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RuneScape – September 2022 Patch Notes | Revamped Loot System: Get Ready for Epic Drops!

RuneScape – September 2022 Patch Notes | Revamped Loot System: Get Ready for Epic Drops!


Introducing the highly anticipated Loot Tiers in our favorite game! Defeating the mighty Zamorak now rewards players with a Loot Tier based on their Enrage level. The higher the Enrage, the better the tier, and this applies to both common and rare drops. Get ready to level up your loot game! Let's break it down. The Loot Tiers range from 1 to 15, with each Enrage level corresponding to a specific tier. From Enrage 0-19 to a whopping Enrage of 2000-2999, there's a tier for every level of skill and dedication. But that's not all! Taking down Zamorak also grants you Loot Points, which are determined by your Enrage level. These points come in handy when rolling the common loot table. But wait, there's more! If you completed the Elite Dungeon before facing the boss, your Loot Points get a massive boost of 75%! That's right, your smart move pays off big time. So, gear up, gather your team, and get ready to conquer Zamorak for epic loot. Remember, the higher your Enrage, the better your chances of scoring those coveted items. Happy looting, gamers!


Upon defeating Zamorak, you'll be placed in a Loot Tier based on the Enrage you just completed. The higher Enrage, the higher the tier. This affects both common and rare drops. Here’s how those Loot Tiers work out:
Enrage Tier
0-19 1
20-49 2
50-99 3
100-149 4
150-199 5
200-299 6
300-399 7
400-499 8
500-749 9
750-899 10
900-999 11
1000-1249 12
1250-1499 13
1500-1999 14
2000-2999 15


Taking ol’ Zammy down also gives you Loot Points. Again, these are based on your Enrage.


Enrage Loot Points
Story Mode 5
0-19 15
20-49 18
50-99 22
100-149 33
150-199 40
200-299 45
300-399 50
400-499 55
500-749 60
750-899 70
900-999 80
1000-1249 90
1250-1499 105
1500-1999 120
2000-2999 140
Now, did you complete that Elite Dungeon before you took on the boss? Smart move if so, because then your Loot Points will be +75%!
  • For example a player completing a 300% Elite Dungeon and then Zamorak, will have 87 loot points (after rounding).
  • Note: this does not affect Story mode.
These Loot Points are used when rolling the common loot table. The system loops through the drop table and subtracts points based on what they roll, the item is placed in the player's Chest, and the system continues to iterate through until the player reaches zero points.
  • This does mean players can roll slightly above their Loot Points. (e.g. players can roll a five point item, with only a singular point remaining)
You have an equal chance of hitting each section on the common table.


Item Loot Point Cost Info / Quantity
Alchables 5 Player has a 33% chance at an Uncut Onyx. If they fail this, they get a Chaos Relic (rare) instead.
Blood Runes 4 200-300
Huge Bladed Rune Salvage 3 10-18
Small Plated Orikalkum Salvage 3 10-18
Hydrix Bolt Tips 4 80-120
Onyx Bolt Tips 5 120-180
Soul Runes 3 150-210
Grimy Dwarf Weed 2 15-19
Grimy Torstol 2 15-19
Raw Rocktail 2 30-45
Dark Animica Stone Spirit 1 60-70
Accursed Ashes 2 25-30
Infernus Pyroclasts 2 8-12
'Seeds' 1 Players receive both Dwarf Weed and Lantadyme Seeds together. Each rolls 7-10 Seeds.


As a base, players have a (1/100) chance to hit the rare drop table for Zamorak. Tier 4+ Luck brings this down to (1/99). Enrage further brings down this number. Your chance of receiving a Bow Piece or Codex of Lost Knowledge also scales with Enrage. Other rare items are unaffected by Enrage.


