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Warframe – The New War | All Hotfixes February 2022

Warframe – The New War | All Hotfixes February 2022

Echoes of War: Hotfix 31.1.1


  • Fixed crashes and excessive performance hitches when Grendel consumed an exorbitant amount of enemies and proceeded to vomit them out (90+ enemies). In the name of performance, we’ve added a limit of 40 enemies that can be eaten by Grendel at any given time, and spread out the vomiting of large numbers of enemies.
    • Test Cluster crash report/fix.
    • This was noted in the Update 31.1.0 notes but didn’t actually make the build.
  • Fixed memory leak related to Harrow’s Condemn with Enhanced Graphics enabled.

The New War Fixes: 

  • Fixed Teshin spinning around in circles before loading into the Archwing Slingshot.
  • Fixed Teshin freezing in cutscene after taking care of some big baddies.
  • Fixed crash when attempting to change the appearance of an end-of-quest character.


  • Fixed an issue where changing Operator features (eye color, hair color, etc) would only apply to the active Clothing config and not all 3 A/B/C as is intended.
  • Fixed a duplicate entry for the Sirocco in the Primary Profile category.
  • Fixed the Tenet Cycron having force feedback rumble when reloading while using controller.
  • Fixed Credit icon missing from the End of Mission screen on mission nodes with an active Sister of Parvos.
  • Fixes towards Client Adversary transmissions appearing with no Kuva Lich/Sister of Parvos.
  • Fixed the Terralyst getting stuck on rocks after spawning from Gara Toht Lake in The Plains of Eidolon.
  • Fixed Corpus Reinforcement Beacons in the Orb Vallis taking friendly fire damage.
  • Fixed Arcane icons appearing stretched in Chat linked loadouts.
  • Fixed crash when missions (with the exception of Railjack) switch task to Exterminate.
  • Fixed holographic FX mesh on the Blodgard Heavy Blade Skin so that the animated textures flow better.
  • Fixed getting stuck on the Mission Failed screen with no way to exit after dying during the Call of the Tempestarii Quest ‘Infiltrate the Corpus Spy Vaults’ mission.
  • Fixed incorrect RU and DE description of the Hildryn Einheri Collection in the in-game Market.
  • Fixes towards a script error related to Sister of Parvos Hounds.
  • Fixed Helminth Subsuming slots at Rank 10 showing as 100K+ instead of ‘Unlimited’.
  • Fixed script error when attempting to Alt+F4 during a Transmission.
  • Fixed script error when attempting to view Quests in the Codex.
  • Fixed a script error related to Hildryn’s Passive.
  • Fixed script error related to Gauss' Thermal Sunder.

Echoes of War: Hotfix 31.1.2

Hotdropped yesterday: Fixed incorrect Adversary rewards (weapon % bonus, Ephemera, Hound) being given after Vanquishing a Kuva Lich or Sister of Parvos.
  • We are working on next steps for those who were affected - more information to come as we lock something in. 


  • Fixed DirectX 11 detection issues for systems that have managed to avoid an Update for Windows 7 released on February 26, 2013.
    • We strongly encourage you to run Windows Update when you can, to avoid strange problems and security vulnerabilities on your PC!


  • Updated Yareli’s Surging Blades Augment description for clarity:
    • Was: Press 3 to hurl a single Aquablade, which gains 10% damage per enemy hit by your Aquablades. No cost to throw while riding Merulina.
    • Now: Activate Aquablades while in use or during cooldown to hurl a single blade. Thrown blades gain 10% damage when any Aquablade hits an enemy. No cost to throw while riding Merulina.
  • Reduced the background size of the Captura Advanced Menu panel to improve visibility of your masterpiece.
    • We’re looking at more improvements as well - stay tuned.


  • Fixed Lavos and Hildryn infused with Aquablades being unable to throw the disk with the Surging Blades Augment equipped because they don’t use Energy.
  • Lavos can now throw the projectile on a cooldown and Hildryn using her Shields.
  • Fixed multiple holstered weapons (specifically Staff, Tonfa, and Sword and Shield holsters) clipping through Hildryn’s Einheri Skin.
  • More fixes towards Adversary transmissions not showing your Kuva Lich/Sister of Parvos.
  • Fixed Transferring to Operator while using Vauban canceling the count in the UI for Tesla Nervos.
  • Fixed Relics and Arcanes appearing far too large within the confines of the boxes in the Codex.
  • Fixed the rounding of the Growing Power Mod % display incorrectly at 25% in the Mod screen and 26% in the HUD. They now both correctly show 25%.
  • Fixed rare crashes that could occur when the engine attempted to repair cache corruption.
  • Fixed script error after throwing a Specter ball, dying and then respawning before it spawns.

