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Warframe – Veilbreaker | All Hotfixes October 2022

Warframe – Veilbreaker | All Hotfixes October 2022


Introducing Veilbreaker: Revenant Prime! Get ready to harness the power of the Eidolon with this latest Prime Warframe. In this hotfix, players can unlock Revenant Prime, along with his signature Prime Weapons Tatsu Prime and Phantasma Prime. But that's not all! Exclusive Prime Accessories, Resource Boosters, and Affinity Boosters are also up for grabs. With Revenant Prime's rise, the essence of the Eidolon is now in your hands. Revenant Prime is not the only highlight of this update. The Nights of Naberus event is back, bringing horrifying new customizations for players to earn. Spend your Mother Tokens on limited-time decorations for your Orbiter and other spooky treats. Plus, don't forget to check out the Riven Disposition changes and the updated guidelines. Get ready to dive into the world of Warframe with Veilbreaker: Revenant Prime!

Veilbreaker: Revenant Prime: Hotfix 32.0.9


Wield the essence of the Eidolon with Revenant Prime Access! 

Get instant access to the latest Prime Warframe with Revenant Prime Access. Add Revenant Prime along with his signature Prime Weapons Tatsu Prime and Phantasma Prime, and exclusive Prime Accessories along with Resource and Affinity Boosters to your Arsenal.


The lost one rises. Wield the essence of the Eidolon as you wield Revenant Prime’s power.


Tatsu Prime glows with spectral splendor. It grows more powerful with each enemy’s demise, especially when wielded by Revenant.


Phantasma Prime is burnished with deadly force. In Revenant’s hands, it has increased magazine capacity. The might of its irradiated plasma is reminiscent of the fearsome Eidolon.

Exclusive Revenant Prime Glyphs

Revenant Prime Accessories feature: 

  • Aurimus Prime Syandana
  • Vetala Prime Armor
  • 90 Day Resource Booster
  • 90 Day Affinity Booster

Now that Revenant Prime Access is available, Relics containing components for the following items have been removed from Drop Tables and will return in Prime Resurgence at a later date. If you have Relics that contain these items they will remain in your Inventory.

  • Nezha Prime
  • Guandao Prime
  • Zakti Prime

With this Vaulting comes the shift of the following Syndicate Sacrifices:

  • Replaced Red Veil sacrifice of Nezha Prime Chassis to Harrow Prime Systems.
  • Replaced Steel Meridian sacrifice of the Zakti Prime Receiver to the Astilla Prime Receiver.
  • Replaced Steel Meridian sacrifice of Nezha Prime Neuroptics to Nidus Prime Neuroptics.

Riven Disposition Changes:


Earn horrifying new Customizations that are sure to scare!

Spend your Mother Tokens on spooky limited-time customizations today.

The Nights of Naberus, the Origin System’s annual celebration of Orokin immortality (and all things macabre) has returned! This year, there are new items to earn with your Mother Tokens, including Decorations for your Orbiter and much more!

New Naberus Treats for 2022:

  • Revenant In Action Glyph
  • Revenant Vania Helmet Blueprint
  • Haunted Interior Decorations
  • Jack O’Naut Statue
  • Sheev Blueprint
    • Sheev Blade
    • Sheev Hilt
    • Sheev Heatsink
  • Plague Akwin Blueprint*
  • Plague Keewar Blueprint*
  • Plague Bokwin Blueprint*
  • Plague Kripath Blueprint*
  • Exodia Contagion*
  • Exodia Epidemic*

*We added these Plague Star rewards to Daughter’s Naberus Offerings as the event will not be rerun this year. We did the same in 2020, since there was quite a bit of a gap between Plague Star runs. 

Visit Daughter on Deimos all month long to trade your Mother Tokens for the full spread of offerings. You can also save up to 25% on Day of the Dead bundles from previous years. Log-in and join us in celebrating the Nights of Naberus today!

Archon Hunt Boss Sequence Change:

Starting this Sunday, October 9th, the Archon Hunt will swap every Sunday moving forward at 8:00 PM ET (Syndicate reset time). The Archons will now also appear at a fixed rotation, as follows: Amar, Nira, Boreal.


  • Revenant’s Reave ability changes:
    • Reave will now scale with sprint speed for both distance traveled and speed while in Reave.
    • Reave can now be interrupted by jumping, which preserves your forward momentum.
      • The above changes were made to allow more movement focused builds! 
  • Nova’s Neutron Star Augment Changes:
    • Added line of sight (LOS) requirement to its AOE explosions and for the Stars to find targets, ignored for the first 5 meters
    • Reduced explosion radius from 16m to 8m.
      • After Neutron Star’s damage and range was buffed in the Veilbreaker update, the Augment's usage increased by over 67 times and climbing. Because of the Helminth system, this Augment was being used more than Nova herself. Changing the Augment to Heat damage while also releasing Archon Vitality resulted in higher damage than anticipated (multiplied by squadmates’ damage boosts), and the auto-seeking nature made Neutron Star far better at room clearing than other Helminth radial damage abilities like Thermal Sunder. We have a history of encouraging engagement with the enemy instead of automation, so LOS changes seemed the most important factor to address, while still letting it maintain the new high damage features.
  • Reduced the Mastery Rank restriction of all Prime Warframes to 0.
    • Only 11/34 frames had any Mastery Rank restrictions, so we decided to make these consistent with the rest (there were no Mastery Rank restrictions on any non-Primed Warframes).
  • The autocomplete feature when linking someone’s username in chat is no longer case sensitive.
  • Made slight tweaks to the Conservation Lure call and Vasca Kavat escape sound FX.

