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RuneScape – May 2022 Patch Notes | Double XP LIVE: Unleash Your Power!

RuneScape – May 2022 Patch Notes | Double XP LIVE: Unleash Your Power!


If you haven't experienced the thrill of Double XP LIVE yet, you've been missing out on some serious gains! This event is the ultimate way to supercharge your XP and prepare yourself for epic quests and adventures at higher levels. During Double XP LIVE, you'll have a 48-hour timer that, when activated, grants you increased XP for most combat and skilling activities. And here's the best part: RuneScape members get a whopping +100% boost, while free-to-play players enjoy a respectable +20% increase. But wait, there's more! This time around, DXP LIVE introduces a brand new feature that will have you jumping for joy. Say hello to Nic the Trader's Store! Each day you log in, you can convert one hour of Double XP time into credits that can be spent at Nic's store. Members receive 250 credits per hour converted, while free-to-play adventurers get 50 credits. And what can you get with these credits? Prismatic fallen stars, powerful lamps, pulse cores, and much more! So mark your calendars for May 20th – 30th and get ready to level up like never before. With Double XP LIVE, daily rewards, and the chance to stock up on essentials from Nic, you'll become the ultimate hero in no time. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to boost your skills and dominate the game!


If you've never taken part in Double XP LIVE before, you've missed out on some easy gains! It's a great way to boost your XP and prepare yourself for higher-level quests and adventures. Throughout Double XP LIVE, you have a 48-hour timer that, when activated, grants you increased XP for most combat and skilling activities at the following rates:
  • +100% for RuneScape members
  • +20% for free-to-play
You can turn the timer on and off as you wish, meaning you can set aside time to focus on specific skills you want to train, and keep adventuring as normal the rest of the time.


As an extra treat, DXP LIVE has a brand new feature this time around that means you can also get your mitts on all sorts of handy essentials. Each day you log in, you can convert one hour of Double XP time to credit that can be spent at Nic the Trader's Store! Each hour converted will grant 250 credits to members, and 50 credits to free-to-play adventurers. Here's a look at what you'll be able to pick up from Nic:
Item Name Price in Credits
Small prismatic fallen star.png Small Prismatic Fallen Star 20
Medium prismatic fallen star.png Medium Prismatic Fallen Star 40
Large prismatic fallen star.png Large Prismatic Fallen Star 75
Huge prismatic fallen star.png Huge Prismatic Fallen Star 125
Small prismatic lamp.png Small Prismatic Lamp 40
Medium prismatic lamp.png Medium Prismatic Lamp 80
Large prismatic lamp.png Large Prismatic Lamp 150
Huge prismatic lamp.png Huge Prismatic Lamp 250
Advanced pulse core.png Advanced Pulse Core 50
Cinder core.png Cinder Core 50
Protean powerup.png Protean Powerup 50
Dungeoneering Wildcard.png Dungeoneering Wildcard 50
Spirit ruby.png Spirit Ruby 40
Spirit diamond.png Spirit Diamond 60
Spirit dragonstone.png Spirit Dragonstone 100
Medium portable skilling pack.png Medium Portable Skilling Pack 100


For every day you log in during Double XP LIVE, you also receive a reward which is unique for that day! On top of this, once you have claimed five of them, any future daily rewards will be doubled for the remainder of Double XP LIVE! Day One: 1x Medium Skill Training Dummy Crate Day Two: 1x Medium Protean Pack Day Three: 2x Advanced Pulse Core Day Four: 2x Protean Powerup Day Five: 2x Cinder Core Day Six: 5x Combat Training Dummy Day Seven: 1x Variety Pack Day Eight: 1x Medium Skill Training Dummy Crate Day Nine: 2x Protean Powerup Day Ten: 2x Advanced Pulse Core Day Eleven: 1x Medium Protean Pack So that's it in a nutshell – loads of XP, rewards and the chance to grab some credit to spend with your pal Nic! Make sure to jump in from May 20th – 30th and be the best hero you can be – with a little help from Double XP LIVE!


