Get ready to level up your fashion game in RuneScape! The popular online game is giving players the chance to nominate retro skin cosmetics they want to see in the game. From outfits to cosmetic alterations, the possibilities are endless. All you have to do is share your ideas on social media using the hashtag #RS3retroskins. But hurry, the deadline is March 25th! The top five suggestions will be turned into a 'Community Bundle' of amazing new items. So, get your creative juices flowing and show off your style in the world of RuneScape.
In addition to the exciting fashion update, RuneScape is also addressing a long-standing concern of its dedicated players - account security. The game developers have been working tirelessly to improve password systems, adding support for complex passwords and protection against brute force attempts. They are also introducing Multi-Factor Authentication recovery codes and a new Jagex Account system that allows players to link all their characters under a single set of login credentials. These improvements aim to protect your valuable time and hard-earned accomplishments in the game. Stay tuned for more updates and get ready for a safer and more stylish RuneScape experience in 2019!
Patch Notes
Where would we be without our trusty tunics, dashing capes and dazzling headgear? Somewhere a lot less stylish, that’s for sure. Whether you’re a fashionscape fanatic or just want to look tough when you take on the bosses, collecting items is a key part of the RuneScape experience. It’s your reward for all that hard work (and tangible evidence you kicked butt on your latest quest, natch).
Our lovely community always has a ton of ideas for new cosmetics, too. We’ve received some incredibly imaginative player suggestions for new skins over the years, and we know you’ve been asking to get involved in the process.
Now, we’re handing over the creative reins. Yep, we’re calling on
you to nominate retro skin cosmetics you would like to see in RuneScape!
This will be a process with a few steps, but the first bit is over to you – and it couldn’t be simpler. Send us your best ideas on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit or Discord using the hashtag
#RS3retroskins! It could be any outfit or cosmetic alteration to an existing item, on any theme.
Hurry, though – you have until
23:59 Game Time on March 25th to send us your suggestions. After that, we’ll create a shortlist to put up to a public vote. The top five will make up a ‘Community Bundle’ of fantastic new items!
We know this is something many of you passionately want to see improved. RuneScape accounts are more than just a game save – they’re the embodiment of your adventures, your hard-earned accomplishments and your valuable time. You want to see that they are protected at all costs and there’s clear areas where we can do better. We hear you.
So, in 2019, we set off on a multi-year mission to make those long-desired improvements a reality. We were faced with old technologies, spaghettified code, and ultimately a legacy codebase was not up to the task. So, we began the complex endeavour of architecting the new Jagex Publishing Platform in parallel with a myriad of additional efforts to make RuneScape better, and we’re finally bringing these improvements to life.
Here’s just some of what’s to come this year:
Stronger Account Security
We’ll be strengthening our password systems to finally support more complex passwords, while also adding additional protection to shut down brute force password attempts.
We’re also adding support for Multi-Factor Authentication recovery codes should you lose access to your 2FA device. With our upcoming Jagex Account system, we’ll also be introducing the ability to link all your characters under a single set of login credentials too.
Improved Player Support Centre
We know the existing account recovery process can be a point of frustration, so we’ve made sure to offer a much-improved solution as part of the new upcoming Jagex Account system.
We’re also working on an upgraded Support Centre experience, including exploring a Live Chat service for select support queries, to improve the accessibility of our Player Support.
The Jagex Launcher
Our Jagex Launcher just launched into Open Beta, and it’s the first step in providing a more seamless, secure experience on Desktop. We have much more to come that will enable faster and more convenient play.
On top of these upcoming changes, we’ve also been working on other to better protect your experience. Whilst we know there’s a lot more to do, I’d like to share some of our progress to date:
Reinforced Protection of Character Data
The Login Lockout was a perfect storm of a number of failure points, including hardware. We never want our players to go through something like that again.
We’ve significantly upgraded our cyber resilience both at a hardware and software level to protect against this, while also implementing cloud-based save backups to keep your characters safe.
The War On Bots
Bots are a detrimental factor to your experience. In 2020, we shut down the RSBot from the Powerbot website – and we’ll continue our zero-tolerance approach both in and out of game.
Right now, we’re banning around 100,000 Bots per week. While our systems are not bulletproof, we’re making continual improvements to our systems to keep Bots out of the game as best we can.
Safeguarding The Experience
Protecting the economy is something we know is important to everyone, and last year, we expanded our efforts to tackle Real World Trading (RWT) on a number of levels.
We’ve begun to target the demand for RWT gold by issuing warnings, timed bans and permanent bans to Gold Buyers. To date, we’ve issued 38,000 warnings and bans to players.
We’ve been continuing to target the supply of RWT by shutting down sellers - beginning with Arcus & Bogla gold selling sites in 2019, with 18 more shut down over the past year. More will follow.
We’ve also removed the Duel Arena as it was a flashpoint for toxic behaviour from the game – which accounted for 38% of all RWT bans.
