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Warframe – The Jovian Concord 25.1 Patch Notes

Warframe – The Jovian Concord 25.1 Patch Notes

25.1.3 Patch Notes

More back-end fixes for Plague Star included in this Hotfix. Changes:
  • Improved tolerance of third-party software injecting itself into Warframe.
  • Improved crash-reporting in the Launcher.
  • Enabled dual-stack IPv4/IPv6 connections to the chat servers by default (you can opt out in the Settings).
  • Optimized Chat-Window initialization.
  • Optimized Invite panel initialization.
  • Removed Wisp footstep sounds when crouching / dashing.
  • Fixed a loss of controller functionality when pressing the start button during the Second Dream intro cinematic.
  • Fixed UI lockups that could occur if you had an outrageous number of Friends.
  • Fixed Client Host migrations issues coming up with partially destroyed objectives in the Gas City Sabotage tileset.
  • Fixed Clients not seeing the Sabotage countdown stopping once hacked in the Gas City tileset.
  • Fixed Garuda’s Dread Mirror duration not refreshing after re-casting.
  • Fixed Hildryn’s Shield Pillage Shield pillage not being nullified on contact, only delayed.
  • Fixed Hydroid becoming stuck in his Tentacle Swarm cast animation after respawning from a teleport volume.
  • Fixed Beam weapons and Gunblades not affecting Bursting Mass damage on detonate.
  • Fixed Nora Night not showing up in the Nightwave screen.
  • Fixed the TennoCon 2019 Emote not having any sound to the local player.
  • Fixed a bunch of Containers stuck in ice that were unreachable for players on the Corpus Ice Planet tileset.
  • Fixed Nidus Nighthunter Skin appearing fully Mutated in Navigation, Relays, Cetus or Fortuna.
  • Fixed body slam dash allowing you to travel much further than intended in Lunaro.

25.1.2 Patch Notes

Relic UI Changes & Fixes:
  • The team has put together another chunk of UI changes to address your common suggestions. More to come as we continue to read your feedback!
  • Tweaked the alpha of the Unowned Relic grid to 40% from 25% to increase differentiation between owned / unowned.
  • Upon selecting an unowned Relic, the Refinement button will now read ‘You Do Not Own This Relic’ to alleviate Refinement possibility confusion.
  • Your alias in the Relic Reward screen is now displayed in a different color respective to your chosen UI Theme to help differentiate between yourself and squadmate.
  • Fixed numerous Relic icons appearing stretched.
  • Integrated about 1000 micro-optimizations across hundreds of scripts.
  • Made a few dozen micro-optimizations to various UI and gameplay scripts.
  • Mesa Prime can now be used in Conclave.
  • Increased the Frost Ion Skin emissive brightness to be on par with others.
  • Hovering over Debt Bonds in Ticker’s purchase screen now displays the amount you’re getting, as opposed to just how many you already own.
  • Operator Hoods will now appear open when previewing Operator Earpiece dioramas.
  • Airborne Capture Targets in the Gas City tileset will now keep flying when critically injured, with his jetpack set on fire. Upon landing he will continue his escape, but the powerful explosion of his own jetpack will knock him down. He is yours now to capture, Tenno!
  • Made alt-tab to Borderless Warframe re-acquire the mouse immediately (like Fullscreen).
  • Fixed ‘Providing’ items (Hok, Rude Zuud, etc) not awarding the amount of Standing it says will be awarded.
  • Fixed Client Operators entering "invisible" state that drains no Energy in high lag situations.
  • Fixed Revenant Thrall death pillars not causing damage on contact, only with projectiles for Clients.
  • Fixed Revenant Thralls created by pillar projectiles not showing its effect and cannot be damaged for Clients.
  • Fixed Strain Consume maggots auto-Reviving players if they are downed.
  • Fixed ability to briefly stand up / move around after being captured by Zanuka.
  • Fixed accessing the pause menu while casting Wisp's Sol Gate ability causing the animation to break.
  • Fixed breaking your body and soul after Transferring to the Operator during Simaris’ Synthesis Tutorial.
  • Fixed enemies from previous Zones randomly mingling in with the ones in the new Zone that you just entered.
  • Fixed casting Hildryn’s Balefire, then falling off a ledge as Operator causes the Primary weapon to break and the Secondary weapon to become dual.
  • Fixed the Javlok Amalgam Mod and Reflection Mod stacking in an unexpected multiplicative way.
  • Fixed the Synth Deconstruct Mod effect ceasing to function if your only Set Mod is equipped on your on Sentinel and you respawn.
  • Fixed the new Essential Mod Bundles not being where they used to and being buried in with other miscellaneous bundles which may cause some confusion.
  • Fixed the Hydroid Karkinos dangly front tentacles being too stiff.
  • Fixed the Titania Lympharis Skin Energy color persisting as default.
  • Fixed the Nyx Aures Helmet Energy color persisting as default.
  • Fixed Nyx’s armband Energy color persisting as default.
  • Fixed Nyx Prime / Nyx Immortal Skins forearm Energy color persisting as default.
  • Fixed undiscovered Gas City Fragments showing as Plains of Eidolon Fragments in the Codex.
  • Fixed the Primed Cryo Rounds Mod not appearing in the Codex when owned.
  • Fixed a duplicate Demolyst entry in the Codex.
  • Fixed inability to Chat link Noggles.
  • Fixed a level hole in the Grineer Forest tileset as reported here:
  • Fixed Vector Shields visually disappearing when viewing it through a scoped weapon.
  • Fixed Grineer walking around in circles in Vor’s Prize ‘Find the Comms Segment’.
  • Fixed casting a headless Loki Decoy if the Loki Erebus Helmet equipped.
  • Fixed the Harpak chain sticking around for long periods.

