Introducing the latest patch notes for The Duviri Paradox Quest! In this update, the team has made some exciting changes and fixes to enhance your gaming experience. First off, the beloved Kaithe Racing has been temporarily removed from the quest, but fear not, it will be back before the weekend hits! In its place, players can now enjoy thrilling encounters with Hidden Chests. Additionally, the hint text in the quest has been improved to provide clearer guidance, and more helpful transmissions have been added to assist you during the Orowyrm fight. But that's not all! The team has also addressed several issues and fixed various bugs to ensure smooth gameplay. Old accounts will now receive The Duviri Paradox Quest upon login, and players who complete the quest after Vor's Prize will no longer face customization restrictions. Annoying camera placements and waypoint glitches have been resolved, and script errors during different stages of the quest have been eliminated. From fixing crashes to improving combat tutorials, this patch has got you covered. So gear up, Tenno, and get ready to dive into The Duviri Paradox Quest with these exciting changes and fixes. Happy gaming!
The Duviri Paradox Quest Changes
Temporarily removed Kaithe Racing from The Duviri Paradox Quest and The Duviri Experience - replaced the Kaithe Racing Quest stages with Hidden Chest encounters.
We love our Kaithes! But we are currently battling some Quest and Duviri Experience progression stopping issues related to Kaithe races. So we are temporarily removing it to review and fix the issues. The team is aiming to add it back before the weekend hits! Yeehaw.
Changed the hint text in the Quest to “Defeated the Chest’s Guardian” to “Open Chest and Defeat its Guardian” to better guide players on what to do during that stage.
Added more helpful transmissions to guide you through the Orowyrm fight.
The Duviri Paradox Quest Fixes:
Fixed very old accounts not receiving The Duviri Paradox Quest on login.
Fixed progstop where Kaithe would not spawn next to player after reviving during the “The Covetous Courtier” stage of the Quest.
Fixed players that complete The Duviri Paradox Quest immediately after the Vor’s Prize Quest being unable to customize their Drifter in the Dormizone.
Fixed jump-scare worthy camera placement on Drifter after falling off bridge with Kaithe during “Find a Way Across the Bridge” stage in Quest.
Fixed Hidden Chest markers not clearing after the “The Prince of Fire” Stage of the Quest.
Fixed Drifter’s Guiding Hand ability leading players away from the intended location during the “Let The Hand Guide Your Escape” hint at the start of the Quest.
Fixed double waypoints appearing for Hidden Chests after failing the hacking puzzle in the Quest.
Fixed reaching the waypoint during the Kaithe tutorial not triggering properly to continue onto the next stage.
Fixed Dax combat tutorial not counting the second kill.
Fixed background music sometimes playing under Teshin’s transmissions in the Quest.
Fixed Dax enemies attempting to jump across the broken bridge to pursue you at the start of the Quest.
Fixed portal to return to Teshin’s Cave disappearing if player dies after collecting Paradox piece.
Fixed crash after aborting at the start of the Quest.
Fixed script error during the first stage of the Quest.
Fixed script error during “The Covetous Courtier” stage of the Quest.
Fixed script error during the “The Prince of Fire” stage of the Quest.
Fixed a rare crash during The Duviri Paradox Quest.
Fixed general script error in the Undercroft and upon aborting Undercroft stages of the Quest.
Fixed script error in the closing cinematic of the Quest.
Fixed script error after the Orowyrm appears for the first time in the Quest.
Fixed script error during a specific Teshin sequence in the Quest.
Fixed script error during combat tutorial against Dax at the start of the Quest.
Duviri Experience Changes:
Made several improvements to the Drifter animations during the Orowyrm fight:
Polished the Drifter’s landing animation when hopping to the last node on the Orowyrm.
Updated the Drifter to Orowyrm transition with brand new VFX and SFX - it is much more epic now!
Reduced the window of time that Dax enemies can be stunlocked after perfect parrying.
Duviri Experience Fixes:
Fixed Client crash when Host Migrating during the Orowyrm stage transition (entering the portal).
