Several changes and fixes have been implemented for the Railjack mode. Players can now earn Intrinsic points while using the Necramech/Operator in Railjack missions, addressing a previous issue. Additionally, the Railjack Ability UI, including Battle Mods, can now be accessed while in the Artillery, providing a smoother gameplay experience. The HUD custom colors now apply to Railjack/Archwing reticles and Railjack enemies, enhancing visual clarity during intense battles. Furthermore, the Enemy Crewship Health bar will now disappear upon explosion, indicating to players that it is no longer a target. Other improvements include adjustments to Gox arm aiming speeds, fixing twitching issues when targeting fast-moving enemies. The functionality loss when equipping a Railjack Crew member with a large number of Converted Kuva Lichs has also been resolved. Players must now extract from Corpus Capital Ships to successfully complete missions, preventing unintentional failures. Various script errors and crashes have been fixed, ensuring a smoother gameplay experience for all players. Optimizations have been made to loading times, the World State Window, Crew management interface, Navigation screen, and Particle Effects. These optimizations contribute to a more efficient and seamless gaming experience. In terms of changes, players can now purchase Market Bundles containing single-purchase items, as long as they don't already own every item within the Bundle. This resolves the previous issue of being unable to purchase a Bundle if one item was already owned. Zephyr's Tornado ability has been adjusted to no longer cause damage to players or friendly allies/agents standing in the vortex, improving overall gameplay balance. Acquisition tips have been added to Oberon and Ash's Component Blueprints, as they now reside in Railjack. Lastly, updates have been made to the Chat Emoji faces and Recruiting Emoji, enhancing communication options for players. Numerous fixes have also been implemented, addressing issues such as broken Exploiter Orb hunts, stuck End of Mission screens, and incorrect tracking of Modular item ranks in player Profiles. These fixes contribute to a more stable and enjoyable gaming experience. Overall, these changes and fixes aim to enhance the Railjack mode and provide players with a smoother and more engaging gameplay experience.Railjack Changes & Fixes:
Fixed inability to earn any Intrinsic points while being in the Necramech/Operator in Railjack missions.
Railjack Ability UI (Battle Mods, etc) is now usable when in the Artillery!
HUD custom colors now apply to Railjack/Archwing reticles and Railjack enemies!
Enemy Crewship Health bar will now disappear as it explodes so players know not to shoot it anymore.
Working on a fix for Clients.
Adjust the Gox arm aiming speeds to be significantly slowed(purely visually) so the arms do not twitch when attempting to lead a target that has very fast acceleration (eg. Archwing).
Fixed ability to use the Tactical Menu Teleporting function to return to your Railjack while inside a Corpus Capital Ship.
Players must extract from Corpus Capital Ships in order to successfully complete it. Using the Tactical Menu Teleport isn’t intentional for this scenario, and resulted in failing your mission and an End of Mission screen hardlock.
Fixed a functionality loss occurring when attempting to equip a Railjack Crew member if you had a lot of Converted Kuva Lichs.
Fixed ability to gain Energy/lose Energy when the Pause Menu is up and the game is paused (Solo mode).
Fixed a rare crash that could occur when joining a Railjack mission in progress.
Fixed Point of Interest/Loot Dungeons handing out the same rewards when running consecutive Railjack missions without returning to the Dojo in between.
Fixed specific scenarios where the Host may not be able to vote if Client chooses the node in Railjack.
Fixed Shipkiller Platform continuing to track and shoot the Railjack after mission completion.
Fixed Railjack Battle and Tactical callouts not updating when swapping between controller / mouse & keyboard.
Fixed (again) Crew Equip, Train, etc options not obeying Menu Scale changes.
Fixed some incorrect Steel Meridian aligned Crew idle animations.
Fixed specific Kuva Liches having a “Passive” in the Crew Equip screen.
Nerfed harmless script error that would occur when flying away from a Defense objective in a Railjack mission.
Fixed a script error related to Railjack enemy patrol behaviour.
Fixed script error that could occur if you got out of the Railjack Slingshot immediately on entering.
Fixed a harmless script error that could occur if you pressed the Dry Dock console at exactly the right moment while the Railjack you were invited to started to launch.
Made micro-optimizations to Dojo loading.
Made a micro-optimization to the World State Window.
Made a micro-optimization to a Crew management interface.
Made micro-optimizations to opening the Navigation screen.
Made optimizations to Particle Effects that could occur outside the active area.
Made a micro-optimization to the code that handles Zephyr's Tornados absorbing damage.
You can now buy Market Bundles containing single-purchase items so long as you don't already own every single-purchase item within the Bundle.
This fixes inability to purchase a Bundle if you own at least one single-purchase item from it.
Zephyr's Tornado will no longer propagate incoming projectile Damage to the player, or friendly allies/agents standing in the vortex.
This fixes players/allies taking damage from projectiles by standing in Tornado even when Turbulence is up.
Added acquisition tips to Oberon and Ash’s Component Blueprints as they now live in Railjack.
More updates to the Chat Emoji faces & Recruiting Emoji!
Fixed a bug that would break Exploiter Orb hunts and missing objective text.
Fixed a livelock that could occur when visiting extremely complex and highly decorated Dojos.
Fixed End of Mission screen becoming stuck on screen when attempting to reconnect with the squad before loading back to the Orbiter.
Fixed failing the Assassination Bounty Bonus on Plains of Eidolon if you drew the target out in less than a minute but didn't kill him until after a minute.
Fixed Modular items rankup not being tracked in the Profile properly.
Fixed World State Window (above Navigation) showing events that had recently completed (within 2 hours).
Fixed Pet Companions being overly fixated on finishing combat before they are capable of switching to follow/teleport behaviors.
Fixed crashes that could occur in script code involving a certain pattern.
Fixed new Emotes not displaying in the ingame Market when searching for ‘Emote’.
Fixed the skybox for Europa being full of visible square holes.
Fixed a script error when Xaku’s Passive triggers.
Fixed a script error when casting Atlas’ Tectonic.
Fixed a script error that could occur if someone shot into Zephyr's Tornado right as the Zephyr respawned.
Fixed a harmless error that would occur at various stages in the Silver Grove Quest.
Railjack Changes & Fixes:
- Fixed not receiving shared loot in Railjack on-foot areas (POIs, Crewships, etc.) if picked up by Necramechs.
- Fixed being stuck in your Necramech floating in space if you were in a Grineer/Corpus Crewship when it exploded.
- Fixed a crash that could occur in certain Railjack encounters with range-based auras (Orvin-Haarc, Venus for example).
- Fixed Tether Battle Mod having max stats at Rank 0.
- This also fixes stat values increasing and decreasing sporadically in the Fusion screen while upgrading the mod.
- Fixed Tactical Menu Teleporting while entering Railjack Turret locking Warframe in place after being Teleported and rendering the Turret unusable.
- Fixes towards Client getting stuck in Archwing Slingshot due to lag.
- Fixed the new Armaments that were released in Update 29.10.0 not appearing when filtered by house type (Zekti, Vidar, Lavan) at the ‘Configure Railjack’ panel.
- Fixed the Stanchion Corpus ship missing its engines at the bottom.
- Fixed old textures appearing on Corpus ships in Proxima regions.
- Fixed being able to select Sigils as Operator Secondary Face in Appearance options.
- Fixed script error when Crew member goes into bleed out.
- Fixed issues of some large caves in Deimos missing fish, despite bait/hotspots, etc.
- Fixed Voidrig’s Guard Mode only firing 5-6 shots if you hold down the fire button right after activating.
- More fixes towards Arsenal being inaccessible from the Dry Dock unless there is an Observatory in the Dojo.
Railjack Changes & Fixes:
Fixed a crash when transitioning between Railjack to Archwing.
Fixed Glazio, Laith, Talyn and Vort Armaments not displaying when sorting Railjack Armaments by the Zetki manufacturer.
Adjustments towards blocking volumes and navigation pathing to prevent enemies and players from being able to walk under and inside the Ropalolyst when in the center of the level.
