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Warframe – The New War | All Hotfixes January 2022

Warframe – The New War | All Hotfixes January 2022


Introducing the latest hotfix for The New War: Hotfix 31.0.6! This patch brings some exciting changes and important fixes to enhance your gaming experience. For those who have completed the post-New War Quest, there's a new item available in Simaris' Offerings. Don't miss out on this opportunity to upgrade your arsenal! In terms of fixes, we've addressed several issues that were affecting gameplay. One of the notable fixes is related to the Saita Prime Suit from Varzia's Wares. Previously, it was not giving the base Suit as intended, but instead providing 2 Hoods. We've rectified this issue and also ran a script to ensure that all accounts receive the Saita Prime Suit properly. Additionally, we've resolved a rare crash that could occur on the login screen and fixed various issues with challenges, transmissions, and weapon functionalities. We're committed to providing you with the best gaming experience possible, and this hotfix is just another step towards achieving that goal. So gear up, Tenno, and get ready to dive back into The New War with these improvements and fixes!

The New War: Hotfix 31.0.6


  • Another post-New War Quest item is available in Simaris’ Offerings for those who sell theirs.


  • Fixed the Saita Prime Suit from Varzia’s Wares (Prime Resurgence) not giving the base Suit, and instead giving 2 Hoods.

    • We ran a script this morning to fix accounts that didn’t receive the Saita Prime Suit and will run it again now that this Hotfix is live to catch any accounts that need resolving. Original PSA can be found here.  

  • Fixed a rare crash that could occur on the login screen if the previously logged in account was at a different The New War Quest stage.

  • Fixed Virtuous Arcanes not functioning for a post-The New War character.

  • Fixed inability to complete/progress Challenges in the Plains of Eidolon after you’ve completed The New War Quest.

  • Fixed incorrect Rescue Target Transmission name if you’ve completed The New War Quest.

  • Fixed Orb Vallis Jailers not dropping Data Keys or being marked the second time you had the Rescue Bounty stage at the same location in one session.

    • This fix did not fully take. We've reopened the issue and will investigate for a fix.

  • Fixed Excavation Cell Carrier spawning issues in Open Zones after completing The New War Quest.

  • Fixed the Knells unlimited ammo not functioning after you've Transferred to the Operator.

  • Fixed Unstable Lunaro shots no longer entering the goal.

  • Fixed a T-pose moment during The New War Quest.

  • Fixed overly bright FX on a post-New War acquired weapon.

  • Fixed missing glow FX on the Dual Kamas Prime.

  • Fixed missing ceiling in The New War Quest if you skipped a certain cutscene.

  • Fixed weapons not functioning after rapidly casting the Dispensary ability via Helminth Subsume.

  • Fixed deactivating Caliban’s Razor Gyre while in the middle of a dash resulting in your altitude becoming stuck.

  • Fixed seeing a ghost of the Star Chart on certain PCs.

  • Fixed seeing a LOC string when trying to create a Mod Link to a modular weapon and that item does not have a Catalyst applied to it.

  • Fixed Invite and Gift name entry box having an excessive character limit.

  • Fixed some Resources displaying a purchase quantity when in reality you can’t purchase it.

  • Fixed seeing white explosion FX when a Crewship explodes in Railjack.

  • Fixed a script error that could occur related to Caliban's Passive.

The New War: Hotfix 31.0.7


  • Another post-New War Quest item is available in Simaris’ Offerings for those who sell theirs.


  • Made micro-optimizations to reduce hitches in DirectX 12 on PC.

  • Made micro-optimizations to load times on PC when using DirectX 12 .

  • Made micro-optimizations to game startups.

  • Made minor bug fixes to DirectX 12 shutdown.


  • Fixed Ember and Frost (individual) Prime Resurgence Packs not giving the Titan Extractor Prime Blueprint.

    • We’ll be running a script to fix accounts that didn’t receive the Titan Extractor Prime Blueprint. This thread will be updated when it has finished. 