Fixed white screen and progstop when a player is dead while loading into the Orowyrm arena.
Fixed an issue where Clients joining a new Host on Host Migration wouldn’t have their Decrees tracked properly.
Their selected Decrees would be restored, but not their stacks - which was causing further issues with the formerly stacked Decrees if they were popped up again as an option.
Fixed Kaithe having orientation issues after using Herd Travel to jump to other players on the map.
Fixed being able to teleport to Materliths (Riding Rank 4 Intrinsic) while controlling the Orowyrm.
Fixed certain Glyph Enigmas not showing Glyphs after shooting at discs (particularly when spawned next to towns in Duviri).
Fixed Drifter bleedout/revive status missing in HUD.
Fixed Exalted Weapons in Teshin’s Cave not using the same Mod Config as the chosen Warframe and instead using the Default Mod Config.
Exalted Weapons use the builds in your selected Mod Configs for your Warframe (i.e. it will use your custom Mod Configs if you choose them, or Default Mods should you go that route instead).
Fixed spot-load hitch when taking control of the Orowyrm in the final stage of the Spiral.
Fixed Clients being stuck as Drifter (and being unable to Transference back to Warframe) in the Undercroft after losing connection to the session.
Fixed using Protea’s Temporal Anchor right after entering the Undercroft rewinding you back into the waiting area - causing you to be unable to leave or rejoin the Undercroft mission.
Fixed having the “Melee with fire weapon input” toggle ON preventing Drifter from being able to perform Quick Shots while in Duviri.
Fixed the Emergence Savior Arcane causing Clients in the Undercroft to be invincible.
Fixed being unable to purchase from Acrithis in her Duviri locations using resources you collected during that session.
Fixed “Unowned” tag appearing in the Default Mod Configs in Teshin’s Cave when you own the Warframe and all of the Mods in the Default Config.
It should only appear when you don’t own one or more of the Mods listed.
Fixed hint marker for Hidden Chests disappearing during combat.
Fixed issue where respawn animations would get canceled in Duviri when Transferring between Warframe and Drifter (using Transference Sync from Rank 3 Combat Drifter Intrinsic).
Fixed Dax enemies not following their patrol paths and wandering off.
Fixed the radius of the Dax enemies’ AOE attack during Envy Spiral not making contact when it looked like it should.
Fixed Orowyrm beam attack not being colored properly to match the active Spiral.
Fixed Orowyrm playing a repeated animation during the cinematic in the second phase of the fight.
Fixed Enigma activation VFX clipping through geometry and giving away the solutions from a distance.
Fixed Clients seeing their Kaithe’s tail doubled in the loading screen sequences.
Fixed Void Flood Ruptures in the Undercroft missing VFX when depositing Vitoplast.
Fixed straw in the barns around Duviri being unlit and pitch black.
Fixed extra large minimap markers for “Purge Limnus” encounters in the Duviri Landscape.
Fixed script error when selecting a Warframe in Teshin’s Cave.
Fixed script error if Host Migrating while tethering to the Orowyrm.
Fixed script error when attempting to speak to citizens around Duviri.
Fixed script error caused by Last Gasp while fighting Orowyrm.
Fixed script error related to Ghost Mirror encounters.
Fixed script error with the Dax Equitem interacting with Dax Heralds.
Fixed script error with Sirocco’s charged shot.
General Changes:
Individual Kaithe customizations are now exclusively available to purchase from Teshin’s Cave. Kaithe Bundles are still available in the in-game Market!
Made several fixes and updates to Incarnon Genesis weapon sound SFX.
Adjusted the gain and pitch of the Sun & Moon melee weapon’s sound SFX.
General Fixes:
Hotdropped earlier today:
Fixed being unable to start The Circuit because Reward Path choices were not saving.
Fixed unintended release of the Operator Keeler Hood.
Nora Night may have some future plans for this… but for the time being we will be running a script to remove the Hood from player accounts and refund the Platinum used! We will update this thread when the script has started/ended.