Ran a script to correct player Profile stats with regards to Modular item Ranks.
Warframe tracks item progression in two different ways, the item itself for Ranks and Mastery, and then your Profile stats. Players recently noticed that their Profile was not tracking Modular items, this was due to the stats being submitted to the wrong part of the item. In Hotfix 29.10.8 we fixed the upload so that new stats are sent to the correct item, and this script now fixes “bad” data that was previously sent to the Profile. Your Modular items should now be in sync and show the correct Ranks.
Tenno! Our first Warframe Railjack quest is here! ‘Call of the Tempestarii’ is a Solo quest that brings you into the Proxima regions with a bang. Journey into Corpus territory and answer the Call of the Tempestarii. Keen Tenno will perhaps get a hint to what comes next once the Quest is completed...
Void Storms gather in Corpus lanes…could a mysterious vessel somehow be the case? Board your Railjack and investigate the call.
The prerequisites to access the Call of the Tempestarii Quest are:
Own a Railjack
Deadlock Protocol Quest complete
We strongly encourage turning your Audio options (especially Music) to the max for the best Quest experience! If you are hard of hearing, subtitles will guide you.
If you purchase Sevagoth with Platinum, you will receive a Riven Mod as a Quest Reward in addition to the Sevagoth Blueprint and some other secret goodies. Please note upon Quest completion, Simaris will have Sevagoth’s Blueprint for those who wish to build duplicates for Helminth, etc.
A storm's a brewin', Tenno. But where there’s risk, there’s Ghostly reward! Void Storms have been detected rolling through the Proxima. Supercharged with Void energy, boarding parties and Point of Interest enemies caught in these conditions are subject to Void Fissures - perfect for Void Relic opening! As the storm brews outside, brace yourself for Void Sinks on board your Railjack. These Void Sinks can deal damage to your Warframe if touched - shoot them to destroy!
Bring your Railjack Crew or your squad to open Relics, earn Intrinsics, and grofit with rewards! On top of your earned Relic reward, Void Storms offer their own goodies upon completion. May the Void be ever in your favor!
Void Storm missions can be selected in both the Railjack Star Chart and the Void Fissure tab of the World State Window.
Railjack Proximas and their corresponding Relics:
Earth Proxima: Lith Relics: Play here to open Lith Relics and earn their Rewards! Earth Proxima Void Storm Rewards: Notable rewards in addition to your Relic items include pieces of Sevagoth’s Signature Sidearm ‘Epitaph’! Venus Proxima: Lith Relics: Play here to open Lith Relics and earn their Rewards! Venus Proxima Void Storm Rewards: Notable rewards in addition to your Relic items include pieces of Sevagoth’s Signature Sidearm ‘Epitaph’!Saturn Proxima: Meso Relics: Play here to open Meso Relics and earn their rewards! Saturn Proxima Void Storm Rewards: Notable rewards in addition to your Relic items include pieces of Sevagoth’s Signature Sidearm ‘Epitaph’.
Neptune Proxima: Neo Relics: Play here to open Neo Relics and earn their rewards! Neptune Proxima Void Storm Rewards: Notable rewards in addition to your Relic items include pieces of Sevagoth the Warframe!
Pluto Proxima: Axi Relics: Play here to open Axi Relics and earn their rewards! Pluto Proxima Void Storm Rewards: Notable rewards in addition to your Relic items include pieces of Sevagoth the Warframe!
Veil Proxima: Axi Relics: Play here to open Axi Relics and earn their rewards! Veil Proxima Void Storm Rewards: Notable rewards in addition to your Relic items include pieces of Sevagoth the Warframe!How do Void Storm rewards work?
Void Storm missions are directly similar to Void Fissure missions, where you’re tasked with completing the objective while also collecting enough Reactant.
All on-foot enemies are subject to becoming Corrupted from Void Fissures. Boarding parties, Point of Interest enemies, Crewship enemies, etc once Corrupted can all drop Reactant needed to open your Relic. Reactant is a shared pickup for Void Storms! Since Railjack requires Tenno to coordinate across multiple environments simultaneously, we felt that having shared Reactant pickups would help squads open Relics in a co-op friendly way.
Upon mission completion, you’ll be rewarded with your earned Relic reward, as well as an added item from the Void Storm drop table itself.
The storm-swept, Void-wandering Warframe has returned to harvest living souls. Send forth his Shadow to reap the life of the unwary.
On death, become Sevagoth's Shadow and fight to resurrect him by collecting the souls needed to rebuild his tombstone.
Sevagoth's Shadow flies outward ravaging enemies in his path. Survivors are damaged by Death’s Harvest over time. The souls of the dead fill the Death Well.
Plant a death seed in nearby targets to drain their lifeforce. Reap what has been sown to detonate afflicted enemies, dealing a percentage of their health as radial damage. The souls of the dead fill the Death Well.
Summon a radial pulse wave that ensnares and slows enemies, siphoning their lifeforce for the Death Well. Allies within the wave steal health with each attack.
When the Death Well fills, Sevagoth's Shadow form is ready to be released. Tear the enemy asunder with a collection of melee-focused abilities.
Ghostly hands pull enemies into a flailing mass.
Dash through enemies and rip out their souls to heal Shadow.
Inflict nearby enemies with a harrowing condition.
Sevagoth and his Shadow become one.
Purchase in the ingame Market or earn Sevagoth Blueprint from the Call of Tempestarii Quest and his Components from Void Storm drop tables.
Sevagoth's wrist-mounted sidearm fires a chilling slow-moving slab, guaranteed to slow enemies for easier marksmanship. Charge the shot to fire a punishing high-velocity, high critical chance slab that punches through barriers. Deals additional headshot damage in Sevagoth's hands.
Purchase in the ingame Market or earn Epitaph Blueprint and Components from Void Storm drop tables.
A macabre alternate helmet for Sevagoth, the Warframe who harbors the Shadow.
A flowing, contoured Syandana for Sevagoth, the dark Helmsman.
Put the fear of the Void into your foes with Sevagoth, the reaper of souls. Collection includes Sevagoth, Sevagoth Lucifuge helmet, Epitaph sidearm, Vithil Syandana and 3 day Affinity and Credit boosters.
Dance through dark dreams with this mischievous, Harlequin-inspired deluxe skin.
The Mirage Oneiro Skin, originally designed by artist CleoNaturin, makes its debut with 2 custom Deluxe Animation sets for Noble and Agile stances!.
These follow suit with other Deluxe Animations (Khora Urushu, etc) where they are available for Mirage & Mirage Prime, but Mirage Oneiro must be purchased to equip the Animations on other Warframes.
Tenno to battle stations! Instantly board your Railjack and set sail for the Proxima with this pack, featuring a fully-built Railjack, Railjack Skin and more.
- 250 Platinum
- Railjack
- Sungem Railjack Skin
- 4 Crew Slots
- 7-Day Resource Booster
Limited-time offer. Only one per account. Purchasing this pack will automatically complete the Archwing Quest prerequisite needed to play Railjack. You can replay the Archwing Quest from the Codex aboard your Orbiter.
Railjack Changes & Fixes:
Increased Affinity reward for each Orphix to scale between 1,000 to max of 2,000 at level 60.
Railjack Earth Proximas Iota Temple, Ogal Cluster, Korm's Belt, and Bendar Cluster now have a guaranteed Point of Interest.
Point of Interests are needed for Void Storm gameplay to ensure Void Fissures spawn to collect Reactant.
Sigils can now be equipped on Crew mates via their Appearance screen.
Added more unique Railjack Crew descriptions.
Fixed endless Affinity gain from Crew Repairs by sitting in a mission and allowing the Railjack to take damage while your Crew cleans up. Affinity granting Repairs from Crew mates now has a cap of 20 per mission.
Fixed Corpus Railjack Fighters endlessly spawning, resulting in exploitive farming.
