Introducing the latest patch notes for Gara Prime in Hotfix 30.3.4! This update brings some exciting changes, including the addition of custom aspect-ratio settings for advanced multi-monitor setups. No more confusion with auto-detection! And a big shoutout to Raid0u for the amazing image showcasing 3x 4K monitors at 60FPS. Talk about gaming in style! But that's not all, Railjack has also received some much-needed fixes. Clients can now see adjusted Crew Competency ranks when hovering over their profiles in the Tactical Map. No more guessing! Plus, no more confusing error messages or unarmed Crew members when assigning the same weapon twice. And let's not forget about the script errors that have been squashed when teleporting to players or using the Omni to Recall to the Railjack. Smooth sailing from now on! In addition to these changes, there are a bunch of other fixes that will enhance your gaming experience. From addressing crash issues in new aspect ratios and the Fortuna elevator to fixing Modding discrepancies and script errors, this patch has got you covered. So, gear up and get ready to dive back into the action with these improvements. Happy gaming!Gara Prime: Hotfix 30.3.4
- Added custom aspect-ratio settings for advanced multi-monitor setups that confused our auto-detection.
- Another big thank you to Raid0u! Image curtesy of Raid0u 3x 4K monitors at 60FPS:
Railjack Fixes:
- Fixed Clients not being able to see adjusted Crew Competency ranks when hovering over their profiles in the Tactical Map.
- Fixed being prompted with a confusing error message and your Crew member appearing unarmed when assigning the same weapon to a Crew member twice.
- Fixed Crew mates in the squad panel UI not updating their Status Effects when replacing a player.
- Fixed script error when teleporting to players/Crew mates while in the Archwing Slingshot.
- Fixed a script error when using the Omni to Recall to the Railjack.
- Fixed update failures for a small subset of players. (thanks to Raid0u for helping us diagnose this)
- Fixed a functionality loss upon copying a loadout to one of multiple loadout slots that share the same equipment.
- Fixed crash in new aspect ratios.
- Fixed a crash in the Fortuna elevator during the Vox Solaris Quest.
- Fixed a crash occurring whenever any Warframe equipped with the Celestia Syandana tries to open the Abilities menu.
- Fixed Squad being disbanded automatically during force extract on Endless mission types, instead of the intended choice to stay or leave.
- Fixed Gara missing from the Invert Tap/Hold list options.
- Fixed the same node being selected twice when an invading Faction wins a battle and spreads to multiple nodes.
- Fixed Sevagoth's Shadow not using the proper Energy colours if you change to a different Sevagoth.
- Fixed seeing duplicate Emblems when equipped on the Sabella Prime Fur Pattern.
- Fixed incorrect head and tail coloring when previewing a Kavat Skin while having an incompatible pet type equipped.
- Fixed Modding discrepancies when moving a Polarity matching Mod and not having enough Mod capacity.
- Fixed Friends appearing to be offline even though they're not if you go to the ingame Market and try to Gift a Friend before first going to the Friends list.
- Fixed a script error when attempting to Contribute to Research in the Dojo.
- Fixed a script related to Defense objects in Railjack.
Gara Prime: Hotfix 30.3.5
We are putting our heads down after this Hotfix to give all of our attention, time, and resources into delivering Sisters of Parvos ON ALL PLATFORMS. We will still be around on socials and streams! But we will not be Hotfixing unless it is an absolute emergency. Thank you!
Reduced the Ambulas Assassination Amino Nav Beacon Requirement from 20 to 5 and changed the End of Mission Amino Nav Beacon reward from 10 to 3 to match the initial reduction.
Updated Color Palette titles for Smoke and Pride to be consistent with other Palette titles.
Made some systemic micro-optimizations to post-processing.
Made systemic optimizations to rendering.
Made some micro-optimizations to Dx11 rendering on PC.
Made a micro-optimization to backdrop rendering.
Railjack Fixes:
Fixed seeing a ‘[PH] Description’ hovering above Crew mates when wandering around your Railjack in a Relay Dry Dock.
Fixed ability to enter a Dojo via Railjack without owning a Clan Key.
Fixed PH description for Taro Secura Ospreys.
Fixed an exploit that would let you bypass most of the Profit Taker Heist.
Fixed a rare crash that could occur when either launching or completing a mission.
Fixed some Affinity double dipping with Sevagoth & his Shadow/Shadow Claws.
Fixed Sevagoth Shadow/Shadow Claws kills not granting Focus if Sevagtoh has a Focus Lens.
Fixed Morgha Arsenal stats showing as red when no Mods are equipped.
Fixed long standing Dynamic Resolution related problem with motion vectors - characters would reproject wrong with Temporal AA and fall apart. Scale velocity by resolution scale fixes!
Fixed 'pulsing' intensity under camera movement you get with bright VFX with Temporal AA.
Fixed a brief flash of brightness on the End of Mission screen en route back to the Orbiter.
Fixed the Abilities UI element being faded out if you die while dancing with a Fishing Spear equipped.
Fixed HUD margin adjustment for non 16:9 aspect displays.
It was using proportional window scaling rather than fixed size (like the HUD uses) and as a result, could visually appear warped and not accurately reflect HUD placement.
Additional fixes to AI pathing & navigation in Mars Rescue tilesets. Also moved an insidious light-stand away from the cell hack panel.
Fixed hearing reload sounds at all distances if the Soaktron Rifle Skin was equipped.
Fixed various probe lighting issues.
Fixed the Sigma Parazon Skin not properly showing when viewed in the Market.
Fixed customizing the colour for the extraction indicator not changing the icon's interior colour.
Fixed line break on rewards title on Junction tasks list.
Fixed conversation box not being as wide as expected (box that appears when talking to NPCs in a Relay for example).
Fixed Synthesis Scanner text being cut off in some languages.
Fixed Tyro Battalyst's disarm behavior; they don't actually support this so it would generate a script error in a variety of cases (ie Loki’s Radial Disarm, Xaku’s Grasp of Lokh, etc).
Fixed Arcanes not triggering from shooting enemies while riding on a K-Drive.
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