Outpost Cosmetics
Dark Adventurers Clothing Set
- Pirate Legends can now purchase Dark Adventurers clothing and vanity items from the Pirate Legend Hideout.
- The Outpost shipwrights, along with the clothing, equipment and weapon shops, now offer the Venomous Kraken Set for purchase. Players must obtain the Legendary Kraken Hunter Commendation to unlock access to this set.
- The Outpost clothing shops now stock the Distinguished Admiral clothing set, available to purchase for gold.
- Rewards from the Festival of Fishing Event have now been added to the Outpost shops. The Merchant Alliance, Gold Hoarders, Order of Souls and Frostbite Fishing Rods can now be found in their respective stores, locked behind Commendations.
Loot Haul Memory Improvements
- When collecting notable hauls of different loot in a single place, the game will now optimise performance more quickly by changing the appearance of certain loot items. Items will return to their standard visuals when optimisation allows.
Fixed Issues
- Players below deck should now correctly see water rising after the ship is damaged, along with the sea outside their ship.
- After reading all Mysterious Notes, players should no longer see the extended wakeup sequence when arriving at the Tavern.
- Picking up items for the first time as an Emissary should now grant Emissary Grade progression.
- Emissary Flags should no longer float away if hit by a moving ship.
- The Dark Adventurers Blunderbuss has an improved iron sight to aid with aiming down sights.
- Crew status nameplates should accurately show when a player is taking damage from other players or skeletons.
- The player’s left hand should no longer intersect with the Rogue Tinkerer Capstan.
- The ‘Lower Anchor’ tooltip on the Dark Adventurers Capstan should now appear in the correct location.
- The Point and Laugh Emote should no longer be missing from the Assorted Emote Collection in the Pirate Emporium.
- Players using the Reaper’s Heart Fishing Rod should now animate correctly.
- The Cutthroat Flag icon has been updated.
- Improved localisation for a range of character dialogue, Mysterious Notes and items in the Pirate Emporium.
- Order of Souls Bounty Quests will now display the correct Bounty target names in the player’s local language.
- The Seasons Menu should now correctly display localised text in non-English languages.
- The prompt for receiving Mysterious Notes should now be localised in non-English languages.
- There should no longer be any overlapping text on Mysterious Notes in Korean.
- Keyboard and settings menus are now correctly localised.
- The Arena Leaderboard summary should now better support Japanese and Chinese languages.
- Front end button descriptions should now support a range of non-English languages.
- Starting another Merchant Alliance Lost Shipments Voyage on the same route should no longer prevent players locating the shipwreck.
- There should always be a Captain and a Manifest in the Lost Shipments shipwrecks.
- Sea clues should no longer disappear after migrating server while on a Lost Shipments Voyage.
- The Merchant Alliance shop should now always have a Lost Shipment Voyage in stock at applicable levels.
- Discovering a Lost Shipments shipwreck will now create an icon on the route map you receive, similar to discovering clues.
- Players should no longer be able to bypass areas of the Shores of Gold trap runs by moving through unintended areas of the environment.
- Mechanisms controlled by pulleys should no longer snap unexpectedly or exhibit strange behaviour when used.
- Footstep audio should now play correctly when walking on rocks on Thieves’ Haven.
- Resetting options to default now also resets the ‘Set Audio Output to Mono’ option.
- Mysterious Notes should now correctly fit the screen even if FOV is set lower than 85.
- The Legendary Curse will now correctly fade when using an emote to get close to the player.
- The Shroudbreaker Makeup has been improved.
- The prompt window for accepting an invitation should now have screen narration when ‘Let Games Read to Me’ is enabled.
- The ‘DeMarco’ Arena warning pop-up narration and the ‘Rejoin your previous session’ pop-up narration should no longer be interrupted on start-up.
- When changing options in the ‘Other Crew’ settings menu, options will now remain selected.
- With a keyboard, mouse and controller plugged in, signing out should no longer prevent the player from navigating the front end.
- Further improvements made to server performance, reducing latency during gameplay.
Known Issues
Ranged and Melee Weapon Hit Detection
- In areas of intense action, players may find themselves firing shots or landing strikes that do not cause damage to their targets. While improvements continue to be delivered during our content updates, this remains a key priority for the team.
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