Fixed the new Railjack Armaments (Glazio, Laith, Talyn & Vort) at any Tier only returning 25 Endo when Scrapped.
Upon login, players who sold the Glazio, Laith, Talyn, or Vort Armaments will receive the respective Endo difference per Tier up to a maximum of 40,000 Endo returned (roughly equal to 200 Armaments Scrapped). Our reasoning for the cap correlates to the Corpus Fighter spawn exploit that was used to endlessly acquire items, including Armaments.
Fixed Host migration while streaming into a Railjack mission resulting in an infinite load tunnel
Fixed Necramech’s not counting as being inside the Capital Ship airlock, which is needed to continue the mission.
Fixed various functionality issues related to being outside the Railjack as the Operator.
Fixed enemies not spawning and Capital Ship Turrets not firing during the weak point destruction phase of the Volatile mission.
Fixed objective marker for Point of Interests occasionally remaining active after completing it.
Fixed missing Railjack loading tunnel and incorrect skybox for Clients who load in faster than the Host.
Fixed On-call Crew members not attacking or repositioning when in Melee range of an enemy.
Fixed Railjack Crew assigned to the Pilot position not staying near the Corpus Capital Ship after approaching it and having to destroy the scan points.
Fixed becoming stuck in the Railjack load tunnel when attempting to start a Sanctuary Onslaught mission while in the Railjack Star Chart.
Fixed Clients experiencing the screenshake and sound effect of Void Hole when cast by the Host.
Fixed Necramechs not despawning in the Railjack when returning to the Dry Dock.
Fixed description for Railjack Drift Maneuver on controller being incorrect.
Instead of reading “press & hold LS to drift” it now properly reads “Tap LB while boosting to drift".
Fixed momentary black screen occurring when viewing your Companion loadout while in the Arsenal in the Dry Dock.
Fixed issue where the names of Elite Corpus fighters in Veil Proxima were appearing as TARO instead of ORM.
Fixed getting pushed out of the Corpus Crewship and into Archwing when standing under a moving elevator within the Crewship.
Fixed Clients not seeing the visual dash FX of Corpus Elite Fighters.
Fixed Aurax Polaris & Aurax Culveri Moas counting for "Demolyst Killed" in the End of Mission player stats screen from Corpus Railjack missions.
Fixed Crew mate Transmissions affecting other NPC Transmissions.
Fixed the Railjack Gox always colliding with itself and causing a direction change when moving fast enough forward.
Fixed Sentinels equipped with Vacuum sucking in items that can’t be used when Piloting the Railjack.
Fixed Primary/Secondary crosshair being overlapped with the Melee crosshair in the Dojo after returning to the Drydock from a Railjack.
Fixed Intrinsics text in the End of Mission screen being squished together.
Fixed a script error that could occur in rare cases when returning to the Relay Dry Dock.
Fixed a rare script error that could occur if you entered the Railjack loading tunnel just as Stalker or a group of Syndicate Assassins arrived.
Fixed a script error when a Client interacts with the Plexus on the Hosts Orbiter.
Fixed a harmless script error that could occur when aborting from specific types of Railjack encounter.
New Codex Fan Art
In anticipation of the Call of the Tempestarii Update, we commissioned 5 of our official Warframe Creator Fan Artists to create pieces that are now live in the Fan Art section of the Codex! Use any Display in your Orbiter to decorate with this stunning artwork.
Sevagoth Lucifuge Helmet
Sevagoth Reaper Form
Sevagoth Tombstone Form
Zephyr Deluxe
Improved networking performance for all platforms.
Made optimizations towards the Grattler FX that were affecting GPU time.
We’ve also scaled down the Grattler projectile size to further improve performance.
Made a micro-optimization when opening the Invite panel.
Made micro-optimizations to some core engine code.
General Additions:
Added Somachord Fragments for a special tune (avoiding spoilers here) from Call of the Tempestarii.
Find these Fragments in the Call of the Tempestarii Quest! If you miss them during your first run you can replay the Quest from the Codex!
The Clan Dojo Room Limit of 128 is now visible for Dojo Architects. This limit always existed but was never exposed to the player, which could cause confusion when building/destroying rooms.
When viewing the Dojo Transporter menu, the room you’re currently in will appear faded out with an arrow next to it to indicate that ‘YOU ARE HERE!’.
Khora's Whipclaw line of sight checks are now a little more generous.
To quote [DE]Ruu’s post: No longer will small rocks or detailed floor geometry block Whipclaw’s explosion! Enemies that hide behind cover will not be hit by Whipclaw if you hit the front of the object that enemies are hunkering down behind. However, if you strategically hit beside them, you will vanquish your foes.
Brood Mothers maggots now spawn less and less frequently the longer they're alive to mitigate exploitive gameplay.
Removing unreleased Corpus Captura Scenes from nonexistent crates (as shown in the public drop tables).
Acolytes will no longer spawn underwater in Submersible Steel Path missions due to the water killing them instantly. They haven’t learned to swim yet.
Fixed Eximus enemies no longer having drops due to the recent move of Oberon & Ash Blueprints to Railjack.
For now, Eximus drop tables will reflect their normal variants. We’re experimenting with some other potential drop avenues and making improvements to Eximus overall on the heels of this change.
Fixed scenario where you could force the Acolytes to spawn in a Cambion Drift Steel Path mission at level 30 instead of the intended Steel Path level 100+.
Fixed scenario where dying while in Voidrig’s Guard Mode could prevent player movement.
Fixed enemies unable to target Titania when Reave (via Helminth Subsume) is cast while Razorwing is active.
Fixed Melee Guidance not being affected by Aura Strength Mods. This was causing Ash’s Blade Storm clones (also likely Mirage & Equinox clones) to give you temporary Melee Combo Duration buffs from their auras.
Fixed Deimos Captura Scenes found in hidden areas under Deimos not being Sellable or Tradable.
Fixed incorrect wording for the Deimos Heart Captura Scene description.
Fixed Halikar Wraith not having the correct Riven Disposition.
Fixed inability to Chat Link the Halikar Wraith.
Fixed Necramech and Archgun Affinity gained not displaying for the Host player if Necramech was dead at the time of mission completion.
Fixed ally Specters getting stuck in perpetual weapon swap animations.
Fixed World State Window always displaying that there are 5 Steel Path Incursions, despite completing some/all.
Fixed Zephyr getting stuck in her Divebomb animation when going through a Sanctuary Onslaught portal.
Fixed Mission Progress screen showing incorrect amount of Standing earned after completing a Bounty phase.
Fixed the Nautilus Wings Sentinel Attachment not respecting chosen Energy color.
Fixed typing while Extracting from a mission causes text to appear both in the Chat and the End Of Mission rewards search bar.
Fixed incorrect ingame Market icon for the Baza Prime Stock.
Fixed missing breed type for Vasca Kavat Imprints.
Fixed text in the Leverian dioramas being very difficult to read when using a light UI Theme (ie. Nidus, Orokin, Tenno).
Fixed the Imperator Festive Syandana attaching to Octavia Prime's back, not her neck like the other Imperator Syandanas.
Fixed audio issues with the Morgha Alt Fire.
Fixed audio issues with the Halikar Wraith.
Fixed a script error occurring during the Vox Solaris Quest when attempting to detonate the K-bomb.
Fixed a script error when casting Mirage’s Sleight of Hand ability.
Fixed script error related to the Sentient omnidirectional laser attack.
Fixed a harmless script error that could be caused when a Chesa Kubrow attempts to Neutralize an enemy.
Tenno! Our first Warframe Railjack quest is here! ‘Call of the Tempestarii’ is a Solo quest that brings you into the Proxima regions with a bang. Journey into Corpus territory and answer the Call of the Tempestarii. Keen Tenno will perhaps get a hint to what comes next once the Quest is completed...
Void Storms gather in Corpus lanes…could a mysterious vessel somehow be the case? Board your Railjack and investigate the call.
