New Noggles!
Limbo, Atlas, and Chroma Noggles are available in the Market!
Designer Glyph Pack
A collection of Glyphs created by artists in the Warframe community.
Keep an eye out for our TennoCon 2018 Legendary and Make-A-Wish custom Glyphs that will be sported by their respective Tenno!
- Primed Quickdraw is now Tradeable.
- We’re aware and investigating why it does not show up in the Codex when owned.
- Updated the ‘High Contrast UI Theme’ based on feedback in an effort to better aid colourblind Tenno as seen here:
- Pressing ‘Enter’ when typing in the Chat window with a game invite open will now prioritize the Chat window over the game invite. This also applies when viewing the Market while typing in Chat.
- Weapons displayed on Hok’s Entitlement screen now show more information (Mastery Rank, Forma count, etc) to better reflect which weapon in your Inventory you’re Entitling.
- Personal Platinum and Credit values now appear in the Arsenal UI when in Cetus or a Relay.
Controller Fixes
- Fixed inability to place Komi stones in The Sacrifice quest if Jump and Move Up/Afterburner are bound to a different button when using a controller.
- Fixed missing quick button for Invite (RT) at the bottom right of the Navigation screen when using a controller.
- Fixed certain Chat options being off screen if Chat is moved to the far right (Emoji list, etc) when using a controller.
- Fixed selecting to view a Profile and then immediately backing out resulting in some UI elements disabling when using a controller.
- Fixed opening the Lens selection window in Archwing mode resulting in your Archwing weapon appearing to pierce through the UI when using a controller.
- Fixed the D-Pad not lining up correctly after changing Menu Scale when using a controller.
- Fixed having to move the virtual cursor on the purchase button to make a purchase on certain Market Bundles, instead of being able to press A anywhere when using a controller.
- Fixed shared Affinity not properly spreading between all equipment, specifically when an Exalted weapon is active.
- Fixed abilities being permanently blocked (until death) in Sanctuary Onslaught if you enter a portal as Operator but Transfer back to Warframe right before the fade/teleport starts.
- Fixed Fishing breaking when switching Spears if you have no Bait or Dye.
- Fixed numerous missing Whip (Mios, Lacera, etc) animations as reported here:
- Fixed equipping Vicious Frost on the Orvius reducing the Cold Damage instead of increasing.
- Fixed Mod sets (Umbral, etc) not updating all values when equipping/unequipping Mods.
- Fixed sometimes spawning in a mystical grey box room that you totally weren't meant to see during some certain missions in The Sacrifice quest.
- Fixed Umbra sometimes falling out of the level due to not teleporting to safety when using Transference.
- Fixed Nyx Mind Controlled Shield Ospreys spawned from Corpus Tech and Attack Drones spawned from Fusion Moas not being friendly.
- Fixed numerous situations (casting Harrow’s Thurible, casting Mesa’s Peacemaker, etc) deactivating ‘Toggle Sprint’.
- Fixed sometimes becoming disarmed of all weapons in the Simulacrum.
- Fixed the Tether Grenades Mod distorting the look of grenades.
- Fixed inability to colour some lines on the Spektaka Liset Skin.
- Fixed Old Man Suumbaat Decorations appearing too close in the Market diorama.
- Fixed Warframe Helmet selection UI indicating you do not own the Warframe they are for when trading it in Maroo’s Bazaar.
- Fixed inability to select/move Dojo Decorations that are perfectly embedded in the floor as reported here:
- Fixed selecting Equip/Upgrade/Appearance on a claw weapon with the Deimos Claw Skin equipped resulting in the weapon oddly rotating.
- Fixed Rhino’s Roar FX appearing on Nidus Phryke’s invisible armor (no stacks).
- Fixed the Nossos Syandana being offset on Hydroid.
- Fixed the Little Helper Hat not sitting correctly when equipped on the Helminth Charger Metus Kubrow Skin.
- Fixed the Metus Kubrow Armor clipping on Kubrow butts.
- Fixed Kavats spawning inside the railing and twitching when loading into the Corpus Ship Freight Captura Scene.
- Fixed the Ki’Teer Sekhara appearing dim and scaling incorrectly when in Archwing as reported here:
- Fixed Ordis saying idle VO lines during Vor's Prize.
- Fixed viewing the Penta in the marketplace (specifically the Penta Shock-Camo Skin) resulting in the ammo in the gun taking a second to load upon viewing it everytime.
- Fixed inability to rotate Dioramas while in the Arsenal.
- Fixed Platinum prices appearing when hovering over a Dojo Decoration in the ‘Place Decorations Menu’.
- Fixed some parts of Icarius Syandana disappearing if observed at certain angle.
- Fixed zooming in on an Operator Focus tree too quickly resulting in one of the Focus tree schools will be missing.
- Fixed choosing to skip the Relay fly-in cinematic resulting in your Landing Craft not docking correctly.
- Fixed door materials clipping in the Corpus Outpost tileset.
- Fixed wonky door holograms being offset in the Grineer Sealab tileset.
- Fixed getting stuck in a small pile of debris on the Infested Corpus tileset.
- Fixed missing Lotus VO in sections of Vor’s Prize quest.
- Fixed some accented letters in Chat appearing as *.
- Fixed a script error when casting Rhino’s Rhino Stomp ability.
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