Join the party at The Grand Party! In celebration of RuneScape's 20th birthday, players are invited to gather at Lumbridge Crater for a month-long extravaganza filled with buffs, rewards, and a 10% XP bonus. Don't worry about your outfit, the Wise Old Man has got you covered with an exclusive 20th Anniversary Outfit and Cape. Get ready to dive into the festivities with weekly events, starting with the Celebration of Quests. Take part in three miniquests featuring iconic characters and earn special prizes like the new 20th anniversary cake and XP lamps. Plus, enjoy a 10% XP buff while skilling in the crater. Don't miss out on the fun - join the anniversary celebrations today!THE GRAND PARTY
Come one, come all, to The Grand Party! Make your way to Lumbridge Crater (you know, the gigantic hole behind Lumbridge Castle) to celebrate RuneScape's 20th birthday in style with your fellow fans. Over the month ahead, we'll be celebrating different aspects of the game by offering buffs and rewards, as well as a juicy 10% XP bonus while in the Crater. Got nothing to wear? Don't panic - the Wise Old Man has been putting some of that bank robbery money to good use with some fancy duds: have a word with him at the crater to claim your exclusive 20th Anniversary Outfit and Cape.
What, you didn’t expect the J-Mods to sit back and watch you lot have all the fun, did you? We’re hosting an Anniversary Hour so we can all party together on RuneScape’s big day! Where: Worlds 1 and 16 When: 17:00 Game TimeRUNESCAPE 20 MERCHANDISE

A new Prime Gaming gift drops on January 5th! This time you'll get five knowledge bombs - nifty little things that when consumed will net you 50% extra XP for a whole hour - and the smoke is Twitch purple, which we think looks pretty cool. Now, these things come with some caveats: you can't stack the strength of the effect, although you can stack the time. They're subject to the same restrictions as Double XP events, and on that topic, the XP effect doesn't stack with Double XP Live - so there's no point saving them! Lastly, they cannot be banked or traded away.THE GRAND PARTY: CELEBRATION OF COMBAT
We hope you haven't had your fill of 20th Anniversary Cake just yet, because the Grand Party's only just beginning!- Better chance for Rare Drop Table drops, with a further increased chance when using luck-enhancing items
- A greater chance to receive the better loot from the Rare Drop Table
- 50% more Slayer XP on all tasks
- No death costs
Technically it's now the Knight After Christmas, but anyway… You've still got until January 24th to keep the holiday spirit going, help Robin the Reindeer Yak check off his list, and get rewarded with some fabulously festive cosmetics - including Robin himself, who'll follow you on all your adventures.4 WEEKS OF CELEBRATIONS
Each week, we're celebrating another thing that makes RuneScape great. Take a look at the schedule to see how you can get buffs for all your favourite activities!JAN 4 - 10: NEW MINIQUESTS
The first week was the Celebration of Quests, where you could take part in three miniquests featuring iconic characters from the RuneScape roster.
JAN 11 - 17: COMBAT
50% more Slayer XP, no death costs, better chance for Rare Drop Table drops with a further increased chance when using luck-enhancing items, a greater chance to receive the better loot from the Rare Drop Table... it must be combat week! Those bosses won't know what hit 'em.
Chill out with a whole week of minigame fun! You'll get double currency for every minigame in RuneScape, so grab your friends and get playing!
As the party winds down, you'll get to relax with 50% extra XP in all gathering skills. Lovely!
Keep your eyes peeled for the prologue to a multi-part, year-long 20th Anniversary Quest series coming later this month.EXCLUSIVE 20TH ANNIVERSARY OUTFIT AND CAPE
Several of the most achievable ideas were picked up immediately for development in Ninja Strike 8 , but they were only a small fraction of the PAG driven changes that have made it into game over the course of six months. The PAG suggested or inspired a whole host of changes including:- Combat Achievements
- Combat Tooltips
- Anachronia Remototem
- Grace Tab in Achievements Interface
- Root Teleports/Improvements
- Adrenaline/Powerburst Potion Cooldowns
- Warpriest Armour Drop Rates
- Friend and World Broadcast Preferences
- Personal Slayer Dungeon Improvements
- T92 Armour Patches
- Search Function in Titles/Pets
- Spiritualise Food Improvements
- Fire Urn Spell
- Many Clue Scrolls Improvements
- And Many More Small Changes Cooked into our Monthly Releases!
