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Warframe – Corpus Proxima | All Hotfixes March 2021

Warframe – Corpus Proxima | All Hotfixes March 2021


Attention, Tenno! Brace yourselves for the arrival of Corpus Railjack in the latest update, Corpus Proxima & The New Railjack. In our relentless pursuit of delivering what we promised, we've not only introduced new content but also reworked existing features. Get ready for the Railjack Retrofit, designed to simplify the Railjack experience for both new and returning players. Don't rush, take your time to explore the changes. And if you're new to Railjack, welcome aboard! This is the perfect opportunity to jump in and start your adventure. As expected from a Mainline Update, Corpus Proxima & The New Railjack may have a few hiccups along the way. If you come across any issues, please report them in our threads. Now, let's dive into what this update has in store for you! CORPUS PROXIMA: Prepare for a complete Corpus Railjack experience with the introduction of new regions and Points of Interest in Corpus Proxima. Brace yourself as Robots and Crewmen take to the skies, expanding the Proxima Star Chart. Three new planets, Venus, Neptune, and Pluto Proxima, will challenge you with new enemies and exciting missions. The Veil Proxima will also feature the most difficult missions for Corpus Railjack. Get ready to face classic mission types like Defense and Exterminate, as well as uncover the secrets hidden by the greedy Corpus. Explore every structure, loot every container, and leave no enemy unbothered. Happy hunting, Tenno! Additionally, we've added two new mission types to keep you on your toes. The first, Orphix, will be familiar to those who participated in the Orphix Venom event. Take down the Sentient invaders using Operators and Necramechs, and earn Arcanes as rewards. If you don't have a Necramech, don't worry, there are downed ones available for you to use. Just a word of caution, Orphix nodes will be locked if you haven't completed the Second Dream quest due to spoilers. The second mission type, Volatile, offers a thrilling opportunity to sabotage a Capital ship. Help Cephalon Cy from the inside by causing a Reactor failure while fending off Engineers who will try to stop you. Get ready for an action-packed adventure in Corpus Proxima & The New Railjack!

Update 29.10.0: Corpus Proxima & The New Railjack

Corpus Railjack has arrived, Tenno. As we continue down our “ship what we’ve shown” path, we’ve finally arrived at Corpus Proxima! While reviewing the current state of Railjack as we worked on Corpus Proxima, we knew we needed to rework what we had in addition to adding new content. Introducing: Railjack Retrofit! Our initial 2019 Empyrean venture was a daring leap into space, but as we aimed for Lua there were some missteps. Our initial vision to provide a fresh new gameplay experience progressed into being overly complicated with an unnecessarily high barrier to entry.  This Corpus Proxima & The New Railjack Update aims to simplify the Railjack experience for new and returning players. We encourage you to take your time as you dive back in - a lot has changed! And if you’re new to Railjack, welcome. It’s the perfect time to start.

As you’ve probably guessed, Corpus Proxima & The New Railjack is a Mainline Update! In usual Mainline fashion, some unreleased things may slip through the cracks and potentially cause some bumps. Please let us know if you spot anything by reporting in our threads!


The Corpus Railjack Update is here! This Update brings you a full Corpus Railjack experience with brand new regions and Points of Interest to explore.  

New Corpus Proxima Regions

Robots and Crewmen are taking to the skies and have greatly expanded the Proxima Star Chart - three new planets (Venus, Neptune and Pluto Proxima) will introduce new enemies, new Points of Interest and more. There will also be the most difficult missions for Corpus Railjack added to the Veil Proxima.

The types of missions available are now more diversified, in our efforts to further combine the Railjack experience with regular Warframe gameplay.

Some of these new mission types will already be familiar - classic Defense and Exterminate modes will occasionally be the main objective of a Railjack mission. Fight your way into the capital ship as a team, and extract back to Railjack upon completion.

If it’s loot you’re after, those greedy Corpus in the Corpus Proxima have many secrets to explore! Leave no container unopened, no vessel untouched, no enemy unbothered!

Each Corpus Proxima mission has structures for keen Tenno to explore and loot. Happy hunting!

Ice Mines: Neptune Proxima

Derelict Freightlinker: Pluto Proxima and Veil Proxima

Orokin Shield Derelict: Venus Proxima

We have also added two new mission types!

The first, known as Orphix, will be familiar to anyone who played the Orphix Venom event - take down the Sentient invaders, making use of Operators and Necramechs to circumvent the nullifier pulse fields. Similar to the Operation, if you do not own a Necramech of your own there are downed Necramechs available in mission for you to use. Instead of earning event currency, these missions can reward Arcanes, offering an alternative to Eidolon capturing squads. Orphix nodes will be locked if you have not completed the Second Dream due to heavy spoilers!

The second is known as Volatile! This completely new Mission type will offer the means to sabotage a Capital ship. Help Cephalon Cy from the inside by making use of the environment to cause a Reactor failure, while fighting off Engineers who can stop you!

