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Warframe – Heart of Deimos: Update 29.0.4 & 29.0.5 Patch Notes

Warframe – Heart of Deimos: Update 29.0.4 & 29.0.5 Patch Notes
Heart of Deimos: Hotfix 29.0.5 In an attempt to keep these notes spoiler free you may notice some less-descriptive language than usual - thank you for your diligent reporting! Changes:
  • Damaged Necramech parts and Weapon Parts are now tradable!
  • Enabled proper Necraloid items to be a free Reward for hitting Rank 3.
  • Improved alignments of the expand arrow on the EOM screen.
  • Improved FX on the ‘Heart’ in a certain quest stage.
  • Increased the rarity on the Botanist Mod to Rare.
  • Added proximity markers to the mollusks so it’s easier to spot them and gather samples during the relevant Bounty.
  • Fixed a potential Quest progression stopper related to the Esophage usage.
  • Fixed a bonus objective being impossible to achieve with 3-4 players in the squad for Deimos survivor bounty. Also, objective count will update correctly whenever the squad size changes.
  • Fixed Necramech drops falling through the floor when dropped.
  • Fixed Summoning Necramechs losing affinity gained in previous Necramechs.
  • Potential permanent fix to Void Dash being disabled by Vault Mechs, more work will be needed on this, but we have made some progress here.
  • Fixed Chroma Immortal skin missing his tail. Pin the Tail on the Dragon.
  • Fixed an issue with being able to donate un-Gilded Modular pets.
  • Fixed Race markers from the surface of the Cambion Drift appearing on the map while underground.
  • Fixed issues with Necralisk doors appearing invisible or unlit.
  • Fixed ‘Œ’ not working in certain languages.
  • Fixed Ally Necramechs not always spawning during Vome Cycle.
  • Fixed Ally Necramechs interfering with Operator Void Dashing and Transference.
  • Fixed a couple cases of missing Icons for Weapons in the EOM screen.
  • Fixed an issue where a named Kitgun would display the default name instead when transitioning from Free Roam missions to a Hub.
  • Fixed an issue where the Currency bar could get stuck hidden when returning from a mission
  • Fixed the EOM diorama preview not hiding Squad overlay and Currency bar
  • Fixed a script error related to Kubrow’s Marking an enemy with the Mecha Mod set, the Kubrow dying, then somebody else killing the enemy while they are still marked.
  • Fixed Deimos spots where players could break through the level.
  • Fixed Father 5 Token Tasks allowing multiple purchases.
  • Fixed Carnis set bonus not functioning.
  • Fixed a case where after cutting all fish you had for a vendor, could then go back into the empty cut screen, until reloading the area.
  • Fixed Necramech statue not being placeable in deco mode.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur from the squad overlay.
  • Fixed a script error caused by Deimos Leaping Thrasher.
  • Fixed a localization issue with Iron Staff.
  • Fixed missing information on Deimos Fish decorations in the Codex.
Heart of Deimos: Hotfix 29.0.4 In an attempt to keep these notes spoiler free you may notice some less-descriptive language than usual - thank you for your diligent reporting! Token Rank Balancing + Conservation Token Balancing: Ranking up in the Entrati Syndicate will now require a maximum of 1 Entrati Token type per rank (i.e 1x Conservation + 1x Fishing). Anyone who has already ranked up will receive a refund script within the next few days. We have also done a significant rebalance pass of Conservation’s role in the Entrati Economy based on feedback.  
  • Reduced the Animal Tags required to complete a 1 Token Task by 50%.
  • Reduced the average number of Animal Tags required for ‘Capture Deimos Wildlife’ Tasks which give 3, 4, and 5 Tokens.
  • Fixed some ‘Capture Deimos Wildlife’ Tasks appearing as doubles, giving twice the intended Tokens without costing twice as much.
  • Added a ‘Daily Special’ for Conservation to match the Daily Special for Fishing design by request.
Isolation Vault Bounty Changes & Fixes:
  • Increased the Bait Defense time from 60s to 90s and increased enemy reinforcements.
  • Lowered drop rate of the Infested anti-toxin during the Toxin Level phase to increase difficulty - it’s too easy!
  • Toxin Level will now greatly increase if players leave the designated area in an effort to increase team coordination and difficulty.
  • Replaced the Volatile Runner with a Deimos Runner in the Toxin Level phase.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur if the Host migrated during an Isolation Vault Bounty.
    • This also fixes having to repeat Isolation Vault stages if a Host migration occurred.
  • Fixed a ‘worst case scenario’ procedural generation where some Isolation Vaults would not have the Reactive Crystal intact, which occurred in a 1 hour window last night.
