Just in time for your Summer Holidays, it's time to introduce you to Summer Weekends! I must say, summer is looking HOT HOT HOT!
We're giving you all the details in advance so you and your friends can prepare; so without further ado... here are all of the Summer Weekends for this scorching period!
NOTE: Ironmen are exluded from all bonuses in bold.
21st - 22nd July ~ Menaphos & Sophanem!
‣ New City Quests appear twice as fast after completion of a City Quest.
‣ 75% increased experience from Shifting Tombs. ⊷
‣ 50% increased reputation in Menaphos.
‣ Increased chance to receive Menaphite Gift Offerings.
‣ 25% increased Slayer experience within the Sophanem Slayer Dungeon. ⊷
‣ Bonus chance of jewelled statuettes while wearing a ring of wealth and doubled chance of sceptre of the gods and black ibis while at Pyramid Plunder.
‣ Double experience from Plover bird hunting. ⊷
‣ 50% increased base chance to successfully pickpocket in Menaphos.
‣ Triple experience from harvesting Luminous Wisps (converting memories remains the same experience rate). ⊷
28 - 29th July ~ Summer Skilling Bonanza!
‣ Divination: Springs last for twice as long once a wisp is activated.
‣ Divination: Enriched divination nodes spawn every 10 minutes.
‣ Fishing: Spots move around half as frequently as before.
‣ Thieving: Pharaoh's Sceptre and Black Ibis outfit drops are twice as likely at Pyramid Plunder.
‣ Dungeoneering: Double tokens from regular Dungeoneering.
‣ Dungeoneering: No experience penalty upon death.
‣ Hunter: 2 Orokami spawn instead of 1 on uncharted isles.
‣ Agility: Higher chance of activating The Pit Minigame.
‣ 10% chance not to deplete uncharted isles resources while harvesting.
‣ Mining nodes and trees replenish twice as quickly.
‣ Crafting: 10% chance to produce an extra urn when adding runes to them. ⊷
‣ Fletching: 25% increased Fletching experience. ⊷
‣ Smithing: Double XP and respect in the Artisans' Workshop. ⊷
‣ Runecrafting: Increased node spawns and double reward points at Runespan.
‣ Construction: Chance to retain a plank with Scroll of proficiency increased by 10% ⊷
‣ Cooking: Reduced chance to burn food. ⊷
‣ Herblore: Extra 2.5% chance to save a secondary ingredient when mixing potions. ⊷
‣ 1 free reroll for clue rewards per day.
‣ Improved chance to get clue scrolls from drops and pickpocketing.
‣ Gilly Willikers will give you a free clue scroll per day (starting at noon). Type dependent on total level:
‣ 37-1,400 total levels: easy
‣ 1,401-2,000 total levels: medium
‣ 2,001-2,500 total levels: hard
‣ 2,501+ total levels: elite
‣ Each clue scroll completed will reward a Summer Gift Box containing refreshing treats and has a chance of containing one of the following items: ⊷
‣ Slayer VIP tickets ⊷
‣ Silverhawk down ⊷
‣ Tight springs ⊷
‣ Charms ⊷
‣ Experience lamps and stars ⊷
Easy clues reward a gift box (easy), medium and hard clues a gift box (hard), and elite clues a gift box (elite). ⊷
11th - 12th August ~ Combat!
‣ Charm drops give one more charm than normal.
‣ Increased chance of rare drops and enhanced ring of wealth.
‣ 50% increased Slayer experience. ⊷
‣ All Slayer assignments are treated as using a Slayer VIP Ticket.
‣ Shattered Worlds grants 50% extra anima.
‣ 10% cheaper instance fees.
‣ Ability to loot from Mazcab Raids once per day.
‣ Extra training points from Boss Training.
‣ You may choose your Boss Slayer assignments over the weekend.
18th - 19th August ~ Minigames!
‣ +1 Castle Wars gold ticket per game, regardless of win, lose or draw.
‣ +1 medal from Fish Flingers per game.
‣ Double commendation points from Pest Control and Conquest.
‣ Double Bonus XP and gambling rewards from Barbarian Assault.
‣ Bosses killed in Dominion Tower are counted twice for the purposes of reward unlocks.
‣ +50% Dominion Factor earned.
‣ +50% produce points at Livid Farm (stacks with boosters). ⊷
‣ An extra 600 daily bonus points in Cabbage Facepunch Bonanza.
‣ 100% increased Menaphos reputation from Shifting Tombs.
‣ Double zeal from Soul Wars.
‣ Shattered Worlds grants 50% extra anima.
‣ Double points from Stealing Creation.
21st July -19th August ~ Ports!
What's the best thing to do during the summer? Some would say going out to sea on your sailboat; I guess it's a good thing that we'll be hosting Player-owned Ports bonuses for the entire 5 week duration!
‣ 25 voyages per day instead of 15.
‣ All player-owned ports voyages return 30% extra resources or trade goods.‣ Ability to get The Barmaid's special voyage on Saturdays and Sundays as well as Thursdays.
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