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TES Online – 5.2.9 Patch Notes | Bug Fixing

TES Online – 5.2.9 Patch Notes | Bug Fixing

The Elder Scrolls Online v5.2.9 fixes a common memory management issue particularly affecting higher population areas, in addition to a couple game crashes, quests, combat abilities, and more. The size of this patch is approximately 187MB. lxwt811hzr8e.jpg a0hf7ml3tu4c.png Quests

  • Pride of Alkosh: Fixed the ability to push puzzle cubes through closed gates during the trials from this quest.
  • The "The River of Rebirth" achievement will now be correctly awarded to you if you have previously completed the Murkmire DLC story quest.
  • Alliance War
    • Fixed an issue where your Alliance War skill lines could reset to Rank 1 after encountering a specific crash in Cyrodiil.
Champion System
  • The Shadow
    • Merchant Favored: This passive will now once again reduce the cost of repairs.
  • Fixed an issue which could prevent the Battleground Runner Weapon Styles from appearing in the Collections menu.
  • Fixed a memory management issue that was increasing the chance that your game could crash. This change in stability will be noticed particularly in city areas where many players tend to congregate.
Mac Game Client
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when launching the game for the first time after an update.
  • Suramin the Weaponsmith has returned to Belkarth to sell his goods once more.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur when displaying an error that contains a local private function reference.

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