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The Elder Scrolls Online – All Hotfixes July 2021 | Revamped Blackwood & Greymoor Updates

The Elder Scrolls Online – All Hotfixes July 2021 | Revamped Blackwood & Greymoor Updates
  • Fixes & Improvements
    • Blackwood
    • Greymoor
    • Base Game
      • Art & Animation
      • Crown Store & Crown Crates
      • Miscellaneous
      • Quests & Zones
      • UI
  • kzt824xyrk7g.jpg zoy5pqini5tc.png Companions
    • Companions will now more reliably turn to face their enemy when entering combat.
    • Fixed a rare issue that could result in character display issues when exiting the outfit station after outfitting a Companion.
    d7dlwo1o6vg2.png Oblivion Portals
    • Monsters in Oblivion Portals will now spawn faster.
    Public Dungeons
    • The ogre champions Grapnur the Crusher and Burthar Meatwise in Zenithar’s Abbey will no longer end up in a state where you cannot target them.
    • A Deadly Secret: Fixed an issue where leaving Councilor Jirach's manor before completing the quest steps inside could prevent you from re-entering.
    • An Abundance of Stibbons: Removed collision on vine-tongues to fix issues with you being unable to interact with them.
    • Haunted Legacy:
      • Fixed an issue where the quest step "Watch Faric Gemain" would sometimes not advance.
      • Fixed an issue where the skeleton needed for this quest would sometimes spawn underground.
    • Pyre of Ambition: Vandacia will no longer teleport back and forth to the wall, rendering him invincible.
    • Rites of the Sul-Xan: Fixed an issue where captives would sometimes spawn under the ground.
    • The Rising Winds: Argonian player characters will now be able to advance the quest if accepting it from anyone other than Nuxul.
    • Things Lost, Things Found: Fixed an issue where you could trigger a conversation scene prematurely from the floor below in the Rosy Lion Inn.

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