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Warframe The Sacrifice: Hotfix 23.0.3

Warframe The Sacrifice: Hotfix 23.0.3
Limbo Prime, Destreza Prime, and Pyrana Prime have arrived - like magic! The Rifts are opening and a Cataclysm is about to begin. Wield the wily Void magician, bend the power of the Void to your will, and outwit your enemies. Limbo Prime, Destreza Prime, and Pyrana Prime Relics have replaced all locations of Zephyr Prime, Tiberon Prime, and Kronen Prime Relics:
  • Plains Bounties
  • Sanctuary Onslaught
  • Elite Sanctuary Onslaught (Radiant)
  • Added in the Orokin Derelict Defense mix
  • Added in the Orokin Derelict Survival mix
  • And the list goes on! Check out the public PC drop tables here.
    • *Zephyr Prime, Tiberon Prime, and Kronen Prime Relics are also still out in the wild, just not in exclusive spots like Bounties or Onslaught. 
Nekros Prime, Galatine Prime, and Tigris Prime have entered the Vault! With this Vaulting comes the shift of the follow Syndicate sacrifices:
  • Replaced Arbiters of Hexis sacrifice of Nekros Prime Neuroptics to Mirage Prime Systems.
  • Replaced Cephalon Suda sacrifice of Nekros Prime Chassis to Oberon Prime Chassis.
  • Replaced Steel Meridian sacrifice of Nekros Prime Neuroptics to Zephyr Prime Chassis.
  • Replaced Steel Meridian sacrifice of Galatine Prime Blade to Sybaris Prime Stock.
If you already wield the power of these Primes or have their Relics in your Inventory, they will remain after the Vaulting.

UI Improvements & Fixes

  • Improved visibility of Arcane Rank indication icons due to large white text field on the Trading screen.
  • Fixed hovering over certain Mods in the Syndicate Offerings screen not displaying their description correctly.
  • Fixed a case where you couldn't confirm item selection in a variable selection case (picking Fish for Personal Quarters Aquariums).
  • Fixed Equinox Background having the wrong UI Icon when selecting it in the UI Customization screen.
  • Fixed Upgrade screen for some Exalted weapons (Exalted Blade, Artemis Bow, etc) showing the name of the weapon in mixed case instead of all CAPS.


  • Changed the Market Platinum price of the Dax Nikana Skin to 35 platinum (was 225). This price change also affects The Sacrifice Collection which is now 400 Plat (was 550).
    • We are running a script that will refund overspent Platinum to the respective accounts. We will update this thread when the script is done and relog is required! Refund is complete! Please relog at your convenience. 
  • Changed the player marker to now attach to the body part that you were looking at, so it can be used to mark a specific Teralyst weak point, for instance. Also improved the behaviour when attempting to mark an enemy that was close to your marked world position.
  • Specters will now attempt to fight/fire their weapons even when cloak.
  • Removed the Defence Cryopod from the Grineer Shipyard Interception tileset.


  • Fixed the return of the perpetual loading screen when a Host Migration in Onslaught occurred.
  • Fixed a Void Rift not appearing for Clients in Lua Spy tilesets.
  • Fixed Eximus Grineer that drop the Kuva Catalyst also dropping a fake Mod item instead of Life Support.
  • Fixed not enough enemies spawning if the mission switches to Exterminate after the Rescue Target is captured.
  • Fixed ‘Kill X Dargyn with a Bow’ Riven Challenge not functioning for Dargyns that spawn pilotless in the Plains.
  • Fixed Excalibur missing his Radial Blind sound when doing slide attack with Exalted Blade.
  • Fixed water not causing continuous ripples as you walked through it. Game literally playable again.
  • Fixed enemies not taking damage from bullets and other tracing damage sources after rising from a ragdoll state.
  • Fixed ‘Hey Kiddo’ lingering in your ship.
  • Fixed Glyph icons appearing stretched when viewing in Vendor screens (Baro).
  • Fixed Synthesis Target missing their blue VFX glow indication.
  • Fixed a random Grineer enemy spawning in the Silver Grove Shrine.
  • Fixed incorrect fly-in cinematic in The New Strange quest.
  • Fixed spawning inside a geometry collision in a specific Onslaught.
  • Fixed broken parkour activated button not functioning in the Advanced Movement tutorial.
  • Fixed Angstrum not having any shooting sounds.
  • Fixed a script error when selecting an enemy in the Simulacrum screen.
  • Fixed a script error for numerous Warframe Abilities.
  • Fixed a script error when using Transference.
  • Upon dying, sentience Umbra will now become stand-still instead of forcing Transference. This also fixes returning to Umbra from Operator resulting in death.
  • Removed Umbra triggering unintended Operator Virtuous Fury. Virtuous Fury only grants a chance at increased damage after inflicting a Status Effect with an Operator Amp, and should not apply to Umbra.
  • Removed the Prime Passive of Energy pulse on Orokin Void Death Orb applying to Umbra as he is not considered a Prime.
  • Fixed inability to apply Umbra Agile/Noble Animations to Warframes other than Umbra.
  • Fixed Operator Magus Nourish not restoring Health over time to Umbra while Transference is active.
  • Tweaked Umbra’s Radial Howl animation to have a very similar cast time and FX to Excalibur’s Radial Blind.
  • Tweaked positioning of Orokin Symbols and area markers to help players find the markings closest to the Orokin Cipher first.
  • Removed 2 second delay between ‘Destroying Vines’ and the door Defense stage starting for better pacing.
  • Fixed Clients teleporting to Umbra's position instead of the other way around when Transferring back into their Warframe.
  • Fixed the Spritsail Prime Leg Armor's attachment point embedding into Umbra's leg.
  • Fixed having a perpetual Helminth Cyst on sentience Umbra.

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