The prerequisites to access the Call of the Tempestarii Quest are:
Own a Railjack
Deadlock Protocol Quest complete
We strongly encourage turning your Audio options (especially Music) to the max for the best Quest experience! If you are hard of hearing, subtitles will guide you.
If you purchase Sevagoth with Platinum, you will receive a Riven Mod as a Quest Reward in addition to the Sevagoth Blueprint and some other secret goodies. Please note upon Quest completion, Simaris will have Sevagoth’s Blueprint for those who wish to build duplicates for Helminth, etc.
A storm's a brewin', Tenno. But where there’s risk, there’s Ghostly reward! Void Storms have been detected rolling through the Proxima. Supercharged with Void energy, boarding parties and Point of Interest enemies caught in these conditions are subject to Void Fissures - perfect for Void Relic opening! As the storm brews outside, brace yourself for Void Sinks on board your Railjack. These Void Sinks can deal damage to your Warframe if touched - shoot them to destroy!
Bring your Railjack Crew or your squad to open Relics, earn Intrinsics, and grofit with rewards! On top of your earned Relic reward, Void Storms offer their own goodies upon completion. May the Void be ever in your favor!
Void Storm missions can be selected in both the Railjack Star Chart and the Void Fissure tab of the World State Window.
Railjack Proximas and their corresponding Relics:
Earth Proxima: Lith Relics: Play here to open Lith Relics and earn their Rewards! Earth Proxima Void Storm Rewards: Notable rewards in addition to your Relic items include pieces of Sevagoth’s Signature Sidearm ‘Epitaph’! Venus Proxima: Lith Relics: Play here to open Lith Relics and earn their Rewards! Venus Proxima Void Storm Rewards: Notable rewards in addition to your Relic items include pieces of Sevagoth’s Signature Sidearm ‘Epitaph’!Saturn Proxima: Meso Relics: Play here to open Meso Relics and earn their rewards! Saturn Proxima Void Storm Rewards: Notable rewards in addition to your Relic items include pieces of Sevagoth’s Signature Sidearm ‘Epitaph’.
Neptune Proxima: Neo Relics: Play here to open Neo Relics and earn their rewards! Neptune Proxima Void Storm Rewards: Notable rewards in addition to your Relic items include pieces of Sevagoth the Warframe!
Pluto Proxima: Axi Relics: Play here to open Axi Relics and earn their rewards! Pluto Proxima Void Storm Rewards: Notable rewards in addition to your Relic items include pieces of Sevagoth the Warframe!
Veil Proxima: Axi Relics: Play here to open Axi Relics and earn their rewards! Veil Proxima Void Storm Rewards: Notable rewards in addition to your Relic items include pieces of Sevagoth the Warframe!How do Void Storm rewards work?
Void Storm missions are directly similar to Void Fissure missions, where you’re tasked with completing the objective while also collecting enough Reactant.
All on-foot enemies are subject to becoming Corrupted from Void Fissures. Boarding parties, Point of Interest enemies, Crewship enemies, etc once Corrupted can all drop Reactant needed to open your Relic. Reactant is a shared pickup for Void Storms! Since Railjack requires Tenno to coordinate across multiple environments simultaneously, we felt that having shared Reactant pickups would help squads open Relics in a co-op friendly way.
Upon mission completion, you’ll be rewarded with your earned Relic reward, as well as an added item from the Void Storm drop table itself.
The storm-swept, Void-wandering Warframe has returned to harvest living souls. Send forth his Shadow to reap the life of the unwary.
On death, become Sevagoth's Shadow and fight to resurrect him by collecting the souls needed to rebuild his tombstone.
Sevagoth's Shadow flies outward ravaging enemies in his path. Survivors are damaged by Death’s Harvest over time. The souls of the dead fill the Death Well.
Plant a death seed in nearby targets to drain their lifeforce. Reap what has been sown to detonate afflicted enemies, dealing a percentage of their health as radial damage. The souls of the dead fill the Death Well.
Summon a radial pulse wave that ensnares and slows enemies, siphoning their lifeforce for the Death Well. Allies within the wave steal health with each attack.
When the Death Well fills, Sevagoth's Shadow form is ready to be released. Tear the enemy asunder with a collection of melee-focused abilities.
Ghostly hands pull enemies into a flailing mass.
Dash through enemies and rip out their souls to heal Shadow.
Inflict nearby enemies with a harrowing condition.
Sevagoth and his Shadow become one.
Purchase in the ingame Market or earn Sevagoth Blueprint from the Call of Tempestarii Quest and his Components from Void Storm drop tables.
Sevagoth's wrist-mounted sidearm fires a chilling slow-moving slab, guaranteed to slow enemies for easier marksmanship. Charge the shot to fire a punishing high-velocity, high critical chance slab that punches through barriers. Deals additional headshot damage in Sevagoth's hands.
Purchase in the ingame Market or earn Epitaph Blueprint and Components from Void Storm drop tables.
A macabre alternate helmet for Sevagoth, the Warframe who harbors the Shadow.
A flowing, contoured Syandana for Sevagoth, the dark Helmsman.
Put the fear of the Void into your foes with Sevagoth, the reaper of souls. Collection includes Sevagoth, Sevagoth Lucifuge helmet, Epitaph sidearm, Vithil Syandana and 3 day Affinity and Credit boosters.
Dance through dark dreams with this mischievous, Harlequin-inspired deluxe skin.
The Mirage Oneiro Skin, originally designed by artist CleoNaturin, makes its debut with 2 custom Deluxe Animation sets for Noble and Agile stances!.
These follow suit with other Deluxe Animations (Khora Urushu, etc) where they are available for Mirage & Mirage Prime, but Mirage Oneiro must be purchased to equip the Animations on other Warframes.
Tenno to battle stations! Instantly board your Railjack and set sail for the Proxima with this pack, featuring a fully-built Railjack, Railjack Skin and more.
- 250 Platinum
- Railjack
- Sungem Railjack Skin
- 4 Crew Slots
- 7-Day Resource Booster
Limited-time offer. Only one per account. Purchasing this pack will automatically complete the Archwing Quest prerequisite needed to play Railjack. You can replay the Archwing Quest from the Codex aboard your Orbiter.
Railjack Changes & Fixes:
Increased Affinity reward for each Orphix to scale between 1,000 to max of 2,000 at level 60.
Railjack Earth Proximas Iota Temple, Ogal Cluster, Korm's Belt, and Bendar Cluster now have a guaranteed Point of Interest.
Point of Interests are needed for Void Storm gameplay to ensure Void Fissures spawn to collect Reactant.
Sigils can now be equipped on Crew mates via their Appearance screen.
Added more unique Railjack Crew descriptions.
Fixed endless Affinity gain from Crew Repairs by sitting in a mission and allowing the Railjack to take damage while your Crew cleans up. Affinity granting Repairs from Crew mates now has a cap of 20 per mission.
Fixed Corpus Railjack Fighters endlessly spawning, resulting in exploitive farming.
Fixed the new Railjack Armaments (Glazio, Laith, Talyn & Vort) at any Tier only returning 25 Endo when Scrapped.
Upon login, players who sold the Glazio, Laith, Talyn, or Vort Armaments will receive the respective Endo difference per Tier up to a maximum of 40,000 Endo returned (roughly equal to 200 Armaments Scrapped). Our reasoning for the cap correlates to the Corpus Fighter spawn exploit that was used to endlessly acquire items, including Armaments.
Fixed Host migration while streaming into a Railjack mission resulting in an infinite load tunnel
Fixed Necramech’s not counting as being inside the Capital Ship airlock, which is needed to continue the mission.
Fixed various functionality issues related to being outside the Railjack as the Operator.
Fixed enemies not spawning and Capital Ship Turrets not firing during the weak point destruction phase of the Volatile mission.
Fixed objective marker for Point of Interests occasionally remaining active after completing it.
Fixed missing Railjack loading tunnel and incorrect skybox for Clients who load in faster than the Host.
Fixed On-call Crew members not attacking or repositioning when in Melee range of an enemy.