Item Chance (0 enrage)
Bow Piece 12.5%
Vestments of Havoc Hood 9%
Vestments of Havoc Robe (top) 9%
Vestments of Havoc Robe (bottom) 9%
Vestments of Havoc Boots 9%
Chaos Roar Ability Codex 16.5%
Codex of Lost Knowledge 35%
Enrage Chance (Excluding Luck) Bow Chance Codex of Lost Knowledge chance
Story Mode 1/500 12.5% 35%
0-19 1/100 12.5% 35%
20-49 1/99 12.5% 35%
50-99 1/97 12.5% 35%
100-149 1/80 15% 32.5%
150-199 1/77 15% 32.5%
200-299 1/72 15% 32.5%
300-399 1/67 15% 32.5%
400-499 1/62 15% 32.5%
500-749 1/52 17.5% 30%
750-899 1/47 18.5% 29%
900-999 1/40 19% 28.5%
1000-1249 1/37 20% 27.5%
1250-1499 1/35 21% 26.5%
1500-1999 1/31 21% 26.5%
2000-2999 1/28 22.5% 25%


Completing a dungeon run also increases the player's rare chance by multiplying their chance denominator by 0.75.
  • For example a player completes a dungeon and Zamorak at 300% Enrage. Their rare chance is now 1/50.2 (after rounding)


After applying the above chances, bad luck mitigation comes into effect. Bad luck mitigation applies after 10 kills without a rare drop. At that point, you'll be getting sad - and rightfully so! To tackle this each kill beyond the 10 kill threshold reduces the player's rare chance denominator by one.
  • Bad luck mitigation has no effect on which rare the player will roll, only their chance to hit the rare drop table.
  • Bad luck mitigation is not increased by and does not affect Story Mode.
Players chance to get a rare caps at 1/20. For example, if a player has defeated Zamorak 20 times without a drop and that player then completes a 300% Enrage kill, their chance to hit the rare drop table is now 1/57.


The pet is not part of Zamorak's rare drop table and is not influenced by the above modifiers. It has a base drop rate of 1/500, or 1/300 in solo mode, both with a threshold of 100. So there you have it! Now get out there and show that god who's the real boss round here...
Graphical Updates: Free To Play Areas A visual refresh for free-to-play areas In our mission to keep Gielinor gorgeous, we’re giving the free-to-play locations a graphical update! We'll let Mod Blkwitch explain: During our last gamejam, Mod Alex and I looked at giving a large part of the free-to-play area a visual refresh. The graphical inconsistency in RuneScape is an ongoing issue, but giving even one city a full rework would take a multi-disciplinary team months to pull off. I wanted to go for a more lightweight approach with this project: get those easy, big wins like updating the lighting, changing the terrain, and swapping out the spiky grass for new foliage. It's by no means a total rework, but with projects like this, we can slowly bring more consistency to the overall look of the game. I'm hopeful that this leads to more smaller reworks that over time bring the game up to the visual standard we all want to see. We hope you like it! Check out the environmental touch-ups at the following locations:
  • Archaeology Guild
  • Barbarian Village
  • Draynor Manor
  • Edgeville
  • Entrance to Al-Kharid
  • Falador (lighting update only)
  • Goblin Village
  • Grand Exchange
  • Ice Mountain
  • Lumber Yard
  • Lumbridge
  • Lumbridge Crater
  • Paterdomus
  • Varrock
And here’s what we’ve done:
  • Improved textures
  • Improved lighting
  • Updated Skyboxes
  • Updated and added blocking where needed
  • Updated grass and foliage
Prime Gaming This month's goodies for Prime members Once again our friends at Prime Gaming have some fantastic rewards for you! Coming next week, the latest drop gives you 7 days of Membership and a bountiful Prime Package, containing: 1 Deathtouched Dart 5 Prismatic Lamps 2 Aura Refreshes 5 Pulse Cores 1 monthly D&D reset
Patch Notes Fixes and improvements in this week's game update


  • Mandrith's special slayer task has been updated, no longer requiring slaying green and blue dragons, fire giants, gargoyles and greater demons. Taking their place are Acheron Mammoths, Greater Demon Ash Lords or Berserkers, Hydrix dragons, Ripper demons and Soulgazers
  • Moved Tetracompass excavation location, due to monsters preventing excavation.
  • Fixed an issue where an Elite Clue Scroll couldn't be completed in the volcano area.
  • Killing Abyssal Lords and Savages in the Wilderness now only decrease the relevant Slayer task count by one.
  • Updated the Greater Demons:
    • Poison and Stun effects can be applied on Greater Demons and their stats have been changed.
    • Implemented a drop table for Greater Demon Ash Lord and Berserkers.
    • The special effect on Greater Demons in the Zamorakian Undercity has been removed from Greater Demons in the Wilderness.


  • Magic damage type is now displayed instead of a melee icon for Deathbreath and Firebelly's attacks.
  • The flinching effect in Deathbreath and Firebelly's attack animations has been decreased.