Here is a list of other rewards found within Corpus Railjack:

  • Carmine Penta
    • A special variant of the Penta grenade launcher, featuring a higher fire rate and doubled magazine size.
      • Find the Carmine Penta Blueprint and Components on new Corpus Railjack Derelict Freightlinkers!
  • Athodai
    • Reverse-engineered from propulsion tech to pack a serious kick. Headshot kills trigger Overdrive, locking off secondary functions while maximizing your fire rate and ammo efficiency for a short time.
      • Find the Athodai Blueprint and its respective parts on new Corpus Railjack Orokin Shield Derelicts!
  • New Rifle Mod: Internal Bleeding
    • Impact Status Effects have a 35% chance to apply a Slash Status Effect (x2 when Fire Rate is below 2.5).
      • Find the Internal Bleeding Mod on new Corpus Railjack Derelict Freightlinkers, Ice Mines, and Orokin Shield Derelicts!
  • New Pistol Mod: Hemorrhage
    • Impact Status Effects have a 35% chance to apply a Slash Status Effect (x2 when Fire Rate is below 2.5)
      • Find the Hemorrhage Mod on new Corpus Railjack Derelict Freightlinkers, Ice Mines, and Orokin Shield Derelicts!
  • New Warfan Stance: Votive Onslaught
    • Precise, focused arcs and cuts not hampered by pity.
      • Find the Warfan Stance on new Corpus Railjack Derelict Freightlinkers, Ice Mines, and Orokin Shield Derelicts!
  • New Nautilus Sentinel
    • With ‘Auto Omni’ and ‘Cordon’ as default Precepts, this Sentinel is the ideal companion for long voyages aboard a Railjack.
      • Find the new Nautilus Sentinel Blueprint and Components in new Corpus Railjack Ice Mines! 
  • Nyx Prime, Hikou Prime, and Scindo Prime Relics
  • Valkyr Prime, Venka Prime, and Cernos Prime Relics
    • We’ve permanently Unvaulted Nyx/Valkyr Prime and their accompanying Prime weapons in Corpus Railjack! Find their Relics in new Corpus Railjack Derelict Freightlinkers, Ice Mines, and Orokin Shield Derelicts! As well as in Grineer Point of Interest rewards!
  • Warframe Arcanes in Rotation C (i.e every 12 Orphix) of Orphix gamemode in Corpus Railjack (max 36 Orphix).
  • Ash and Oberon have been added to Railjack rewards! Oberon Component Blueprints can be found in Grineer Railjack Point of Interest and Skirmish Bonus reward tables, and Ash Component Blueprints can be found in Corpus Railjack Defense mission rewards.
    • We’ve permanently removed Ash and Oberon Blueprints from Eximus and Manic drop tables respectively. We did this to connect Railjack to some more ‘core Warframe’ style rewards, and make their acquisition more straightforward for matchmaking purposes. 


With new Proxima regions unveiled come new Railjack enemies of the Corpus variety! Corpus Proximas are loaded with special units engineered to withstand the outer limits of the Star Chart, and also bring you down.

Each Corpus Proxima has identifiable units:

Venus Proxima: TARO

Neptune Proxima: AXIO

Pluto Proxima: VORAC

Veil Proxima (Corpus nodes): ORM

Arm your Railjack to fend off HARPI attack fighters armed with rapid-fire plasma cannons, WEAVER fighters who spin and launch target-seeking globes of highly-charged plasma, BASILISK fighters with tracking turrets that deliver focused bursts from its energy beam, and many more!

Storm Capital Stanchion ships to battle ATLOC RAKNOIDS upgraded with a thorax-mounted missile launcher, VAMBAC special units equipped with proximity-grenade launcher, CULVERI MOAS armed with a high-intensity thermal beam, the Corpus Proxima Elite AURAX units, and many more!

Hijack enemy Corpus Crewships to take control of not only flight, but also their Missile Swarm firepower!


Ticor Plate

High-density alloy armor plating used in the construction of offensive spacecraft.

This resource is a catch-all essential Forge Resource for Tenno! Ticor Plate can be fed to Helminth for Bile.


We are removing 6 Railjack Resources from drop tables:

  • Pustrels
  • Copernics
  • Trachons
  • Kesslers
  • Bracoid
  • Fresnels

We wanted to reduce the number of Resources we introduced in our original Railjack launch. They'll remain in your Inventory as we’ll be looking at possibly reintroducing them at a later date. All Blueprints that required these items have been updated to reflect viable Resources, and respective drops have been swapped to Ticor Plate where appropriate. These Resources have also been removed from Helminths Bile Feeding menu. If you spot any mentions of these Resources that we might have missed please let us know!

For Tenno who have partially contributed these Resources to Wreckage, the percentage of your contribution will be honoured for the Resource that replaces it. Ex: If you contributed 60% of the needed Copernics for a Carcinnox, that 60% contribution will be carried over when the Blueprints are updated.

Additionally, we are taking this opportunity to simplify Forge recipes to reduce the variety of resources needed. All forgeable items will require some combination of:

  • Ticor Plate
  • Titanium
  • Cubic Diodes (Corpus Proximas)
  • Carbides (Grineer Proximas)



  • With ‘Auto Omni’ and ‘Cordon’ as default Precepts, this Sentinel is the ideal companion for long voyages aboard a Railjack.

Find Nautilus in the Market for Platinum or its Blueprint/Components in Corpus Railjack Ice Mines! 