Fixed Railjack Crew assigned to the Pilot position not staying near the Corpus Capital Ship after approaching it and having to destroy the scan points.
Fixed becoming stuck in the Railjack load tunnel when attempting to start a Sanctuary Onslaught mission while in the Railjack Star Chart.
Fixed Clients experiencing the screenshake and sound effect of Void Hole when cast by the Host.
Fixed Necramechs not despawning in the Railjack when returning to the Dry Dock.
Fixed description for Railjack Drift Maneuver on controller being incorrect.
Instead of reading “press & hold LS to drift” it now properly reads “Tap LB while boosting to drift".
Fixed momentary black screen occurring when viewing your Companion loadout while in the Arsenal in the Dry Dock.
Fixed issue where the names of Elite Corpus fighters in Veil Proxima were appearing as TARO instead of ORM.
Fixed getting pushed out of the Corpus Crewship and into Archwing when standing under a moving elevator within the Crewship.
Fixed Clients not seeing the visual dash FX of Corpus Elite Fighters.
Fixed Aurax Polaris & Aurax Culveri Moas counting for "Demolyst Killed" in the End of Mission player stats screen from Corpus Railjack missions.
Fixed Crew mate Transmissions affecting other NPC Transmissions.
Fixed the Railjack Gox always colliding with itself and causing a direction change when moving fast enough forward.
Fixed Sentinels equipped with Vacuum sucking in items that can’t be used when Piloting the Railjack.
Fixed Primary/Secondary crosshair being overlapped with the Melee crosshair in the Dojo after returning to the Drydock from a Railjack.
Fixed Intrinsics text in the End of Mission screen being squished together.
Fixed a script error that could occur in rare cases when returning to the Relay Dry Dock.
Fixed a rare script error that could occur if you entered the Railjack loading tunnel just as Stalker or a group of Syndicate Assassins arrived.
Fixed a script error when a Client interacts with the Plexus on the Hosts Orbiter.
Fixed a harmless script error that could occur when aborting from specific types of Railjack encounter.
New Codex Fan Art
In anticipation of the Call of the Tempestarii Update, we commissioned 5 of our official Warframe Creator Fan Artists to create pieces that are now live in the Fan Art section of the Codex! Use any Display in your Orbiter to decorate with this stunning artwork.
Sevagoth Lucifuge Helmet
Sevagoth Reaper Form
Sevagoth Tombstone Form
Zephyr Deluxe
Improved networking performance for all platforms.
Made optimizations towards the Grattler FX that were affecting GPU time.
We’ve also scaled down the Grattler projectile size to further improve performance.
Made a micro-optimization when opening the Invite panel.
Made micro-optimizations to some core engine code.
General Additions:
Added Somachord Fragments for a special tune (avoiding spoilers here) from Call of the Tempestarii.
Find these Fragments in the Call of the Tempestarii Quest! If you miss them during your first run you can replay the Quest from the Codex!
The Clan Dojo Room Limit of 128 is now visible for Dojo Architects. This limit always existed but was never exposed to the player, which could cause confusion when building/destroying rooms.
When viewing the Dojo Transporter menu, the room you’re currently in will appear faded out with an arrow next to it to indicate that ‘YOU ARE HERE!’.
Khora's Whipclaw line of sight checks are now a little more generous.
To quote [DE]Ruu’s post: No longer will small rocks or detailed floor geometry block Whipclaw’s explosion! Enemies that hide behind cover will not be hit by Whipclaw if you hit the front of the object that enemies are hunkering down behind. However, if you strategically hit beside them, you will vanquish your foes.
Brood Mothers maggots now spawn less and less frequently the longer they're alive to mitigate exploitive gameplay.
Removing unreleased Corpus Captura Scenes from nonexistent crates (as shown in the public drop tables).
Acolytes will no longer spawn underwater in Submersible Steel Path missions due to the water killing them instantly. They haven’t learned to swim yet.
Fixed Eximus enemies no longer having drops due to the recent move of Oberon & Ash Blueprints to Railjack.
For now, Eximus drop tables will reflect their normal variants. We’re experimenting with some other potential drop avenues and making improvements to Eximus overall on the heels of this change.
Fixed scenario where you could force the Acolytes to spawn in a Cambion Drift Steel Path mission at level 30 instead of the intended Steel Path level 100+.
Fixed scenario where dying while in Voidrig’s Guard Mode could prevent player movement.
Fixed enemies unable to target Titania when Reave (via Helminth Subsume) is cast while Razorwing is active.
Fixed Melee Guidance not being affected by Aura Strength Mods. This was causing Ash’s Blade Storm clones (also likely Mirage & Equinox clones) to give you temporary Melee Combo Duration buffs from their auras.
Fixed Deimos Captura Scenes found in hidden areas under Deimos not being Sellable or Tradable.
Fixed incorrect wording for the Deimos Heart Captura Scene description.
Fixed Halikar Wraith not having the correct Riven Disposition.
Fixed inability to Chat Link the Halikar Wraith.
Fixed Necramech and Archgun Affinity gained not displaying for the Host player if Necramech was dead at the time of mission completion.
Fixed ally Specters getting stuck in perpetual weapon swap animations.
Fixed World State Window always displaying that there are 5 Steel Path Incursions, despite completing some/all.
Fixed Zephyr getting stuck in her Divebomb animation when going through a Sanctuary Onslaught portal.
Fixed Mission Progress screen showing incorrect amount of Standing earned after completing a Bounty phase.
Fixed the Nautilus Wings Sentinel Attachment not respecting chosen Energy color.
Fixed typing while Extracting from a mission causes text to appear both in the Chat and the End Of Mission rewards search bar.
Fixed incorrect ingame Market icon for the Baza Prime Stock.
Fixed missing breed type for Vasca Kavat Imprints.
Fixed text in the Leverian dioramas being very difficult to read when using a light UI Theme (ie. Nidus, Orokin, Tenno).
Fixed the Imperator Festive Syandana attaching to Octavia Prime's back, not her neck like the other Imperator Syandanas.
Fixed audio issues with the Morgha Alt Fire.
Fixed audio issues with the Halikar Wraith.
Fixed a script error occurring during the Vox Solaris Quest when attempting to detonate the K-bomb.
Fixed a script error when casting Mirage’s Sleight of Hand ability.
Fixed script error related to the Sentient omnidirectional laser attack.
Fixed a harmless script error that could be caused when a Chesa Kubrow attempts to Neutralize an enemy.
Call of the Tempestarii: Hotfix 30.0.1
As we continue to read Feedback and collect Bugs, our public Trello board will be updated: We are moving a lot of this over to an ‘Update 30: Call of the Tempestarii’ label, and will reorganize and leave details on the cards where applicable! As a reminder, this board is not-exhaustive and the Hotfix notes will always be a best reference.Changes:
Crewship Health Bars now disappear once a given Crewship is in the destruction phase so you know when to stop shooting.
Fixed a Script Error caused by Void Storms. This would cause crazy bursts of colour and stacking effects, and should be resolved now.
Fixed an issue with Component Stat changes reverting when opening the Railjack Mod Configs.
Fixed issues with the Spy mission progress tracker on the player HUD not correctly updating.
Fixed a few issues with doors and panels in a Corpus Spy vault.
Fixed Nautilus Mask and Tail effects not respecting player colours.
Fixed a rare Script Error.
Fixed a Crash associated with Void Storms.
Fixed an issue with Inaros’s Agile animation set.
Fixed various typos.
Fixed a Crash related to a Cy transmission.
Fixed script crash while returning to Dojo just as mission is starting / while streaming into mission.
Fixed several crashes in Call of the Tempestarii quest.
Fixed Sevagoth not going into Shadow form after death if Sevagoth previously died in Archwing.
Fixed boarders showing up at the Dry Dock after aborting an Orphix mission.
Fixed Tempestarii Railjack Skin not using your Energy color.
Fixed a script error while using Wukong’s Celestial Twin.