  • Prevented familiars from being taken into Moia gameplay sections.
  • It's no longer possible to enter Moia's memories while poisoned, as it would break some animations.
  • Moia gameplay has been adjusted for a smoother experience while playing as her.


  • Fixed an issue at the Livid Farm where newer seeds were planted incorrectly.


  • Fixed an issue where Fury and Frenzy's damage over time would not increase when used with Greater Barge's effect.
  • The player will no longer be disconnected from the game when looting the Arch Glacor under certain circumstances.
  • The Slayer assignment kill count no longer gets stuck at one kill.
  • Fixed an issue where the player was teleported outside the Masuta boss arena in certain situations.
  • Ironman groups with lootshare enabled now receive loot from the Raksha boss.
  • The Invention skill level is now restored upon death.
  • Players who have unlocked Cresbot will no longer get an additional Cresbot when using a Most Wanted (Automaton) card.
  • Fixed Deathtouched Darts not instakilling NPCs with the Enfeeble debuff.
  • Buying an item from the Grand Exchange after teleporting to the Max Guild no longer causes the Combat Spells interface to appear over other right-side interfaces.
  • Fixed an issue causing items to be lost on claim in Yak Track.
  • Fixed a disconnect when unequipping Bow Of The Last Guardian while casting Ricochet.
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Zlayer with this beautiful shot of golden palaces.
Adrasteia's fluffy friend has been making some more pals in the Wilderness!
Sir Theodore of Falador looks like he has a quest for us. Check out that moonlit water!


Each week the Pink Skirts put on a selection of fun activities that everyone can join. Here are the main events this week: Mega Duck Hunt
  • Hosted by: Steve20058 & Mega Duck
  • Date/Time: Wednesday September 7th, 20:00 Gametime
  • World: 39
  • Location: Falador Park
  • FC: Mega Duck
Vorago Boss Mass
  • Hosted by: M E R C Y & Dung Titan
  • Date/Time: Saturday September 10th, 13:00 Gametime
  • World: 35
  • Location: Vorago Borehole
  • FC: Dung Titan
Stealing Creation
  • Hosted by: Lady Spyra, Michael Silk, and Fast SC
  • Date/Time: Saturday September 10th, 22:00 Gametime
  • World: 99
  • Location: Stealing Creation Lobby
  • FC: Fast Sc
If these don't take your fancy, take a look at the full events schedule here. There’s sure to be something you’ll enjoy!
Prime Gaming Drop Membership, Deathtouched Dart and more As we announced last week, the latest Prime Gaming rewards are coming this Tuesday! This drop gives you 7 days of Membership and a bountiful Prime Package, containing:
  • 1 Deathtouched Dart
  • 5 Prismatic Lamps
  • 2 Aura Refreshes
  • 5 Pulse Cores
  • 1 monthly D&D reset
Patch Notes Fixes and improvements in this week's game update


  • Brawling Gloves had no charge when received from the Wilderness Slayer Chest – this has been fixed.
  • The Spirit Realm portal located at the Castle Ruins in the Deep Wilderness is now visible
  • In the Player-owned Slayer Dungeon interface, Greater Demon and Hellhound models have been given their vitamins and are now back to their animated selves!
  • Updated the model and animations for the Smoulders miniboss in the Dragonkin Laboratory.
  • Boss health bars now use the correct thousand separator in localized game versions.
  • Reduced the amount of fog across the Wilderness to improve visibility.
  • Devotion now works as intended against Abyssal Lords.
  • Fixed an issue where the 'Bait and Switch' Relic power would activate on a catch that can't be cooked.
  • Fixed Wilderness ash texture so it matches the ash around it.
  • Telekinetic Grab will now correctly pick up Clue Scrolls.
  • The Blacksmith UI has been updated so players can more easily see the creation requirements.
  • Resources in Big Game Hunter will now appear on the map as rare resources.
  • The Bullsmith mask chat head now shows correctly, in all its beefy goodness!
  • The One of a Kind instance prompt in Brimhaven Dugeon will now stay up until interacted with, or until you leave the room. The prompt will pop up once player is fully in the room.
  • XP-boosting skilling outfit effects will no longer work with replacement items if the original item isn't owned.
  • Fixed an issue which caused information about Spirit Cape to be displayed each time it was purchased.
  • Shelves in the Rimmington General Store will no longer refer to the Citharede Abbey.
  • Fixed an issue where the moustache could clip through the Warrior of Het helmet.
  • Fixed stretching issues with the Warrior Of Het outfit on male characters.
  • Re-added the trapdoor leading to the Thieves' Guild in Lumbridge.
  • Re-mapped the trapdoor at the Lumbridge Watermill.
  • Added blocking to various walls at the Edgeville Ruins.
  • Removed the flying donut on the east side of Lumbridge Crater.
  • Fixed grammatical mistakes during the chat with Mandrith in Burthorpe