Echoes of War: Banshee & Mirage Prime Vault: Hotfix 31.1.3


Unleash lethal acrobatics or a cacophony of chaos! Get the prismatic Mirage Prime and bombastic Banshee Prime along with their Prime Weapons and exclusive Accessories from the Prime Vault. This is the first Vault to follow the experimental run of Prime Resurgence as to not disrupt player accessibility to Vaulted content. More information on next steps for Prime Resurgence can be found in our end-of-event announcement. 719a62a5fae9a9b100edcd4e46eb0de1.png


  • 1200 Platinum
  • Banshee Prime and Mirage Prime
  • Euphona Prime
  • Kogake Prime
  • Akbolto Prime
  • Helios Prime
  • Deconstructor Prime
  • Capella Prime Syandana
  • Abbera Prime Syandana
  • Atavist Prime Armor
  • Ictus Prime Sentinel Accessories
  • Banshee Prime and Mirage Prime Glyphs


  • 400 Platinum
  • Banshee Prime Warframe
  • Euphona Prime
  • Helios Prime
  • Deconstructor Prime
  • Capella Prime Syandana
  • Ictus Prime Sentinel Accessories
  • Banshee Prime Glyphs


  • 400 Platinum
  • Mirage Prime Warframe
  • Kogake Prime
  • Akbolto Prime
  • Abbera Prime Syandana
  • Atavist Prime Armor
  • Mirage Prime Glyphs


  • 200 Platinum
  • Capella Prime Syandana
  • Ictus Prime Sentinel Accessories


  • 200 Platinum
  • Abbera Prime Syandana
  • Atavist Prime Armor
Find their Relics in the Void or Bounty rewards today! Banshee Prime, Mirage Prime, Euphona Prime, Kogake Prime, Akbolto Prime, Helios Prime, and Deconstructor Prime Relics have been added to the drop tables! These Relics have replaced the Rhino Prime & Nyx Prime, Relics in the Void drop tables, Bounties, and Relic Packs.
  • Nyx Prime’s Relics are however still available through Corpus Railjack missions. 
*If you already wield the power of these Primes or have their Relics in your Inventory, they will remain after the Vaulting. 03ee54691615b3bb4266e50a8f4891ae.png


Included in this second and final batch of designs from Round 21, you’ll find spectacular Skins and Customizations for your Warframes, Weapons, and more! Check them out now via Steam launcher and support hard-working Tenno designers from the Warframe Community.


  • Mesa Mesnificent Skin by kakarrot2812
  • Protea Technochron Skin by Master Noob
  • Wisp Coven Skin by malaya & blazingcobalt
  • Wisp Zamariu Skin by led2012 & daemonstar
  • Wukong Piercing Eye Skin by Mz-3


  • Heavy Blade Arashi Skin by Lubox & ValentinaPaz
  • Hammer Axonnak Skin by Erneix


  • Papillon Oculus by HariPear & lukinu_u
  • Corail Diadem by HariPear & lukinu_u


  • Xiphos Lilieae Skin by MaceMadunusus


  • Inflatable Shoulder Armor by CERF


Embody the fearsome and ferocious tiger with Lunar New Year bundles! Give your companion or Warframe a new look with brand-new Kubrow Armor, a beast-inspired Grendel Skin, Weapon Skins and many more items to decorate your Orbiter or customize your loadout with. All of the Lunar Renewal items in the bundles are also available for individual purchase in the in-game Market! *With the exception of the Lunar Renewal Prowl Sigil, Lunar Renewal Theme, and Lunar Renewal Background in the Spring Festival 2022 Pack.   The Lunar Renewal items and Bundles are available via in-game Market for Platinum until March 7th @ 2 PM ET.  With the exception of the Grendel Nian Skin, which is remaining in the Market as a permanent addition! Grendel’s first official DE-created skin, Grendel takes the form of the beast from below and comes out to stuff his greedy belly. These Lunar Renewal time-limited items will be making a seasonal re-appearance in the future. bfed07970c48406d76b9ff201cb79c2c.png