One thing you may not know is that fraudulent payments are a part of third-party Gold sales and RWT too. To combat this, we’ve introduced a top-of-the-range system to track and block fraudulent payments which will limit the incentives for bad actors to attempt stealing accounts.
In Closing
We are fully committed to making RuneScape progressively better and the fruits of multiple years of efforts will be realized this year.
Members of the team will be joining the RuneScape Q&A Livestream this Wednesday (March 23rd) to go into this into even more detail. Please do join us if you’d like to hear more.
Callista is available from the Marketplace for 1,083 RuneCoins, or 974 RuneCoins for Members.
Not familiar with Legendary pets? Here’s the lowdown. Legendary pets are unique because they grow and change over time, entering three different stages: baby, juvenile, and adult. At each stage, they’ll gain a new slot for a
unique ability, up to a maximum of three. They’ll also gain a new emote at each stage! Callista’s emotes are as follows:
Baby: Cleaning Time
Juvenile: Shadow Pouncing
Adult: Big Cat Standoff
Once your pet unlocks a new life stage, you can swap between them whenever you want – just visit the Pet interface.
Can’t wait to see your pet grow up? Feed them a
Tasty Treat to increase their growth rate by 50%, or a
Jelly Treat to increase it by 100%!
One last thing – Legendary pets can override familiars, so you can bring them along on all your adventures!
Behind the trials and tribulations of the Elder God Wars saga, one terrifying possibility has always loomed large: the hatching of the Elder God eggs. If touched by the Elders, they would burst forth and consume the planet, followed by the universe as we know it.
This would not be an ideal state of affairs, obviously.
And so, the eggs were brought to Senntisten, where Saradomin, Armadyl, Seren, and Zamorak began to drain their anima. In response, the four Elder Gods each sent a General to attack and reclaim them, but the battle reached a stalemate – at least, until Zamorak left the alliance, tipping the balance in the Elders' favour.
Your final quest will see you return to Senntisten, where all fronts are now attacking with even greater intensity to claim the Elder God eggs. Two key characters will come to the fore: Moia (a half-Mahjarrat general of Zamorak) and Hebe, an obscure Saradominist hero. You’ll have to make new allies and travel across Gielinor to determine the fate of the world – once and for all.
Elder God Wars: Extinction is a high-level, members-only adventure.
You’ll need to have completed the following quests:
- Desperate Measures
- City of Senntisten
- Eye of Het II
To fully grasp the lore, we also recommend playing through the following quest lines (although these are optional):
- Sliske's Endgame
- One of a Kind
- Sins of the Father
Elder God Wars: Extinction is tough stuff, but the rewards are suitably juicy. Here’s what you’ll stand to gain from this cosmic adventure:
- 4 Quest Points
- 4x 175k XP Lamps
- A new high-level skilling location
- Access to high-tier resource-limited rates in six skills: Fletching, Hunter, Herblore, Crafting, Construction and Fishing. Anachronia base camp resources can be used for skilling. This is also repeatable content (10 hours of activity)!
The Windows Beta Launcher
The Jagex Launcher Windows Beta is live, and it is just the tip of the iceberg.
We encourage everyone to give it a go. The launcher remembers your account credentials, makes it faster and easier to play the game, solves the “Too many logins…” issue, and allows the log out of everywhere with the press of a button.
The beta is just the beginning, here are the remaining releases for this year:
- Initial RuneLite support – If you happen to play both RuneScape and Old School RuneScape, we are currently working with Adam at RuneLite to integrate his OSRS client with the launcher. The first step will be making the launcher compatible with existing RuneLite installs and offer a download link if the person doesn’t yet have RuneLite.
- Multiple RuneScape Accounts - Soon, you’ll be able to add all your RuneScape accounts into the launcher, authenticate them and then switch between characters, or play them simultaneously, with ease.
- Commercial release of the launcher – macOS support, improved UI, and full RuneLite integration and installation
In parallel, we are preparing to release the new Jagex Account System, which is focused on player security and robustness of service.
On the initial release, Jagex accounts offer the following benefits:
- Improved password complexity, including use of special characters and case-sensitivity
- Stronger multi-factor authentication, with backup codes
- Email notifications for new device log ins and when account changes are made
- Additional verification on repeat log in attempts
- Enhanced bot protection
- Improved account recovery flow
Jagex Accounts will be released in three stages. First, we will allow the creation of new Jagex accounts. Then, we will offer a simple migration process to upgrade from a RuneScape account to a Jagex account. And finally, we will allow multiple RuneScape accounts to be merged into a single Jagex account, so that all your characters can be accessed with a one set of login credentials. At that point, there will be a character selection and management screen in-game, and creating a new character will require just a single click.
Step 1: Verify Ownership
Step 2: Set up Jagex Account
Step 3: Use New Account
Additionally, we are also investigating additional service enhancements. Live chat with Customer Services becomes feasible for us as we will be able to verify that the person we are chatting to is the owner of the account. We are in the process of upgrading the Support Centre and will explore offering a form of live chat for some support queries to understand the challenges and benefits to players before we determine if this is something we can roll out to some or all players.
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