JANUARY 17, 2022
Hey everyone, lemmingllama here. Version 5.13.0 will be releasing this upcoming Tuesday the 25th. This update will have a new special titan, skill tree reset tokens, stickers, a new abyssal tournament, and a slew of balance changes and quality of life improvements to the game. Read all about the changes below!
Sprout special non-boss titan- Boosts All Damage
- Only spawns above 75% of your max stage
- Tier 4 Alchemist skill
- Increases Sprout Damage, Max Sprout Effect Stacks, and Sprout Chance
- Sprout will only spawn when Sprouting Salts is leveled up
- Increases Alchemist Boost
- Adds Sprout Spell Duration when defeating Sprout titans to all active spells
- Increases Fairy Gold
- Reset your skill tree for free when used
- Get them from your Daily Login rewards and through milestones
- Enjoy the three free skill tree reset tokens with this update!
- Increases Gold Gun Damage and Fairy Gold
- Lowered Fairy Cooldown and Gold Gun charge time
- Increased Fairy and Twilight Fairy Spawn Chances
- Increased Gold Gun and Twilight Fairy splash count
- Disabled fairy gold popup text
- Start with Fairy King legendary set
- Up to 99 daily prestiges for event currency
- Valentines raid background
- The Heartbreaker, Sweets and Treats, Heartly Queen, and Love Struck event equipment drops
Enchantment pools added to artifacts Pet Quest Reworks- Lower time to complete a quest
- Lower number of pet levels to successfully start a quest
- Changed All Limb HP bonus to All Head HP bonus
- Required values increased for some progression achievements to better meet the current scaling of the game
- We are massively overhauling mana as part of this update. The goal overall is to have mana skills and mana sources that were less impactful raised in overall impact, and to also help make mana more consistent in usage for newer and older players. You may want to look into changing how you construct your skill trees to use multiple mana sources now, as a good mix of mana skills will give more value than focusing on a single skill.
- Mana Regeneration bonus changed to Primary Mana Sources boost
- Increases Mana Regeneration, Mana Siphon, and Manni Mana
- Twilight Gathering Twilight Fairy Spawn Chance increased
- Ember Arts Pet Splash Skip increased
- Eternal Darkness Shadow Clone Splash Skip increased
- Rejuvenation skill point cost lowered
- Rejuvenation Heavenly Strike Mana Cost bonus increased
- Mana Siphon skill point cost lowered
- Mana Siphon Mana Per Tap bonus changed from multiplicative to additive
- Limit Break skill point cost lowered
- Limit Break Mana Regeneration bonus changed to Primary Mana Sources boost
- Manni Mana skill point cost lowered
- Manni Mana Mana Replenished decreased
- Halved Portar Spawn Chance
- Doubled Portar Skip Amount
- Multi-Cast Duration increased from 3 to 3.6 seconds
- Multi-Cast Splash Count bonuses increased by 20%
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