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Sea of Thieves – 2.0.11 Patch Notes | Unleash Your Inner Pirate!

Sea of Thieves – 2.0.11 Patch Notes | Unleash Your Inner Pirate!

Outpost Cosmetics

With all the fancy items arriving on the Black Market, the Outpost stores have shifted tack and begun offering up a range of scruffy pirate attire!
  • Outpost Clothing Store Update – The Outpost clothing stores now stock a range of new clothing styles to provide a scrappier pirate look. With new hats, shirts, jackets, gloves, belts and shoes, there’s surely something to catch your eye. Keen-eyed players will also notice the introduction of some previously seen cosmetics from legacy game footage…
  • More Feminine Clothing Colour Options – Following the previous release of more feminine clothing options, new colour variants have now been released for you to mix and match!

The Arena

  • Preventing Stormy Starts – It is no longer possible to start a contest inside a storm. However, storms are still present in The Arena with their dynamic effects on gameplay, so players can continue to use them as part of their strategy or get caught by surprise!
  • Sunken Ships Respawning Faster – Ships that have been sunk in The Arena will sink to the depths faster, allowing a new ship to spawn more quickly. This will reduce loading times when using the mermaid or coming back from death after sinking.


  • Adventure Cross Play – Xbox players now have an option in the main settings menu (before jumping into a game session) to enable an Xbox controller preference for Adventure matchmaking. This will search for Xbox players using controllers and attempt to match you with players who have also selected this option. If not enough players can be found with this preference, you will be moved to a mixed-platform game so that you can still get into the action. If you set this preference to ‘Off’, you will be matched with all players including those on PC and any Xbox players using a mouse and keyboard.
  • Emergent Storage Crates Filled! – Storage crates discovered across the seas can now spawn with a range of goodies inside. Even the Fruit Crate now has fruit inside!

Fixed Issues

  • Vaults should no longer be empty after completing the Fort of the Damned or a Skeleton Fort.
  • After defeating Graymarrow during a Fort of the Damned run, he should now consistently drop the Fort Key in an area that players can reach.
  • Being afflicted by venom or fire damage and climbing into a cannon now continues to damage players.
  • Items can once again be used immediately after sprinting.
  • Improved weapon hit registration during intense long-distance gunfights.
  • Washed-up Storage Crates should no longer appear floating in the air.
  • Resolved text issue with Parrot Sails and Celestial Steed Hull.
  • ‘The Shroudbreaker’ Tall Tale – The Mysterious Stranger’s voiceover will now play consistently throughout his introduction.
  • ‘Wild Rose’ Tall Tale – Players can now give the Music Box to other players.
  • ‘Shores of Gold’ Tall Tale – Skulls will now drop consistently after defeating the Gold Hoarder.
  • ‘Shores of Gold’ Tall Tale – After dying on the Shores of Gold and returning to your ship, the ship VFX for passing through the Shroud should no longer appear.
  • ‘The Seabound Soul’ Tall Tale – After completing the tomb sequence, the door no longer stays open for subsequent crews to pass through.
  • Resolved an issue that could cause resource items to be collected incorrectly when retrieved from a barrel.
  • Players loading into a crew who are engaging in an active Skeleton Ship battle should no longer encounter an infinite black screen.
  • Sword trail VFX now displays across all swords.
  • Shipwright at Plunder Outpost now animates correctly.
  • Fixed missing textures at the bottom of ladders.
  • The health bar UI now animates when gaining health.
  • Cargo Crates should no longer be directed to an unnamed ‘Gold Hoarder’ NPC for delivery.
  • Audio should once again trigger when choosing, equipping and changing pages of emotes in the Vanity Chest.
  • Holding ‘Take/Stow’ when interacting with a barrel on keyboard should no longer repeatedly play an audio effect.
New Player Onboarding
  • Players should no longer become stuck in an infinite loop when leaving their ship and venturing into restricted areas.
  • Emote and non-verbal radials will no longer display when your ship is sailing off during the cinematic outro.
  • New players who have yet to complete Trading Company onboarding and join a crew in progress should no longer load incorrectly into the world.
  • Moving too far away from the Mysterious Stranger while he is speaking to you no longer causes the onboarding prompts to disappear.
  • Players will be disconnected from ship interaction points during Maiden Voyage’s cinematic outro.
  • Starting ‘The Shroudbreaker’ Tall Tale during the Mysterious Stranger’s introduction no longer creates multiple Mysterious Strangers.
  • Players are no longer able to reach areas underneath the island.
  • Improved visibility of the Wrecked Ships Lore Book.
  • Cancelling the tutorial Voyage when above Rank 1 now cancels the onboarding.
  • When approaching the Pirate Lord on Old Sailor Isle, players will no longer hear repeating audio.
  • Players will now be prompted to raise the ship’s anchor even if they have raised one of the island anchors during the on-ship section of the tutorial.
  • Planks of wood can no longer be collected while fishing.
  • During the Mysterious Stranger’s opening dialogue, players can no longer talk to him.
Festival of Giving
  • Tome of Power III will now display the correct model when placed on the ground.
Pirate Emporium
  • The Bailing Story emote preview now loops at the correct point in the animation.
  • Bilge Rat Persona emotes now have an appropriately themed button on the emote radial.
  • Returning from the Ferry of the Damned should no longer cause pets to become stuck and unable to follow the player.
  • Pet hangouts in the Pirate Legend Hideout now function correctly.
  • Pets can no longer appear temporarily invisible when placed on a perch on a moving ship.
  • Pets should no longer clip through the steps of the Sloop into the barrels when the ship is moving.

Known Issues

  • Crews Prevented From Seeing Another Crew’s Active Voyage – When encountering another crew’s ship, the Captain’s Table no longer displays the Voyage that crew is currently on.
  • Equipped Cosmetics Do Not Persist Between Sessions – Some players may find that after equipping cosmetics then leaving the game, those cosmetics will no longer be equipped upon their return.
To learn more about the currently tracked known issues on Sea of Thieves and their status, head over to our Known Issues support site article.

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