Get ready to celebrate the spooky season in style with the return of Nights of Naberus in Update 30.8.0! This update brings back the chilling Orokin tradition of immortality, and Daughter has gone all out with her Naberus-themed shop in the Necralisk on Deimos. Exchange your Mother Tokens for a variety of new treats, including the bone-chilling Nyctalus Ephemera and the delightfully devilish Basmu and Ceti Lacera Blueprints. But that's not all - there are also returning Day of the Dead Customizations, a Gruesome Glyph Bundle, and even a traditional Dullahan Mask and Halloween Color Palette for just 1 Credit each! Don't miss out on the frightful fun starting on October 6th! In addition to the Nights of Naberus festivities, this update also brings some much-needed improvements and optimizations. The Ghoulsaw Blueprints are now available for research in the Dojo's Bash Lab, and the Butcher's Revelry Stance can be found in the Ghoul Rictus drop table. The Dullahan Mask has also been moved to the Helmet slot, fixing the bug that caused a headless Warframe when removed. Plus, there are FX improvements to Blast proc explosions, updated explosion FX for Concealed Explosives and Thunderbolt, and an updated challenge description for the 'From On High' Challenge. And let's not forget the various optimizations made to memory footprint, rendering, and level loading across all platforms. So get ready to dive into the spooky festivities and enjoy a smoother gaming experience with Update 30.8.0!Nights of Naberus: Update 30.8.0

Commemorate the Orokin tradition of immortality with the return of the frighteningly fun Nights of Naberus on October 6th! Daughter has dressed for the occasion in her most gruesome Naberus accoutrements and set up a shop full of festive wares in the Necralisk on Deimos. Stop by for a visit and exchange Mother Tokens for all-new Naberus treats like the monstrously macabre Nyctalus Ephemera! Daughter’s offerings have been expanded this year to include additional Customizations, as well as Blueprints for some delightfully devilish Weapons. Naberus Rewards include:- Nyctalus Ephemera
- Stalker Noggle
- Basmu Blueprint
- Ceti Lacera Blueprint
- Ballroom Simulacrum Scene

- The Ghoulsaw Blueprints have been added to the Bash Lab in the Dojo for Research. Additionally, the Butcher’s Revelry Stance has been added to the Ghoul Rictus drop table
- Dullahan Mask now fits in the Helmet slot, instead of being an "Auxiliary" customization.
- This also fixes the spooky bug of having a headless Warframe once the Dullahan Mask is removed.
- Made FX improvements to Blast proc explosions. Additionally the explosion FX for Concealed Explosives and Thunderbolt have been updated.
- Updated ‘From On High’ Challenge description to include Orb Vallis and the Cambion Drift.
- Fixed a rare crash in the Presence, Relay, Town, and Dojo servers.
- Fixed a rare crash that could occur if you put your laptop to sleep immediately during game startup.
- Fixed a case of memory corruption that could cause all kinds of weird crashes.
- Made micro-optimizations to memory footprint and rendering on all platforms.
- Made micro-optimizations to level loading.
- Made a micro-optimization for Windows.
- Fixed inability to Mercy downed Hounds.
- Fixed a functionality loss that could occur as a result of using the Helminth chair.
- Fixed Clients seeing open weak spots on Sargas Ruk but deal 0 damage after initially dealing some damage.
- Fixed Eidolon Lures not having a base level of 30 in non-Steel Path missions.
- Fixed the Tenet Tetra semi-auto mode breaking if a -magazine capacity Riven is equipped.
- Fixed incorrect duration/debuff percent values being used for Theorem Contagion.
- Fixed magazine of the Ambassador flickering after reloading when equipped with the Ambassador Tenet Skin.
- Fixed missing reload sounds when the Nusku Pistol Skin is equipped.
- Fixed some overlapping textures on the Ogris Unreal Rocket Launcher Skin.
- Fixed Void Sabotage portal appearing grey.
- Fixed Sisterhood Emblem icon appearing stretched in the Arsenal.
- Fixed the Prime Laser Rifle icon image in the Inventory appearing the same as its normal variant.
- Fixed incorrect Armor positioning when equipping the Hexis Armor to Inaros Prime.
- Fixed top row of the Relic selection screen being cut off if a Chat Linked item was opened while present in the Relic screen.
- Fixed a harmless script error that would occur if you deployed a Spector or On Call Crew member right as you entered Railjack warp.
Nights of Naberus: Hotfix 30.8.1
Updated the description of the 2020 Conquera Glyph.
Updated to Frost Prime Passive description with the “Prime” indication to avoid confusion.
Fixed the UI becoming unresponsive for some players when opening the Warframe Animations menu.
Fixed Mercy animation not properly playing when performed on Sister Hound.
Fixed excessively bright explosion FX from the Shedu and Acceltra.
Fixed having an unranked weapon Arcane left equipped after combining all Arcanes of that type into a new one.
Fixed issues with the Voidrig’s Necraweb canister not appearing correctly for Client players.
Nights of Naberus: Hotfix 30.8.2
Updated the Vastilok to be eligible for Trading.
Updated the Eximus projection FX (red aura outline) to be brighter for visibility.
Updated the ‘CUSTOMIZE POSTER’ screen UI.
This is a small part of our broader UI reskin efforts that will continue in a near future Update, stay tuned!
Optimized the Strain Consume Mod; even on a good PC it could cost 2.5ms in large levels (especially Railjack) and more if the mission ran long (eg: Survival).
Improved quality of in-game Frame Rate stats.
Made numerous small optimizations to Void Fissure and Void Storm missions.
Made micro-optimizations to Railjack framerate and HUD.
Made micro-optimizations to Defense missions.
Fixed Kuva not being obtained at End of Mission if the Kuva Catalyst was inserted while Yareli was on Merulina.
Fixed Mutalist Alad V collar creating a duplicate Warframe instead of just Mind Control.
Fixing some Sentients not dropping their energy-restoring core items after changes to their FX.
Fixed missing UI duration timer for Banish when cast by a Warframe other than Limbo, via Helminth Subsume.
Fixed turning on and off Nidus Prime’s Mutation in the Arsenal causing his torso to disappear.
Fixed triggering Mirage’s Hall of Malevolence Augment in Archwing mode resulting in an incorrect buff name.
Fixed disarming a Deimos Tendril Drone with Loki's Disarm or with a Halikar, resulting in a floating shock baton appearing above the enemy.
Fixed some explosion FX appearing white during the Profit-Taker Orb fight.
Fixed a handful of script errors when casting Warframe Abilities.
Optimized some serious performance problems in certain Railjack missions.
Optimized a modest hitch that would occur when opening the Railjack Tactical overlay.
Optimized frame-rate while streaming to or from an Open Zone mission.
Optimized a small hitch that would occur when jumping to Archwing or deploying a K-Drive.
Fixed a large hitch that would occur when your Railjack took too much damage.
Fixed a Host migration crash.
Fixed cases where the final stage of the Profit-Taker fight was unreachable, thus not awarding the Bounty rewards.
Fixed multiple Nightwave Acts not properly tracking in Railjack missions.
Please note we’re looking at similar issues with other Nightwave Acts.
Fixed Skins not applying to the Dex Furis Magazines.
Fixed script errors when casting numerous Warframe Abilities.
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