If you’d just like the core board game and Kickstarter exclusive gameplay content, this pledge level is for you! Priced at £65 / $80 (a $35 discount on equivalent retail price) the Core Pledge includes RuneScape Kingdoms: Shadow of Elvarg and the Kickstarter exclusive Culinaromancer Expansion, including the Culinaromancer mini and boss campaign and Noob NPC mini. Altogether, that adds up to a 15 hour replayable campaign, plus 16 highly detailed minis and over 400 cards. You’ll also get all the Kickstarter exclusive cards unlocked through backer votes during the Kickstarter — more on this below!


If you’d like all the gameplay content from the Kickstarter, the Gameplay All-in is for you. Including the RuneScape Kingdoms core box and all four expansions, each one themed around a different boss, it’s a replayable 24-hour fantasy adventure packed into one great value pledge. Check out the sneak peak of KBD and Zuk minis above ….. Did we also mention the expansions also include additional ad NPC minis like the Wise Old Man? At £122 / $150, there’s a $70 discount on equivalent retail price — and you’ll get all the Kickstarter exclusive content, too!


Don’t wanna miss a thing? For the fashionscape-inclined among you (or if you just like cool stuff), the Deluxe All-in Pledge includes all gameplay content AND all deluxe upgrades. So, as well as the regular components, you’ll get a neoprene game mat, four neoprene boss mats, wooden tokens, metal coins, and a set of special edition dice, all of which are Kickstarter exclusives. The Deluxe All-in Pledge is priced at £158 / $195, which is an $80 discount on equivalent retail price for ALL content in the Kickstarter — core box, expansions, and the cosmetic upgrades!


Earlier we mentioned backers voting to unlock cards. What’s THAT about, you ask? Allow us to explain… As an ode to the awesome, freestyle play of the RuneScape video games — and to give YOU a chance to influence the board game — Steamforged are turning the Kickstarter campaign into an open world adventure! Over the 10 days of the campaign, you’ll be going on a series of quests together. Each day, you’ll vote on which path Steamforged should take, unlocking a brand new Kickstarter exclusive gameplay card in the process! So, as well as all the great content that’s available from day one in the pledge levels, those exclusive cards will then be added to every Core, Gameplay, and Deluxe Pledge, for free! Your votes will decide which new cards are added to the board game — so make sure to back the Kickstarter from day one so you can have your say!


RuneScape Kingdoms: Shadow of Elvarg is a cooperative campaign board game for 1-5 players, set in the fantasy world of Gielinor you know and love. Explore from above with a game board styled like a fast-travel map, jumping from region to region as you level up your skills and complete quests. Zoom in for face-to-face encounters with iconic bosses that become even tougher as you work your way toward the final quest!
Just like in the games, you get to choose what skills to max, which weapons to craft, and even where to explore next. Meander through Gielinor sampling every side quest on the way, or keep your eyes on the prize and cut a straight path through the campaigns to take on challenging boss fights. Every group member can play their way, maxing skills to level up and earn those all-important capes! Experienced 'Scapers will recognise iconic moments and sneaky references to their favourite video game, while total newbies will be enthralled by the wide world of Gielinor and all the adventures they get to experience on their own terms. For more details check out the following blogs from Steamforged:
  • <Announcing RuneScape Kingdoms: Shadow of Elvarg (including knight, wizard, and Elvarg reveal!)
  • What is the RuneScape Board Game? | Tabletop Tutorial Island Part 1 (including skiller reveal!)
  • Skilling in RuneScape Kingdoms (including the archer reveal!)
  • Exploration in RuneScape Kingdoms (including clue hunter and Count Draynor reveal)
  • Capes, Kickstarter Tiers and Exclusives! (including full spill shot reveal and expansions)


Steamforged have developed a unique visual style for the RuneScape Kingdoms minis to reflect iconic outfits, NPCs and bosses from the past 21 years. This look is inspired by RuneScape's low-poly roots, but with all the detail you'd expect from a thoroughly modern mini. These first four minis give a taste of that style, and we look forward to revealing more in the coming weeks! Certain types of players may be drawn to certain minis, but remember – no matter which mini you choose it's entirely up to you how you build your skills, select your equipment, and explore Gielinor.


A melee powerhouse clad in trusty bronze armour, the knight faces every challenge with brash determination. In the eyes of the knight, there's no problem that can't be solved with a swing of their scimitar!


