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TES Online – 6.0.9 Patch Notes

TES Online – 6.0.9 Patch Notes

The Elder Scrolls Online v6.0.9 contains some fixes for the Thrassian Stranglers item set, an issue affecting patch download sizes, a number of Stadia bug fixes, and more. The size of this patch approximately: 79MB igajz8jy00c3.jpg mh9kmzwe40jw.png General

  • Lyris no longer randomly admonishes you for crime.
c3fsdhvnj7bc.jpguq0a6w6e7b2y.pngItem Sets
  • Thrassian Stranglers: Fixed an issue where you could generate stacks with this set through unintended means.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur during player trades in rare situations.
  • Fixed an issue where textures could shift their position within packfiles, potentially causing the download size of a patch to be larger than necessary.
  • The Greymoor Upgrade now allows for in-game purchasing rather than directing you to the Stadia Store.
  • Updated Bink to the latest version to fix an issue where some cut scenes would not have any audio.
  • Fixed an issue where setting a custom keybind using the touchpad on a PlayStation 4 controller would not preserve that keybind when using other controllers.
  • Fixed an issue where the Reset Keyboard/Gamepad buttons in the Controls menu wouldn’t work properly when a keybind was overwritten by the other input device
  • Fixed an issue in the German game client where the Alliance Change Token tooltip incorrectly stated it changes your character’s appearance.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Message of the Day to not appear on Steam, Stadia or Japanese game clients.

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