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Warframe – Heart of Deimos: Prime Vault: 29.2.2 Patch Notes

Warframe – Heart of Deimos: Prime Vault: 29.2.2 Patch Notes

Heart of Deimos: Hotfix: 29.2.2

Enhanced Graphics Engine:

Last week we included a ‘Missed Change Note’ that the ‘Deferred Rendering’ Display Option was renamed to ‘Graphics Engine’. While this is true at a base level, it’s actually more exciting than that, as it involves moving into “Next Gen’ by phasing out our old rendering engine!


  • Made numerous micro-optimizations to scene rendering.
  • Optimized Local Reflections.
  • Optimized Foliage Rendering in the Enhanced Graphics Engine.
  • Optimized Visibility Culling speed and memory footprint slightly.
  • Optimized initial install size slightly.
  • Made systemic micro-optimizations to the animation system.
  • Made a micro-optimization to the Foot IK system.
  • Made a micro-optimization to HUD rendering.
  • Minor quality improvements for hair rendering.


  • Added game settings for tweaking deadzone values and other input behaviour for controller analog sticks. Each analog stick now has 3 settings as outlined on This should improve the accuracy for movement controls in particular, which previously used a square deadzone, resulting in inconsistent mapping for diagonal inputs.
  • Removed ability to open the Helminth screen by fast-traveling using Operator mode, this led to issues with your Warframe becoming invisible.
  • Updated Ivara's Quiver, Vauban's Minelayer, Xaku's The Lost, and Titania's Tribute ability descriptions to list the sub-abilities and a brief general description of what they do. Tips related to these sub-abilities for each Warframe have also been edited for accuracy as a result.
  • Updated Zephyr’s Airburst ability description to include the tap-and-hold mechanic.

Helminth Fixes:

  • Fixed enemies becoming permanently ragdolled after casting Nezha’s Divine Spears into a Larva via Helminth Subsumed ability.
  • Fixed Helminth Infused ability functionality issues when casting Wisp’s Sol Gate.
  • Fixed missing UI indication on Quiver Cloak Arrow's duration remaining via Helminth Subsumed.
  • Fixed Nidus’ abilities HUD having greyed out icons for Helminth Infused abilities.


  • Fixed the Warframe launcher breaking uninstall when using standalone-installer.
  • Fixed inability to Swap a Polarization.
    • This was Hotdropped live last week!
  • More fixes towards a crash that could occur in a Survival mission when choosing to return to the Orbiter.
  • Fixed Isolation Vault Bounty Bait and objective markers remaining after the Bounty is abandoned.
  • Fixed cases of the Upgrade screen showing negative stats after applying Forma to a weapon.
    • We found this isn't super useful and forces you to exit the Upgrades screen if you want it to show the actual effects of the Mods installed afterwards.
  • Fixed Profile ‘Kills’ and ‘Time Played’ Stats being influenced by the Simulacrum.
    • Simulacrum is a testing ground!
  • Fixed left trigger no longer opening Chat with controller after you save controller bindings once. As reported here!
  • Fixed the Infested Salvage End of Mission Reward screen UI stating 50 Endo instead of 300 Endo.
    • This is a visual issue only, the correct amount of Endo was awarded.
  • Fixed missing Blueprint locations for the Zymos and Keratinos when viewing in the Market.
  • Fixed the Daedalus Leg Armour appearing small when equipped on the Hydroid Rakkam Skin.
  • Fixed sometimes facing the wrong direction when loading into the Simulacrum Arsenal.
  • Fixed cases of Simaris appearing white instead of orange when entering Sanctuary Onslaught.
  • Fixed Quatz reload and Plinx charge reload audio issues when a Skin is equipped.
  • Fixed Oscira Sugatra offset on numerous Melee weapons.
  • Fixed collision issues with the Oscira Thrown Blade Skin when exiting the Simulacrum Arsenal.
  • Fixed Gauss Graxx Helmet flames always being orange instead of reacting to the chosen Energy Color as the rest of the Redline ability does.
  • Fixes towards cloth collision on the Mirage Kitsune Helmet.
  • Fixed Dendrite Gunblade Skin using the wrong Sugatra attachment point.
  • Fixed missing doorframe in the Grineer Shipyards tileset.
  • Fixed a script error when reaching a new Mastery Rank.
  • Fixed a script error when a Kubrow Pet uses Stalk.
  • Fixed a script error when a Vasca Kavat uses Draining Bite.
  • Fixed a script error when a Kavat uses Cat’s Eye.
  • Fixed a script error when casting Titania’s Tribute ability.
  • Fixed rare script error when casting Wukong’s Primal Fury ability.
  • Fixed a script error when deactivating Mesa’s Ballistic Battery ability.
  • Fixed a script error when Corpus Rangers attempted to Melee smash you from the air.
  • Fixed script error when picking up Vomvalyst energy buffs while on a K-Drive then dismounting, or mounting K-Drive while you have the buff.
  • Fixed a script error when being attacked by the Profit-Taker.
  • Fixed a script error when offering an Eidolon Shard during a Teralyst Hunt Bounty.
  • Fixed script error that could occur during a Jordas Transmission.

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