Lunar Renewal Celebration Pack

  • Lunar Renewal Theme
  • Lunar Renewal Background
  • Lunar Renewal Prowl Sigil

Shining Lunar Renewal Collection

  • Clavatus Greatsword Skin
  • Brave Tiger Floof
  • 7 Day Affinity Booster
  • 200,000 Credits
  • 20,000 Kuva

Luminous Lunar Renewal Collection

  • Clavatus Ignis Skin
  • Lunar Renewal Carp Sugatra
  • Lunar Renewal Prowl Sigil
  • Lunar Renewal Background
  • Lunar Renewal Theme
  • Kitgun Riven Mod
  • Zaw Riven Mod
  • 7 Day Resource Booster
  • 7 Day Credit Booster
  • 300,000 Credits
  • 30,000 Kuva

Radiant Lunar Renewal Collection 

  • Grendel Nian Skin
  • Zarr Lunaeus Skin
  • Moondance Kubrow Armor
  • Peach Blossom Ephemera
  • Melee Riven Mod
  • Pistol Riven Mod
  • Rifle Riven Mod
  • 7 Day Affinity Booster
  • 7 Day Credit Booster
  • 7 Day Resource Booster
  • 500,000 Credits
  • 50,000 Kuva
The Feasting Hamster Glyph and Lunar Renewal Calligraphy Poster are also available in the in-game Market for 1 Credit! Happy Lunar New Year, Tenno!


  • Added Steel Path weekly leaderboards.
    • To view, open pause menu > Profile > Leaderboards and select from the weekly missions list to now view both the ‘Origin System (Normal)’ and ‘The Steel Path’ Leaderboards.


  • Made several case text changes across the game to unify capitalization across the board. For example:
    • “HILDRYN CHASSIS” is now “Hildryn Chassis”.
    • Since this touched text across the game, if you come across any issues please report them! Some text may still be intentionally fully capitalized, but if you see any “HaRrOw PriMe sysTEms” please let us know. 
  • Turned down the volume of the Void Storm’s Void Sinks in Railjack missions.
  • Defeated Infested Ancients’ corpses will now dissolve quicker.


  • Improved handling of corrupt shader caches in DirectX 12.
  • Made extremely minor micro-optimizations to resource management.
  • Made extremely minor micro-optimization to Dx11 rendering.
  • Fixed handling of a rare form of cache corruption.
  • Fixed a rare type of cache corruption where only certain files were deleted from the install.
  • Fixed a small memory leak that would occur when corrupt sound resources were detected.
  • Fixed a rare and harmless crash on shutdown that could occur if you hit Alt-F4 while loading in DirectX 12.

The New War Fixes:

  • Fixed being unable to move your Warframe if you’re knocked down by the big baddie in the final stage of the quest.
  • Fixed mismatching character suits between two core characters in ‘The Aftermath’ and later stages of the quest.


  • Fixed damage bonus % provided by Condition Overload not being numerically consistent across Melee weapons.
    • Condition Overload was not accounting for Melee weapons that deal different amounts of damage with different swings via combos. We will continue to watch for any issues related to the above.
  • Fixed several functionality issues with Yareli while riding Merulina in the Mastery Rank 14 test, notably being unable to shoot or ride Merulina anymore.
  • Fixed several icons appearing stretched after the great icon “squarification” treatment :
    • Extractor icons in the Select window when deploying an Extractor via Navigation.
    • Archwing Weapon ‘action’ icons.
    • Dojo room building resources icons (except for Credits and Thermal Sludge).
    • Orb Vallis Conservation Emblem icon.
    • Harrow Chassis in the End of Mission screen.
  • Fixed being able to exceed the Mandachord’s allotted notes per section.
  • Fixed Wisp’s movement audio loop being too quiet.
  • Fixed equipped Requiem Mods appearing as a blank square slot icon when stabbing an Adversary.
  • Fixed ‘Depth of Field’ settings in Captura resetting each time you toggle between menus.
  • Fixed multiple crashes caused by objects in the Corpus Outpost, Corpus Ship, and Kuva Fortress tileset looping behaviors.
  • Fixed crash related to the Anku Blueprint in the Tenno Lab.
  • Fixed script errors when attempting to change the enemy type while customizing an Articula.
  • Fixed extremely rare case of the screen fading when in Railjack dorsal/ventral turrets.
  • Fixed being unable to search for Clan members in the Clan menu if typed using uppercase.
  • Fixed Warframe lingering in the background of the in-game Market and Nightwave windows.
  • Fixed the De Nas Pistol Skin missing reload sound.
  • Fixed Wukong and Nezha’s Animation sets having the wrong description in the in-game Market.
  • Fixed the Augur Seeker and Augur Secrets mods both sharing the same picture. The Augur Secrets mod has been updated with its intended image.
  • Fixed chat linked Railjack mods dioramas having unnecessary description text next to the mod.