Fixed Danse Macabre loop sound staying active when client aborts mission while power is active. Also fixed Danse Macabre end sound playing when entering the menu while power is active, it wont be triggered now.
Fixed Sevagoth not being able to use two colors on his emissives.
Fixed Vala moving their mouth during Call of the Tempestarii end screen because of a crew member transmission.
Fixed a script error when starting a Void Storm mission that's just about to expire.
Fixed Grineer Crewship pilot weapon not having any muzzle flashes when fired from pilot seat and no external firing positions in space.
Fixed a hitch in the Codex if you select Call of the Tempestarii quest before completing the Deadlock Protocol.
Fixed arrows on Mirage variants and idle to follow the bow.
- Lensflare on Tempestarii Railjack skin will now update when hovering over customizations.
- (Spoiler) music will still play in Call of the Tempestarii even if the music slider is down.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when trying to launch a solo Railjack mission as client.
- Fixed FX spam in Void Storms (potentially).
- Fixed several crashes that could occur from aborting a Railjack mission.
- Fixed several crashes throughout the Call of the Tempestarii quest.
- Fixed a prog stop in Call of the Tempestarii that could occur from using the Parazon while playing as Operator.
- Fixed incorrect localization in part of Call of the Tempestarii quest.
- Fixed Call of the Tempestarii quest granting additional final rewards for repeated playthroughs.
- Fixed a crash that could occur if Helios attempted to scan while playing as Sevagoth.
- Fixed floaty Lich heads appearing near the end of Call of the Tempestarii quest.
- Fixed items picked up by Sevagoth's Shadow being duplicated whenever you switch to him.
Missed note / incomplete feature:
Some Tenno have noticed that Forward Artillery can use a different gun by using ‘Switch Weapon (F)’. This is a feature that shipped unfinished, but expect real support for this in a future deployment (UI, sounds, etc).Changes:
Optimized performance for a number of network connections.
Fixed an issue with accounts that created a Kuva Lich using Sevagoth’s Shadow and vanquished a Lich with such a progenitor. All players in this case will have their affected weapon with 55% Impact Damage.
Fixed an issue that would occur when a player tries to select a new mission after a host migration occurs.
Fixed a crash caused by Sevagoth’s passive.
Fixed a crash caused by Wukong’s passive.
Fixed a script error that could occur when using Seeker Volley.
Fixed issues with the mix adjustment of Gauss’ Mach Rush and Redline abilities to reduce spam in the context of tight quarter situations.
Fixed a loss of functionality associated with existing the Railjack right as a Cinematic starts.
Fixed a crash that could occur when trying to show item information popup.
Fixed random crash on game start with DirectX 11 renderer.
Fixed black screen on clients after attempting to enter Corpus Freightlinker after one or more tugs were ejected.
Fixed Larvlings being killed by Sevagoth’s Shadow using his Shadow as the progenitor instead of Sevagoth himself. Also fixed a crash that could be caused by Liches generated by Sevagoth’s Shadow.
Fixed a crash when trying to load solo Call of the Tempestarii missions while on another player’s Railjack.
Fixed crash when entering Railjack (potentially) and when boarding/leaving a Crewship.
Fixed a crash caused by encounters trying to activate after already leaving the mission.
Fixed a crash that could occur when leaving Void Storm mission.
Fixed an issue where the ‘Countermeasures’ stage of ‘Call of the Tempestarii’ may present the wrong button prompt.
Fixed an issue with overlay and Tactical maps not working if you are using the ‘Large’ map view.
Fixed getting on the pilot seat before fully entering the mission displaying the Warframe ability HUD.
Fixed a rough level transition in the new user experience.
Fixed crashes related to host migration.
Fixed crashes related to level streaming between missions.
Fixed issues with Corpus Crewship engines and doors not properly lighting.
Fixed several script errors.
Fixed game text errors.
Call of the Tempestarii: Hotfix 30.0.4
Void Sinks will no longer damage Railjack Crew or Companions (or Defense objectives, etc).
Fixed being permanently stuck in a Void Tunnel if you start a mission from a Dojo, but choose to go to a Relay.
Fixed missions not properly starting and the Railjack being in a dormant state if a Client does an incomplete load due to having a slower PC than the Host.
Fixed incorrect ordering in title strings in certain languages.
Fixed some reward tables including Vaulted Relics.
Fixed an exploit related to Void Traces.
Fixed [PH] strings in the World State Window for Razorback.
Fixed an overlap issue in the UI in the Dojo menus.
Fixed several script errors.
Fixed crashes that could occur in the Grineer Shipyards on Ceres.
Fixed a crash that could occur when you quit to Dojo during ‘Call of the Tempestarii’.
Fixed a crash when using Sevagoth.
Call of the Tempestarii: Hotfix 30.0.5
Fixed a common crash caused by the last hotfix related to Fissures.
Fixed Sevagoth’s Gloom not working when Subsumed onto Lavos. It will use Duration instead of Drain.
Fixed Sevagoth’s Shadow form not disappearing if you enter your Arsenal. LOL.
Fixed an exploit in Assassinate Bounty missions in the Orb Vallis.
Fixed erroneous prompts in the Crew UI with a Controller.
Fixed the ‘Cancel’ button having no functionality in the HUD customization screen on a controller.
Fixed missing labels on weekly missions in the World State Panel.
Call of the Tempestarii: Hotfix 30.0.6
Swapped the crafting requirement of Control Module for Gallium in Rhino Systems Blueprint to ease early player acquisition.
Polished some of Mirage Oneiro’s custom weapon idle animations.
Added a ‘None’ option to Backdrops in the Dojo so you can go back to default.
Sevagoth Changes & Fixes:
7 days since the release of Call of the Tempestarii & our newest Warframe, Sevagoth! Based on some great community feedback we have a few changes below:
Increased Sevagoth’s Armor from 110 to 150.
Added functionality to now ‘Hold’ Sevagoth’s Reap on cast to speed up the Shadow by 2x.
Made improvements towards Sevagoth’s Reap movement to alleviate the Shadow becoming stuck in numerous situations. He may still get stuck in some cases, but his movement should be less jerky and should no longer try to dig his head into a wall.
Sevagoth’s Gloom now consumes 0.75 Energy per second (base) for each enemy within Glooms range. Equip Efficiency Mods (Streamline, etc) to reduce! NOTE: there is another planned change which missed this build, which prevents the energy cost from increasing to 1.5 per enemy, and caps the drain at a maximum of 10 enemies. Look for that in the near future.
Added custom sound when entering Sevagoth’ pre-death Tombstone.
Fixed Sevagoth’s Shadow breaking Railjack Battle Mods icon and button callout.
Fixed Sevagoth gaining permanent invisibility if temporary effect expires while in Shadow form.
Another fix towards Sevagoth not going into Shadow form after death if Sevagoth previously died in Archwing.
Fixed incorrect loadout showing when Mod Linking a loadout for Sevagoth's Shadow.
Fixed a crash occurring if your real world headset was unplugged/reconnected during a mission.
Fixed a functionality loss and game freeze when exiting the Railjack as a cinematic starts.
Fixed a functionality loss when comparing Armaments/Components with a controller in the Railjack configuration screen.
Fixed (for real) an exploit in Assassinate Bounty missions in the Orb Vallis.
Fixed Clients not seeing Crew mates if they joined while the mission was in progress and the Crew mate was on the Turret.
Fixed progression stopper in the Kuva Fortress tileset if a Client joins the mission after the initial gate is opened.
Fixed rapidly selecting between weapon options during the Awakening tutorial will result in temporary weapon functionality loss.
Fixed Railjack enemies not triggering Void Sinks.
Fixed ability to equip the Synth Charge Mod to Epitaph.
Epitaph does not meet the magazine size requirement for Synth Charge.
Fixed cases of waypoint markers breaking when in Archwing or Titania’s Razorwing, notably on Deimos.
Fixed rare case of having negative Argon Crystals.
