Fixed Issues
‘The Shrouded Deep’
- All crew members who aid in summoning the Shrouded Ghost will now unlock the Deed within the Adventures menu.
- Larger crews will no longer gain Athena’s Fortune Emissary Grade progression at a faster rate when completing quests within the Legend of the Veil.
- Ancient iconography used across the Legend of the Veil Quest Book pages and cosmetic rewards has now been adjusted.
Known Issues
‘The Shrouded Deep’ Server Migration
- Crews who migrate across servers after placing an enchanted Megalodon effigy on the Ritual Table may find that the effigy is not present on the destination server.
- Following the defeat of the Shrouded Ghost or another summoned Megalodon, rewards may remain beneath the surface, requiring players to swim down and retrieve them.
- Players may experience scenarios where they encounter ping spikes at random while playing, resulting in rubberbanding or client stutters.
- Some Steam players may find that after an achievement is unlocked in the game, it is not unlocked within Steam.
- In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While small improvements continue to be delivered during our regular updates, we are continuing to investigate and identify further improvements to the player combat experience.
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