage Containers, and Zarium Accolades throughout the Zariman tileset.
  • Fixed Zariman Bounties not rolling over immediately once the timer reaches 0.
  • Fixed a case where Faction-based Bounty challenges might not match the actual Faction present in Zariman.
    • Now whenever the Faction changes, the Bounties will be refreshed to prevent this from happening in the future.
  • Fixed an issue with Bounties not properly updating after Host migration if players had already completed one of their objectives.
  • Fixed kills from built Turrets in Void Armageddon Bounties with the “Kill X Grineer/Corpus” challenge not counting.
  • Fixed cleansed Exolizers in Void Cascade missions expiring immediately after Host migration.
  • Fixed extraction appearing early in Void Flood missions after Host migrating during the ‘Kill Thrax attackers’ stage.
    • Also fixed a second extraction marker that does not lead anywhere after migrating.
  • Fixed Zariman Steel Path missions not being considered completed on the Star Chart when played from the Chrysalith.
  • Fixed extraction not appearing after completing back to back Void Cascade Bounties after Host migration.
  • Fixed active Void Manifestation being inactive and unable to be reactivated after Host migration.
  • Fixed the rare instance where both the Thrax unit and the enemies it channeled became invisible for an indefinite amount of time.
  • Fixed extra extraction markers directing you to dead ends in the Zariman tileset.

Operator/Focus Changes & Fixes: 

  • Fixed switching to the last position you left Excalibur Umbra instead of your current position as Operator before Transferring back to Warframe.
  • Inner Might changes & fixes:
    • Energy costs in the abilities screen will now reflect their new cost (0) when affected by Inner Might.
    • Fixed an issue where Inner Might was being consumed without granting a free cast on numerous abilities.
    • Fixed some abilities with no cost or special costs consuming Inner Might despite not benefitting from it.
    • Fixed Inner Might activating and allowing infinite casting for most Warframe abilities in the Grendel Locator missions (which have Focus abilities disabled by default).

UI Changes: 

  • Added on-hover tooltip to Credits and Platinum in the notifications bar.
    • Clicking on the Platinum icon in the notifications bar will now ask you if you want to open the browser to view/purchase Platinum packs.
    • Discount coupon % and remaining time will also appear when hovering over the Platinum icon.
  • In-game Market category Icons will now increase in size on hover.
  • The in-game Market now has new banner backers and has been increased in size.
  • Updated the ‘New’ icon FX.


  • Grineer Sensor Regulator Eximus (the drones from Grineer Sealab Spy mission) will only spawn as Energy Leech and Health Leech.
    • They are unable to animate the other Eximus functions, which was making it difficult/impossible to telegraph their attacks.
    • Also fixed their Eximus abilities to actually function.
  • Updated the descriptions for Ironbride, Arquebex, and Necraweb


  • Fixed Equinox’s Maim being able to chain stagger Eximus units with Overguard active.
    • Overguard as it was designed is resistant to CC, any form of stagger proc present with Warframe abilities is unintended at this time. It’s worth noting that we’re exploring some options on the topic of Overguard and its CC resistance.
  • Fixed the Aero mod set bonus putting to sleep ability immune enemies (Eximus with Overguard, Demolysts, certain bosses, etc.).
  • Fixed Cascadia Empowered triggering Overwhelming Attrition.
  • Fixed the Relic selection screen in endless Void Fissure missions not showing Relic source information.
  • Fixed more Capture targets spawning periodically after the change of plans objective swap to Exterminate happens in Capture missions.
  • Fixed the Day/Night time countdown in the Plains of Eidolon/Cetus being paused indefinitely at "In 0 s".
  • Fixed Titania being able to clip through geometry by spamming Razorwing in certain cases.
    • Also fixed being able to escape every map using Transference and Razorwing.
  • Fixed Nidus Prime maintaining mutated appearance after exiting the game with any bow equipped.
  • Fixed some skins for Exalted Weapons’ descriptions in Inventory stating that you do not own the weapon despite the fact that you do.
  • Fixed script error related to Limbo’s Banish.
  • Fixed multiple script errors related to deactivating Operator Focus abilities.
  • Fixed script error related to Leech/Sanguine Eximus zones.
  • Fixed script error when Host migrating shortly after turning in a Zarium Accolade at a Melica Cache.
  • Fixed script error related to Chroma’s Toxin Elemental Ward.
  • Fixed script error related to Garuda’s Seeking Talons during Host migration.