      • Script is complete!

  • Fixed flickering shadows in Open Zones when certain Transmission played and you had Enhanced Rendering enabled.

  • Fixed Exterminate enemies spawning too deep into the Plains of Eidolon caves where they couldn’t maneuver to the front of the cave.

  • Fixed occasional crash when rapidly opening and closing an Inbox message from Lotus.

  • Fixed viewing your Operator Equipment in a Relay preventing Transference from working once you leave the configuration screen.

  • Fixed Cambion Drift Excavators being destroyed after a Host migration, resulting in having to abandon the Bounty.

  • Fixed Dropships attempting to fly into caves in the post-NW Open Zones.

  • Fixed Cambion Drift Defense Bounties counting friendly NPCs as enemies (Pets, Necramechs, etc) which negatively affected the mission.

  • Fixed Vaykor Sydon's Radial Blind special attack not functioning.

    • Please note that due to changes in the way the Melee system works since this weapon was originally designed, you must be in “Exclusive melee mode” to use the Blind special attack. You can engage exclusive melee mode by holding down your Switch Weapons button. In this mode, your Aim button blocks with melee rather than instantly switching you back to a ranged weapon.

  • Fixed Void Blast and reloading not functioning if you have a post-New War Amp and Vazarin’s Guardian Shell enabled.

  • Fixed a post-New War Amp not staying in your hand when performing a Void Blast.

  • Fixed Grineer NPCs in Cambion Drift Bounties not disappearing after the Bounty was failed.

  • Fixed broken elevator moment during The New War Quest if you died after completing a certain objective.

  • Fixed issues with Ash's Bladestorm pausing if you ran far away from the targets during the stabbing.

  • Fixed Coildrive mesh lingering after completing the Ambush Bounty stage in high level Bounties in Orb Vallis.

  • Fixed ability to put Sydon Rivens on the Korumm.

  • Fixed inability to select Bloodshed Sigil Bundles after backing out.

  • Fixed not seeing your equipped post-New War character in your Profile.

    • We’re looking into other players not seeing it.

  • Fixed ability to carry Data Masses and your Primary weapon at the same time - you should switch to your Secondary as intended now.

  • Fixed certain Tenet weapon FX appearing when Skins are equipped.

  • Fixed wrong Inbox icon for a certain sender after completing The New War Quest.

  • Fixed a wonky character mesh during the “Hey Kiddo” moment.

  • Fixed Operator teeth being stained pink. Show me them pearly whites!

  • Fixed sometimes spinning uncontrollably when completing certain Mastery Tests. This also fixes the same scenario happening to the Warframes Displayed in the Personal Quarters when visiting an Orbiter.

  • Fixed join-in-progress players sometimes seeing Hounds with the default name and/or no body parts.

  • Fixed join-in-progress players sometimes seeing a Hound belonging to a different Sister than what everyone else sees.

  • Fixed a spot-load when the Hound of a player that joined in progress spawns.

The New War: Hotfix 31.0.8


  • Added GPU preference setting to launcher to override Windows defaults and defaulted it to High Performance.
    • If you were running on battery when you launched Warframe it may have selected your laptop's IGP instead of your discrete GPU but since we don't switch GPU selection while running, reconnecting your laptop's power wouldn't actually switch to your discrete GPU so you'd suffer terrible performance until you restarted.
    • If you run into problems with the High Performance default you can get the old behaviour by changing GPU Preference to "Let Windows Decide".
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  • Smoothed out hitches on while loading or streaming levels on PC running DirectX 11.
  • Optimized peak memory when using DirectX 12 on PC and eliminated small hitches that would occur during level and texture streaming.
  • Made many systemic micro-optimizations that saved approximately 15MB of RAM.
  • Made SIMD optimizations to core math routines to improve performance for all platforms.
  • Made a micro-optimization to DirectX 12 prefetching on PC.
  • Improved cache-density of some frequently used data to improve performance.
  • Upgraded some internal compression code to improve performance.
  • Improved overall performance in Dojos that have many Transporters.
  • Made performance improvements to Caliban’s Fusion Strike.