Auto Omni Precept Mod

  • Nautilus has 100% chance to repair nearby Railjack Hull damages and extinguishes fires on Railjack. Cooldown: 20s

Cordon Precept Mod

  • Nautilus forces enemies within 30m of the target into clusters for easier targeting. Cooldown: 15s

Both the Auto Omni Precept and Cordon Precept Mod are automatically given when Crafting or purchasing the Nautilus Sentinel! 

THE NEW RAILJACK: Railjack Retrofit!

What’s Changed:

Warframe has several key strengths that have helped it stand the test of time in the world of video games. One of these strengths is a sense of “flow”; blade and gun blend together, and mission objectives are clear, challenging reflexes and awareness. From your first foray into the Star Chart, mission progress flows into Junction progress, leading to Questlines and other systems opening up naturally.

Enter Railjack. Technology from the Old War that when wielded today, could take all of Warframe’s combat to Orbit. We tried many things that were different from the norm. While some elements did offer a unique spin on the existing formula, it was not for everybody, and many complaints cited the amount of separation from the main game as a negative. And we agree. To quote the venerable Cephalon Cy: We have work to do.

As we revisit Railjack in 2021, our overall goal is to simplify these points of friction, better integrating Warframe’s signature “flow”. This flow has evolved over the years for core Warframe, thanks in no small part to our continuous overhauls and revisits. From ‘Bullet Jumping’ to ‘The Sword Alone’, our path is rarely straight forward. If any Tenno out there chose to customize their Railjack Ship and name it ‘Theseus’, you may be onto something.

What is ‘The New Railjack’? The name is deceivingly simple. The depth will be explored in this workshop below, indexed by the way you will interact with it.

Here is a list of scripts / account changes happening on Login, with further information below:

List of Player Account scripts and revisions:

1) Give player the new Plexus if they own an Archwing, otherwise this is given out on Archwing Quest completion!

2) Give player an 'Early Adopter' bundle based on one of 3 criteria outlined below!

3) Give Clan a commemorative Statue if they have a Dry Dock!

4) Turn all Dirac into Endo

5) Turn all Dirac invested in Avionics Grid into Endo

6) Turn all Avionics into Mods

7) Remove all obsolete Mods and turn into their Replacement new ‘Plexus Aura’ Mods, and other retired mods into Endo

8) Turn all player’s Tier I, II, and III Reactors into Reactors with new attributes as per new designs

Tier 1 - 20-40% manufacturer specialty

Vidar: Range

Lavan: Duration

Zetki: Strength

Tier 2 - 50-80% manufacturer specialty

Vidar: Range

Lavan: Duration

Zetki: Strength

Tier 3 - 40-60% manufacturer specialty and 20-40% secondary property

Vidar: Range, Duration

Lavan: Duration, Strength

Zetki: Strength, Range

9) Turn all mentions of ‘Flux’ related Subroutines into new Subroutines.

10) Reset all Intrinsics to 0, players must Re-Spec!

  1. What will happen on login?

More Accessible Avionics to Mods

Meet The ‘PLEXUS’ Dirac to Endo Intrinsics 2.0 - Re-spec your Intrinsics! Command Intrinsic

New Railjack Component: Plating

Wreckage Cost Changes

Early Adopters

Streamlined Matchmaking (obey normal rules!) 

  1. What’s different in missions?

  2. New Railjack Layout (smaller interior). Stamina is gone!

Forge and Individual resource pools


Battle Mods Malfunctions and Hazards 

Unified Damage Types

Node changes

  1. What Comes Next?

Void Storms and Relics! Update 30: Call of the Tempestarii

  1. What will happen on login?

More Accessible:

First thing’s first: if you have yet to build your Railjack as part of the Rising Tide Quest, the cost of ship components and the time it takes for each one to build has been dramatically reduced (the difference in cost will be part of our early adopter compensation below). Simply put: less Grind.

If you’d rather just jump straight into the action, a fully built Railjack will also be available through the in-game Market for Platinum in the new Railjack category (must have an Archwing to purchase). The Rising Tide Quest will automatically be completed if a Railjack is purchased from the in-game Market - you can replay the Quest at any time in the Codex! Maybe you’ve noticed a pattern - when we released Necramechs, we didn’t sell them for Platinum at launch either. Their Market appearance came many months later with Orphix Venom. It’s almost paradoxical that as a Free to Play game we don’t put these new items in the Market. There really isn’t a good reason, either, and players really have made it clear they’d like the option to buy new items with Platinum -- whether bought or traded. And now the option is there.

For those who prefer the free path, they can enjoy a shorter wait and less Resources to build their own Railjack!

Avionics to Mods:

Now let’s talk AVIONICS. Before you even think of departing, you’ll want to revisit your Railjack’s Avionics, which have been redone as... Railjack MODS!

That’s right, Avionics are no more. This entire system has been completely overhauled, including Avionics being turned into regular Mods, so everything has been unequipped and reset. Gone are the days of upgradeable Grid slots, and praying that your Host’s Railjack has the Avionics you want to use. In fact, you aren’t even equipping things on the Railjack itself anymore…

Meet the ‘PLEXUS’

Instead, Tenno will have a “PLEXUS” that they bring with them into every Railjack mission, carrying the three types of Avionics you are familiar with. Battle/Tactical Mods remain the same, but are personal to you, being available on any Railjack you board. Integrated Mods will be separated much like Warframe mods: Personal Mod slots that only benefit you, and Aura Mods that benefit the Railjack and your entire squad. Aura Mods for the Plexus will simply go in the designated Aura slot, similar to how Modding your Warframe works!