Echoes of War: Banshee & Mirage Prime Vault: Hotfix 31.1.4

Quick turnaround/small hotfix to address crashes related to Octavia. 


  • More fixes towards crashes caused by objects looping behavior in the Grineer Sealab and Infested Ship tilesets.

The New War Fixes: 

  • Fixed an issue where Sigils on a character in the quest were twice as big as they are post-quest.

Echoes of War: Banshee & Mirage Prime Vault: Hotfix 31.1.5


  • Made several armor placement adjustments for the Grendel Nian skin.
  • Kuva will now always have its Item Label enabled in the in-game Market so that you can see how much you are buying if Kuva is included in a bundle.
  • Re-organized unnamed Inventory items (Operator hairstyles for example) to display at the bottom of the list, since they cannot be interacted with.
  • Updated the description of a set mod from the post-New War Bounties to from “Increase damage from Slam Attacks by +100%” to “100% Slam Attack Damage”.


  • Fixed a rare crash that would occur when using DirectX 12 and a corrupt texture was found in the cache.


  • Fixed the Zato Facial Accessory not appearing when customizing the Operator.
  • Fixed misleading prompt when attempting to swap an Exilus slot’s polarity: “Exilus slot must be unlocked before assigning a polarity to it.”
    • Misleading due to the fact that you cannot swap an Exilus slot’s polarity. It will now correctly indicate this in the error prompt. 
  • Fixed several text case issues originating from the change in Hotfix 31.1.3.
  • Our work continues to find and fix odd case issues.
  • Fixed more icons appearing stretched after the great icon “squarification” treatment:
  • Resource icons on the ‘cancel build’ popup screen when canceling a building foundry item.
  • All Specter icons in the Codex.
  • Fixed ‘test’ suffix appearing at the end of some text in the World State Window.
  • Fixed script error related to the Star Days booth waypoint in Fortuna.
  • Fixed the ‘g’ in ‘Strength’ getting cut off in the Arsenal stats UI.
  • Fixed remaining issues caused object looping behaviors Grineer Sealab tileset.
  • Fixed some ‘Limited Time’ items not appearing when searching ‘Limited Time’ in the in-game Market.
  • Fixed Wukong’s Celestial Stomp Augment clone not working for Clients.
  • Fixed the Narmer Banner (Long) Dojo Decoration resizing to a new default smaller size that couldn’t be scaled up.
  • Fixed the ‘Limited Time’ icon background being too small causing UI clipping issues.
  • Fixed updated Augment mod descriptions slipping through the cracks (to come at a later date!).


  • Fixed a crash when loading into Plains of Eidolon and a squadmate leaves.
  • Fixed a script error when scanning an Oculyst in the Sealab Mobile Defense tileset.
  • Fixed loss of camera control in the War Within Quest if you entered Void Mode just as you were being devoured by something golden.
  • Fixed weapons with Multishot (especially innate multishot like on shotguns or beam weapons) having a higher damage increase from Galvanized Aptitude/Shot per Status type as intended.
    • Essentially, the total damage bonus was being added to each individual projectile, resulting in damage numbers far beyond the intended amount.
  • Fixed a script error that could occur if an ally Kuva Lich was present while returning to town.
Missed Change: Re-capitalized active Warframe, Pet, and Weapon names, meaning anything that you renamed in full CAPS would be restored. We’re looking into why this has caused some text issues with pickups.