  • Added additional Ranks (max Rank 180) to the current Nightwave Intermission.
  • Made improvements to lip sync animations and eyeball materials for the Operator.
  • Reduced the volume of electricity Status Effect sounds.
  • Reduced jump exertion sound interval for a post-NW character.
  • Caliban’s Cranion Helmet has been added for future Nightwave Cred Offerings rotations - keep an eye out for it!


  • Fixed a crash if the Panzer Devolution Mod respawn triggered with specific timing during player death & respawn.
  • Fixed another case of Data Keys not dropping from Orb Vallis Jailers, if a previous Drone Defense or Case Capture Bounty stage occurred approximately near the location you searched the body.
  • Fixed inability to “activate” a certain objective during The New War Quest if the timer runs out and you’re near said activation area.
  • Fixed Caliban's Passive not working in certain situations.
  • Fixed post-New War ‘Anguish’ Set Mods having only 1 effect applied as opposed to the 2 listed.
  • Fixed a post-New War Set Mod bonus of “reduced damage while airborne” not being applied.
  • Fixed missing Kela De Thaym VO when entering the Rathuum arena.
  • Fixed rising through the floor when entering the Rathuum arena.
  • Fixed flicking FX on Plains of Eidolon Bounty Caches after completing The New War Quest.
  • Fixed numerous issues when playing Komi during The Sacrifice Quest.
  • Fixed Void Shadow causing Client Operator to blink and Ephemera to appear when they are hidden.
  • Fixed Nightwave screen no longer auto-scrolling the Ranks to your current Rank spot.
  • Fixed the Kerulyst Sentinel Attachments not mounting properly to Taxon.
  • Fixed inability to Chat Link the Mark of the Beast Mod.
  • Fixed numerous misaligned Sugatras when equipped on the Ravurex Gunblade Skin.
  • Fixed Throwing type weapons using the reload animation of a Bow.
  • Fixed swapping weapons while the Verdilac is mid-animation resulting in it becoming improperly offset from your Warframe.
  • Fixed numerous Ostron NPCs having incorrect facial features.
  • Fixed Euphona Prime reload sound when using the gun as Secondary without a Glaive.
  • Fixed instructions appearing prematurely during a moment in The New War Quest.
  • Fixed a script error when selling a weapon that a Railjack Crew Mate has equipped.
  • Fixed a script error when customizing a post-New War character.

The New War: Hotfix


  • Fixed issue with volumes across the game that was causing multiple crashes to occur (notably during Eidolon hunting).
    • This was part of a not-ready-to-be-released feature that snuck into the last Hotfix without thorough enough testing. 

The New War: Hotfix 31.0.9


  • Improved CPU performance on Dx12 by improving CPU core utilization, most significantly noticeable in Railjack missions or Free Roam levels.

  • Made the launcher's cache optimize feature also clean up crash reports that might have failed to submit in the past (for some extreme cases this might be hundreds of MB of wasted space).

  • Optimized away a few single-frame hitches and potentially fixed a rare crash.

  • Optimized game startup, particularly when a Quest is active.

  • Fixed crashes when failing to launch the game.


  • Elite Outriders now drop the same Mods as regular Outriders in Railjack missions (in addition to the Wreckage they already drop).

  • Added a ‘Narmer’ category to the Simulacrum Spawner screen.


  • Fixed Orb Vallis Jailers sometimes spawning hundreds of meters away and not commuting to the objective.

  • Fixed Grineer pod launcher cannon not working in Grineer-to-Corpus ship Invasion / Crossfire missions.

  • Fixed Invasion Events (Fomorian or Razorback Armada) not triggering when eligible to.

  • Fixed a Fortuna Fragment spawning inside geometry after completing The New War Quest.

  • Fixed a post-NW Captura Scene not respecting placed Decorations.