The Plexus comes pre-installed, no player Orokin Reactors required!

You will also gain Mastery with your Plexus from Affinity gained in your Railjack missions, which will let you Forma the Plexus to its maximum potential!

Railjack Tactical Mod Screen:

Railjack Mod drains have been rebalanced with respect to the new PLEXUS Modding system.


Old Max Drain: 13

New Max Drain: 15


Old Max Drain: 8

New Max Drain: 11

Section Density

Old Max Drain: 10

New Max Drain: 15

Forward Artillery

Old Max Drain: 9

New Max Drain: 16

We hope that reverting back to the familiar Modding screen will help lessen the learning curve for new players. The shift to personal Mod loadouts should also allow for a more consistent gameplay experience, including public matchmaking.

For added convenience, the Plexus can be Modded in several locations: in your Dry Dock terminal (like before), in the new Dry Docks found in various Relays (accessible via Fast Travel), and even in your own Orbiter!

Dirac to Endo

Since Avionics are now treated like regular Mods, Dirac (the upgrade Resource for Avionics) is being converted into Endo, for a more cohesive upgrading experience. All Dirac spent on your Grid will be reimbursed (i.e up to 39,000 Dirac to Endo if you maxed out your Grid), and all existing Dirac stockpiles will turn into Endo on login of Update 29.10.0 at a rate of 1:1.

Intrinsics 2.0

Now, onto Intrinsics!  Firstly, you’ll need to re-spec ALL your Intrinsics when you login! Because we changed so much, we want to make sure everyone gets a fresh start on where to spend their Intrinsics. This gives us the opportunity to overhaul the various progression trees, rewarding players’ investment in progression.

Corpus Proxima & The New Railjack: Hotfix 29.10.1 

Hotdropped live:

  • Fixed Mastery test rejecting your rankup request due to refunded Intrinsic points not being accounted for properly.

Railjack Changes & Fixes:

  • Added a new Profile > Railjack option that now holds Board Railjack, Intrinsics, and Plexus menus.

  • Added spawn/despawn sounds to "On Call" Crew.

  • Added clarifying information to the Scouring Warheads and Waveband Disruptor Mods to indicate their respective equippable weapons (Ordnance for Warheads and Turret for Waveband).

  • Added clarifying information to the Command Intrinsic Rank 8 that Kuva Lich Crew members are Defenders only (at least, uh, for now. We’re reading the feedback).

  • Replaced Tactical Map ‘Issue Order’ button for Crew mates with a visual button to promote visibility and quicker accessibility.

  • Tweaked Cephalon Suda Crew member animation FX and emissives to reflect their style.

  • Removed newly retired Dirac from Sentient and Orokin Containers and replaced it with Endo.

    • We’ll be looking to run a script to swap said Resources for those that got some. Will update at a later date after we check some more places just in case!

  • Improved objective marking for Corpus Capital Ships to not show 24/7.

  • Fixed functionality loss when Archwing Slingshotting through a Wormhole on Pluto.

  • Fixed a crash that could occur in the Crew screen.

  • Fixed a crash when attempting to return to a Railjack mission with Crew members after the game disconnected.

  • Fixed a crash related to applying upgrades while in a Railjack mission.

  • Fixed missing enemy spawns when traversing to a Veil Proxima node after completing a Corpus Proxima mission.

  • Fixed Host migration breaking Corpus Capital Ship objectives.

  • Fixed the left most Crew members ‘Appearance’ button not functioning at its best.

  • Fixed Kuva Lich Crew members having misaligned Kuva Bramma arrows.

    • Also fixes for non-Crew Kuva Liches.

  • Fixed wonky Tactical Map Kuva Lich role icon.

  • Fixed incorrect controller button callout for Crew role selection in the Tactical Map.

  • Fixed Derelict Freightlinker timers/objectives displaying for squadmates that are outside of the Freightlinker.

  • Fixed Necramech triggering Defense alarm sounds every time they come into proximity of the Defense objective.

  • Fixed some Corpus Railjack enemies not attacking the Defense target.

  • Fixed Corpus Cannon Batteries on Ice Mines unable to fire throughout their whole range of motion.

  • Fixed Archwing Slingshotting towards a Corpus Crewship resulting in either entering the Crewship with your Archwing equipped or going directly through the ship.

  • Fixed Crew members not spawning with a 'default' weapon when used in regular missions via the Crew On Call gear item.

  • Fixed Critical Breach muffled sound overlay persisting if you venture out of the Railjack.

  • Fixed the Critical Breach muffled sound overlay persisting permanently for the duration of the mission if the Repair is done while you’re outside the Railjack.

  • Fixed Female Crew members using Male portrait icons when previewing Crew members in Dry Dock screen.

  • Fixed a script error when selecting to ‘Auto Install’ in the Plexus with no Primary weapon equipped.

  • Fixed a script error occurring if you happened to hover over the Crew Skills button in the Training screen at the same moment you backed out.