Zariman Mission Changes & Fixes: 

  • Added the Steel Path mission toggle to the Zariman Navigation located in the Chrysalith.
    • In premade squads, the Steel Path toggle is determined by the Host (even if Clients do not have it toggled on, joining a Host who does will default everyone to Steel Path).
    • Known issue: You are only able to publicly matchmake with Steel Path Tenno from the same location. In other words, Steel Path matchmaking from the Chrysalith will only match you with other Tenno who are looking for a Steel Path squad from the Chrysalith (same with Steel Path matchmaking from Orbiter Navigation). 
  • Fixed a rare case of being unable to progress in Void Flood missions after killing a Thrax enemy with Void Sling, causing the Thrax to go into an invincible state.
  • Fixed Zariman Exterminate mission sometimes spawning all the enemies while players are at the beginning of the level. Players now need to progress through the level as normal.
  • More fixes towards a crash when Client returns to the Chrysalith when awakening/spawning a Void Manifestation.
  • Fixed script error related to Void Ruptures in Void Flood missions.
  • Fixed an unusable context action appearing on the Exolizers in Void Cascade missions.
  • Fixed broken enemy behavior when Thrax enemies are disarmed by abilities, which also led them to run around with just a Sheev (fear the butter knife).
  • They will now take damage (and be knocked down if Overguard is depleted) when disarmed.


  • Added new custom sound FX to activating Focus Schools in the Focus UI.
  • Added a custom TennoGen watermark to background when viewing TennoGen items in the in-game Market.


  • Fixed Guardian Shell intercepting some player attacks, instead of solely intercepting enemy attacks as intended.
    • For example, using weapons like Ferrox or Mausolon was impacting the shield and causing detonation visuals and sometimes staggering or knocking you down. 
    • This also fixes heat trace weapons (eg. Ignis, Klamora Prism Amp, etc.) and beam weapons being visually reflected by Guardian Shell. 
  • Fixed a Sentinel equipped with the Ordis Sentinel Skin appearing too low when viewed in the Arsenal or in-game Market diorama.
  • Fixed a Sentinel equipped with the Ordis Sentinel Skin following the player extremely closely. Level 500 clinger.
  • Fixed mission information missing “Zariman” in the brackets during the Angels of the Zariman quest missions.
  • Fixed the Incarnon Weapon Evolution UI elements persisting in the Loadout screen.
  • Fixed being unable to perform a Parazon Finisher on Crawlers even with the icon appearing.
  • Fixed Yareli being immune to some enemy AOE weapon attacks while she’s riding her Merulina.
  • Fixed being unable to scroll while editing Stencils in the Customize Quarters console while using a controller.
  • Fixed the “HOLD TO CLEAR” label UI overlapping with the first line of the selection box in the Foundry.
  • Fixed kills by Gyre’s abilities not being accounted for in player profile stats.
  • Fixed the Dormizone icon appearing as the incomplete mission (glowing blue diamond) instead of its own custom icon.
  • Fixed Fulmin’s projectile explosion FX offset.
  • Fixed a crazy muzzle flash FX on the Laetum.
  • Fixed ‘Mercy Kills’ being written as just ‘Mercy’ in various descriptions.
  • Fixed script error related to pop-ups for item information (drop sources, etc.)

Zephyr & Chroma Prime Vault: Hotfix 31.5.10 

Hello Tenno! This is likely to be our last hotfix before the next update - which you can learn more about in our “Next Update Post-Angels of the Zariman” announcement!


  • You will now auto-load into a Relay if there is only one open/available instance.
  • Added in-mission markers to Arcane drops.
  • Orokin Drone Eximus units can now only spawn as either Energy Leech or Health Leech.
    • Essentially, this is the same change that was made to Grineer Sensor Regulator Eximus in Hotfix 31.5.8. The drones are unable to animate the other Eximus functions, which was making it difficult/impossible to telegraph their attacks. This change also adds proper Eximus ability functionality to the drones.
  • Turned up the Zarium Accolade sound FX slightly and increased its radius.