In the coming months, RuneScape will no longer support Windows 32-bit builds or graphics cards that do not support OpenGL 3.0 or higher. This change allows us to focus our technical development and testing resources on more commonly-used platforms.
Community The latest goings-on from our community


Don't worry u/kimicreative we think Sailor YuYu is a wonderful name!


u/AlexKidd1993 really embodying the god of thunder in this outfit.
Olivier is getting ready for spooky season already!
Plegsie having a relaxing afternoon while picking up a few more levels. Bliss!


Each week the Pink Skirts put on a selection of fun activities that everyone can join. Here are the main events this week: Skill 'n' Chill
  • Hosted by: MadClikr & the Lil Tuzzies Clan
  • Monday September 12th, 23:00 Gametime
  • World: 85
  • Location: Burthorpe Bank
  • FC: Lil Tuzzies
Rex Matriarch
  • Hosted by: M E R C Y & Dung Titan
  • Date/Time: Saturday September 17th, 13:00 Game Time
  • World: 35
  • Location: Rex Matriarch Lobby
  • FC: Dung Titan
  • Hosted by: Pippyspot & Boss Guild
  • Date/Time: Sunday September 18th, 20:00 Game Time
  • World: 88
  • Location: Glacor Front
  • FC: Boss Guild


Whether you’re a regular ‘Scaper seeking new challenges, an experienced player making the return to Gielinor, or even a total newbie setting on your first adventure, Fresh Start Worlds put everyone on a level playing field. Dive in with a new character and start building your skillset for a totally different adventure in RuneScape with a brand new economy and fresh Grand Exchange. Discover Gielinor again as you grow your skills, quest, craft, battle, and more. You can gather your friends and explore this new mode together, or forge your own adventure alone – the choice is yours. You can even earn exclusive rewards! Here's the best part: your progressed character and tradeable rewards can be transferred to the main game later. And, for the more competitive players, a clean slate of HiScores means a second chance at eternal glory on the leaderboards! Compete for World's First and Top 100s for exclusive rewards. If you could start your adventure over again, what would you do differently? Time to find out!


Accelerated XP Boosts and gameplay buffs make skilling up from nothing fast and fun! As the event progresses week-by-week, the XP will increase in small increments - peaking at the 8 week mark - and then gradually reducing towards normal levels as the event begins to come to a close. At it's highest peak, you can expect to see 2.5XP. On top of that, you'll be able to unlock even more earnable boons as you play in Fresh Start Worlds: everything from accuracy boosts, loyalty auras, double yield chance boosts, and 20% increased chance for double drops are all on the cards. So don't worry if you start your adventure a little later – you’ll soon catch up with your friends!


Throughout Fresh Start Worlds, you’ll be able to earn alternative Skill Capes, skilling pets that come equipped with their very own Gold 'Challenger' Halo and a variety of special rewards as you progress. We've got all the details on those later in the post! For the competitive among you, the race for World Firsts and Hi-Scores taking place in the first eight weeks will lead you to the special tradeable Challenger Halo! During this competitive phase of the event, Treasure Hunter will be disabled as the competition takes place. Once the competitive period has ended, Treasure Hunter will be re-enabled. Find out more about Hi-Score competitions further down this post. Once the seasonal game mode has ended, we will transition players back to the main game. You'll be allowed to take your stats, (most) items and game progress back with you - or simply trade your rewards back to your Main! You can also transition back to the main game early if you wish. (Note: There will be a snapshot of HiScores at the end of the competitive phase to determine who gets which rewards. HiScores will also continue beyond this point).


Reach eight important milestones on a Fresh Start World and you’ll get the Basic Tradeable Rare Halo of Returning! This shiny item shows that you've really got your stuff together, even when starting from scratch. Milestones that count towards a Halo of Returning include:
  • Every 500 total level you reach.
  • Every 50 Quest Points.
  • Every 2,000 RuneScore.
There are all sorts of milestones to hit – achieve any eight of them and the Halo is yours!


