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Warframe – Chimera 23.10.1 – 23.10.6 Patch Notes

Warframe – Chimera 23.10.1 – 23.10.6 Patch Notes

Chimera 23.10.1 Patch Notes

  • Removed unintentionally released Challenge. You saw nothing.
  • Fixed sometimes crashing and failing to update in the Warframe Launcher.
  • Fixed Zaws having incorrect values with Range mods, intended ranges have been restored.
  • Fixed weapon trail FX appearing on the Falcor in the Orbiter.
  • Fixed weapon trail FX for the Falcor not showing for quick-melee attacks.
  • Fixed all variants of the Strun playing animation and sound FX on reload but not adding ammo to magazine, causing it to get stuck in a reloading loop.
  • Fixed abilities that can be cast midair (Saryn’s Miasma for example) no longer preserving aim glide momentum when they hit the ground.
  • Fixed being unable to fully charge Staticor if it is attempted without having firing it before hand while using a controller.
  • Fixed nodes that are uncompleted and locked without a key (Derelict) in the Star Chart not flashing blue to indicate they are not completed.
  • Fixed a crash when entering Cetus from the Plains.
  • Fixed Vazarin Enduring Tides level 2 and 3 giving the same value. Level 3 changed from 50% to 100% as reported here:
  • Fixed Fish appearing giant in Personal Quarters Aquariums.
  • Fixed flickering FX during certain moments in The Sacrifice quest.
  • Fixed Sildarg Syandana clipping with a few Warfame Skins.
  • Fixed issue with trying to claim a recipe reward on “choose from 3” login reward days.
  • Fixed potential crash at end of mission.

Chimera 23.10.2 Patch Notes

Missed QoL Change: You can now swap your A B C Appearance loadout order in the Arsenal!
  • Heavy Blade and Hammer Zaws now have a Range of 3 meters which should fix the continued inconsistency since the Mainline.
  • Restored Venka Prime's 0.75 Melee Combo Multiplier.
  • Removed the requirement to be higher than Initiate to replicate Clan Research - further review of this initial change is required.
  • Reduced some distortion on Radiation Status FX.
  • Removed some unnecessary sounds from the Daily Tribute UI.
  • Removed an extra Icon on the Dojo minimap.
  • Minor sounds mix adjustments to Melee slide attack / heavy attack / slam attack.
  • We have live fixed Arbitration missions rewarding the incorrect amount of Vitus Essence at End Of Mission, and inability to complete the Mastery Rank 26 test.
  • Fixes towards a crash related to Discord. Much love to Discord for diagnosing and implementing the fix!
  • Fixed a crash that occurred after a Host migration if you had an active Specter.
  • Fixed a crash when joining a Lunaro match.
  • Fixed a crash when attempting to Grab in Frame Fighter.
  • Fixed earning multiple Ayatan Statues in an Arbitrations mission, but only receiving one once returning to your ship.
  • Fixed Defectors falling through the floor in the Corship Ship Defection tileset, resulting in inability to extract.
  • Fixed Defection missions not spawning the correct number of Colonists, and therefore not counting rescued squads correctly.
  • Fixed < and > characters causing input boxes (search bars, password, etc) to break.
  • Fixed the Cetus tower appearing too large in the Star Chart.
  • Fixed Blast Status FX showing on invisible weapons.
  • Fixed Grineer Flameblades freezing up in animations when dropping from the Dropship in the Plains.
  • Fixed some weapons (Dakra Prime, Deimos Claw Skin, etc) having an incredibly long weapon trail FX.
  • Fixed skyboxes unintentionally getting too dark when turning FX settings down in the Options.
  • Fixed a script error when casting Nova’s Null Star ability.
  • Fixed a script error when casting Revenant’s Mesmer Skin ability.
  • Fixed a script error when casting Nezha’s Warding Halo ability.