Through magic, all things are possible. Whether teleporting long distances, enchanting items with magical properties, or casting foes aside with elemental spells, the wizard is a blue-robed paragon of quick wit and explosions.


No hero is complete without their villainous counterpart. You'll face many challenges on the way to face the mighty green dragon, Elvarg! Take the ultimate champion's test and put an end to the winged terror of Crandor, before Gielinor is consumed by shadow and fire…


With their pickaxe, chef’s hat, and fishing rod, this mini pays homage to the many hours players have whiled away fishing for sardines and mining ore!


We hope you haven’t been getting too comfortable since the events of Elder God Wars: Extinction. The final fight against Zamorak is just beyond the horizon, and the god of chaos and destruction is pulling no punches. It’s time for you to prepare with a brand-new members-only quest, launching June 6th – Twilight of the Gods! This lore-heavy quest is your chance to figure out what Zamorak is up to and how to stop him. It's also the only way to pick up some essential rewards for the climactic confrontation. It’s the last, absolutely necessary stop before facing the big guy himself later this summer... It’s not all about ol’ Zam either: there are a few demon subplots to wrap up on the way, plus a return to the Dungeon of Disorder. All in all, this is gonna be a game-changer of a quest. Watch out, major lorebombs incoming!


Twilight of the Gods is the perfect quest for lorehounds, taking you to the ruins of a post-war Senntisten and down into the depths of the Asylum to ally with some familiar demons. You’ll work with Saradomin to investigate Zamorak’s activities, and visit locations all over Gielinor. Plus, you’ll have to infiltrate the Dungeon of Disorder disguised as a Zamorakian cultist - that should be fun! If that doesn't entice you, the rewards will make all the difference when you eventually fight Zamorak. Some of this stuff is absolutely crucial to winning the day, so let’s take a look at what’s on offer:


  • Cosmetic Cultist Robes outfit
  • Abyssal Demon Transmogrification Ring
  • Bonuses to help you fight Zamorak:
    • 5 loot reroll tokens
    • The ability to gain loot reroll tokens as drops from EGWD bosses
    • 10% damage reduction in the Elite dungeon and fight with Zamorak
  • 30,000 Magic XP Lamp
  • 30,000 Divination XP Lamp
  • 3 Quest Points


Twilight of the Gods is a members-only quest with a few requirements. Here’s what you need to get started:
  1. Required skill levels
    • 80 Divination
    • 60 Thieving
  2. Required quests
    • Extinction
    • Broken Home
  3. Additional requirements
    • Eyes in their Stars Archaeology mystery
    • You must have met Naressa in Senntisten


There are 50 tasks available, testing all sorts of different skills, from cooking to killing monsters. There are rewards for each task, but don't worry if you don’t fancy completing one – you can always use a Task Skip. You'll need to purchase Task Skip Tokens from the event interface using Bonds. It costs 1 Bond for four Tokens, or 2 Bonds for 10. And if you have any Task Skips left over at the end of the event, you can always save them for the next Yak Track later in the year!


As well as Task Skips, you can also take the 'Skill and Kill' option, which means you can complete a task just by playing normally - i.e. earning XP or killing enemies. This way, you're making progress on the Track and earning your rewards just by getting on with your usual activities! You’ll have this option for every single one of the 50 tasks, although do note that your progress will be somewhat slower than on the standard tasks.


