- Reduced texture memory usage in Senchal City to prevent some frequently seen game crashes.

- The Dragonguard: Laatvulon will now wing swipe both directions regardless of where he perceives your character to be, and adjusted the angle at which your character is affected by the wing portion of the attack to be more in line with the animation.

- Updated Battleground MMR matchmaking to improve the likelihood of creating competitive games.
- Fixed an issue where you could get stuck on a loading screen when zoning into a Battleground.

- The Dungeon Explorer costume can now be equipped again.
- Note that the costume will no longer hide your shield while the shield is stowed. We’ve removed the description text that stated the costume would hide a shield when it is stowed, and hope to re-enable this feature in the future.

- Cradle of Shadows
- The Atronach's Light synergy now casts instantly and should feel more responsive.
- Fixed an issue where Velidreth would sometimes banish players to the catacombs before summoning forth her Flesh Atronachs.
- Enraged Hoarvors now appear at the correct location when first entering Velidreth's Catacombs and will once again relentlessly pursue their food. Any Enraged Hoarvors that find themselves outside of the Catacombs will burrow into the ground.

- Restructured the Ready Check component of the Activity Finder to appropriately handle high queue volumes in an effort to reduce negative impact on performance and stability.
- Resolved several edge cases where players or groups could get stuck during points of the queue process.
- Note: One side effect of these changes is during periods of high volume, premade groups of 4 could experience a slight queue for dungeons.

- Fixed an issue that was causing friends or guild members who logout to still appear as online with missing level information.
- Fixed an issue where the email address shown to you after changing your email in-game could be the old email address.
- Browsing for a guild that would result in no results will no longer get stuck on “Searching for results”.
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