Progress Points are the central currency of the Fresh Start game mode. They can be earned by engaging in the following activities:
  • Leveling Skills
  • Completing Quests
  • Completing Achievements
Total points are made up of the following values:
  • Total Levels x5
  • Total Quest Points x25
  • Total RuneScore
Rack up those progress points to obtain rewards, including gameplay boosts and helpful items! Players will also have access to a Progression Shop, where they can unlock different rewards based on their own progression track. Many of these rewards can only be traded once, but you can transfer them to your main account, or sell them after the season is over. It's up to you! Fresh Start Worlds will also include Timeline bonuses that apply to every account in the event, steadily unlocked over the course of the season. These include auras, special buffs, XP boosts and other boosts. They will not be obtainable via Progress Points and will not carry over to the main game. Fresh Start World Progression Rewards *Note: Each item in the Reward Shop can only be earned once. Progress Point balancing is still ongoing - we'll provide final figures on the required Points closer to release
Name Item Description How to Earn
Boon of the Companion Pet Legendary Pet with a variety of helpful perks. Unlocked at Progress Points Milestones
Boon of Defence Outfit Hybrid Armour that upgrades as you level up your Defence skill. Unlocked at Progress Points Milestones
Boon of Offence Weapon Hybrid Weapon that upgrades as you level up your combat skills. You can switch it between Melee, Ranged and Magic. Unlocked at Progress Point milestones
Challenger Halo Halo New tradeable items, earned by meeting gameplay challenges and milestones in these worlds only. This is earned by either getting a world first or being in the top 100 of any skill's Hi-Scores
Halo of Returning Halo Tradeable rare Halo, earnable through progress in Fresh Start Worlds Earned via the Halo Hunt
Inverted Skill Capes Alternative Colour Skill Capes Skill Capes earned in the Fresh Start Worlds will have a new, alternative look, with colour schemes flipped. Note: If traded to another account, you will still need 99 in the skill to use this variant Cape. Complete skill to 99
Halo Pet Skins Skilling Pet Halos All skilling pets earned in the new Worlds will come equipped with their very own Halo of Returning, exclusive to Fresh Start Worlds. Note: This reward is given as an Unlock Token that can be traded once to another account (for the purposes of transferring to your Main or another account). This cannot to be sold on the GE. If transferred to another account, the Halo Skill Pet variant will not be usable until that account has unlocked that Skill Pet in the main game. Earned by getting the respective skill pet in the FSW mode
“The Fresh” (prefix) Competitive Titles Unlocked by earning the Challenger Halo This is earned by either getting a world first or being in the top 100 of any skill's Hi-Scores
World First Broadcasts World First Broadcasts Every world first broadcast… starting anew! Be the first on these new worlds to gain achievements and have your glory broadcast to every world! First to complete task
On top of the rewards you can earn and keep forever, we also have Fresh Start World exclusive 'Boons' to unlock! As you earn Progress Points, you'll earn more of these bonuses - though they won't follow your account back into the main game. Check 'em out below.
Name Item Description
Boon of Endurance Infinite Run Energy Provides infinite run energy. This is turned off when you leave Fresh Start Worlds.
Boon of Luck Off-Brand Tier 1 Luck Ring. 3 Style Boosts to Melee, Magic and Ranged. Provides a ring that gives combat style bonuses and grants tier 1 luck, which improves your chances to receive rare rewards from various activities. This item is removed when you leave Fresh Start Worlds.
Boon of Plenty Treasure Hunter Item Care Package 1: 10 Medium Prismatic Stars 5 Pulse Cores 5 Cinder Cores 50 of each Protean Provides a collection of items that can help you level your skills. This includes: - 10 medium prismatic stars, which give you Bonus XP in a skill of your choice. -5 pulse cores, which grant a +50% XP boost while worn until consumed. - 5 cinder cores, which grant a +150% Bonus XP burn boost while worn until consumed. - 50 of each protean item, which can be consumed to grant XP in a specific skill.
Boon of Healing Infinitely reusable food item. Up to 2200 life points, depending on player level. Has a 5 minute cooldown. Provides a cornucopia of food that never depletes. It can heal some life points every 5 minutes. This item is removed when you leave Fresh Start Worlds.
Boon of Regeneration 5% life points, prayer points and summoning points regeneration per 6 seconds outside of combat. In addition to any other regeneration effects, your life points, prayer points and summoning points regenerate by 5% every 6 seconds while you're outside of combat. This is turned off when you leave Fresh Start Worlds.
Boon of the Artisan All portable skilling station resource perks. 10% chance to save resources when training Construction, Crafting, Firemaking and Fletching. 10% chance to produce double items when training Cooking, Herblore and Runecrafting. +10% chance for double progress when training Smithing. This is turned off when you leave Fresh Start Worlds.
Boon of Banking Item that can be activated from the backpack for 1 hour every day. When clicked while, opens the deposit box interface. Provides a deposit box that can be activated once a day to allow you to deposit items from your backpack to your bank for one hour. This item is removed when you leave Fresh Start Worlds.
Boon of Ammunition 25% less consumption of arrows, bolts and runes. 25% chance to save your runes, arrows, bolts, darts, throwing knives, throwing axes and javelins in combat. This is turned off when you leave Fresh Start Worlds.
Boon of Vigour 10% boost to base life points, prayer points and summoning points. Your base life points, prayer points and summoning points are boosted by 10%. This is turned off when you leave Fresh Start Worlds.
Boon of the Porter Pocket slot item that gives a permanent passive 50% Sign of the Porter effect chance. Provides the challenger porter, which has a 50% chance to transport certain items directly to your bank when you receive them. This item is removed when you leave Fresh Start Worlds.