  • Fixed a script error that could occur if you were dismounting a Turret at the exact moment you entered a loading tunnel.

  • Fixed a script error when customizing Railjack Crew suit colors.

  • Fixed a script error that could occur when aborting or failing a Railjack mission.

  • Fixed a script error that would occur when entering a loading tunnel and leaving certain types of Corpus hazards behind.

  • Fixed a script error when using an On Call Crew member at the exact moment you died.


  • Fixed missing combat music during the Lephantis boss fight.

    • Also fixes missing attack vocals + several improvements to the audio during this fight.

  • Swapped tap/hold mention in Zephyr Tornadoes ability description.


  • Fixed inability to complete a Junction due to persisting black screen upon load in.

  • Fixed Rising Tide progression stopper where the Quest failed due to new auto-complete  Rising Tides Quest when Railjack is received.

  • Fixed a crash during the Chains of Harrow Quest.

  • Fixed a crash that would occur if you used a real dual-core with no hardware threads and DirectX 12.

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when Imbuing Lavos with Magnetic when he was already Imbued with Magnetic.

  • Fixed enemies in Mastery Tests spawning with random unintended levels.

  • Fixed idling Condrocs in Cetus having see-through wings.

  • Fixed script error that could occur if you angered a Kuva Lich that had a fear of Space Travel.

  • Fixed a script error in the Orb Vallis that could occur if a Radiation Status Affected player stood next to a container to Capture it.

  • Fixed a script error when starting up a Kuva Lich controlled mission with a squad.

  • Fixed a harmless script error if the gates to Cetus closed at exactly the same time as a Teralyst did a smash attack

  • Fixed a harmless script error that could occur in the Heart of Deimos Quest.

  • Fixed a script error occurring when the Helminth talks to you.

  • Fixed a script error when casting Zephyr’s Tornadoes.

  • Fixed a script error when casting Equinox’s Mend & Maim.

Corpus Proxima & The New Railjack: Hotfix 29.10.2 

Update 29.10 :

Railjack Changes & Fixes:

  • Made numerous fixes to Corpus Railjack Defense missions:

    • Fixed cases of not receiving Defense mission rewards in Corpus Railjack.

    • Fixed “loot dungeon” rewards not being earned if you grabbed them after completing the Defense objective.

    • Fixed cases of not seeing the rewards banner after a successful Defense gameplay.

    • Fixed inability to leave the Defense mission after you’ve extracted and were back in "Free Roam" mode.

    • Fixed an endless loading screen when attempting to pick a new Railjack node after selecting to extract the Defense mission.

      • Missed Fix from 29.10.1.

    • Swapped VIDAR REACTOR MK I to MK III to VIDAR SHIELD ARRAY MK I to MK III in Pluto Defense rewards.

  • Removed the ability to migrate from Dojo to Relay otherwise the squad can split leaving Host in Dry Dock and Client in loading space tunnel.

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when boarding the Railjack from Archwing.

  • Potential fix for a crash that could occur when mounting or dismounting the Railjack Turrets as a Client

  • Fixed not being teleported into the Capital Ship when using Tactical Teleport via Tactical Map.

  • Fixed ability to fly Corpus Crewships out of the Railjack level.

  • Fixed Railjack Armament FX when in Turret mode.

  • Fixed Vacuumed Resources by the Railjack appearing very large when viewed from the Turret.

  • Fixed all Ordnance Armaments having the same Ammo capacity.

  • Fixed Corpus Railjack lightning storm sound triggering more than once.

  • Fixed Nekros resurrecting Gox enemies when using Shadows of the Dead.

  • Fixed a script error that could occur in rare cases when flying a Railjack to a Dojo Dry Dock.

  • Fixed a harmless script error that would occur if you were using Wisp's Sol Gate during the Railjack loading space tunnel.

  • Fixed a harmless script error that would occur if you were using Volt's Speed during the Railjack loading space tunnel.

  • Fixed a couple script errors that resulted in the Tactical Map locking up.

  • Fixed a script error when starting the Capital Ship objective.


  • Removed unreleased Requiem Mod - will return when it’s ready!


  • Fixed Shared Affinity not counting towards Companions/Sentinels.

  • Fixed that the Gladiator Set Mod bonus had inadvertently returned to the old additive method. Changed back to the intended stacking multiplier.

  • Fixed inability to Chat Link Primed Chilling Grasp.

  • Fixed switching from Alerts tab to Steel Path Incursions tab resulting in the first Incursion window being blank.

  • Fixed a script error if you had Steel Path Incursions tab selected in the World State Window, then set the Star Chart back to normal, then tried to toggle WSW tabs with L/R trigger on controller.

  • Fixed overlapping UI text in the World State Window.

  • Fixed incorrect ingame Market icon for the "Glaives Upper Back Holster".

  • Fixed a script error when casting Zephyr’s Tail Wind.

Corpus Proxima & The New Railjack: Hotfix 29.10.3 

Our team is working on fixes of all kinds for our third Hotfix since Friday’s release. While we focus on fixes and functionality, we will be reading and collecting feedback in parallel for review and discussion.

Railjack Changes & Fixes:

  • Added new objective marker icon for Optional Railjack objectives to help differentiate them from core mission objectives.