Chimera 23.10.3 Patch Notes

  • Added Prime grip trail colour FXs.
  • The Gear Spiral now restricts duplicate Gear items (Apothics, Stims), with the exception of Dragon Keys! The bug turned feature of ability to equip all Dragon Keys shall live to hobble another day!
  • Reduced the sound of Chat notifications.
AI Fixes: With our Mainline update, we refactored the Locomotion system (which is the code that controls how AI find their way around the level) - primarily to allow us to have AI switch between different movement modes (eg walking & flying). These AI code changes have resulted in multiple scenarios of AI struggling to respect current level pathing, which are the issues being noticed post Update 23.10.0. Below are improvements to the new issues and investigation continues into other reports (Arbitration AI, etc):
  • Fixed clogged spawn flow of Corpus enemies on Interception/Defense Corpus Ice Planet tileset. Enemies were observed getting primarily stuck in the initial spawn room.
  • Fixed numerous issues with Drone-type enemies not traversing at all in Defense missions.
Fixes: We’re aware and investigating an issue with the Mask of the Revenant quest not progressing once you meet the prerequisites listed in the Codex - hold tight while we solve!
  • Fixed a crash that would occur on 32-bit systems when loading Cetus / Plains of Eidolon.
  • Fixed various crashes and game hangs.
  • Fixed various script errors that would occur while using the new Gear Wheel.
  • Fixes towards a script error upon entering/leaving the Plains of Eidolon.
  • Fixed an issue where Power Donation could allow for true <0% Power Strength scenarios.
  • Fixed Khora Accumulating Whipclaw Augment success sound playing even when you don't have the Augment equipped.
  • Fixed the Arca Plasmor's projectiles bouncing off walls instead of exploding on impact.
  • Fixed an issue with the Daily Tribute tooltip showing '80 Endo' at all times, even when it is not 80.
  • Fixed an issue where Dynamic Exposure would randomly turn everything black.
  • Fixed the Kunshu Syandana having invisible collision on Saryn Skins.
  • Fixed the Sildarg Syandana clipping through Saryn Skins.
  • Fixed the Nidus Phryke Skin appearing to slightly shake when viewing the Star Chart.
  • Fixed some lurking [PH] tags.
  • Fixed some missing text strings.

Chimera 23.10.4 Patch Notes

  • Revenant’s Reave now follows the direction of your reticle as opposed to always in a straight line. This allows you to steer it freely. You can of course maintain the original behaviour of a straight line by simply not aiming your reticle, but for those of you wanting better control over where Reave goes are now able to freely steer!
  • Corrected Infested Charger jump-down animations so they land at the correct height.
  • Minor sound balancing and design updates to new melee sounds.
  • Minor updates to jump slam sounds for Melee Hammer weapons.
AI Fixes: With our Mainline update, we refactored the Locomotion system (which is the code that controls how AI find their way around the level) - primarily to allow us to have AI switch between different movement modes (eg walking & flying). These AI code changes have resulted in multiple scenarios of AI struggling to respect current level pathing, which are the issues being noticed post Update 23.10.0. Below are improvements to the new issues and investigation continues into other reports (Arbitration AI, etc):
  • Further improvements to Locomotion code that triggers when bad AI pathing occurs.
  • Fixes towards broken AI spawns in the Grineer Forest tileset.
  • Fixes towards AI becoming stuck in the Corpus Ice Planet tileset.
  • Fixed Mask of the Revenant quest not progressing once you meet the prerequisites listed in the Codex. If you were affected by this bug, talking to Nakak in Cetus will allow you to progress.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur in the Warframe Launcher.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when in the Plains of Eidolon due to the Fishing Gear.
  • Fixed the Adaptation Mod sometimes making players completely invincible.
  • Fixed Mesa’s Shatter Shield not functioning properly.
  • Fixed some enemies (e.g. MOA's) getting permanently stuck in looping reaction animations in Void Fissure missions.
  • Fixes towards Scanners not functioning for Clients. This also fixes cases where Helios would not scan new entries.
  • Fixed Volt’s Discharge not hitting any enemies after reaching Zone 2 in an Sanctuary Onslaught mission.
  • Fixed inability to Channel your Melee weapon while sprinting.
  • Fixed cases of Orbiter Decorations disappearing.
  • Fixed Gifting of Warframes showing "item already owned" error.
  • Fixed several Conclave Mods missing descriptions.
  • Fixed some weapons missing new sounds.