Rewards include cosmetics, pets and useful items which you’d normally obtain from Treasure Hunter (Lamps, Protean Packs, Oddments for Ironman players, etc).
Some of the rewards this time are totally new to Yak Track, such as the Band of Iaia transmog ring, and even our first ever visual override for the Sunshine ability! There are two prize tracks – the free track (available for free-to-play players and regular RuneScape members) and Premium (available only to Premier Members or Premier Pass holders). The latter gives you prizes from both tracks, so it's well worth picking up a Pass! You can unlock the Premium Track by having an active Premier membership, or by buying a Premier Pass for 2 Bonds in the event interface. And remember – if you start completing tasks and then gain a Premier Pass later, all of the extra rewards you would have earned will automatically unlock for you! Ironman accounts can get cosmetic rewards and Oddments but nothing that boosts XP, of course. Note that all weapons and armour from Yak Tracks are cosmetic overrides. To claim your rewards, you must have enough space in your Backpack! So, without further ado - let's see what you can get!
Task Set Member Rewards
# Free Premium
1 Tool Override: Pondkeeper's Pole +5% XP Boost
2 Weapon - Ilujankan Traveller's Wand Medium Bonus XP Star
3 2 Small Dwarven Toolboxes Weapon - Ilujankan Traveller's Scroll
4 Medium Bonus XP Star Medium XP Lamp
5 Medium Celebration Lamp Medium Cash Bag
6 Small Protean Pack 2 Protean Powerups
7 Medium Bonus XP Star Medium XP Lamp
8 3 Pulse Cores Animation: Hot Spring Soak Rest
9 2 Combat Training Dummies Medium Skilling Dummy crate
10 Pet: Silun the Bird of Paradise Medium XP Lamp
11 Weapon: Ilujankan Fighter's Spear Medium Cash Bag
12 Medium Bonus XP Star Medium XP Lamp
13 Medium Protean Pack Medium Celebration Lamp
14 Medium XP Lamp Medium Bonus XP Star Medium XP Lamp
15 Outfit: Ilujankan Traveller's Outfit Large Bonus XP Star
16 Medium XP Lamp Weapon: Ilujankan Fighter's Maul
17 Large Protean Pack 2 Small Dwarven Toolboxes
18 50 Silverhawk Feathers 3 Pulse Cores +5% XP Boost
19 Medium XP Lamp Large Bonus XP Star
20 Tool Override: Craftmaster's Fletching Knife Large XP Lamp
21 Large Bonus XP Star Large Celebration Lamp
22 2 Easy Clue Scrolls Medium Protean Pack
23 Large XP Lamp Weapon: Ilujankan Fighter's Cleaver
24 Medium Cash Bag Medium Portable Skilling Pack
25 Pet: Morena the Glowlight Beetle +5% XP Boost
26 Large Bonus XP Star Large XP Lamp
27 Weapon: Ilujankan Traveller's Staff Large Cash Bag
28 4 Pulse Cores Large XP Lamp
29 5 Combat Dummies Medium Skilling Dummy Crate Large Bonus XP Star
30 Huge XP Lamp 3 Advanced Pulse Cores Large Dwarven Toolbox
31 Large XP Lamp Large Bonus XP Star Large XP Lamp Large Bonus XP Star
32 Weapon: Ilujankan Fighter's Scimitar 2 Hard Clue Scrolls
33 Large XP Lamp Huge XP Lamp
34 Large Protean Pack Huge Bonus XP Star
35 Huge Bonus XP Star Tool Override: Plantkeeper's Vial Huge XP Lamp
36 Pet: Ilu the Bird of Paradise 5 Protean Powerups
37 Large Cash Bag Sunshine Ability Override: Iaian Sunset 5 Pulse Cores
38 Huge Bonus XP Star Weapon: Ilujankan Traveller's Chakram Huge XP Lamp
39 5 Combat Dummies Huge XP Lamp
40 Huge Celebration Lamp 2 Small Knowledge Bombs Progress Booster for the next Yak track
41 Title: Gurh Herder Huge Bonus XP Star
42 Large Cash Bag Large Skilling Dummy Crate Huge XP Lamp
43 Large Protean Pack Pet: Akash the Bird of Paradise 5 Protean Powerups
44 Huge XP Lamp Huge Bonus XP Star
45 2 Large Dwarven Toolboxes Outfit: Ilujankan Fighter's Outfit 2x Huge Bonus XP Star
46 Extra: Band of Iaia Transmog Ring 2x Huge XP Lamps +5% XP Boost
47 8 Pulse Cores Weapon: Ilujankan Fighter's Claws Large Skilling Dummy crate
48 2 Elite Clue Scrolls 2 Deathtouched darts
49 Weapon: Ilujankan Traveller's Bow 3 Small knowledge bombs
50 2 Huge Bonus XP Star Pet: George the Gurh 2 Huge XP Lamps

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