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Warframe – 23.1.3 Patch Notes

Warframe – 23.1.3 Patch Notes
Embrace the terror within as Nidus Phryke. This new Deluxe Skin is available now on PC along with a new Claw Skin, Syandana and more! NIDUS PHRYKE SKIN From the depths of pestilence, a new horror emerges. Become the exalted master of blight with Nidus Phryke. This Deluxe Skin transforms as Nidus gains Mutation stacks. DEIMOS CLAW SKIN Tear through the still-beating heart of your foes. Bestow this eye-opening Skin to any Claw Weapon. NOSOS SYANDANA The signature Syandana of Nidus Phryke. HELMINTH CHARGER METUS SKIN Nidus Phryke’s loyal beast.* This works on all Kubrow breeds! METUS KUBROW ARMOR Adorn any Kubrow or Helminth Charger Pet with a battery of gothic spikes. NIDUS PHRYKE COLLECTION Everything you need to become the ultimate terror. Includes the unholy Nidus Phryke Skin, Deimos Claw Skin, Nosos Syandana, Helminth Charger Metus Skin and Metus Kubrow Armor. Controller Changes & Fixes: Fixed an issue where the Virtual Cursor would get its position reset on certain screens. Fixes: Fixed an issue with Clients sometimes having invisible Operators. Fixed an issue where starting 'The Sacrifice' Quest could lead to permanent white screens if Clients were aboard the ship. Fixed issues with certain TennoGen Syandana Offsets. Fixed a game freeze that could occur when changing appearances. Further fixes towards issues with Operators using Synthesis Scanners. Fixed an issue where you could confuse 'The Sacrifice' Umbra if replaying the quest with an Umbra. Removed bleedout state condition for rivens requiring kills on dropship passengers Fixed Ivara's companion setting off spy traps when Ivara herself has Prowl Augment activated. Source:

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