Echoes of War: Banshee & Mirage Prime Vault: Hotfix 31.1.7


  • Added ability to preview the Lunar Renewal Theme and Background.
    • This was player feedback since the Market bundles do not show the theme/background in full. Now you can go to Options > Interface > Customize UI Theme > Select Lunar Renewal Theme/Background to preview before purchasing the bundle. 
  • Set maximum purchase quantity in the in-game Market to 9,999,999.
    • You will only ever see this limit if you have the requirements to purchase whatever you are buying 10 million times. You big spender you. 


  • Made systemic micro-optimization to load times and improved frame-rate while streaming on Xbox or on PC when using DirectX12.
  • Continued to add diagnostics to try to isolate random DirectX 12 crashes.


  • Fixed an issue where innate damage bonus of Kuva weapons did not apply to the bonus damage from Galvanized Aptitude.
  • Fixed a Sister of Parvos candidate not showing what weapon is offered if the Treasurer is also alive.
  • Fixed text issues with pickups that originated from the capitalization changes, as mentioned in hotfix 31.1.6.
    • Pickup notifications in HUD will now be capitalized for things that do not have custom formatting applied, such as the messages used for who killed who in Conclave. 
  • Fixed some mixed case text issues in the end of mission progression box.
  • Fixed Spore Ephemera appearing like gray mush - restored it to its original nastiness we all know and love but also improved it.
    • giphy-downsized-large.gif
  • Fixed issue where Epic Store Platinum bundles would no longer show coupons applied and did not apply discounts to purchases of the same.
    • This also fixes a related issue where the pricing was not accounting for coupon discount and was charging full price while also consuming coupon. The coupon discount will now appear on hover. If you were affected by this issue please create a ticket at
  • Fixed the Sniper Ammo Mutation mod not mutating Rifle ammo at the described rate.
    • For example, at Rank 0 you should receive 1 Sniper ammo per Rifle pickup and it was giving 0. 
  • Fixed the following issues with the Protovyre Armor Set:
    • Fixed completing the Protovyre Sentient killing challenge not awarding players with the evolved Protovyre Chest piece.
      • This was caused by exiting Railjack from the menu, which would fail to deliver Protovyre inbox message if challenge was completed.
      • For those affected, we will be running a script that will deliver the inbox message with the evolved Protovyre Chest piece. We will update this thread once we have started and finished the script.   Edit: The script has been run! 
    • Fixed Requiem Relics dropped from Thralls or Hounds not counting towards the Protovyre Syandana challenge progression.
  • Fixed Sister of Pavos Hounds becoming permanent allies (and blocking progression) if affected by abilities like Nyx’s Mind Control or Revenant’s Enthrall.
  • Fixed Amp appearing in town hubs on a post-New War character.
  • Fixed clipping issues with the Nidus Kuvael Scrounger helmet open/closed states.
  • Fixed Nidus Kuvael Scrounger helmet’s fleshy meat pieces not hiding properly in its closed non-mutated state.
  • Fixed Wyrmius turret projectiles firing from the wrong position.
  • Fixed more icons appearing stretched after the great icon “squarification” treatment:
    • Vallis Beast and Bird Emblem
  • Fixed incorrect lighting in some cases when ‘Shadow Quality’ is set to ‘Low’.
  • Fixed ‘CORRUPTED’ prefix appearing in all caps in corrupted enemies name UI.
  • Fixed possible map hole near power structures in the Corpus Gas City tileset.
  • Fixed some punctuation issues in the Lotus’ transmission and Vox Solaris quest.
  • Fixed the Vitrica’s sound FX building up when turning many enemies to glass at the same time.

Echoes of War: Banshee & Mirage Prime Vault: Hotfix 31.1.8


  • Fixed crashes when starting the game in DirectX 12 on Windows 10 systems that have managed to avoid Windows Update for since 2016.
    • We strongly encourage you to run Windows Update when you can, to avoid strange problems and security vulnerabilities on your PC!


  • Fixed more icons appearing stretched after the great icon “squarification” treatment:
    • Plains of Eidolon Conversation Emblem icon.
    • ‘Unidentified Item’ icon in the end of mission screen.
  • Fixed Ordis’ glitch dialogue subtitles missing during the Jordas Precept quest.
  • Fixed TennoCon 2019, 2020, and 2021 Emote names appearing as file paths.
  • Fixed a Ventkid in Fortuna still wearing a Veil post-New War.
  • Fixed Zephyr’s Airburst Rounds Augment Mod no longer functioning if you change Loadouts in the Simulacrum, after having activated it at least once.

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