25.1.1 Patch Notes

General Additions:
  • Deactivated Gas City Corpus Laser Doors during Invasions to prevent them mis-firing when you're supporting the Corpus.
Relic UI Changes: The team has put together another chunk of UI changes to address your common suggestions. More to come as we continue to read your feedback!
  • Added the "owned" label back  - but instead of it reading as ‘x5’ it is now ‘5 Owned’. This will allow you to quickly see how many of a given Relic item you have at the selection screen at a glance (like before).
  • Added Alias’ (both yours and squadmates) to the Reward selection screen so that it’s clear who is picking which Reward (yourself included) and where the bonus Void Traces are going.
  • Moved the Reward rarity bars below the items in both the Reward screen and Relic Refinement screen to better emphasize the relationship between the item and its rarity in hierarchy.
  • Moved the Void Traces information to be directly below the Refinement options for better visibility in the Refinement screen.
  • Moved selected Relic display as far up as it can comfortably be, as to not overlap the items with the tooltip.
  • Centered item info popup on Reward items and squad Relics instead of being aligned to the left.
  • Wolf Creds still in your inventory can now be sold for 5K Credits.
  • Hordes of enemies no longer attack players who are trying to extract individually in the Disruption gamemode. This prevents potential Amalgams from running away from the players who are choosing to stick around and fight.
  • Made numerous performance optimizations to the Disruption gamemode.
Ropalolyst Fixes:
  • Fixed a Host migration during the ground stage causing the weak links to be indestructible when fight the Ropalolyst.
  • Fixed Host/Clients becoming stuck with a black screen after falling off of level during the Ropalolyst fight.
Limbo Rift Fix:
  • Fixed most Auras not reacting to changes in Rift-Status:
    • Banishing an Eximus enemy will remove its Aura from enemies out of the Rift, eg: if you Banish a Venomous Eximus and stay out of the Rift it won't be able to hit you with its Toxin Aura, or if you Banish an Ancient Healer it won't be able to protect its allies left behind.
      • Note this does not apply to the Corrosive Projection, Shield Disruption and EMP Auras.
  • Fixed the Hydrolyst and Gantulyst being affected by abilities that the Teralyst is immune to (e.g. Magus Anomaly).
  • Fixed a soft-lock when viewing Simaris’ Offerings.
  • Fixed edge-case crash where the Client managed to abort mission after his session was destroyed.
  • Fixed a script error that could occur when entering Orbiter Decoration mode from pause menu.
  • Fixed a script error that could happen if you joined a mission just as a Syndicate Standing reward was given.
  • Fixed issues that occurred when items had accumulated more than 4 billion XP.
  • Fixed Corpus Gas City Laser Gate randomization (it was never randomizing at all before in procedural levels).
  • Fixed missing collision on a ledge in the Gas City Defense tileset.
  • Fixed dark lighting sections in the Gas City tileset.
  • Fixed the Kasha Kavat Armor not using emissive colors.
  • Fixed Kavat tails not applying the chosen Energy colors.
  • Fixed the Nyx Graxx Helmet Energy color not applying.
  • Fixed Pax Seeker bolts appearing default Energy colour for Clients.
  • Fixed Energy colors on Nikana sheathes not being applied in mission.
  • Fixed the Thanatos Sugatra not sitting correctly on most weapons.
  • Fixed Khora Mithra Skin having material inconsistencies when switching her Attack, Protect, and Heal postures.
  • Fixed the Hydroid Karkinos dangly tentacles being disjointed from the Helmet.
  • Fixed the medallion dangle on the Valkyr Leonessa Helmet.
  • Fixed viewing certain Chat linked Skins not displaying the chosen UI Themed background or a diorama.