Scintillant Changes: General note re: Scintillant! We discussed it yesterday, and realized the Scintillant description was too vague in terms of other methods to acquire it and updated its description in the last Hotfix. Overnight, we ran stats and the amount collected was too low, which is widely accepted from the community to be the case. While we all start with baseline ‘0’ for new Updates, this Resource is an outlier in how slowly it’s being accrued, which is to say current pacing not our intention. They should feel like a revised Cetus Wisp, but when we compared the two overnight, and considering more people are playing Heart of Deimos and how many Scintillant are needed, they were lower to a degree that doesn’t make sense with their hookup. Here is how we are fixing that today:
  • Isolation Bounty Necramech’s now have a chance to drop Scintillant.
  • Fixed issues with being able to pick up Scintillant within the Vault environments.
  • Increased the spawn chance and spawn radius size of Scintillant within Vault environments.
  • Removed Scintillant as one of the Weapons Entrati members ‘Parts Requisition’ Tasks.
  • Added a slight glow effect to the Scintillant to increase visibility.
  • Increased the audio loop sound effect when a Scintillant is nearby.
  • Player-usable Necramechs that you can Transference into on the Cambion Drift no longer drop rewards.
    • Transferring into a Necramech and then standing around waiting for it to die to drop rewards is far from the intentions of the Necramech system. We understand this is a frustrating oversight. Additionally, this was often bugged that only 1 person got the drop at all. Enemy Necramechs in the Isolation Vaults will still drop rewards, and now they’ll drop more of them (Scintillant). 
  • You can now enjoy Deimos from afar as a new planet backdrop when back in your Orbiter!
  • Appearance improvements towards Maggot and Crawler death FX.
  • Optimized mining visibility more by preventing certain ‘pulsing’ aspects of the world overlapping nodes.
  • Optimized locations of Esophage exit ports.
  • Reduced camera shake on the second stage of the Heart of Deimos quest.
  • Hydroid Rakkam Kraken will now be the deluxe version when casting Undertow.
  • Tweaked the holstered idle pose of the Keratinos to avoid clipping.
  • Fixed a progression stopper in the Heart of Deimos Quest if enemies spawn behind doors.
  • Fixed ghost channel members lingering behind in Relays and Towns causing confusion and server-strain.
  • Fixed a Heart of Deimos progression stop if you used Transference when in the Necramech cutscene.
  • Fixed certain icons being reversed for repaired Cortege Receiver / Stocks.
  • Failed failed purchases at Fishing/Conservation Entrati members showing empty quotes instead of the item name.
  • Fixed Fish part quantities not displaying properly when Cut with the Fishing Entrati member in the Necralisk. This should now equally match when you see when Providing/Cutting Fish in Fortuna/Cetus.
    • Note that this is a fix to the user interface: Despite the “Cut fish” summary previously not showing a number of some parts when you cut multiple fish at once, you did actually get those parts.
  • Fixed an Obelisk exploit with certain AI combinations.
  • Fixed an issue where starting a multiplayer mission just as the Wyrm’s were rotating could cause level issues.
  • Fixed an issue with the truly ‘dead’ Mechs not looking deader-than-dead, meaning no Transference allowed.
  • Fixed Mod Link configs from Configuration B not showing Subsumed abilities.
  • Fixed issues with the Ashen Mod sets not functioning properly.
  • Fixed Esophage fast travel not working as intended on Clients.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur when in a Necramech when someone disconnects.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur when starting certain Cambion Drift Bounties.
  • Fixed issues with proper attachment/detachment of enemy Necramech arms for Clients. In some cases Clients saw Necramechs dying with both arms attached when in fact they were shoot off and weakspot exposed.
  • Fixed some Conservation Lures failing to find a path and possibly creating script errors once activated.
  • Fixed an issue with loading screens for Earth and Mars looking incorrect.
  • Fixed enemies not targeting the Operator after dying in a Necramech.
  • Fixed missing sounds for the Predasite and Vulpaphyla Precepts.
  • Fixed the Kymaeros having a description for Alloy Plate and other erroneous descriptions.
  • Fixed an issue where Operators could be used to bypass a part of the Heart of Deimos quest.
  • Fixed inability to shot for the entire hover duration when in a Necramech.
  • Fixed Xaku’s ‘Vast Untime’ damaging Teralysts and Variants. As mentioned at TennoCon, this is not intended.
  • Fixed script error when Vizier Predasite dies when attempting to heal.
  • Fixed a script error when Inaros’ Devour was cast.
  • Fixed a script error on certain item menus appearing during a load state.
  • Fixed a crash caused by fishing and catching a fish at the same time a squad member captures an animal.
  • Fixed a script error that can occur in the Free Roam mission overlay map after a Host migration.
  • Fixed an issue where Operators and Mechs may not work after transference.
  • Fixed script error when a Conservation fails.
  • Fixed a script error that would occur when killing an enemy, but also reviving an ally when certain Challenges are active.
  • Fixed a script error that could occur when the new Deimos enemies did a special attack.
  • Fixed a script error that would occur when exiting an Open World mission while your Vasca Kavat was approaching a target for Draining Bite.
  • Fixed a K-Drive related Crash.

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