The Operator Keeler Hood script has run and finished to refund Platinum to those who purchased it.
Fixed Azothane’s special shockwave attack (blocking + Melee Strike) not contributing to combo counter (when equipped on Warframe).
Fixed being able to equip Guandao Riven Mods onto the Edun - Edun should only be using its own Rivens as intended.
Fixed an extremely loud sound SFX occurring when the Assassin's Rush Decree buff is triggered on enemy kill.
Fixed crash when attempting to access Inventory after just completing The Duviri Paradox Quest as a brand new player.
Fixed the Feldune Drifter Hood missing the hood open/close toggle functionality.
Fixed being unable to deploy Extractors to Zariman nodes.
Fixed issues with the Drifter facial hair clipping into their faces and appearing patchy.
Fixed Drifter hair not appearing during the Vor’s Prize Quest while the Ascaris Negator is equipped.
Fixed being able to Donate the Watchful Paragrimm Decoration to Dojo.
Seeing as this is a one-time purchase from Acrithis, we want to prevent accidental donations from occurring.
Fixed soft-lock when contributing Dojo Research to the Greedy Milk K-Drive Scrawl in the Vent Kids Bash Lab.
Fixed Clients not hearing or seeing the Host’s Cinta’s SFX/VFX.
Fixed the new Duviri Captura Scenes missing their descriptions.
Fixed several [PH] tags in Incarnon Genesis Evolution descriptions.
Fixed the “Operator Feldune Waistband” being incorrectly named as “Gear”.
Fixed Drifter Facial Hair descriptions using PH text.
Fixed several armor pieces having offset issues when equipped on the Baruuk Doan Skin, Drifter Loneryder Suit, Limbo Voidshell Skin, Wisp Somnium Skin and Bishamo Sets.
Fixed the Shell Compression Mod having an unintentionally high drop rate in The Circuit tiers.
Fixed being unable to chat-link the new Duviri Captura Scenes.
Fixed Drifter ability UI overlapping with “Transference Ready” pop-up for Transference Sync (Rank 3 Combat Drifter Intrinsic) while using controller.
Fixed controller virtual cursor snapping to loadout UI elements instead of the “Solo” Matchmaking option while using the D-Pad to navigate the dropdown.
REMINDER: The launch of The Duviri Paradox set the Enhanced Graphics Engine as the new default on PC (as announced in PSA and patch notes). There are many in-game Video settings that can be adjusted to tweak performance to your machine's needs.
Known Issues:
Issues that were listed at the bottom of The Duviri Paradox Patchnotes - the following is an updated version of that list. Any remaining issues will continue to be reviewed for potential fixes in a future update/hotfix.
(FIXED) Dying as the Client in Undercroft results in a white screen and revival.
(FIXED) Duviri Void Flood Ruptures are missing their VFX.
(FIXED) Using Protea‘s Temporal Anchor Ability can rewind you back into the Undercroft lobby where you cannot escape.
(FIXED) Feldune Drifter Hood does not have hood toggle functionality.
(FIXED) Unintentionally high drop rate for the Shell Compression Mod in The Circuit tiers.
(FIXED) The following Host Migration issues:
Fixed an issue where Clients joining a new Host on Host Migration wouldn’t have their Decrees tracked properly.
Their selected Decrees would be restored, but not their stacks - which was causing further issues with the formerly stacked Decrees if they were popped up again as an option.
Fixed Client crash when Host Migrating during the Orowyrm stage transition (entering the portal).
Players who own the Kuva Hek or Vaykor Hek may still get the normal Hek in Teshin's Cave offerings when it should be offering its more powerful variants.
Host migration in both Duviri and the Undercroft leaving players with various issues. Spiral objectives not progressing after completing certain requirements.
Becoming stuck in perma-ragdoll after getting hit with an Orowyrm projectile while mounting the Kaithe.
Rune Marrow is not affected by Resource Boosters.
Clients sometimes see other players' Drifters without bodies after loading.