  • The Railjack Tactical Menu teleport markers now display their respective location names (Bridge, Forge, etc).

  • Reduced the exploding FX alive time for the Crewship interior to prevent possibly leaking FX and constant screen shaking.

  • Increased camera zoom and rotations on the Corpus Crewship.

  • Fixed rare DirectX 12 crash occurring when viewing the Intrinsics screen.

  • Fixed a rare crash related to loading into a Railjack mission and a Crewship spawned.

  • Fixed crashing upon having Crew members Repair at the same time that the Railjack reaches Critical Breach failure.

  • Fixed a crash occurring when using the Archwing Slingshot.

  • Fixed crashing during the Railjack space loading tunnel.

  • Fixed a functionality loss that could happen if the player aborted mid-mounting of a Turret.

  • Fixed Corpus Gox and Weaver Railjack enemies not dropping their Wreckage rewards if killed by the Railjack. If Gox was killed by a player in Archwing the reward was given successfully.

    • This also fixes the actual reward drop not having the proper purple marker.

  • Fixed Onslaught Matrix stacking when you repeatedly equip it in the Plexus.

  • Fixed Ordnance and Forward Artillery becoming locked up and not firing due to Fire Hazards on the Railjack.

  • Fixed Client Railjack Ammo not receiving full ammo load at mission start if you launch a mission from the Dojo

    • Not yet resolved for launching a mission from the Orbiter.

  • Fixed double Host migrations resulting in the remaining players to be teleported to the Capital Ship as the Operator.

  • Fixed Channeled Warframe Abilities (Oberon’s Renewal, etc) gaining Energy through Energy regeneration through Zenurik Energizing Dash or Energy Siphon. As per the norm, Energy regeneration is blocked if you are Channeling an Ability.

  • Fixed Forward Artillery parts disappearing when mounted.

  • Fixed Carcinnox, Cryophon, and Laith shooting with about half the frequency of its potential when manned by a Crew member.

  • Fixed being in your Necramech when Transferring to your Operator right as you exited the Railjack.

  • Fixed Railjack piloted by a Crew member staying stationary in Multiplayer if some players are on the Railjack and others are outside

  • Fixed Railjack Crew members still talking after they’ve died.

  • Fixed ability to activate Railjack Battle Mods while in the space loading tunnel.

  • Fixed Railjack stats using the wrong Damage types when equipped with the Orgone Tuning Matrix.

  • Fixed some Crew members aligned with Perrin Sequence having their default Bo weapon sticking through their body.

  • Fixed the Tactical Menu Crew Role selection not filling the screen when using reduced Menu Scale.

  • Fixed Crew role option appearing for Kiva Lich crewmates in the Tactical Menu.

  • Fixed Railjack Turrets not showing dynamic Energy cost for Battle Mods.

  • Fixed Railjack node ‘Arc Silver’ missing the small diamond marker in the Star Chart.

  • Fixed missing UI when 2 different Railjack objectives are happening at the same time.

  • Fixed Research 'prerequisite' label not being localized.

  • Fixed a script error that would occur when entering the Railjack space loading tunnel and leaving certain types of Corpus hazards behind.

  • Fixed a script error when attempting to pilot an enemy Corpus Crewship.

  • Fixed a rare script error occurring when returning to the Dry Dock as a Client.


  • 2 new Kuva Lich personalities have snuck their way into the game ahead of schedule! Enjoy these new taunts, introductions, and general Lich insults from your next 2 besties!

    • Also fixes incorrect subtitles for some Kuva Lich barks.


  • Removed Thai localization option from the Launcher - it will be live when it’s ready!


  • Made a micro-optimization to Affinity notifications.


  • Fixed becoming stuck on the End of Mission screen after a mission due to Host/Client attempting disconnects at the same time.

  • Fixed a few rare DirectX 12 crashes.

  • Fixed a crash that could occur when Alt-Tabbing out of the game during a Sanctuary Onslaught mission.

  • Fixed a crash that could occur after completing a Bounty.

  • Fixed Necramech Exalted weapon (Arquebex, Iron Bride) not accumulating Affinity.

    • Still investigating said Affinity not appearing in the End of Mission screen (UI bug).

  • Fixed Codex scans not registering if you had a Vulpaphyla/Predasite equipped.

  • Fixed the Bubonico having extra large projectiles if they hit scaled up enemies (Exploiter Orb).

  • Fixed inability to Trade the Athodai Blueprint and its components.

  • Fixed inability to Trade the Nautilus Blueprint.

  • Fixed jagged edges on the Zephyr Harrier Skin.

  • Fixed the Sortie ‘Missions Completed’ counter in the World State Window not functioning correctly.

  • Fixed Bonus Void Trace icon in the Void Fissure Reward selection screen being tinted the wrong color.

  • Fixed the chosen Energy color not applying properly to double jump/bullet jump/etc FX.

  • Fixed greeting dialog for Hai-Luk, Suumbaat, Nakak and Teasonai following the player when leaving the merchant instead of playing positionally.

  • Fixed some sounds continuing to play when closing Nightwave dioramas quickly after opening.

  • Fixed volume levels being held down too long after leaving the Arsenal menu.