25.1 Patch Notes

TennoGen Round 16! This new TennoGen collection includes 17 new items including Operator, Warframe and Weapon Customizations created by our talented Tenno. Thanks to our TennoGen community for creating these magnificent Customizations! General Additions:
  • A Noggle has been added to the Market that has us very excited now.
Wisp Changes & Fixes:
  • Wisp’s Breach Surge now guarantees a surge spark when you land the killing blow.
  • Increased base range of Wisp’s Breach Surge from 15m to 18m.
  • Wisp’s Blueprint can now be sold for 2500 Credits.
  • Fixed Wisp’s Sol Gate ability being able to damage Nullifier bubbles (and then killing the Nullifier). This follows precedent with other Warframe abilities that were fixed (Revenant).
  • Demolysts can no longer be disarmed by the Halikar, as they stop attacking the Conduit. This follows precedent with Demolysts already being immune to the effects of Loki's and Mesa's disarm abilities.
  • Changed TennoGen creator items by ‘Malayu’ to now read ‘Malaya’.
  • Upon selecting to craft a Clan Key, the Foundry will automatically now show the ‘Clan Key’ crafting screen instead of making you search for it.
  • Trading Post permissions have been disbled for people visiting the Dojo IF the Dojo is current in the ‘Featured Dojo’ Star Chat spot (unless you’re a Clan member) to prevent Trading pop-up spam.
  • Diriga has learned to shoot the new Laser Doors and Shock Turrets in the Gas City tileset.
  • Monitors now show 'Stand By' and glitchy screen transmissions upon Alad V's death in the Gas City tileset.
  • Made some adjustments to a few arm Armour pieces on the Nyx Paristhea Skin.
  • Made a micro-optimization to Chroma's Vex Armor ability.
  • Made some micro-optimizations to a number of gamemodes.
  • Made micro-optimizations to a number of gameplay scripts.
  • Made a micro-optimization to Amalgam Arca Kucumatz's beam attack.
  • Made some micro-optimization to the HUD.
  • Made some micro-optimizations to in-game Transmissions.
  • Made a micro-optimization to the Aim-Gliding FX.
Relic UI Changes & Fixes:  Since the selective UI Screen rework brought in Update 25, we’ve gathered much of your feedback to how its functionality, clarity, and visibility can be improved on. Below are just a few of those proposed changes/fixes with more to come later.
  • Added shimmer material to Relic rarity bars to draw attention to them, more specifically, for the Reward choice screen during endless Void Fissure missions but will appear in all places with the rarity bars (info popup, Reward choice, Relic Manager, etc).
  • Increased the scale of the Relic rarity bar icons in the Relic Reward choice screen to 125%.
  • Hovering over the Rarity bars in the Relic Reward choice screen will now show a tooltip indicating the Rarity (Common/Uncommon/Rare).
  • Moved the item info popup below the Relic reward items in the Reward choice screen so that hovering over a reward does not cover other rewards.
  • The UI message indicating that you have attempted to equip an unowned Relic for a Void Fissure mission no longer shows a 'cancel' option, since it’s redundant with the other option of ‘ok’.
  • Changed the Relic Manager menu "sort by Rank" to "sort by Refinement".