  • Fixed rare case of Mod Capacity going into a negative state when Upgrading Mods when you are over MR 30.

  • Fixed lingering muzzle FX on the Tenet Cycron

  • Fixed excessive force feedback during Caliban’s Razor Gyre ability.

  • Fixed missing lip sync animations during the Second Dream Quest.

  • Fixed a script error when an Adversary fails to spawn after a Host migration.

The New War: Hotfix 31.0.10


  • Reskinned the Captura Settings UI screen to provide an updated look!


  • Fixed a Dx12 crash when switching between Fullscreen and Windowed.

  • Fixed a Dx12 crash that could occur in The War Within Quest if Enhanced Rendering was enabled.

  • Fixed multiple spots where the Drone could get stuck during its escort in the post-New War Plains of Eidolon.

    • Please let us know if the Drone continues to get stuck post-Hotfix. Screenshots are much appreciated!

  • Fixed a Companion weapon not applying all equipped Upgrades if they are valid for the weapon's current configuration but the weapon has a capacity upgrade and the Companion does not.

  • Fixed Corpus Outpost tilesets with snow having black snow falling in their outdoor segments.

  • Fixed incorrectly sized ‘X’ button callout in the Dojo Room Options screen.

  • Fixed camera not panning out when attempting to view different Orbiter Appearances.

  • Fixed a script error after purchasing the Orbiter Captura Scene and then attempting to use it.

The New War: Hotfix 31.0.11

Prime Resurgence has concluded! 

Regal Aya is no longer purchasable from Varzia and Aya has been removed from the drop tables and replaced with Nyx Prime and Rhino Prime Relics.

Varzia still resides in Maroo’s Bazaar with a selection of wares. If you choose, any remaining Aya/Regal Aya can be used in Varzia’s post-event shop or can be held onto for potential future Prime Vault efforts. While the future of Prime Resurgence is still being determined, priority in any instance will be to provide options that appropriately meets player expectations for premium purchases.


  • Nova's Worm Hole can now act as a one-way teleport for ally NPCs.

    • One of our key motivations behind this change came from discussing the Escort Drone Bounty, and how the momentum at which the Drone paths to reach its objective can feel sluggish for those who’ve repeatedly completed the Bounty. This change to Worm Hole may encourage players to strategically bring Nova to aid in guiding the NPC along its path if they choose to. 

      • ** Sorry, Tenno! Got a little over-eager and shipped this work-in-progress change too soon. We have more in the pipe for this - stay tuned.

  • Vaulted the Neo P2 Relic and replaced it with the Neo P4 Relic in the drop tables.

    • The Neo P2 Relic was missed being Vaulted with Harrow Prime’s release.


  • Fixed a crash that could occur when loading into either Orb Vallis or Plains of Eidolon with a squad that contained players who had completed The New War Quest and some that had not.

  • Fixed a Dx12 crash that could occur when lingering in the Pause Menu.

  • Fixed inability to Public matchmake into the Cambion Drift if the squad contained players who had completed The New War Quest and some that had not.

  • Fixed Grineer Outrider kills sometimes not being attributed correctly in Railjack which could result in not getting the drops you would expect.

  • Fixed Railjack Crew members targeting the Grineer Missile Platform Turrets when Piloting instead of the Radiator mission objectives, which when playing Solo understandably caused frustration. As reported

  • Fixed Kuva Lich/Sister of Parvos Railjack Crew members Health value in mission not matching the values displayed in the Dry Dock. Your Adversary Crew will now reflect the Dry Dock value!

  • Fixed inability to use the Emote wheel in Captura.

  • Fixed Cinematic Mode not toggling when using a controller in Captura Advanced Camera Controls.

  • Fixed volume levels for Caliban’s Abilities.

  • Fixed a script error that could sometimes result in a crash while attempting to kill the last enemy in the Mastery Rank 25 Test.

  • Fixed UI overlap when opening the Pause Menu while using the Polychrome.

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