Certain Resources do not list their Drop Location in their on-hover description in the Foundry.
Lighting issues for Fish when Maw Feeding in multiplayer sessions.
Warframe Configuration screen in Teshin’s Cave does not display equipped Archon Shards. This is a UI only issue - Equipped Archon Shards do apply their upgrades to Warframes in Cave.
Kuva/Tenet weapons do not display their rolled stat bonuses when viewing builds in Teshin’s Cave.
Toggling Crouch prevents Kaithes from Sprinting.
Certain items in Acrithis' store do not have dioramas.
The Circuit Progress lost upon failing a Circuit mission is currently not reflected in the UI.
The Duviri Paradox: Hotfix 33.0.2
The Sun & Moon’s Power Strike ability can now receive custom colors.
Made adjustments to the Aetigo Kaithes hooves to make them look smoother.
Improved visibility of the context action to pick up a Lost Islands of Duviri Fragment.
Updated the shape and mesh of Drifter Beard 004 to prevent clipping issues.
The Duviri Paradox Quest Fixes:
Fixed some Duviri youths not being hidden in the cave during The Duviri Paradox Quest.
Fixed Drifter going into wacky inflatable arm flailing tube man mode during the Bombastine and Teshin first encounter cinematics if you had a Drifter Animation Set equipped.
Fixed the portal to Teshin’s Cave remaining visible after entering it for the first time.
Fixed Ordis’ dialogue not appearing in the Dormizone after completing the Quest.
However, if you have not yet completed the Vors Prize Quest you will not have any Ordis transmissions until completion.
Fixed certain camera transitions snapping to and for characters instead of smoothly zooming in and out.
Fixed The Circuit not advancing past Stage 4 in both the Normal and Steel Path versions of the Circuit.
Fixed a crash that could occur when toggling between “Normal” and “The Steel Path” in The Circuit reward path screen.
Fixed a crash related to the Drifter’s Guiding Hand ability.
Fixed a crash related to players leaving Duviri back to their Orbiter during a Host Migration.
Fixed issues with Host Migrations when entering the Undercroft.
Fixed completing any side objective in The Duviri Experience defeating a Dax enemy patrol forcing your main Story objective waypoints to disappear, leaving you unaware of where to progress.
Fixed experiencing a progression stop when attempting to play Komi in The Duviri Experience.
Fixed entering the Undercroft as a unarmed Excalibur Warframe if the following occurred:
A Client selects the countdown for the Circuit to start and the Host has not selected anything for their loadout.
A Host invites a Client and goes through the portal and the Client has accepted the invite but not yet loaded into the session.
Fixed the Aetigo Kaithe missing its Emissive details.
If you have the Aetigo Kaithe Pedigree equipped, you’ll want to re-fashion frame your Kaithe to make use of their new and improved color channel!
Fixed alignment issues on the arm mesh for the Wisp Somnium Skin.
Fixed offset issues with the Sigma Series Shoulder Plate when equipped on the Wisp Somnium Skin.
Fixed various script errors in the Steel Path Circuit.
The Steel Path Circuit had issues with level loading that was causing various Script Errors, which in turn caused performance issues relative to the normal Circuit. This fix will significantly improve the performance of the Steel Path Circuit.
Fixed some visual VFX from the Drifter’s Guiding Hand ability.
Fixed Umbra’s details (scarf, loincloth) not appearing in the mirror in Teshin’s Cave.
Fixed the Drifter Melee weapons not indicating how to earn them in-game when viewing in the in-game Market.
Fixed the Dax Arcus’ arrow VFX remaining in the air if they are killed right as they fire their arrow.
Fixed the regular Bronco not having a Default Mod Config in Teshin’s Cave.
Fixed Tubular Bells (Enigma in Duviri) having broken VFX.
Fixed owned items not appearing in the in-game Market if they can be repurchased.
Fixed Kahl missing all of his helmets in his customization menu.
Fixed Yareli being unable to cast abilities while riding Merulina and using a controller.