Fixed Cambion Drift Esophage fast-travel screen fade being applied to all players (not just the player using it).
Fixed Client FoV settings getting reset after using Sevagoth’s Shadow.
Fixed the "Reset Skills" button not resetting the Crew member's Competency points when using a controller.
Fixed the Plains of Eidolon ‘Capture the Grineer Commander’ bonus objective failing without players actually killing any other enemies.
Fixed the Plains of Eidolon ‘Drone Escort’ Drone starting to move without hacking it.
Fixed Tusk Heavy Gunners aiming into the ground sometimes with their grattler and not swapping back to it from their Kohmak when you put some distance between you.
Fixed cases of Tau Resist not reducing damage against Sentients at all.
Fixed causing self damage when using the Sigma & Octantis Heavy Attack while airborne.
Fixed Ironbride Mod screen displaying incorrectly when having Khora equipped.
Fixed lingering damage fields from mind controlled NPCs (eg. Napalm's fire effect) fail to damage anyone.
Fixed the coolant/core cell being shown as inserted in the wrong place during Corpus Ship Sabotage missions.
Fixed missing geometry sections along the spine of the Mirage Oneiro Skin.
Fixed a hitch during the ‘Awakening’ Quest.
Fixed Gauss’ Redline meter sound plays repeatedly if your drain & fill rates are close enough to keep it cycling back and forth around the redline.
Fixed Eidolon spawn sound continuing to play if entering Cetus while spawn / despawn is happening.
Fixed missing dialog during some Vitruvian cut scenes.
Fixed Nova Rifle animation having unnatural movements.
Fixed Darvo calling out for your Secondary weapon during the Vor’s Prize Quest despite not actually being able to by design.
Fixed seeing Thermia Fractures in the World State Window/Navigation panel without having the Vox Solaris Quest complete.
Fixed a script error when loading into a Void Storm just before it expired.
Fixed numerous script errors when spawning a Necramech.
Call of the Tempestarii: Hotfix 30.0.7
Added the option for players to start the Jackal/Razorback boss fight after 30 seconds if no other players reach them.
The Epitaph Blueprint is now tradeable.
Added updated wrist-mounted weapon animations (ie Gammacor, Epitaph, Atomos, etc).
Also fixes weird wrist angled animations.
The Hydroid statue in the Larunda Relay now reacts with Mastery Rank 30 Blessings! For those who don’t know, when Blessing in the appropriate Relay the statue changes to reflect your current Warframe!
Sevagoth Change:
Sevagoth’s Gloom Energy cost is now prevented from increasing to 1.5 per enemy as the radius grows, and drain is capped at a maximum of 10 enemies.
As indicated by previous patch notes this was intended for Hotfix 30.0.6 but it just missed the build!
Railjack Changes & Fixes:
The Forward Artillery weapon swapping mechanic has been given its aforementioned support functionality! When pressing (F) to ‘Switch Weapon’, you can now use the Turret Armaments while in the Forward Artillery seat! This functionality has been given a proper UI pass as well as sounds.
Fixed a crash when a Client joins a Railjack mission while the current players are on-board the Corpus Capital Ship.
Fixed a crash if Void Sinks triggered too early.
Fixed Clients becoming stuck in the loading screen if a Host migration occurred when other players were in Archwing, Necramech, and Operator mode.
Fixed Clients joining a Void Storm in progress being prompted to select a Lith Relic for a Neptune Void Storm instead of a Neo Relic.
Fixed Crew Appearance weapon Skin choices not saving.
Fixed a script error when using an ‘On Call’ Crew member.
Fixed a crash that could occur when abruptly leaving a mission with Nekros’ Shadows of the Dead active.
Fixed only traveling 50% of the intended distance when casting Hydroids Tidal Surge with Fire Walker active (via Helminth Subsume and in place of Undertow).
Fixed Hydroid’s Tentacle Swarm timer disappearing when casting Tentacle Swarm then Transferring to the Operator.
Fixed Lavos' armbands blocking view while aiming down sights with wrist mounted secondary weapons (Epitaph notably).
Fixed cases where the Relay Blessing UI did not appear for some players.
Fixed Archwing Quest transmissions being out of sync when progressing through the final stage of the Quest too fast.
Fixed incorrect instructions and in-mission hints during the Archwing Quest.
Fixed in-mission hints during the Archwing Quest not swapping between mouse/keyboard and controller.
Fixed misaligned Kuva Lich Chest Armor on Atlas Prime and Atlas Karst.
Fixed the Feasting Hamster Glyph being stretched vertically.
Fixed script errors that could occur if you killed a Battalyst mid-disco.
Fixed a harmless script error that could occur when killing a Mitosid.
Fixed a harmless script error if the Bailiff Defector was killed in the Gift of the Lotus Defense alert.
Fixed a script error that could break your HUD.
Fixed a harmless script error that could occur during certain Eidolon Bounties when something died from a level hazard.
Fixed a harmless script error that could occur if you left the Cambion Drift and returned to the Necralisk right when Vome or Fass was emerging.
Zephyr & Chroma Prime Vault
Take to the skies and unleash the full power of the elements!
Zephyr Prime and Chroma Prime return to the Origin System along with their signature Weapons and Customizations for a limited time.
Zephyr Prime, Chroma Prime, Tiberon Prime, Kronen Prime, Rubico Prime, and Gram Prime Relics have been added to the drop tables! These Relics have replaced the Banshee and Mirage Relics in the drop tables, Bounties, and Relic Packs.
Zephyr and Chroma Prime Blueprints and components have had their Ducat values changed as announced here.
1200 Platinum
Zephyr & Chroma Prime Warframes
Tiberon Prime
Kronen Prime
Rubico Prime
Gram Prime
Impetus Prime Syandana
Commodore Prime Suit
Imugi Prime Armor
Tibor Prime Armor
Tibor Prime Gene-Masking Kit
BONUS: Kavat Incubator Segment and Kavat Starter Kit
Zephyr & Chroma Prime Glyphs
400 Platinum
Zephyr Prime Warframe
Tiberon Prime
Kronen Prime
Commodore Prime Suit
Tibor Prime Armor
Tibor Prime Gene-Masking Kit
BONUS: Kavat Incubator Segment and Kavat Starter Kit
Zephyr Prime Glyphs
400 Platinum
Chroma Prime Warframe
Rubico Prime
Gram Prime
Impetus Prime Syandana
Imugi Prime Armor
Chroma Prime Glyphs
200 Platinum
Commodore Prime Suit
Tibor Prime Armor
Tibor Prime Gene-Masking Kit
BONUS: Kavat Incubator Segment and Kavat Starter Kit
200 Platinum
Impetus Prime Syandana
Imugi Prime Armor
Updated Shock Absorber Mod description to reflect its actual function: +20% Physical Damage Resistance (At Max Rank). We have also changed its categorization as an Exilus Mod into a normal Mod.
Contrary to its previous description of “+20% Damage Resistance on Knockdown” it did not require knockdown to give resistance. This has seemed to be the case since its release and due to its relatively low discussion rates it was a complete oversight that it was not working as described. When deciding whether to match the description text or existing effect, we considered that unlike Mods like Diamond Skin and Flame Repellent which provide damage type specific resistances, Shock Absorber, which covered all Physical Damage types, was considered an Exilus. So we have removed its Exilus classification as it better fits in with the other damage resistance Mods.
Upon login, if you have Shock Absorber equipped in the Exilus Slot it will simply give you a popup warning “This Slot is reserved for Exilus Mods'' when you open the upgrade screen. You will have to remove it manually from there.
Hidden Messages Quest communications will now automatically open the Inbox.
Increased the size of the Scintillant to make it easier to pick up/see.
Updated all of the Toroid descriptions to include their drop sources in The Orb Vallis.
Added functionality to Aim Glide in Relays!
After adding the Dry Dock to certain Relays there became some Aim Gliding inconsistencies, and the out of bound areas in the Dry Dock proved cumbersome when attempting to traverse the same way you would in your Clan Dry Dock.