  • Fixed a script error that could occur when joining a someone doing the Mask of the Revenant Quest.

  • Fixed a script error if a Kuva Lich tried to play his "fear of space travel" reaction outside of a mission.

  • Fixed a likely harmless script error that could occur after defeating the Exploiter Orb.

Missed Fix from Hotfix 29.10.2

  • Fixed respective Railjack node not unlocking after completing the Arc Silver Defense node.

Corpus Proxima & The New Railjack: Hotfix 29.10.4 

Our team is working on fixes of all kinds for our fourth Hotfix since Friday’s release. While we focus on fixes and functionality, we will be reading and collecting feedback in parallel for review and discussion.

Railjack Changes & Fixes:

  • Moved Crew member VO upon Hire to play when you equip them for your team as opposed to when you initially Hire them from Ticker to have them not get drowned out or cut off.

  • Fixed a crash that could occur if the level changed while having the Dojo Room Selection or Railjack Tactical Menu open.

  • Fixed crashing when entering a Wormhole on Pluto.

  • Fixed crash when using certain Warframe Abilities during Dry Dock transition.

  • Fixed Affinity from Railjack missions can be reapplied by enter/exiting Free Flight.

  • Fixed Crew members being invisible for Clients if they joined-in-progress while they were in Turrets. Also fixed Clients joining-in-progress and not being able to get into Turrets after ordering the Crew member out of the Turret.

  • Fixed Plexus missing from your Profile stats.

  • Fixed Client's Railjack colors getting overridden by Host's when using the Railjack Dry Dock consoles.

  • Fixed a script error related to Capital Ship spawning.


  • Fixed a rare livelock that could occur when loading into a new level.

  • Fixed becoming stuck outside your body while in the Orbiter if you visit certain menus in a specific order.

  • Fixed Vauban’s Vortex no longer sucking enemies in.

  • Fixed cases of Duplicate Protection logic not working for some Nightwave Rank up rewards.

    • We’ve also made the tooltip on reward hover more clear that you’ll receive Nightwave Cred as compensation.

      • We're looking into compensation options - stay tuned.

  • Fixed inability to re-enable Energy gain from Energizing Dash after leaving Zephyr’s Tail Wind Hover via Operator.

  • Fixed Interception, Kuva Siphons, and Void Fissure objective UI indication missing from the HUD.

  • Fixed ability to obtain the Verglas Sentinel Riven from a Rifle Riven Mod as opposed to the intended Companion Weapon Riven Mod.

  • Fixed the Oscira Syandana, Pulchranopsis Syandana, and the Avia Prime Syandana being misaligned on the Zephyr Harrier Skin.

  • Fixed Excalibur being on display instead of Xaku when viewing the Xaku Collection in the Market.

  • Fixed Defense alarm repeating playback on each Defense wave. Defense alarm sound will now only play when the Defense objective is activated the first time.

Corpus Proxima & The New Railjack: Hotfix 29.10.5 

Our team is working on fixes of all kinds for our fifth Hotfix since Friday’s release. While we focus on fixes and functionality, we will be reading and collecting feedback in parallel for review and discussion.

Railjack Changes & Fixes:

  • Added a new Railjack ‘Wear & Tear’ slider to the Customizations options for the interior! Similar to the Wear & Tear slider for the exterior of the Railjack, this slider adjusts the level of erosion that the interior reflects. In addition, we’ve added a coloring option for the exposed metal erosion (similar to the Orbiter Interior Wear & Tear)!
  • Railjack Pause menu now offers a "Return to Dojo" option that returns you to the Dry Dock instead of "Abort Mission" which would rudely kick you straight back to your Orbiter.
  • Added respective Kuva Lich ability information to the Kuva Lich details tooltip and the Crew selection screen Lich tooltip.
  • Updated various Capital Corpus Ships Missile Volley effects to be more Corpus-y.
  • Fixed crashes related to enemy Crewships.
  • Fixed a Railjack mission join-in-progress crash.
  • Fixed a crash in the Tactical Menu when the spectated player disconnects.
  • Fixed a rare crash if you had Corpus Ice Sleds and Boarding parties happen at the same time.
  • Fixed End of Mission screen getting stuck if you left a Railjack Defense mission and travelled directly to another Railjack mission (i.e. didn't return to Dry Dock in between).
  • Fixed the Corpus Capital Ship entrance door context action disappearing if you didn’t make it before Cy started his airlock countdown. This resulted in other squadmates being unable to enter the Capital Ship after the countdown - they can now come join the party!
  • Fixed getting teleported back to the Railjack during Cys airlock countdown in the Capital Ship.
  • Fixed Clients unable to Pilot the Railjack if the Host is Piloting it while they join-in-progress.
  • Fixed Clients unable to vote for the next Railjack mission after just completing a Railjack mission.
  • Fixed Client Railjack Ammo not receiving full ammo load at mission start if you launch a Railjack mission from Orbiter as a squad.
  • Fixed when Hildryn exits and re-enters the Railjack with Larkspur equipped as her Archwing Weapon, the max Artillery/Missile count will increase by 300, allowing the accumulated missiles to increase past their intended cap.
  • Fixed players without a Railjack being able to launch Railjack missions from Orbiter Star Chart.
  • Fixed cases of Crew member transmissions getting mixed on for Crew members of the same Syndicate alignment.
  • Fixed the ‘Reset Defaults’ button on the Crew appearance screen not resetting the equipment and only resetting the color.
  • Fixed Crew attachment selection being inconsistent for second chosen limb (Right Arm after Left Arm, etc).
  • Fixed Red Veil aligned Crew members not holding their daggers in the Crew selection screen.
  • Fixed Crew Equip, Train, Equip etc options not obeying Menu Scale changes.
  • Fixed Railjack Plating not being indicated as equipped which can lead to accidentally Scraping it.