Fixed some offset issues with the Bishamo Lark Armor set.
Made fixes towards script errors when solving Enigmas.
Made fixes towards script errors related to Undercroft Portals.
Fixed a few script errors related to Tamm herding.
Fixed script error related to picking up Shrine Fragments.
Fixed script error related to the final step of cleansing in Conservation.
Fixed script error related to the Mirror Portal puzzle in Duviri.
Fixed script error related to a successful open of a Hidden Chest.
Fixed script error that resulted from failing the Duviri Hacking Puzzle minigame.
Fixed script error related to your Squad UI when transitioning between levels.
REMINDER: The launch of The Duviri Paradox set the Enhanced Graphics Engine as the new default on PC (as announced in PSA and patch notes). There are many in-game Video settings that can be adjusted to tweak performance to your machine's needs.
Known Issues:
Issues that were listed at the bottom of The Duviri Paradox Patchnotes - the following is an updated version of that list. Any remaining issues will continue to be reviewed for potential fixes in a future update/hotfix.
(FIXED) The following Host Migration issues:
Fixed Crash related to players leaving Duviri back to their Orbiter during a Host Migration.
Fixed issues with Host Migrations when entering the Undercroft.
Players who use the hold to aim option and interrupt their melee swings by aiming will be stuck aiming until tapping aim again.
Clients may become invulnerable and have several UI issues after entering the Undercroft in Duviri.
Fixed the last completed stage of The Circuit restarting for Clients after Host decided to extract.
Players who own the Kuva Hek or Vaykor Hek may still get the normal Hek in Teshin's Cave offerings when it should be offering its more powerful variants.
Spiral objectives not progressing after completing certain requirements.
Becoming stuck in perma-ragdoll after getting hit with an Orowyrm projectile while mounting the Kaithe.
Rune Marrow is not affected by Resource Boosters.
Clients sometimes see other players' Drifters without bodies after loading.
Certain Resources do not list their Drop Location in their on-hover description in the Foundry.
Lighting issues for Fish when Maw Feeding in multiplayer sessions.
Warframe Configuration screen in Teshin’s Cave does not display equipped Archon Shards. This is a UI only issue - Equipped Archon Shards do apply their upgrades to Warframes in Cave.
Kuva/Tenet weapons do not display their rolled stat bonuses when viewing builds in Teshin’s Cave.
Toggling Crouch prevents Kaithes from Sprinting.
Certain items in Acrithis' store do not have dioramas.
The Circuit Progress lost upon failing a Circuit mission is currently not reflected in the UI.
The Duviri Paradox: Hotfix 33.0.3
Updated the VFX on the Ack & Brunt, Soma, Vasto, Burston, and Bronco Incarnon Geneses.
Made a slight visual update to show rings in the Duviri Region screen.
Changed the Drifter’s second ability in Duviri from “Target Radar” (reserved for The New War) to “Guiding Hand”.
Made several fixes and updates to Incarnon Geneses SFX (specifically how Host/Clients hear them).
Duviri Orowyrm Fixes:
Fixed getting stuck in the first phase of the Orowyrm fight after Host migration occurs right before player steers it into the portal - causing all in the squad to be stuck in the Duviri Landscape unable to continue the fight.
Fixed Drifter swapping to regular Melee instead of the Orvius if it was picked up while they were riding Kaithe - causing them to be unable to grapple to the Orowyrm.
Fixed getting permanently stuck ragdolling after getting hit by an Orowyrm projectile while riding Kaithe - causing inability to continue with fight.
Fixed losing the Sirocco after returning to Duviri Landscape after defeating the Orowyrm.
Fixed total loss of function after getting hit by an Orowyrm energy wave while trying to take control of it - caused extremely dark screen and other issues upon respawning.
Fixed crash during the first stage of the Orowyrm fight after Host migration.
Fixed Clients being unable to use Transference on normal (non-Steel Path) Orowyrm.
Fixed portals lingering in the final stages of the Orowyrm fight.