Chimera 23.10.5 Patch Notes

  • Added an ‘Auto Install’ button to the Ayatan Sculptures screen for Mastery Rank 10+ Tenno! This long requested feature allows you to auto install Stars from your Inventory to your Ayatan Sculpture with one-click.
  • Added ability to swap your Mod loadout order in the Arsenal! This works the same way as dragging/dropping your A B C Appearance loadout order.
  • Added a Decoration called the ‘Note Beacon’! A beacon capable of displaying custom messages that can be placed in both Orbiter and Dojo!
  • Added an FX to the Energy Orb dropped by Deth Cube with Energy Generator equipped.
  • Reverted Operator Suit Mesh Changes introduced in Update 23.10.0 to restore Operator Suit Meshes to their pre-Update 23.10 state. A more careful re-release of the Operator Suit Mesh Changes will come at a later date.
  • Vigorous Swap will now deactivate when an Ability weapon is active (Mesa’s Peacemaker, Valkyr’s Hysteria, etc).
  • Improved text spacing in the Squad Panel UI by auto scaling the list.
  • Removed the unnecessary ‘RELIC’ text from the Squad Panel UI. Localized languages will see improved text spacing with this removal.
  • Adjusted Daily Tribute Transmission text scale and aspect ratio.
AI Fixes: With our Mainline update, we refactored the Locomotion system (which is the code that controls how AI find their way around the level) - primarily to allow us to have AI switch between different movement modes (eg walking & flying). These AI code changes have resulted in multiple scenarios of AI struggling to respect current level pathing, which are the issues being noticed post Update 23.10.0. Below are improvements to the new issues and investigation continues into other reports (Arbitration AI, etc):
  • Improved AI navigation in Sanctuary Onslaught and Plains of Eidolon Bounties.
  • Fixed inability to collect a Mandachord part in Octavia’s Anthem quest which halted progression.
  • Fixed Defection missions being unplayable when picked for an Arbitration.
  • Fixed erroneous Bounty matchmaking cases. This was triggered by selecting a Bounty, cancelling said Bounty and then selecting a different Bounty, upon which you would matchmake with the cancelled Bounty.
  • Fixed cases of Arbitration boons not being applied to Prime Warframe variants. This applies to weapon variants as well (Cernos vs Rakta Cernos).
  • More fixes towards the Adaptation Mod sometimes making players invincible.
  • Fixed cases of Bounties failing when trying to start a Cave Encounter in the Plains.
  • Fixed Mesa’s Shatter Shield and Chroma’s Cold Elemental Ward not damaging certain enemies.
  • Fixed Inaros’ Sandstorm radius stat showing diameter.
  • Fixed the Ammo Case Mod not functioning for Clients after going in and out and then back in to the Plains from Cetus.
  • Fixed the Sentinel Burst Rifle muzzle showing all 4 frames of the texture.
  • More fixes towards Grineer Couriers flight navigation in Archwing Pursuit missions.
  • Fixed rare case of hearing random jumbled dialog when loading into Maroo’s Bazaar.
  • Fixed the back button not working when picking Gear Spiral items in the Arsenal.
  • Fixed the Emotes wheel in the Arsenal not defaulting to the currently equipped Emote in the chosen slot.
  • Fixed two equip buttons appearing when using mouse and keyboard.
  • Fixed unreleased LOC string appearing when a Cache Encounter spawned in a Cave in the Plains.
  • Fixed the Grineer Exhaust Fan Decoration having an incorrect description.
  • Fixed a script error when Upgrading Mods at the Mod Station.
  • Fixed a script error when accessing the Gear Spiral.

Chimera 23.10.6 Patch Notes

  • Improvements towards Vomvalysts spawning underground while fighting the Teralyst and Hydrolyst.
  • Removed unnecessary error prompt when canceling a Catalyst/Reactor installment.
  • Removed Platinum price being listed in the weapon selection screen when crafting a weapon that requires another weapon.
  • Updated terminology for the Power Donation Mod to read "Ability Strength" instead of "Power Strength."
  • Removed outdated Design Council Tips from loading screens.
  • Removed [PH] tags from Clan activities in Chat.
AI Fixes: With our Mainline update, we refactored the Locomotion system (which is the code that controls how AI find their way around the level) - primarily to allow us to have AI switch between different movement modes (eg walking & flying). These AI code changes have resulted in multiple scenarios of AI struggling to respect current level pathing, which are the issues being noticed post Update 23.10.0. Below are improvements to the new issues and investigation continues into other reports (Arbitration AI, etc):
  • Fixed inability to defeat the Juggernaut due to no weakpoints opening.
  • Fixed Lynx not engaging or reacting to players attacking it.
  • Fixed Zura (Rathuum) not engaging players.
  • Fixed Palladino not engaging enemies during the Chains of Harrow quest.
  • Fixed Grineer Dropships immediately dropping passengers upon arrival in the Plains.
  • Fixes towards inability to match-make when selecting a Ghoul Bounty.
  • Fixed loading into a default Dark Sector mission instead of the intended Arbitration mission.
  • Fixed the camera doing a large movement after Auto Installing Stars into your Ayatan Sculpture.
  • Fixed being able to skip selecting a Daily Tribute reward when using a controller.
  • Fixed a script error in certain Grineer Sealab Defense missions.
  • Fixed Set Mods having broken descriptions.

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