For those of you who are extra competitive and fancy a real challenge, we've prepared a nice one to keep you on your toes. Make your name in the HiScores and you could earn a Special Tradeable Halo for your trouble!


This very limited Gold Halo reward is exclusive to players who achieve the following by the end of the competitive phase:
  • Competition winners who are the top 100 in each skill
Each player to get a world first broadcast in the following areas will also receive their reward immediately rather than having to wait for the end of the competitive phase:
  • First to 99 in each skill
  • First to 120 in each skill
  • First to Quest Cape
  • First to Max Cape
These Halos can be taken to the main game early. If you achieve multiple competition wins (top 100 in two or more skills), you'll also receive a Challenge Halo for each one - although the title will only be unlocked once!


  • Bond trading is restricted to buying OR selling 1 bond per week (Wed-Wed)
  • Twitch prime drops follow ironman rules
  • Premier artefact does not work
  • Premier vault follows the ironman drop tables
  • Premier club monthly drops cannot be claimed until after the competitive phase has ended.
  • The Yak Sack item follows ironman rules


Sound exciting? There's not long to wait – Fresh Start Worlds open on September 26th! Why not call your old friends up for a brand new adventure? All Fresh Start World accounts are fully fledged RuneScape accounts that will follow you back to the game, including your progression and rewards. In order to play Fresh Start Worlds, you'll need to create a brand new RuneScape account with Membership once the mode launches and select to join 'Fresh Start Worlds'.**


Got 120? In everything? Ok, you’ll now want to head to Falador Park. There you can chat to Minerva, who stands next to the grave of her ancestor, Meira. Alongside King Raddalin, Meira was a key player in the union of the kingdoms that became Asgarnia, back in the 4th Age. For her efforts, she was gifted a spectacular cape that bore testament to her mastery of all skills during her travels throughout the kingdoms. Minerva has lived according to the creed of her family and has earned her own cape too – and now she’d like to sell one to you! The key to this transaction is Meira’s grave itself – craft a Blurite Keystone by setting Rubies, Emeralds and Sapphires into some Blurite Metal, and then pop it in the keyhole on the grave. If successful, Minerva will offer you the option to purchase the Master Max Cape! Players who own Completionist Capes can also return to the tomb after the keystone has been applied and upgrade them to their Master variant – simply approach the tomb and use the ‘admire’ option. Oh, and while you're there you might notice we've given Falador Park a bit of a graphical update! This keeps it in line with the general visual refresh from September, and should make it a place worthy of celebrating getting your Master Max Cape. Relax and take in the surroundings if you have time!
So, that’s your Master Max Cape! We hope you are excited to get yours, or just to see other players sporting them in the wild. We know that you put so much love and dedication into mastering skills and we can’t wait to see your screenshots! Strike a pose...

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