Break Narmer Mission Fixes: 

  • Fixed loss of function when attempting to mount a Rampart while flying on Kahl’s Hellion Jetpack in the Prison Break mission.
  • Fixed contact actions being disabled after running out of Hellion Jetpack fuel.
  • Fixed the Genestamp waypoint not appearing in certain areas of the Prison Break mission tileset.
  • Fixed a black square floating along one of the walls in the Sneaky Sabotage mission.
  • Fixed Kahl’s Boltor Grattler doing inconsistent damage to the Wolf of Saturn Six when aiming under his feet in the Prison Break mission.


  • Fixed damage types from equipped weapons applying to Mag’s Shards while she is standing in a zone created by Residual Arcanes.
    • The Arcane effects apply only to weapons, her Shards will only apply Slash damage as intended while in these zones. 
  • Fixed Volt being unable to pick up or carry his Shield after his Energy drops to 0.
  • Fixed Clients experiencing loss of function after dying while using Sevagoth’s Exalted Shadow.
  • Fixed Atlas’ Landslide ability triggering Archon Mod effects.
  • Fixed the Slaytra’s Slash procs not lasting twice as long as normal (12 s) as indicated in its description.
  • Fixes towards Styanax’s Final Stand projectile explosions damaging enemies through walls.
    • This ability already had a line of sight requirement, but sometimes the javelins would manage to pierce parts of the level
  • Fixed the spear from Styanax’s idle animation not disappearing if the animation is interrupted while in the Warframe select menu in the Arsenal.
  • Fixed a rounding error in the Arsenal that made it possible that the Ammo Maximum stat would not agree with the in-game value
  • Fixed Styanax’s idle animation playing when looking at Secondary weapons in the Arsenal.
  • Fixed the Eros Wings Ephemera’s selected colors not updating when equipped on Operator/Drifter.
  • Fixed the Hey Kiddo Operator being invisible or swapped with Excalibur at multiple points in the Chimera Prologue Quest.
  • Fixed the Depth of Field Captura setting being disabled if it is also disabled in your display settings.
    • This also fixes receiving an error related to Depth of Field after switching between Warframe/Operator.
  • Fixed the “Waiting for other players: 1/2-4" message staying on the screen even if everyone has left the Archon Assassination arena in Archon Hunts.
  • Fixed being able to chat link someone with a space in their name.
  • Fixed the page 1 challenges in the Wave Rider Quest having incorrect input labels.
    • Was: "HOLD <PRE_MOVE_DOWN>"
    • Now: HOLD CTRL (as intended)
  • Fixed the Syndicate Pledge screen not being centered.
  • Fixed scrolling in the weapon’s list in the Arsenal also scrolling the stats window.
  • Fixed ‘Most Used’ percentages in the Profile page overlapping other text in several languages.
  • Fixed several script errors related to Nova’s Null Star.
  • Fixed script error related to Mag’s Crush.
  • Fixed script error related to Excalibur’s Exalted Blade.
  • Fixed script error related to Nekros’ Terrify.
  • Fixed script error that could break Drone Escort missions on the Plains of Eidolon.
  • Fixed script error related to the Orbiter.

Veilbreaker: Revenant Prime: Hotfix 32.0.10


  • Fixed incorrect Ducat selling prices for the following:
    • Revenant Prime Chassis (and Blueprint)
      • Was 65, corrected to 15
    • Revenant Prime Systems (and Blueprint)
      • Was 15, corrected to 45
    • Phantasma Prime Blueprint
      • Was 15, corrected 45
    • Phantasma Prime Barrel
      • Was 15, corrected to 100
    • Phantasma Prime Stock
      • Was 15, corrected to 100
    • Tatsu Prime Blueprint
      • Was 45, corrected to 15
    • Tatsu Prime Handle
      • Was 15, corrected to 100
  • Fixed the prompt to expand the Dojo Legend using the Railjack input context.
  • Fixed a rare case of never ending loading tunnel when join-in-progress in Railjack missions.
  • Fixed the Vetala Prime Armor being overly rotated across multiple Warframes and skins (notably Voidshell skins).
  • Fixed kickbot not responding to your DMs (never thought we’d get ghosted by a bot but here we are).
  • Fixed a cosmetic planned for future release appearing in your Operator Appearance options.

Veilbreaker: Revenant Prime: Hotfix 32.0.11


  • Swapped the unintentional duplicate Lith H5 Relic in the Void drop tables with a Lith P6.


  • Fixed prompt to expand Dojo Legend missing the D-pad icon for controllers.

  • Fixed opening the Arsenal Focus screen in a Relay resulting in the minimap breaking.

  • Fixed the drop down sorting function missing from some vendors in the Necralisk.