Railjack Changes & Fixes:
Reduced the visual dominance and frequency of Void Storms and Void Sinks: This was highly requested player feedback! The visual noise of Void Storms was proving to be quite distracting and difficult to manage. We have made the following changes to improve your ability to focus on objectives and not overwhelming visual distractions.
Decreased the strength of the camera shake and increased the time between shakes (ultimately making shakes occur far less).
Fixed condition that prevented Void Sinks from overflowing over the max setting per level.
Reduced the intensity of the visual effects while you are within the explosion radius of a Void Sink, and made the visual directional so that now you can tell which direction the threat is.
Reduced the maximum number of active Void Sinks that can exist if you are playing Solo.
Dramatically decreased the number of Void Sinks that can spawn inside either Railjack or POIs/Capital Ships/Crewships.
Void Sinks and Void Storms now stop spawning after mission completion to prevent players/Railjack from dying post mission.
Added ‘Reload’ as a bindable option in the ‘Customize Controller’ Railjack options.
We also fixed the Gunnery Rank 9 ‘Flush Heat Sinks’ Intrinsic not working on Reload after resetting Railjack controller bindings to default.
Reduced the brightness of the Elite Harpi’s dash move.
Reduced the frequency of defensive electrical shocks while you’re attacking a Priority Target during Corpus Railjack missions (even more when it’s also a Void Storm!)
Reduced spawn rate of anti-hacking rings when multiple players are inside the Point of Interest in Corpus Railjack.
The Void Fissure and Void Storm World State Window has been split up to negate having to scroll extensively through the list. Void Fissure WSW will remain on the normal Star Chart and Void Storm WSW has been moved to the Railjack Star Chart.
Fixed a functionality loss if in Sevagoth preadeath Shadow form while on an enemy Crewship that explodes.
Fixed being unable to activate Particle Ram, Tether, and Shatter Burst Battle Mods while using a controller.
Fixed Client becoming stuck on Railjack loading screen during join in progress if the Host enters the Corpus Capital Ship at the perfect time.
Fixed being unable to complete the ‘Install Cephalon Cy’ stage of the Rising Tide Quest if you had played a Railjack mission hosted by someone who already owns a Railjack.
Fixed custom HUD elements of warframes not being visible on loading into a new Railjack mission if they were using a railjack seat during loading tunnel.
Fixed Sentient Anomaly missions overriding a chosen Void Storm mission in the Veil Proxima if they are sharing the same node.
Fixed context action missing for Clients to enter Railjack from Dry Dock after returning from a successful Railjack mission.
Fixed using Recall Warp right when the Corpus Airlock teleport timer hits 0 causing multiple issues, including players getting stuck in the Airlock area.
Recall Warp will now be disabled once Cy’s transmission countdown begins, similar to what we do with Commander missions to avoid future issues.
Fixed Mirage’s Hall of Mirror clones behaving oddly when cast before exiting the Railjack and then reentering.
Fixed a bug that could break a number of Railjack encounters if you entered a loading tunnel as the Operator.
Fixed cases of missing Railjack load tunnel FX.
Fixed missing HUD if you launched your Railjack from your Orbiter as your Operator.
Fixed a script error that could occur if a TERRA EMBATTOR MOA were killed as it was winding up a mortar attack.
Ongoing micro-optimizations to improve overall game performance.
Made some micro-optimizations to core gameplay scripts.
Fixed a progression stopper in The War Within Quest if you have a Nautilus equipped during the ‘Purge Precept’ phase.
We’ve also adjusted the overall Sentinel firing frequency during that phase to avoid excessive deaths.
Fixed UI notification for Mastery Rank 30 Blessings not being broadcasted to all players in the Relay.
Fixed multiple bugs with the Blessing Altar:
Fixed Altar getting into wacky poses.
Fixed Altar disappearing when the Blesser left.
Fixed the Blessing effects stacking if multiple players Blessed the Relay in a short time frame.
Fixed some Masks sold by Nakak in Cetus appearing as the default Operator hood icon rather than their own original icons.
Fixed a server-side error that would prevent viewing certain Clans in the Profile view.
Fixed a bug that would leave the Navigation squad voting UI in a bad state after certain types of Matchmaking errors.
Fixed Captain Vor’s Seer pistol firing bullet from his Cronus sword hand.
Fixed the Plains of Eidolon ‘Eliminate nearby enemies’ bonus objective never having a chance to fail.
Fixed using Sevagoth’s Shadow Consume ability on squadmates (with friendly fire on) in the Simulacrum causing their Warframe/Operator to go invisible and possible loss of functionality.
Fixed Navigation getting into a bad state the first mission selected after an error.
Fixed Warframe turning into a laffy taffy wacky inflatable tube man after boarding K-Drive in the Cold Below Captura Scene.
Fixed Wisp not raising her arm when firing the Epitaph.
Fixed the Perla skin showing as a Dual Pistol skin for single pistols even after you purchase the bundle. The Single and Dual versions of the skin are now distinctly labeled.
Also made it more clear from the bundle page that you get both a Single and Dual version of the Skin.
Fixed Clan and Alliance Emblems and Sigils when viewing someone else's Profile
Fixed the Clan Sigil not displaying on your Operator.
Fixed some Relics showing Operation: Orphix Venom as their drop source.
Fixed the protective tentacles not appearing overtop the Hives in Cambion Drift.
Fixed a harmless script error that could occur for Clients with a poor network connection joining a mission with a Voidrig in Guard Mode.
Fixed a script error occurring when Blessing in a Relay.
Call of the Tempestarii: Prime Vault: Hotfix
Fixed inability to complete the Heart of Deimos Quest due to no enemies spawning.
Fixed script errors that could occur in Cambion Drift Hive encounters.
Call of the Tempestarii: TennoGen: Update 30.1.0
TennoGen Round 20: Part 1 brings you 15 stunning new items - featuring our first-ever Protea, Grendel and Revenant Skins!
Launch Warframe through Steam to purchase and support your TennoGen artists - they receive 30% of each sale!
Baruuk Shiraan Skin by Lubox
Grendel Moloch Skin by Vulbjorn, the graphical walrus.
Inaros Ozymandias Skin by matzan481
Nidus Technocyst Skin by Master Noob
Octavia Youkai Skin by Hitsu San
Protea Kollapsar Skin by led2012
Revenant Draugen Skin by Goosmo
Octavia Giocoso Helmet by blazingcobalt & Fari
Praesidum Operator Facial Accessory by HariPear & lukinu_u
Dogma Two-Handed Nikana Skin by Felix Leonhart
Kuther Machete Skin by lukinu_u & HEILAH
Jotunheim’s Music Syandana by Mz-3
Ion Shoulder Armor by Yatus & HugoPolo
Jotunheim’s Music Shoulder Armor by Mz-3
Raigo Chest Armor by led2012 & lex182
Stay tuned for Part 2, Tenno!
- Reduced the range of Self Stagger from the Zakti Prime area-of-effect.
- Gift of the Lotus Alerts will now have a checkmark in the World State Window to indicate their completion.
Railjack Fixes:
- Fixed Point of Interest/Loot Dungeon rewards not appearing with UI fanfare at the time of Mission Success.This fixes the UI fanfare appearing as you were warping away from the mission, which could cause confusion as to if you even received your reward.
- Fixed resetting Crew Competency points kicking you out of the Train screen.
- Fixed the Configure Railjack UI persisting while viewing the Mods Tutorial.
- Fixed another crash occurring if your real world headset was unplugged/reconnected during a mission.
- Fixed rare case of an inability to acquire a Pet.
- Fixed "Focus Earned" UI incorrectly showing the amount of Focus earned within its duration only in Elite/Sanctuary Onslaught.
- Fixed the Machete not being visible when ‘View when Holstered’ is enabled.
- Fixed Quest “MISSIONS TASKS” list in the Codex being scrolled to the beginning as opposed to the most recent when returning to the Orbiter while mid-Quest.
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