As you can see, we were thrilled with the work done by the first PAG, and we've already identified a number of ways in which we can make the process work even better in response to our new faster development cycle. PAG is an amazing tool, but requires time to setup, from recruiting a team to gathering feedback for developers - and that means it can only be used on long-term projects. As we move into 2021, we want the next evolution of deep player-expert feedback to match the agility of our development teams, so stay tuned for more info in the new year!THE GRAND PARTY: CELEBRATION OF MINIGAMES
Our birthday celebrations continue this week with the Celebration of Minigames! This week's buff is sure to please: from now until next Monday, you'll get double currency rewards from almost every minigame! That's right - almost every minigame, including Soul Wars, Pest Control, Shattered Worlds, and more. You'll also get double Thaler and double Ports Resources. Here's the full list:- Barbarian Assault
- Castle Wars
- Conquest
- Dominion Tower
- Fight Cave
- Fight Cauldron
- Fight Pit
- Fist of Guthix
- Pest Control
- Soul Wars
- Shattered Worlds
- Brimhaven Agility Arena
- Flash Powder Factory
- Gnome Restaurant
- Great Orb Project
- Mage Training Arena
- Shifting Tombs
- Trouble Brewing
- Vinesweeper
- Cabbage FacePunch Bonanza
- Stealing Creation
- Heist
- Tai Bwo Wannai Clean Up
- Player-owned Ports resources
- Thaler
The Grand Party event finishes at the end of this month, but the fun doesn't stop there! There's a year-long mini-quest series on the way that'll see you adventuring through RuneScape's past, present and future - and you'll be able to play the first part very soon. Eager to learn more? Be sure to tune into Tuesday's livestream at 16:00 Game Time, where the Lore Council will tell all. Ooh... mysterious!NINJA STRIKE 17: PLAYER OWNED FARM
Yeehaw! The Ninjas have been back at Manor Farm, adding a big ol' trough of homegrown new features and mending a few fences here and there. First up: you can now track your favourite farm animals via the Pen interface. Favourited animals can't be traded, given away, or sold when you hit 'sell all' - you can hold onto your cherished fluffy bunnies forever! Food troughs have also been much improved. The 'Make-X' menu will now automatically pick the most appropriate food based on what's already in the trough, or whatever you last put in it. In addition, the 'Make-X' option starts at the max value. Much faster! There's also a new set of buttons to make feeding honeycomb to your animals easier than ever. Tasty! Lastly, you can once again set animal buyers to appear through word-of-mouth. To do so, simply speak to either Granny or Prehistoric Potterington, ask about contract options, and clear your existing advertisements. There's plenty more changes to check out in the Patch Notes tab, so don't forget to check them out before you don your dungarees!FREE BANK PRESETS
As of January 25th, all additional Bank Presets will be made available for free! Just like the Action Bars we made free back in October, this is part of our ongoing commitment to re-evaluate our premium offerings and ensure we're providing value in all the right places. You'll receive your Bank Presets automatically when you log in, so we'll be removing them from Solomon's General Store and all other interfaces once this update goes live. Free-to-play players will get 7 Bank Presets and members will get 10 - that's more than enough to store all your favourite loadouts!PAWSOME OUTFITS!