Fixed script error during Orowyrm fight after Host migration.
Fixes towards script error that could occur when falling off Orowyrm.
The Duviri Paradox Quest Fixes:
Fixed Dax falling off of the map and not respawning in the Quest (notably in Stage 1) - causing inability to complete the rest of the stages.
This also affected Story stages in The Duviri Experience has been fixed!
Fixed the end of mission screen playing at the end of some of the Quest stages.
Fixed Teshin’s Cave portal having no VFX after Stage 8 of the Quest.
Fixed several issues with Teshin and his Rablit’s animations during Quest cutscenes.
Fixed lighting issues on Teshin upon returning to his Cave during the Quest (restoring the spotlight that he deserves!)
More fixes to Ordis’ dialogue not appearing in the Dormizone after completing the Quest.
However, if you have not yet completed the Vors Prize Quest you will not have any Ordis transmissions until completion.
Fixed script error in “The Prince of Fire” stage of the Quest.
Fixes towards performance issues during the first stage of The Duviri Paradox Quest.
Made performance improvements to the lighting in the Dormizone (specifically the door to enter Duviri) for lower spec PCs.
Fixed objective waypoint disappearing for Story stages after defeating a Chest Guardian.
Fixes towards multiple Host Migration issues resulting in returning to the wrong mission in The Circuit (example: mid-Exterminate would turn into Survival after migration).
Fixed a non-functional Evolutions screen after selecting Cavalero’s “Evolve Incarnon Weapons” option if you only have one eligible weapon and no other Incarnon Weapons (Incarnon Genesis weapons and the Felarx, Innodem, Laetum, Phenmor, and Praedos).
Evolutions were able to be selected but the UI was not reflecting that - leading to players being unable to see that their Incarnon Genesis has been equipped.
More fixes towards a crash that could occur when toggling between “Normal” and “The Steel Path” in The Circuit reward path screen.
Fixed a Veiled Riven equipped on a Mod Config in your Arsenal appearing in Teshin’s Cave in that same Config but for a different weapon after completing the unveiling challenge.
This was a UI-only issue and did not apply stats to the equipped weapon. Equipped unveiled Rivens will no longer appear in Teshin Mod Configs if the weapon it rolled upon challenge completion is not for the weapon it was equipped on.
Fixes towards falling off map and not respawning in the Orowyrm Arena and Undercroft.
Fixed Tamms disappearing in the Story herding stage if the player falls to their death - causing inability to complete the rest of the stages.
Fixed the end of mission screen showing that you gained Circuit Progress when you failed.
As mentioned in The Duviri Paradox patch notes, it is intended that you do not keep Circuit Progress if you fail or leave The Circuit - this was simply not being reflected correctly in the UI.
Fixed there being no objective waypoint during the third phase of the Profit Taker fight - causing inability to continue the fight.
Fixed Kuva/Tenet Weapons not displaying their Stat bonuses (generated from their progenitor) when viewing Mod Configs in Teshin’s Cave.
Fixed Drifter Melee weapons that you got recently (purchased with Platinum or Pathos Clamps) not being equipped when entering the Duviri Landscape.
Fixed the Bombastine's Malice Decree (On Headshot, 30% chance for enemies near the target will be inflicted with 150%* Toxin) at times being triggered by Critical Frost's bonus Cold Damage.
Fixed Drakgoon not having a Default Mod Config in Teshin’s Cave.
Fixes towards white flashing when transitioning from lobby to mission in the Undercroft.
Fixed Host going invisible to Clients in Teshin’s Cave after using the “Mod Config” context action.
Fixed a black screen overtaking the Warframe/Paradox Path choice sequence upon starting the game with a new account.
Fixed Kaithe performing a handstand when previewing it from Inventory.
Fixed Cinta’s description not mentioning its Blueprint acquisition method.
Fixed Krubies (Duviri Conservation animal) spawning where a Hidden Chest might have otherwise. There is enough space for the both of them!
Fixed issues with Enigmas in Duviri if affected by damage done by Decrees that create radial/aoe damage (Tumbling Frost for example).