  • Numerous Chat Emojis have received a face lift! In addition, new Emojis are here:
    • Crazy, Eyes, Peace, StarEyes, SweatSmile and Wave.


  • Optimized hitches out of numerous Railjack missions.


  • When linking an owned Veiled Riven Mod it will now be displayed as ‘Veiled [type] Riven Mod’ to distinguish it from linking the base Riven Mod type.


  • Fixed Acolytes not spawning in Uranus Steel Path missions.
  • Fixed Necramech Exalted weapon (Arquebex, Iron Bride) Affinity gained not appearing in the End of Mission screen (visual UI bug only).
  • Fixed selection discrepancies when switching the Inbox sorting option from ‘Attachments’ to ‘Recent’.
  • Fixed a script error that could break Zephyr's Tornado.
  • Fixed Zephyr’s Dive Bomb Damage increase applying to Conclave.

Corpus Proxima & The New Railjack: Hotfix 29.10.6 

Our team is working on continued fixes of all kinds for our sixth Hotfix since Friday’s release. While we focus on fixes and functionality, we continue to read and collect feedback in parallel for review and discussion.

Railjack Changes & Fixes:

  • Fixed progression stop when attempting to do Railjack missions in succession, which resulted in main mission objectives not spawning.

  • Potential fix for never ending Railjack space tunnel when loading a Railjack mission from the Dojo with slow hard drives.

  • Fixed receiving the Corpus “Loot Cave” rewards when using the ‘Return to Dojo’ option without actually completing the mission.

  • Fixed a functionality loss when activating the Railjack Forge while in Zephyr’s Tail Wind Hover.

    • Forge context action will now be hidden while your Hovering.

  • Fixed Crew doing way more than 27% extra damage when using Worm's Torrent, Granum's Nemesis, or Sentient Scalpel Mod.

  • Fixed Onslaught Matrix/Protective Shots Mods stacking when you repeatedly equip it in the Plexus.

  • Fixed Railjack Mod rewards appearing cut off in the End of Mission screen.

  • Fixed a script error when using the Archwing Slingshot.

Corpus Proxima & The New Railjack: Hotfix 29.10.7 

Our team is working on continued fixes of all kinds for our seventh Hotfix since last Friday’s release. While we focus on fixes and functionality, we continue to read and collect feedback in parallel for review and discussion.

Railjack Changes & Fixes:

  • Fixed functionality loss when failing the Falling Glory node.

  • Fixed inability to Mod your Plexus until you own a Railjack.

    • The intended flow here is when you complete The Archwing Quest and are awarded your Plexus, you can Mod it and join others on their Railjack missions to help out until you get yourself a Railjack. You’ll now be able to Mod it, but won't be able to see Railjack stats unless you actually own one, as the Plexus doesn’t have any Railjack data to pull from yet.

  • Fixed the reward script for Grineer Railjack Missile Platforms and Shipkiller Platforms firing up to 7 times for one completed Point of Interest. Visually the reward popup UI only appeared once, but then later on at the End of Mission screen you would see a reward duplication up to 7 times in some cases.

  • Fixed Railjack remaining invulnerable when ‘Aborting to Dry Dock’ inside the Capital Ship airlock and launching a new mission.

  • Fixed a few more cases of Onslaught Matrix/Protective Shots Mods stacking.

  • Fixed attempting to search for a Mod in the Plexus by using the Left Stick on a controller not activating the search bar.

  • Fixed newer Corpus Railjack Armament Wreckage reward UI not doing the fancy left side “slide out” notification when picked up.

  • Fixed a script error that would occur when entering Railjack loading tunnel and leaving certain types of Corpus hazards behind.

  • Fixed a script error occurring when attempting to pilot an enemy Crewship.


  • Improved load-times in Railjack missions and optimized memory usage.


  • Mod Linking a loadout that has no Mods equipped will now display an error message.


  • Fixed a crash that could occur when leaving an Exiums' Aura.

  • Fixed a crash related to Host migrations.

  • Fixed getting stuck as the Operator with no Abilities or movement after dying in a Necramech as a Client.

  • Fixed Kubrodon Echo Lures and Pheromone Synthesizer not appearing in Conservation wheel on Orb Vallis.

  • Fixed Necramech Summon not refreshing it’s cooldown after summoning a Necramech that has died as a Client.

  • Fixed Revenant Enthralled Mitosids permanently remain friendly after split, which can result in a Deimos Bounty progression stop.

  • Fixed Lavos and Xaku custom ability HUD overlapping Melee Combo Counter when dual wielding.

  • Fixed a script error when browsing through your Color Palettes when customizing the HUD Colors.

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