  • Fixes towards a cache crash that could occur when aborting an update.
    • Made micro-optimizations to engine startup and level loading.
    • Improved shutdown speed when interrupting content update or quitting the game while loading a level.


  • Fixed purchasing an Appearance Config Slot for the Phenmor prompting a confirmation for purchasing an Exilus Weapon Adapter for 20 Platinum instead of the 10 Platinum Appearance Config Slot as intended.
    • To recap, players who purchased the Slot were being prompted for an Exilus Weapon Adapter, and then charged for it when the player confirmed. The Adapter was then consumed to unlock the Appearance Config Slot. 
    • For those who were affected up until this hotfix, upon login you will be given an Exilus Weapon Adapter for every slot purchased for the Phenmor. Purchased Appearance Config Slots will remain unaffected, you keep what you purchased! 
    • Due to some tech constraints, we weren’t able to run a script that would refund the Platinum difference while also distributing the consumed Adapter. If you would rather the 10 Platinum instead of the Adapters you may contact with the subject line “Appearance Config Slot Inquiry for the Phenmor” or you can keep the “discounted” Exilus Weapon Adapter(s) (10 Platinum vs. 20). 
  • Fixed all Sentinels missing their animations.
  • Fixed Syndicate Sigils not remaining equipped.
  • Fixed not being able to jump as Atlas after Rumblers with the Titanic Rumbler Augment equipped expired while you are Operator.
  • Fixed several issues with abilities when forced into Operator (in Zariman Cascade missions for example):
    • Fixed Banshee’s Sound Quake and Caliban’s Razor Gyre not working correctly.
    • Fixed camera shake issues with Banshee’s Sound Quake.
    • Fixed being unable to deactivate Chroma’s Guided Effigy Augment.
    • Fixed Garuda’s Seeking Talons HUD showing up when in Operator if cast while entering anti-Warframe area.
    • Fixed Garuda’s Bloodletting not granting Energy.
    • Fixed Harrow’s Thurible continuing to charge.
    • Fixed Harrow’s Covenant HUD disappearing.
    • Fixed Inaros’ Sandstorm not terminating.
    • Fixed issues with Mesa Peacemaker.
    • In a future update, we are also working on a change where your active Warframe buffs will not be reset when you are forced out of your Warframe like this e.g. Nezha’s Warding Halo. 
  • Fixed Hildryn’s Aegis Storm continuing to go up/down automatically upon transferring back her if you transferred out while holding jump/crouch.
  • Fixed the Laetum’s Evolution V perk ‘Reaper's Plenty’ applying its ammo efficiency to all equipped weapons, instead of just the Laetum as intended.
  • Fixed being unable to select the top part of the event Trophies and the following Statue decorations after being placed in the Dojo:
    • Armored Grineer Statue
    • Female Grineer Statue
    • Grineer Marine Statue
    • Lech Kril Statue
  • Fixed Platinum price appearing in item description hover for the Protovyre Ephemera, despite already owning it.
  • Fixed text for the Operator Equipment and Appearance buttons in certain languages extending beyond the bounds of the buttons.
  • Fixed Unveiled Riven mods in Trade preview showing an incorrect Veiled version.
  • Fixed Resource Extractor Drone UI showing what specific resource is going to be extracted on the bottom of the possible resource list (with overlapping).
  • Fixed the description text for the Bloodshed Sigil in the end of mission screen appearing doubled.
  • Fixed script error related to the Eidolon Vomvalyst’s dash.
  • Fixed script error related to Wukong’s Cloud Walker.

Zephyr & Chroma Prime Vault: Hotfix 

Hello, we meet again, so soon too! We are hotfixing to address two widespread crashes after Hotfix 31.5.10 went live. The optimizations we put out revealed a long-standing bug that we want to squad. This is (now) likely to be our last hotfix (unless something else urgent pops up) before the next update - which you can learn more about in our “Next Update Post-Angels of the Zariman” announcement! 


  • Changed the Carrion Charger “Energy Leech” Eximus variant name to “Parasitic Eximus”.


  • Fixed a crash that could occur if the game failed to boot up properly.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur while using certain types of guns (eg. Phage).
  • Fixed one of the spikes on the Sanguinax Prime Ephemera missing some details.
  • Fixed the Arctic Eximus name and description not localizing properly.

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