Fixed Clients not seeing Enigma elements, such as:
The laser discs ricochet effect if Host is more than 40 meters away from the Enigma.
Various elements when the disc is taken out of the area.
Mnemonic Adjutant scanner.
Certain statues - making it impossible for Clients to activate them.
Fixed Inventory showing that Kaithes can be sold for Credits.
Kaithes are intended to not be sellable since they are Platinum purchases.
Fixed intro cutscene in the Angels of the Zariman Quest showing Warframe instead of Operator in the Dormizone.
Fixed being able to go from Drifter to Operator using Transference if the player has chosen the Paradox Path.
Fixed being able to see outside Teshin’s Cave from a hole in the map.
Fixed clipping issues with Acrithis’ carriage horses.
Fixes towards several armor attachments having offset issues when equipped on Baruuk’s Doan Skin and Bishamo Lark Set.
We will continue to tackle these in batches - thank you for your patience!
Fixed compression issues in the Dojo Research UI.
Fixed Companions spawning in the Legendary Rank 3 test.
Fixed possibility that two side objectives could spawn at the same time in the same cave.
Fixed rare crash when using Kunai with Incarnon Genesis equipped.
Fixed various script errors related to UI.
Fixed script error when a Hidden Chest ran out of possible waypoints to spawn the chest.
Fixed script error when picking up a Shrine piece when the Shrine itself had already despawned after completion.
Fixed script error in the Ghost Mirror Enigmas - this was likely caused by Host Migration.
Fixed script error when cave encounters start/resume too close to one another.
Fixed script error in Undercroft portal.
Fixed script error when players joins or leaves an in-progress Duviri session and rewards are being given.
Known Issues:
Issues that were listed at the bottom of The Duviri Paradox Patchnotes - the following is an updated version of that list. Any remaining issues will continue to be reviewed for potential fixes in a future hotfix. Anything marked as CODE requires a cert update (meaning it will come in a future update).
(FIXED) The Circuit Progress lost upon failing a Circuit mission is currently not reflected in the UI.
(FIXED) Becoming stuck in perma-ragdoll after getting hit with an Orowyrm projectile while mounting the Kaithe.
(FIXED) The following Host Migration issues:
Fixed crash during the first stage of the Orowyrm fight after Host migration.
Fixed script error during Orowyrm fight after Host migration.
Fixes towards multiple Host Migration issues resulting in returning to the wrong mission in The Circuit (example: mid-Exterminate would turn into Survival after migration).
Fixed script error in the Ghost Mirror Enigmas - this was likely caused by Host Migration.
Fixed getting stuck in the first phase of the Orowyrm fight after Host migration occurs right before player steers it into the portal - causing all in the squad to be stuck in the Duviri Landscape unable to continue the fight.
(FIXED) Kuva/Tenet weapons do not display their rolled stat bonuses when viewing builds in Teshin’s Cave.
(CODE) Players who use the hold to aim option and interrupt their melee swings by aiming will be stuck aiming until tapping aim again.
(CODE) Players who own the Kuva Hek or Vaykor Hek may still get the normal Hek in Teshin's Cave offerings when it should be offering its more powerful variants.
Clients may become invulnerable and have several UI issues after entering the Undercroft in Duviri.
Fixed the last completed stage of The Circuit restarting for Clients after Host decided to extract.
Spiral objectives not progressing after completing certain requirements.
Rune Marrow is not affected by Resource Boosters.
Clients sometimes see other players' Drifters without bodies after loading.
Certain Resources do not list their Drop Location in their on-hover description in the Foundry.
Lighting issues for Fish when Maw Feeding in multiplayer sessions.
Warframe Configuration screen in Teshin’s Cave does not display equipped Archon Shards. This is a UI only issue - Equipped Archon Shards do apply their upgrades to Warframes in Cave.
Toggling Crouch prevents Kaithes from Sprinting.
Certain items in Acrithis' store do not have dioramas.
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