  • Fixed the Relic tab reverting back to ‘All’ after Refining a Relic in a different tab (Meso, Axi, etc).
  • Fixed color indication not appearing when selecting a Relic Reward in a non-endless Void Fissure mission.
  • Fixed Relic Reward grid items being vertically too close together, causing the rarity bars to overlap or just be closer to the above items than the item they are representing
Ropalolyst Fixes:
  • Fixes towards cases of the Ropalolyst not firing its beam.
  • Fixed Transferring to the Operator immediately after returning to the Orbiter from a mission resulting in a stuck state, requiring you to reboot Warframe to fix.
  • Fixed cases of the Teralyst not spawning when initiating the Bounty from Konzu.
  • Fixed enemies spawning being uneffected by Corrosive Projection, Shield Disruption and EMP Auras worn by players in the Rift at the time.
  • Fixed Zanuka being unable to capture Hildryn, Wisp, Revenant, Chroma, Frost, Excalibur, Inaros, Nova, Vauban, Volt, Wukong, Ash, Hydroid, Mag, Trinity, Titania and Valkyr.
  • Fixed Ivara’s Infiltrate Augment Mod still triggering alarms from Laser Doors in the Gas City tileset.
  • Fixed seeing Spy Vault lasers from outside the Gas City tileset.
  • Fixed Warframe Rank Bonus UI not resetting when Polarized with a Forma.
  • Fixed Platinum prices appearing for TennoGen items in the Market. Purchasing would take you to the normal Steam Wallet screen.
  • Fixed the Repair Kit Mod showing up as "unidentified item" and not being revealed until End-of-Mission.
  • Fixed seeing a large beam of light FX when firing the Ferrox with Mirage’s Hall of Mirrors active.
  • Fixed one of theGas City doors with security scanners detecting players even if they were in Limbo’s Rift.
  • Fixed placeholder screen textures in the Gas City tileset.
  • Fixed some decorations in the Gas City tileset missing collision.
  • Fixed missing Cypher code clues FX in The Sacrifice quest.
  • Fixed the Acrid Energy color persisting as default.
  • Fixed the Aures Diadem and Lumis Earpiece Energy color persisting as default.
  • Fixed Strain Mod Maggots Energy color persisting as default.
  • Fixed the Tonfa Ba’geth Skin Energy color persisting as default.
  • Fixed the Oberon Ferosh Helmet Energy color persisting as default.
  • Fixed the Kazeru Prime Sugatra Energy color not applying to the electricity.
  • Fixed missing emissives on the Prisma Grinlok.
  • Fixed Kavat Armor taking the incorrect emissive colors.
  • Fixed engine emissives not being part of the Cydonia Liset Skins.
  • Fixed the Liset Sydonia Skin having incorrect vent FX.
  • Fixed blocky looking emissives on the Frost Zastruga Helmet.
  • Fixed Tesla Coil Traps effects/sounds not disappearing for Clients when destroyed in the Gas City tileset.
  • Fixed Drone and Orokin Enemies having overly zoomed Codex dioramas.
  • Fixed title for the ‘Customize Landing Craft’ screen appearing as ‘Orbiter Appearance’.
  • Fixed missing Ankyros Icon in the Inventory UI.
  • Fixed typo in Garuda’s Dread Mirror Arsenal stats.
  • Fixed some text boxes not having enough room for Polish UI translations.
  • Fixed another instance of red ice on the Corpus Ice Planet tileset.
  • Fixed Lunaro Practice VO and Practice cinematics overlapping the regular VO.

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