The birthday celebrations continue this week with the Celebration of Skilling! Throughout the week, you'll get 50% increased XP in all gathering skills - those being:- Archaeology
- Divination
- Farming
- Fishing
- Mining
- Hunting
- Woodcutting
This miniquest will be familiar to all you keen-o archaeologists out there - it's the Vault of Shadows mystery, condensed into a more easily completable form. Whereas previously you needed 107 Archaeology ( in order to restore the relevant Spell Scrolls) for this you only need 58 Archaeology, which will get you access to all of Kharid-Et. To get stuck in, have a word with Dr Nabanik at the Kharid-Et dig site. He'll hand over four fully-restored Spell Scrolls for you to use and replace any you accidentally destroy. You won't get the usual Archaeology XP for completing this miniquest. To do so, you'll have to get 107 Archaeology and hand in your own restored scrolls to Dr Nabanik, as usual. Should you have already completed the mystery, speak with Nabanik to complete the miniquest and get a well-earned 'thank you'. If you're partway through the mystery, don't panic - Dr Nabanik, in his infinite and totally human wisdom, has accounted for that too. There's no new rewards for this miniquest, but you will unlock something that'll come in handy fairly shortly. What is it? We're not telling! Let the wild guesswork begin...LAST CHANCE FOR DISCOUNTED PREMIER CLUB

- 12 Months of RuneScape Membership
- Exclusive monthly drops for the duration of Premier Club Membership
- Free Premier Pass for Yak Track events for the duration of Premier Club Membership
- 150,000 Loyalty Points
- Ozzie pet
- Ceremonial Guard Armour
- Extra daily Keys
- 3 Premier Club Reward Tokens
- RuneMetrics Discount
- 1,000 Oddments each month
- Premier Club Vault access
- VIP Premier World access
- 1 free Boss Instance a week
- 100 Premier Bank spaces
- In-game chat badge
All additional Bank Presets are now free! Options to purchase them have been removed from all interfaces, including Solomon's General Store. You should automatically receive the Bank Presets you're entitled to upon log in. Members will receive 10 presets, and free-to-play players will get seven. Now go, run free, and customise your loadouts to your hearts' desire!RARE ITEM TOKENS HAVE BEEN REMOVED
One of the projects we've been working on lately is to consolidate the various stores and remove unnecessary currencies from the game. This week, we've been looking at Rare Item Tokens. As you know, Rare Item Tokens were a prize from Treasure Hunter, which could be used to buy various items in the Rare Token Store. However, once you've unlocked all the items, the Tokens themselves are useless - and as more and more of you do so, they become more and more devalued compared to other Treasure Hunter prizes. As a result, we've removed Rare Item Tokens from the Treasure Hunter loot table and they are no longer claimable in-game. Any existing Rare Item Tokens will be converted into Oddments at a rate of 10 tokens to one Oddment - so 50 Rare Item Tokens will net you five Oddments. You can convert up to 100,000 Rare Item Tokens - any Tokens above that limit will be removed. All new rares have been moved to the Oddments Store. These include:- Bad Weather Umbrella
- Octopus Backpack
- Glowbug in a Jar
- Oriental Fan
- Springy Pet Token
- Telescope
- Balloon Rest Token
- Polly
An Update On Rare Item Token Changes
Hi there ‘Scapers, As many of you already know, we released an update yesterday that converted Rare Item Tokens into Oddments, as part of a migration of the Rare Items into the Oddments Store. When we decided to implement this change, we set out with a goal of maintaining the value of Rare Item Tokens vs the cost of Rare Items in order for there to be as little impact to you as possible. While that ratio holds true, it's clear from your feedback that we didn't meet expectations. Frankly, we misjudged the value Rare Item Tokens held by not fully considering the opportunity cost to acquire them and we're sorry for getting this wrong. After a thorough investigation since Monday, we have unfortunately confirmed that this is something we’re unable to resolve or change without entire server rollbacks – which would have even farther-reaching ramifications. As an apology for this misstep, we’ll be gifting all players 15,000 extra Oddments to spend within the Oddments store. We'll also be awarding all players 15 Treasure Hunter keys to use too. These will roll out with next Monday's Game Update and be available for players who login within 3 months of the update. (Note: Accounts created on or after January 26th 2021 will not be eligible). Also in next Monday's update, based on your feedback, we will also be bringing the Limited and Current Rare Items into the Oddments Store to ensure you can still pick up the items you want. Yesterday's change was just one part of a long term plan to consolidate our currencies for a better user experience. We do believe this change adds very beneficial improvements for all players moving forward, but yesterday it under-delivered on converting the value you already had. In the future, we'll provide ample notice of any currency change before it happens and spend particular care on any currency conversion rates based on opportunity. Thank you again for your feedback and patience. The RuneScape TeamLike we said, this change is part of an ongoing initiative - so keep your eyes peeled for similar updates later on!
Well, this was going to be a surprise, but there's no getting anything past you forum-dwellers! The issue where players were unable to update their avatar on the Official Forums using the Photo Booth has been fixed. Here's how you can get a snappy new photo of your own:- Equip your finest finery and head to your nearest Photo Booth
- Smile! (this part is very important)
- Snap a picture
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