Veilbreaker: Revenant Prime: Hotfix 32.0.12

With this Hotfix, we are testing a new Matchmaking and Network Relay Server cluster for general upgrading purposes. We will be monitoring for any issues. 

Archon Hunt Fixes: 

  • Fixed Narmer enemies being hostile towards the door scanners in the Corpus Gas City tileset while playing through Archon Nira’s hunt.


  • Changed Chroma’s Toxin Elemental Ward Holster Speed increase to a Damage Buff on weapon swap.

  • Changed Gauss’ Redline Holster Speed increase to a Cast Speed increase.

    • With the overall buff to holster speed in Update 32, the above abilities have had their holster speed attributes replaced similarly to how the Mods were adjusted.

    • We’ll be updating the Ability descriptions in a later Hotfix/Update.  

  • Landing Craft Blueprints are no longer tradeable.

    • Blueprints are available in the in-game Market for purchase with Credits, so there was no need for them to be tradable. 

  • Added a ‘Help’ button to the 2FA prompt which opens the FAQ in the browser.


  • Optimized activation of chat tabs that have had a lot of messages queued up.


  • Fixed Mag's Passive (items within 8m gravitate towards Mag) reverting to 3m when playing in a squad, both as a Host and Client. As reported here:

  • Fixed the Theorem Demulcent Arcane applying its weapon damage increase buff to Wisp’s Breach Surge, Baruuk’s Desolate Hands, and Ember’s Fireball.

    • Theorem Demulcent is designed to only increase weapon damage and should not be able to affect any Warframe ability. 

  • Fixed Protea’s (thrown) Grenade Fan ignoring stat modifiers from equipped mods in various different scenarios. Notably if a grenade collides with Protea immediately on cast or while standing on Deimos Exocrine. As reported here:

  • Fixed being able to shift Lephantis’ heads around in phase 1 of its Assassination mission using Styanax’s Tharros Strike ability.

    • This also fixes the heads re-emerging without their rubble. 

  • Fixed New Loka’s Rank 5 Sacrifice being Nezha’s Prime Chassis.

    • It has been replaced with Nidus Prime’s Neuroptics. 

  • Fixed being unable to destroy Orokin Containers by shooting the top of it.

  • Fixed Kuva Lich/Sister of Parvos generated while wearing the Dullahan mask on your Warframe having the mask appear incorrectly on them.

  • Fixed the search bar being active in the mission overview.

    • This fixes typing into the search bar instead of chat being popped up when using the default ‘T’ binding. 

  • Fixed the left Vetala Shoulder Plate being improperly offset when using the Revenant Skin with Revenant Prime. As reported here:

  • Fixed Revenant Prime's abilities missing VFX when using TennoGen skins with default energy colors. As reported here:

  • Fixed Revenant Prime’s Noble and Agile animations causing clipping into his collar.

  • Fixed the UI marker for the Dojo ‘Legend’ being visible while in decoration mode.

  • Fixed the Fire Rate stat on burst weapons showing the burst delay numbers instead of Fire Rate.

  • Fixed a map hole in the Helminth room.

  • Fixed the “OK” button missing from the Relic pack opening screen if you get three Aya from a single pack.

  • Fixed Chat links not working when something is typed after the Chat linked name.

  • Fixed Archon Shard UI in the Arsenal overlapping with longer stat lists.

  • Fixed script error when trying to use Navigation after a hotfix.

  • Fixed script error when clicking on a node with multiple missions active on it.

  • Fixed script error if Host migration occurs while Revenant’s Danse Macabre is active.

  • Fixed script error if you jump onto and off of Yareli’s Merulina in rapid succession.

Veilbreaker: Revenant Prime: Hotfix 32.0.13


  • Fixed Archon Hunts being scheduled to end 1 day too early.

  • Made numerous fixes towards AI navigation pathing through both Orb Valls and Narmerized Orb Vallis.

    • This fixes scenarios where AI wouldn’t be moving and objectives not being properly placed such as the one below.

  • Fixed Capture Containers spawning in very odd and often unreachable areas during the Defend and Capture Containers objective in Orb Vallis Bounties.

    • Notably in the tunnel near Central Maintenance and while playing through Narmer missions.

  • Fixed Dargyn Pilots always dying when their Dargyn is destroyed.

    • This resulted in an inability to achieve certain Riven Challenges of “Kill X Dargyn pilots before they hit the ground”. Dargyn Pilots will now take some damage when the Dargyn is destroyed but will ultimately survive and plummet to their demise, thus offering you a window to achieve said Riven Challenge. 

  • Fixed a Chat window softlock after tabbing to a Chat window with a large number of messages queued up.

  • Fixed Panthera primary fire punch through going through the environment but not through enemies.

  • Fixed more instances where Transference at low frame rate could break animations/ability use.

  • Fixed animation issue when Kahl is running with the Salvaged Kuva Ayanga.

  • Fixed inability to donate the Stalker Noggle to the Dojo Treasury.

  • Fixed a certain VFX appearing too early in the Drifter Camp Syndicate ranks.

  • Fixed script error with Gyre’s Rotorswell.

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