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Tropico 6 – 9.1 Patch Notes | ‘Noches de Arabia’ has been released!

Tropico 6 – 9.1 Patch Notes | ‘Noches de Arabia’ has been released!
A new update for Tropico 6 is now available for free! This adds many quality-of-life improvements plus, a completely new language (Arabic) to the game. It also fixes many bugs in both the main game and DLC. Check below for further details:
  • Arabic language support added.
  • [Multiplayer] Palace customization now visible in multiplayer.
Bug fixes
  • Fixed an issue where guerrilla attacks could lead to performance drops.
  • Fixed an issue where discarding an ultimatum would lead to a lost game event though an alliance with another superpower existed.
  • Fixed an issue where tourist planes could sometimes fly vertically or upside-down.
  • Fixed an issue where Tropicans walked on roads instead of using the sidewalk.
  • Fixed an issue where Tropicans could get stuck at bridges.
  • Fixed an issue where firefighters would stay at a building even after extinguishing the fire.
  • Fixed several crashes.
  • Fixed several graphical glitches.
  • Fixed translation and text issues.
Spitter DLC
  • Fixed an issue which prevented the new music tracks from being played.

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